Thiaoouba Prophecy?

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  • Don't Believe

    Votes: 44 62.0%
  • Believe

    Votes: 11 15.5%
  • Know

    Votes: 9 12.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 9.9%

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One thing I don't understand though, how could the pressure of sunlight "clump" the needles together before moving them to another orbit, and why it couldn't move each needle gradually to another orbit therefore rather dispersing them even further?
That was his deliberately misleading part - it's far more likely that the needles were moved individually (but more or less at the same time due to them all receiving the same "pressure" from sunlight), rather than as a 4 tonne conglomerate.
guys i didn't believed this stuff when i was reading the book.but its really hard to say these stuff aren't true.because there are very logical answers for all of your questions.i understand that you guys go to church every Sunday even if it doesn't make any sense at all.just read it with an open mind.don't read it from any perspective.just ask your self
all the this true or not.
from what i've experienced i can say that if you are truly ready(i mean truly ready), the answers will manifest it self in someway.and once you;ve seen it or realized it.....
thats it! your life gonna change in way that you can't even a good way of course... ;-)
its sad that for some people this takes a life time to understand.
possibilities are endless in this world,so don't limit your self guys..
guys i didn't believed this stuff when i was reading the book.but its really hard to say these stuff aren't true.because there are very logical answers for all of your questions.
"Logical" isn't the same as "correct".
As shown by the comments on the needles in orbit.

i understand that you guys go to church every Sunday
What makes you think that?

from what i've experienced i can say that if you are truly ready(i mean truly ready), the answers will manifest it self in someway.and once you;ve seen it or realized it.....
The word you're looking for isn't "ready" it's "gullible".
by logical i mean according to the facts they have given.
and by truly ready..i wasnt talking about the Prophecy. you will understand this when you start to look at things open minded.its very amazing thing to see the answers by your self.
by logical i mean according to the facts they have given.
And misrepresented...

and by truly ready..i wasnt talking about the Prophecy. you will understand this when you start to look at things open minded.its very amazing thing to see the answers by your self.
Correct: by myself, not from some ridiculous sub-par science fiction story.
by logical i mean according to the facts they have given.

There are no "facts" given in the T-Prophecy. It's all the ramblings and poorly written sci-fi of a bad author.

you will understand this when you start to look at things open minded.its very amazing thing to see the answers by your self.

A truly open mind would see the stupidity of the claims that the author attempts to make. Some folks minds are "so open" that their brains are falling out.
yup he had never written a book before.
and there's a difference between mind and body.those aren't a one but two separate things.
and yes Oli.a book cannot tell you the answers you seek.its up to you.but a book can point you in right direction.
yup if u don't know that already.but really ,if i haven't read this book I'd be still playing games and watching stupid movies.what was important to me was the message.for ex:-
about pollution and the guys who controlling all the powerful governments and many more.doesn't matter if this book is fake or not.what was important is the what i didn't understand though,why people fighting over a book.
If you want a book with a message, try Carl Sagan's A Demon Haunted World, or even Billions and Billions by the same author.
I believe

This book is mind blowing and an eye opener.Because our world is full of immorality and too many anomalies going on around us, we became clouded with paranoia and sceptism.I definitely believe what has been written in this book.I read the book twice already and i'm planning to read it again.There is so much truth in this and the message that this book is trying to tell us is loud and clear.We are heading towards our own destruction if we won't take heed with the warnings.Look in the youtube this 2009 alone there was so much sightings that you can not explain.The travel or the discovery channels also have plenty of evidence of the so called superior civilization from the old days.Those who oppose or the so called sceptics of this book missed the point, why you say this is rubbish?, it's full of good wisdom and insights;probably you are not spiritually evolve yet, and you are still in the realm of materialism that you can not comprehend such book.Wake up people, wheither you believe it or not it has a good message and we will benefit if we take heed of the warnings.Can't you see our world is changing, even our weather is getting worst.We never had so much super typhoons before(20 years ago) than now.I'm a nurse by profession and i'm no ignorant of the facts that was said in the book.Too many coincidence?Before I read this book I had a vague idea about the aura, I saw them when I was still a kid.But when I did the eye exercise that Dr Chalko taught I see them now better.Maybe you try it yourself or you might be too busy to do this because you are busy living in this deteriorating world doing same thing towards gaining more material things?Think twice are you getting better materially or spiritually?I want to say more but... lets leave it like that.:eek:
I tried to see auras after reading the book and I did manage to see them around my body and other things. Also I tried to ask my Higher-self to wake me up in the morning at a particular time and I did really wake up at the exact time I asked my Higher-self to, and on the other days the same thing happened again if I wanted to be waken up. And I proofed to myself the existence of other things described in the book which makes me 100% certain that everything that is written in the book is true...

... just maybe you should try to find on your own experience what's true and what's not, because this is what knowledge is.
This book is mind blowing and an eye opener.
This is a highly informative statement. It tells me that your reading has been limited in quality and quantity.
Because our world is full of immorality and too many anomalies going on around us, we became clouded with paranoia and sceptism.
Speak for yourself. Which anomalies do you see going on around you? (I haven't suffered from paranoia since they stopped spying on me.)
We are heading towards our own destruction if we won't take heed with the warnings.
Any thinking person can recognise the damage we are doing to our biosphere.If someone declares that is the case it is hardly evidence that everything esle they say is true.

Look in the youtube this 2009 alone there was so much sightings that you can not explain.
Look, sorry. Youtube is hardly a viable source of scientific observations. Even suggesting it is, marks you out as being rather silly. (I think the phrase gullible was used earlier of another poster.)

The travel or the discovery channels also have plenty of evidence of the so called superior civilization from the old days.
Get real kid. Those are entertainment channels tasked with making money. There are many good programs on them. There is also much nonsense spun to attract audiences and hence advertising revenue.
it's full of good wisdom and insights;probably you are not spiritually evolve yet, and you are still in the realm of materialism that you can not comprehend such book.
I'm open minded. Pick out two insights you feel are especially valuable. Summarise them her, together with any associated evidence and I shall give them an objective examination and comment upon them.

Next, quit with the presumptions about my level of spiritual evolution.

Wake up people, wheither you believe it or not it has a good message and we will benefit if we take heed of the warnings.
It does not matter whether the message is good or not, what matters is whether the claims against which that message is delivered are valid. A good message can be corrupted by its association with nonsense.

Can't you see our world is changing, even our weather is getting worst.
Can you point to any occassion in the last 4.5 billion years when our world was not changing? Can you? I'm waiting.

We never had so much super typhoons before(20 years ago) than now.
Crap. You need to look into the records.

I'm a nurse by profession and i'm no ignorant of the facts that was said in the book.
Although you are ignorant of grammar and proper paragraph construction. Neither, however, in any way validates or invalidates the claims of the book.

Before I read this book I had a vague idea about the aura, I saw them when I was still a kid.
You are a trained nurse yet you believe such nonsense!:shrug: Remind me to saty away from your clinic.

Think twice are you getting better materially or spiritually?
Indulging in fantasies promoted by books like this will do nothing for me materially, but it will certainly diminsih me spiritually if I choose to beleive any of it.
... just maybe you should try to find on your own experience what's true and what's not, because this is what knowledge is.
One small hint for you: self-delusion and wishful thinking does not, in any way, constitute knowledge
Another small hint: "auras" are nonsensical fabrications.
I tried to see auras after reading the book and I did manage to see them around my body and other things.
That's great. A lot of people try for ages before they learn to hypnotise themselves. Well done.

Also I tried to ask my Higher-self to wake me up in the morning at a particular time and I did really wake up at the exact time I asked my Higher-self to, and on the other days the same thing happened again if I wanted to be waken up.
Oh come on! I mean really!:rolleyes:
I've been using my internal clock to wake myself on-time, to within +/- 2 minutes, for at least forty years. It does not involve speaking to my 'higher self. (A low-life like me does not have a higher self.)
Bond it's a neat trick and a useful one, but all you are doing with it is using your brain's inbuilt timing mechanisms. No higher self is involved and it's pretty silly to think that there is.

And I proofed to myself the existence of other things described in the book which makes me 100% certain that everything that is written in the book is true...
So what are some of the other things you have proved to yourself?

... just maybe you should try to find on your own experience what's true and what's not, because this is what knowledge is.
It is precisely because I have been doing exactly that for the better part of five decades that I can reject this as nonsense suitable for the brain dead and the terminally gullible.

Wake up! Semll the roses. Get real and throw the nonsense on the garbage heap where it belongs.
Hey all,

I've spent the last few days reading most of this thread, I stumbled across it trying to find more people's opinions on wether what is stated in TP is true or false, and just to find some nice intellectual arguments in general. I'm glad to say I found what I was looking for in this thread, but find myself more confused rather than satisfied after reading it.

It would appear that on one side of the argument you have the pro TP people, saying they believe what's said in the book, that it's a really cool book and basically saying, "YOU CAN'T DISPROVE ANYTHING IN THIS BOOK NANANANANA"

Then on the other side of the argument you have the anti TP people, who say that it's complete and utter tripe, rubbish, bullshit, nothing can be backed up with evidence, loosely countering some arguments put forward by the pro TP people (e.g SkinWalker's Bermuda Triangle post) and basically saying, "YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING IN THIS BOOK NANANANANA"

In fact the whole argument over this book is really quite frustrating, because if you truly step back for a moment from whatever side of the argument you're on and look at it from a neutral point of view, there are some really solid points on both sides.

For example, starting with pro TP:

From what I can see, I can't see any way in which Michel Desmarquet profits in a large way from the writing of this book. Let's consider for a moment the emourmous imagination base, rather large scientific knowledge base and clear cut philosophical mind it would have taken to write this book (assuming it is fiction). Look at some of the youtube videos of his lectures and you can see for yourself that he seems like a really nice, solid, down to earth guy. So lets combine those observations and conlude that in order to write this book (assuming it's fiction), he would've had to be a, what I like to call a, "holy cow darn cool, intelligent guy" :D

So lets assume that it is a work of fiction for a moment, and he's that guy. Firstly, you'd think that "that guy" would use his time more constructively than writing a book about being abducted by 10 foot hermaphrodites...?


Secondly imagine the amount of time, work and research that would have to be put into writing something that extensive. I'm going to take a guess off the bat and say it would have to be upwards of two years.

So "that guy" (I hope you follow what I mean when I say "that guy", being the super intelligent, cool, philosophical guy) does ALL THIS WORK writing a book about being abducted by 10 foot hermaphrodites just to sell it for minimal publishing price, and give an option to get a free E-book if you cant afford it?

To me, this doesn't add up.

SkinWalker suggests somewhere previously that perhaps he imagined the whole thing and believes it is true. I'd have to disagree with that. It would lead me to question if you actually read the book? I find it impossible to believe that someone could have experienced something that complex and not so bizzarre from their bedroom. (When I say "not so bizzarre" I don't mean to say: "I BELIEVE!!!!" I'm simply saying that the content of the book isn't completely messed up and unbelievable like a dream and could be believed in with some faith).

Some people suggest that his lectures are so expensive that he "must" be a fraud. This I don't believe is the case either. Let's assume for the moment that it's not fiction and the guy genuinly got abducted and wants to spread the word. His book isn't making him wealthy, it isn't on the bestseller shelves (how the heck would a book about being abducted by 10 foot hermaphrodites ever be? anyone could guess this) and quite simply the guy has to get money to live. What I'm saying is that assuming he's telling the truth and is genuine, it's acceptable to believe that the price he charged for lectures was enough for him to live off, which was (as i recall, can't remember from where) 20$.

SkinWalker also posted a link to a site which definately looked like a business made off the back of things like this, which said something like $95 per lecture, taught by the two authorized lecturers on earth to lecture about thiaoobua with a nice little picture of Desmarquet with 2 people.
I'm sure if SkinWalker was on the other side of the argument, exactly what he would say would be along the lines of "That picture could have been taken by anyone with Desmarquet and in no way alludes to the fact that Desmarquet has any affiliation with the people running this scam business".

Those are pretty much the points that I can see concerning the pro TP side of the argument. There's no real point in me trying to argue anything in any way scientific or spiritual about the book because in the end of the day I'll just go around in circles (which is what this whole forum seems to have done) because no one can seem to fully and wholely prove, or disprove anyone.

Now the anti TP points:

(Please excuse the long-winded explaination)

When I think about spirituallity and faith nowadays I find it hard to see how anyone with a clear and open mind can develope a belief on the subject. If you walk into a bookstore you can walk around and open a dozen books of faith each with contradicting opinions of what is "real" and each book absolutely certain that their belief system is correct. Since there is (from what I can see) zero proof whatsoever on the subject how can I logically come to a conclusion about what is actually true?

I can't. (How frustrating).

So if Desmarquet is telling the truth, how the heck could the thiaoobuans think that this guy was going to be believed by intelligent non-gullible people? And if the only people who truly believe this guy are going to be the class of gullible people who think that their neighbours cat is an alien, how the heck can this book make any difference?

Logically it can't.

In Summary

I do realise that my pro points are significantly longer than my anti points. Please don't accuse me of being bias I'm really trying my hardest to review the argument with an open mind without referring to the neverending circle of argument that seems to be the "Scientifice Proof/Disproof", and yes this is my first post on this forum, I only signed up to post to this thread, not because I'm affiliated with Desmarquet but because I want to share my opinion *sigh*.

I would however, like to state the possibility of a counter argument to my anti TP point, which is, If you think about the number of government conspiracies and "control" conspiracies in general (if you choose to believe them or not). Even if you believe in just a handful of them, or even one, you could say that if Desmarquet came back from Thiaoobua with some kind of actual proof that we could be persuaded with, he would have been silenced so fast we would not know who Michel Desmarquet is today? Perhaps the book needed to have the posibility of counter argument open to it inorder for him not to be silenced by the "Powers that be"?
Just an opinion to dwell on. :p

Perhaps I am appearing a little pro TP, and for that I apoligise, it was not my intention because my belief regarding the book is still "I Honestly Don't Have A Clue".

Finally, an interesting thing I have noticed is that the people arguing anti TP seem to be a little bit more aggressive and blatently dissmissive in their arguing, and the pro TP people seemed to be a bit hippyish, naive and also blatently dissmissive. For example Ophiolite seemed to be a cool guy at first but then it became apparent from his constant indication of poor grammar and spelling (on an internet forum) blatant arrogance and rudeness towards people expressing their opinions, it became clear that he was not here for an intelligent discussion, but merely to flex his tunnel visioned muscles of "superior intellect". And then you have the pro TP people such as Robanan who also seemed cool, but ended up resorting to naive childish retorts to some questions put to them which ended up with (me at least) losing respect for them and consequently their theories and opinions put forward.

None of us here on this forum can say "I AM RIGHT YOU ARE WRONG" just like that. Anyone who says something such as that will find that their words no longer carry the weight they used to, because honestly, if any of you really are as clever as you all seem to think you are, you can see that in this discussion, there is room for the possibility, (however small it may be in your mind) that the other person on the other side of the argument is right.

For reasons that are the subject of another debate, at the moment on earth the answer to the ultimate question of spirituality can only remain as:


It's quite sad really...


Forgot to include this,

What appears to be the main sentance of the whole book appears to be the most hypocritical also.

"Believing is not enough, you must know."

What has the book given us that can in any way let us know for sure


Holy shit.

It's 1:47 in the morning, and I got about half way through this thread and I couldn't believe the level of which some of you guys, particularly you, SkinWalker, who has been trolling all throughout this thread, have gotten to simply to prove whether or not this book is 'valid' or 'invalid'

valid or invalid, fiction or non fiction, the message throughout this book is the same, and one that i believe is great.

Yes, he cant prove that none of the events did unfold in the book.
Yes, we cant disprove that all of the events didnt unfold in the book.
That doesnt matter!

The book teaches us to be in touch with our spirituality, and overall a message of peace and love. Oh no! how horrible!
Just because Chalko had questionable motives doesnt mean all he said was 'rubbish'.

I believe in the books meaning. Maybe not all the *facts* in the book are true, maybe they are. Im saying, is it so horrible to love people and be kind towards them, which is what the book teaches?

SkinWalker, you're more than welcome to call me the author of the book, or even someone who he hired to make an account on this forum to post here to defend it, but that to me would just be ignorant of you. You raise good points, but you miss THE point in the book.

So yeah, I'm off to bed. Let the flames begin.
[I'm aware that my name is misspelled, but incase you missed it, it's almost 2 in the morning]