They named their kid Adolf Hitler

The name is very much a symbol of Nazism, certainly in this case.
And what do you mean Hitler was "just involved in it" ? :bugeye:
For one thing I never said 'just' so if you're going to attempt a quote at least get it right.
Look I'll highlight the key parts for you because I'm tired of explaining the obvious.
Not quite, but I'll give you the benefit of a repeat. A Nazi uniform is a symbol of Nazism, Hitlers name may indeed be associated with Nazism but it is NOT necessarily an expressive symbol of it, it's the name of a person who was involved in it(as were quite a number of people, all to varying degrees). It's one thing to display your association with a political group, or display their symbols, it's another thing entirely to share names with someone in it.
As far as I know there is nothing that says ALL Adolf Hitlers are/were/will be members of the Nazi party. Therefore as this kid is not that same person it's unreasonable to assume anything about him.
I imagine there isn't a shortage of people with namesakes, and rarely do they share their ideals or profession.
For one thing I never said 'just' so if you're going to attempt a quote at least get it right.
Look I'll highlight the key parts for you because I'm tired of explaining the obvious.

I imagine there isn't a shortage of people with namesakes, and rarely do they share their ideals or profession.

Apologies for the misquoting.
As for the issue at hand, I don't think we are ever going to agree. I'll just leave it at that.
Apologies for the misquoting.
As for the issue at hand, I don't think we are ever going to agree. I'll just leave it at that.

Apology accepted, Enmos I firmly believe you're not the type to intentionally do it, but I had to point it out. :)
Considering the fuss the parents raised about the birthday cake, don't you all think they would be talking to all the media outlets if their kids got taken away because of the name?
The kids got taken away for a good reason and the parents know it. Its why they have remained silent.

I'll second challengers request for a link here. From what I've read they've taken the kids away for "undisclosed reasons".
Some more than others but I don't know anyone that didn't get a bit of stick at one point or another for something they couldn't help.
When he gets to high school people should be mature enough to get over it. If they're the type to bully then if it wasn't him it would be someone else, that's a fact. So who is the real problem?

But it's not going to be someone else. It's more likely to be him than anyone else. It makes him a more likely target than anyone else. and that is still abuse.
If it was his last name, I'm ok with that. Because his parents had to suffer it too, but in this case, They deliberately named him Adolf Hitler Campbell( or whatever), That is selfish.
But it's not going to be someone else. It's more likely to be him than anyone else. It makes him a more likely target than anyone else. and that is still abuse.
If it was his last name, I'm ok with that. Because his parents had to suffer it too, but in this case, They deliberately named him Adolf Hitler Campbell( or whatever), That is selfish.

Sorry challenger I just edited my post to include a question. I will however just say that it's not a very good argument, so we take his name from the equation, someone else gets bullied instead, so do we ban his name too? Is that child abuse? We're not going to have any names left you know!
Considering the fuss the parents raised about the birthday cake, don't you all think they would be talking to all the media outlets if their kids got taken away because of the name?
The kids got taken away for a good reason and the parents know it. Its why they have remained silent.

Link please

I'll second challengers request for a link here. From what I've read they've taken the kids away for "undisclosed reasons".

IF the kids got taken away because of their name, the parents would be all over the media throwing a fit, just like they did with the cake.
They haven't. The kids did not get taken away because of their name.
I don't understand where you read that I said the kids DID get taken away because of their name.
I will however just say that it's not a very good argument, so we take his name from the equation, someone else gets bullied instead, so do we ban his name too? Is that child abuse? We're not going to have any names left you know!

Look, I know bullies will look for any excuse. But the name Adolf Hitler doesn't inspire only bullying. This kid will suffer the equivalent of racism. Hell, there are people angry enough to shoot him.
Either way, I'm pointing out that he will suffer unnecessarily. No child should have to do that.
Look, I know bullies will look for any excuse. But the name Adolf Hitler doesn't inspire only bullying. This kid will suffer the equivalent of racism. Hell, there are people angry enough to shoot him.
Either way, I'm pointing out that he will suffer unnecessarily. No child should have to do that.
No person should, yet it happens all the time.
He isn't the only person likely to be bullied but we do nothing pre-emptively for others, do you not find this hypocritical? It also doesn't actually solve the real problem. We shouldn't bow down to other peoples primitive ignorance.
So he won't be bullied under a different name, that's great for him, not so great for the person taking his place. Personally I'd rather tackle the problem at its source, as I'm sure you would too.
I realise we probably won't agree on this as I see it as a hypocritical stance that we should intervene only in this case, so I can't share that stance.
IF the kids got taken away because of their name, the parents would be all over the media throwing a fit, just like they did with the cake.
They haven't. The kids did not get taken away because of their name.
I don't understand where you read that I said the kids DID get taken away because of their name.

It's actually the second bit you didn't highlight.
The kids got taken away for a good reason and the parents know it. Its why they have remained silent.
No person should, yet it happens all the time.
He isn't the only person likely to be bullied but we do nothing pre-emptively for others, do you not find this hypocritical? It also doesn't actually solve the real problem. We shouldn't bow down to other peoples primitive ignorance.
So he won't be bullied under a different name, that's great for him, not so great for the person taking his place. Personally I'd rather tackle the problem at its source, as I'm sure you would too.
I realise we probably won't agree on this as I see it as a hypocritical stance that we should intervene only in this case, so I can't share that stance.

Let's agree to disagree. I could go on to say it isn't hypocritical, If you'd like.
It's child abuse. If my name was Hitler, where I grew up, I would have been jumped and my family pillaged countless times.
Hitler’s Mom Speaks Out, Defies Court Order

I don't get why the landlord is evicting them. I know he's afraid for his property, but why now ? The threats have been coming for a while now, Does he think that someone will firebomb his property because of the media attention?

Anywho, Tough luck lady, If you really cared about your children, you wouldn't have named them Hitler.
I don't get why the landlord is evicting them. I know he's afraid for his property, but why now ? ....

Because you can't evict someone overnight. And maybe more threats have been made against them since they took their story world wide.
Adolf Hitler is not a name you just happen to have. No one is going to hear that name and then later discover there was a racist dictator called Hitler.

There should be a law against names like that.

Can I name my kid Rectal Hemorrhage and then whine about my right to call him whatever I like, completely ignoring the fact that those words have a meaning, while he goes about his life being perpetually embarrassed every time someone asks him his name???