They named their kid Adolf Hitler

Well, that would be nice, but it's not reality, is it?

The reality of it is that these parents knew they would be subjecting their children to problems later on in life. How is that fair to a child? Why would any parent name their child something that invokves anger and hatred from others?

So Jewish parents should not raise their children Jewish? Muslim parents should not raise their children Muslim? Atheist parents should not raise their children as atheists?
I think all those who are going to be cruel to him just because of his freaking name should be shot. It's a series of letters, an identification for him, anything more is a state of mind.
Of course instead of actually encouraging humanity to be better towards others we just foster our usual neanderthal mentality.
The same mentality that gave him the name ? Ever heard of common sense ?

Cogito ergo sum

So. When the kid is old enough to read about Adolf. What's he going to think? And what's he going to do ?

I'm not against weird names, really, I have one that when split into syllables, makes it rather degrading. And It's the name my grandfather gave me. I'm against the abuse that the parents should know about will occur. The neanderthal mentality isn't going to go away anytime soon, as a result, they are forcing the children, again, To suffer needlessly. Lack of common sense.
I see a movie coming:

The boy called Adolf Hitler

yes, or at least a book.

i remember one day i was in line at one of these stores where you buy $30 woth of merchandise and they want your name and address. There was this old guy in front of me and when asked for his name he gave it like this:

what is you name:


the cahseir types it into computer

last name


It was so funny, the casheir didnt know what to say.
So Jewish parents should not raise their children Jewish? Muslim parents should not raise their children Muslim? Atheist parents should not raise their children as atheists?

Wow, that's a friggin huge strawman. And it's even bigger than your argument of second hand clothes. I wore second hand clothes all of my life, since I was a middle child of a lower middle class family. I was teased, but I wasn't judged by others as hateful because of it. And my parents did the best they could for me, they didn't intentionally open me up to being teased or discriminated against. If you read the interviews with the father, it's clear he's simply being willfully ignorant if not just willful. It's not nearly the same thing as purposely naming your child a hated historic figure.

People aren't nice. Humans are judgmental and cruel. That IS the world we live in, and it's not up for debate. Being willfully ignorant to that doesn't mean that it isn't reality. I think we'd all like it to be different in an ideal world, but it's not. And ignorantly naming your child something that you know will cause other people to judge them is cruel in and of itself.
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People aren't nice. Humans are judgmental and cruel. That IS the world we live in, and it's not up for debate. Being willfully ignorant to that doesn't mean that it isn't reality. I think we'd all like it to be different in an ideal world, but it's not. And ignorantly naming your child something that you know will cause other people to judge them is cruel in and of itself.


Stop ignoring reality parents, Your children don't want to be forced into defending themselves everytime they say their damn names.

Partly why I take this kinda personally is because I've been teased for my name, and it wasn't due to the naming/meaning of the name itself. It was because of the few arrogant and moronic pricks within my school. Fortunately, not everyone was like that. But it took some getting used to.
Well, that would be nice, but it's not reality, is it?
It never will be if we always bow down to those who would harm others on the basis of a name. THESE people are criminals, they're just waiting for an excuse, if it isn't this it's something else.
It's a reality that some people get murdered for a whole host of reasons, but that doesn't mean we should all cower inside our houses incase some small minded individuals actions impact upon us.
If the kid grows up to start rallys and imprison jews THEN we have good reason to have a problem with him.
The reality of it is that these parents knew they would be subjecting their children to problems later on in life. How is that fair to a child? Why would any parent name their child something that invokves anger and hatred from others?

He's only going to use his first name so most people wouldn't even know, even then he might get a nickname he'll use, it's not like he'll walk into a store and be instantly recognised. Regardless the parents should not be held responsible for the small minded acts of any independant individuals. He is a seperate entity entirely, and he'll be a hoot at costume parties.
The same mentality that gave him the name ? Ever heard of common sense ?

Cogito ergo sum

So. When the kid is old enough to read about Adolf. What's he going to think? And what's he going to do ?
That's down to him, he shouldn't be bullied into anything by uncontrolled barbarians.

I'm not against weird names, really, I have one that when split into syllables, makes it rather degrading. And It's the name my grandfather gave me. I'm against the abuse that the parents should know about will occur. The neanderthal mentality isn't going to go away anytime soon, as a result, they are forcing the children, again, To suffer needlessly. Lack of common sense.
Hell most people don't like their names, weird or not, but we shouldn't sit back and accept bullying, in kids or adults. It doesn't NEED to be a fact of life, people can be educated and help move society forwards.
Wouldn't it be better to help people move past their outdated attitudes than to shield them at every turn and prevent any progress? It's as simple as:
"I'm Bob what's your name"
"Adolf, my crazy parents chose it"
"no kidding? *shrugs* So did you see the game last night?"

Ok so maybe there might be a laugh in there too but seriously all he shares is his name, nothing more at this point. There's no need for a reaction of:
Adolf? Ugh, Jewkiller, hunt, kill, *throws spear and drag knuckles* Ugh.

Hey if I can manage it I highly doubt there's many people who couldn't, they just might need a little help.

I'll accept if he grows up to goose-step around the house with a mustache whilst draped in a swastika we might have an issue.

Stop ignoring reality parents, Your children don't want to be forced into defending themselves everytime they say their damn names.

Partly why I take this kinda personally is because I've been teased for my name, and it wasn't due to the naming/meaning of the name itself. It was because of the few arrogant and moronic pricks within my school. Fortunately, not everyone was like that. But it took some getting used to.

I honestly couldn't tell you that I knew anyone who didn't get some stick for their name, especially when you're really young. Then it moves on to their weight, height etc. I'm all for joking around but some people take it too far because they're assholes, they always find some excuse to do it and nobody shows them the error of their ways.
So, basically you want the world to stop being judgmental assholes. That it would be more practical for people to stop judging, then it would be for one set of parents to have compassion for their children and not name them something that would cause others to judge because doing that to a small innocent child is the right thing to do. If the parent wanted so badly to change the paradigm, why not change his own name? Why make an example of his own three innocent children? What is it going to teach them?

Good luck on your fight with making people less judgmental. It's actually a noble cause, and I understand and wish for the same things, it's just not practical or realistic. People will always judge. They have for as long as there have been humans. Keep on keeping on and all that.

I personally wouldn't judge the child myself, but I do hold the parents responsible for being willfully ignorant to their child's future well-being.
Of course, I'm aware of what people are like, but even people with normal names get bullied, ridiculed, abused. This just detracts away from the real victims. A name does no harm, if other people harm him because of it then that's down to them, they are a very real problem and they should be punished for it.

Are they Jewish? Is it some sense of irony? Forgiveness? Perhaps they're a little crazy who knows? Although it's probably just that they have a weird sense of humour. When he's old enough he'll probably change it anyway.

Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. I'm just not of the opinion we should barge into other people lives and decide somebody elses name. As I say, when he's old enough he will most likely decide to change it, until then people should leave him be, he's just another kid.

I guess it depends on your education, Stalin figured as prominently in mine as Hitler so I find it hard to draw a line between them.:shrug:
A name does no harm. I find your indifference, as it seems, slightly disturbing.
Let me ask you this.. would you make your kid go to school in a Nazi uniform every day ? After all, a uniform does no harm. Right ?
So, basically you want the world to stop being judgmental assholes. That it would be more practical for people to stop judging, then it would be for one set of parents to have compassion for their children and not name them something that would cause others to judge because doing that to a small innocent child is the right thing to do. If the parent wanted so badly to change the paradigm, why not change his own name? Why make an example of his own three innocent children? What is it going to teach them?
It's not about practicality, it would be absurd if we ran the world on a basis of practicality instead of morals, don't you think that would open up all kinds of problems?

Good luck on your fight with making people less judgmental. It's actually a noble cause, and I understand and wish for the same things, it's just not practical or realistic. People will always judge. They have for as long as there have been humans. Keep on keeping on and all that.

I personally wouldn't judge the child myself, but I do hold the parents responsible for being willfully ignorant to their child's future well-being.
It shows clearly here that it IS possible for some people not to judge someone, if it is achievable for some then what makes us so different? I don't think there's anything particular that prevents everyone from being the same, it's just time and education.
It's one thing to hate THE Adolf Hitler, or anyone else that has caused any level of pain for that matter. It is however another matter entirely to hate ALL Adolf Hitlers.
A name does no harm. I find your indifference, as it seems, slightly disturbing.
Let me ask you this.. would you make your kid go to school in a Nazi uniform every day ? After all, a uniform does no harm. Right ?
Logical fallacy: apples and oranges.
For one thing they haven't forced him to do anything, particularly something expressive. Names do not necessarily identify politics, a Nazi uniform is identifying as part of a political group with attached beliefs.
If you're asking can parents indoctrinate their kids into their beliefs of Nazism then no they shouldn't, same as religion it is something people decide when they are old enough to understand. However naming a child isn't indoctrination, that would be a seperate issue.
They didn't get their kids taken away for the name. Their temper tantrum about not getting the cake how they wanted got them the attention they wanted. And some of that attention came from social services.
Logical fallacy: apples and oranges.
For one thing they haven't forced him to do anything, particularly something expressive. Names do not necessarily identify politics, a Nazi uniform is identifying as part of a political group with attached beliefs.
If you're asking can parents indoctrinate their kids into their beliefs of Nazism then no they shouldn't, same as religion it is something people decide when they are old enough to understand. However naming a child isn't indoctrination, that would be a seperate issue.

It's the exact same thing. The kid is stuck with the name just like he is with the uniform. There's nothing he can do about it.
The name and the uniform will attract similar responses.
Neither wearing a Nazi uniform nor having the name Adolf Hitler means the kid has been indoctrinated with Nazi ideals.
It's the exact same thing.
Adolf Hitler is a pretty memorable name. I am fairly sure the parents were aware of that. They named their other children after Himler and the Aryan Nation. Srsly.
That's down to him, he shouldn't be bullied into anything by uncontrolled barbarians.

Hell most people don't like their names, weird or not, but we shouldn't sit back and accept bullying, in kids or adults. It doesn't NEED to be a fact of life, people can be educated and help move society forwards.
Wouldn't it be better to help people move past their outdated attitudes than to shield them at every turn and prevent any progress? It's as simple as:
"I'm Bob what's your name"
"Adolf, my crazy parents chose it"
"no kidding? *shrugs* So did you see the game last night?"

Ok so maybe there might be a laugh in there too but seriously all he shares is his name, nothing more at this point. There's no need for a reaction of:
Adolf? Ugh, Jewkiller, hunt, kill, *throws spear and drag knuckles* Ugh.

Hey if I can manage it I highly doubt there's many people who couldn't, they just might need a little help.

I'll accept if he grows up to goose-step around the house with a mustache whilst draped in a swastika we might have an issue.

Like it or not, much of our personality is based on the reaction of others apon the things we do and the way people react to us. When in our formative years, we constantly seek praise and attention. When we are rebuffed or rejected, we cannot flourish.

Your hope for people to just "accept him for who he is", is all and well. But Humanity doesn't work like that . WWII happened over 60 years ago, true, but the stigma associated with the name last longer. I understand what you're saying, and I would judge him on his merits. Yes, If you and I can do it, everyone can.

But the point here is not what everyone else has to suffer, It's what the child has to suffer. Judging people based on their merits, hasn't progressed beyond race.
The impact your name has on you when you are little is something major if everyone stares at you oddly everytime you say it.
Thats why I think the parents should be locked up for child abuse.