There is absolutely NO contradiction whatsoever between religious faith and science

No, you asked me a question, i answered
And the question was: So how do you account for those who haven't thought of it?
Which you have NOT answered. (Your supposed answer was: Are there folks who haven't heard of God?)
One more time "haven't heard of" is not the same as "haven't thought of".

No, i learn from both.

Who say's there isn't?
There is? Great. What is it?

Wrong. You haven't.

What do you mean by provide evidence?
You have made a claim. What do you have to indicate that this claim has any validity? Other than belief?

Can you provide evidence of your belief that God doesn't exist?
Oh dear. I disbelieve in god because I have no evidence to indicate that I should believe in him. The same way I disbelieve unicorns, pixies and many other things.
You're making a false request.

Trying to dispute others personal opinions is a futile operation.
Ah, so you admit that all you have is opinion. Thanks.

Do you really think this?
At least as much as "religion" is. Of course. Humans do it. Do you have anything to indicate it isn't "natural" (as opposed to commonplace, of course)?
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One with zero evidence.

Some error there surely.
Which part of the scientific method has led you conclude that there is a god?
Or do you simply pay lip service to one or the other?

Why would you come with such arrogance ? In my chemistry work , I use scientific method , I am not intending to proof or disproof the existence of God ,
As for me if there is nature ( biology ) there is a creator . Otherwise can you proof if life started in a primordial soup ?
Why would you come with such arrogance ?
You see it as arrogance?
Would this be because you suppose you are indisputably correct?

As for me if there is nature ( biology ) there is a creator .
Which is a supposition. Or do you have evidence otherwise?

Otherwise can you proof if life started in a primordial soup ?
Let's try again: you decided that god is responsible because it has not (so far) been shown how life started.
You have made your mind up that, since we do not currently have an answer to this question, it must be god.
Do you also decide "god" is the answer for all questions you can't answer outright?
Tell me how this is scientific. Please.
And remind me about "arrogance" again.
You see it as arrogance?
Would this be because you suppose you are indisputably correct?

Which is a supposition. Or do you have evidence otherwise?
, In my view, thing have a beginning, biological life on the planes had a beginning ( making a cell or transporting a cell from other planet )

Let's try again: you decided that god is responsible because it has not (so far) been shown how life started.
Yes He is the creator of life Correct

You have made your mind up that, since we do not currently have an answer to this question, it must be god.
Science does not have the know how to create life , nor have the understanding how life come into our planet

Do you also decide "god" is the answer for all questions you can't answer outright?
Sense we have life on the planet and we do not know how it come about :
Therefore some action have taking place and that action I call It God

Tell me how this is scientific. Please.

You have a question ; I there life on the planet ?
Can human create life ?
Life was created in some way or by some one

And remind me about "arrogance" again.
I apologize:D
Yes He is the creator of life Correct
But there is no evidence for this.

Science does not have the know how to create life , nor have the understanding how life come into our planet
Science does not know now. It may (or may not) in the future. Simply because we do not know now is not, IMO, a reasonable excuse for claiming "god did it".

Sense we have life on the planet and we do not know how it come about :
Therefore some action have taking place and that action I call It God
So, if we do find the relevant mechanism at some point in the future and it turns out to be entirely natural, you would still refer to it as "god"?

You have a question ; I there life on the planet ?
Can human create life ?
Life was created in some way or by some one
Life happened. This much we know. How has yet to be answered. Until it is answered (or shown to be impossible to answer) I'd prefer not to assign mythical beings as the cause simply because we don't know.

I apologize
Accepted :D
But there is no evidence for this.

Science does not know now. It may (or may not) in the future. Simply because we do not know now is not, IMO, a reasonable excuse for claiming "god did it".

So, if we do find the relevant mechanism at some point in the future and it turns out to be entirely natural, you would still refer to it as "god"?

Life happened. This much we know. How has yet to be answered. Until it is answered (or shown to be impossible to answer) I'd prefer not to assign mythical beings as the cause simply because we don't know.

Accepted :D

What evidence do you want for Gods existence , should he come navigating on clouds ?


Life happened. This much we know

Are you speaking for all human or only for those who agree with you ?


How has yet to be answered


Do you think 100 years , we could lower it to 10 before I die :)
What evidence do you want for Gods existence , should he come navigating on clouds ?
Anything that could only be god. I.e. something that isn't explicable by any ordinary scientific investigation.

Are you speaking for all human or only for those who agree with you ?
You think there are people who believe life didn't happen? We don't exist?

Do you think 100 years , we could lower it to 10 before I die :)
That would be nice. It would solve a lot of arguments.
Anything that could only be god. I.e. something that isn't explicable by any ordinary scientific investigation.

Could you tell, what scientific method could be used to investigate the existence of God.
We have difficulty to establish Dark energy and dark matter which supposedly to be around the galaxy
We are fighting cancer with big buck .
Do you want see God look on His creation the NATURE:)
The method of self-contradiction can be used quite well to disprove God, even that hard to get at Deity type of God.
Could you tell, what scientific method could be used to investigate the existence of God.
He'd have to be shown to exist first.

We have difficulty to establish Dark energy and dark matter which supposedly to be around the galaxy
You're ignoring the fact that Dark Matter was proposed as an answer for something that couldn't be explained any other way: in other words, something that didn't fit with anything we already knew. I.e. it wasn't a case of someone deciding "Dark Matter" was a neat idea and then trying to prove its existence but rather as effects showing up and something being required as a solution.
Likewise "god" would "proposed" from the same sort of phenomenon - something occurring that cannot be explained any other way at all.
He'd have to be shown to exist first.


Some people on the forum said he speared to them , why don't you believe them ?

Should He appear on TV. here in the USA or in Australia, Which station would carry His presentation. Do you realize how silly is it getting

You're ignoring the fact that Dark Matter was proposed as an answer for something that couldn't be explained any other way: in other words, something that didn't fit with anything we already knew. I.e. something occurring that cannot be explained any other way at all.

It can be fudge factor to fit some theory, which we don't know if iot is going tp hole for the next 20 years.:)
It can be fudge factor to fit some theory, which we don't know if iot is going tp hole for the next 20 years.:)
A number of people (here at least) are claiming DM is nothing other than a fudge factor. But the point is that something appears to be happening that is unaccountable under "ordinary" (i.e. existing) theories.

Could you kindly explain how the method would work or take place . I am curious .:eek:

‘God’ is supposed to be fundamental, existing before everything, and then planning and making everything that we know and love. This Mind (God) who supposedly planned and made All can indeed be refuted, by the only way possible for that of invisibles, that of self-contradiction…

…but first, you have to pay a dollar, for I already put this out in several places, where emotion probably neglected it.
You're a time-waster.
In other words you cannot provide any rational answers to my questions and you cannot support your position.
Way to go: make claims, obfuscate, redirect, and then accuse me of wasting time while failing spectacularly to substantiate any of your statements.
Thanks Jan, you have, once more, shown yourself to be incapable of holding a rational position or sustaining a coherent "conversation".

Anything that could only be god. I.e. something that isn't explicable by any ordinary scientific investigation.

Couldn't resist this one.
The creation of living beings, consciousness....

Couldn't resist this one.
The creation of living beings, consciousness....
And what evidence do you have that these aren't explicable by scientific investigation?
Don't tell me. Because YOU say so.