There is absolutely NO contradiction whatsoever between religious faith and science

It is already written in plain language.

smallest basics —> complex, as now, to future complexities.

So the arrow run from virtual particles to matter, to consciousness?
Hence a "being" would be introduced into reality through the process of time?

Is matter real (to consciousness) or illusory?

So the arrow run from virtual particles to matter, to consciousness?
Hence a "being" would be introduced into reality through the process of time?

Is matter real (to consciousness) or illusory?


Yes, such as our own being, for being or Being cannot be first, and let us hope we are not the last.

All is real, even if it sums to nil.

Consciousness paints an even more useful face upon reality. For example, witnessing a color in consciousness seems much more useful than having to sort out frequencies and wavelengths of waves directly 'by hand' somehow.

Our senses are our spy outposts upon reality and are in direct contact with it, whereas consciousness is not, as there is a brain process in between.

Some 'religions'/'outlooks', think that consciousness somehow comes first, even in a big way, with a capital 'C', such as with Brahman 'dreaming'; however, as we see, consciousness even comes way last.
Now, this should drive us all crazy…

A vacuum is not possible, and so it is that the mandatory vacuum fluctuations make the so-called vacuum not a vacuum at all, although the vacuum is what is fluctuating.

Yes, I wrote it kind of funny on purpose, but that’s what it tells us, and the important part is that this basis is where the buck stops, and that this seems to happen anywhere and everywhere, which would then further mean that it always did, is now, and always will, meaning that somewhere a lot of the stuff of composites forming up and up has gone on and even gone further than our, for there are no real starting times for these forever systems. So, everything happens, I guess, unless this is the one and only happening place.

Even stranger to our intuition is that such forever systems must be their own precursors… thus there would be no first anything of any possible formation of structure!
I'm sorry but that essentially devolves into: god exists because the bible says so and we know the bible is true because god dictated it.
Atheists view the Bible as a total work of fiction.
They know not how to do the work, and are listening to others. The work of finding whether the Bible is truth or fiction is a long, rewarding personal process that involves just a few steps.

((1. Try to prove it wrong to yourself by yourself. Check and prove everything you can.
2. If you can prove it wrong, you are done. Stop here. It is a work of fiction based on your own work.

3. If you cannot prove it wrong to yourself, by yourself. Take a break. It stops burn out.
4. Run 10 controlled experiments, on what you could not prove wrong, and collect the results.
5. Publish the results for peer review, and you are now done.
6. After peer review, you will now know whether, it is fiction, fact, or is still unknown.))

Where did they base their view?
It is on false facts stated as truth in any form. Typically this is auditory, but may also be in print. The cure is doing your own work. Few people do, I am told.
(My definition of Circular Logic. Circular logic is false because a false fact is stated as proven by some method, usually stated or implied and is not checked or is missed. In circular logic if the original statement is checked for accuracy, it is not. When this occurs, much, much, much rancor, words and even war can result, from something that was never true in the first place. The cure here is to check to see if what you are discussing is true or not, by yourself.)

Is it logical view?
My friend worked in the Applied Physics Lab at a Corporation, when she chanced upon an atheist. He is the one who used dog and maddog, when anyone talked about God. She was extremely concerned, because of the illogic of stating anything as true that is not proven to be so. In those days, he also, did not know if God was real or fiction.He also suspected the Bible as being false. So, he had no theological view. She had a logical view. She needed to know, if this guy was trustworthy in research matters.
She made some time one day. She asked him. "Can you say for certain that there is no possibility that a god exists?" He said "No!" I then asked "So what gives???"
(This was a statement of slang in the 70's and 80's, which means roughly: So why are you stating a view contrary to your knowlege?")
He replied: "My mother was a person in a religion. She is a hypocrite. I hate what she does and what she did." The religion is unimportant here. We talked some more. This man was known for his candor, veracity, and this was the only known anomoly. She could again trust him in research, without undue concern as this is his only diversion from statements which are not proven, or provable.

Logic requires proof, and each of us is logical, whether we admit it or not. Therfore, it is not logical to say The Bible or God, is not real unless you can prove they are not real.
Atheists view the Bible as a total work of fiction.
They know not how to do the work, and are listening to others. The work of finding whether the Bible is truth or fiction is a long, rewarding personal process that involves just a few steps.

((1. Try to prove it wrong to yourself by yourself. Check and prove everything you can.
2. If you can prove it wrong, you are done. Stop here. It is a work of fiction based on your own work.
Oops. Since the claims are made by theists it is up to them to prove it's correct.

4. Run 10 controlled experiments, on what you could not prove wrong, and collect the results.
Controlled experiments? :shrug:
Like praying for a mountain to move?

(My definition of Circular Logic. Circular logic is false because a false fact is stated as proven by some method, usually stated or implied and is not checked or is missed. In circular logic if the original statement is checked for accuracy, it is not. When this occurs, much, much, much rancor, words and even war can result, from something that was never true in the first place. The cure here is to check to see if what you are discussing is true or not, by yourself.)
Do you speak English?

Is it logical view?
My friend worked in the Applied Physics Lab at a Corporation, when she chanced upon an atheist. He is the one who used dog and maddog, when anyone talked about God. She was extremely concerned, because of the illogic of stating anything as true that is not proven to be so. In those days, he also, did not know if God was real or fiction.He also suspected the Bible as being false. So, he had no theological view. She had a logical view. She needed to know, if this guy was trustworthy in research matters.
She made some time one day. She asked him. "Can you say for certain that there is no possibility that a god exists?" He said "No!" I then asked "So what gives???"
(This was a statement of slang in the 70's and 80's, which means roughly: So why are you stating a view contrary to your knowlege?")
He replied: "My mother was a person in a religion. She is a hypocrite. I hate what she does and what she did." The religion is unimportant here. We talked some more. This man was known for his candor, veracity, and this was the only known anomoly. She could again trust him in research, without undue concern as this is his only diversion from statements which are not proven, or provable.
Waffle waffle.

Logic requires proof, and each of us is logical, whether we admit it or not. Therfore, it is not logical to say The Bible or God, is not real unless you can prove they are not real.
Wrong again. Claims have been made. They cannot be supported. If god cannot be proven to be real then why should I take any notice of the claims?
I think you should go learn logic. Or at least stop posting on the subject.
Logic requires proof, and each of us is logical, whether we admit it or not. Therfore, it is not logical to say The Bible or God, is not real unless you can prove they are not real.

And so I have proved via self-contradiction that there can be no God, as many have seen my posts but could not refute them, some even preferring to ignore, as these non-logicals may have been forestalled by sheer emotion, they then just restating their wishes as fact.

However, no one can miss it in print, as it appears every few days, often supplemented by Rav's and others posts.

Glad to see a believer looking for logic instead of just making pronouncements out of thin air that go no place.

In short: Complexity cannot come First, as it could not in itself be fundamental, its form dependent on what came before that constituted it. Complexity of a system of mind that does planning and creation, etc., in fact, could only come about way later on. So, no God, and not even close.

Plus the forever basis of the comings and goings of all the simplest and tiniest basics had to be a forever process, so, no Creator on that count, too, a count that we don't even need a this point, but for the further explanation of why anything exists at all.

Magic isn't logic and so it isn't a way out.