There Are No Aliens!!

I have deleted this post in the spirit of good will. May it now serve as an example for its intended reader.
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We just talk theories here [Q]. No need to go intellectual...

No problem. I will 'dumb down' future responses. Hyuk hyuk.

My, my, what a hard time you have.

Yes. But it's been much easier since the lobotomy.

In case you didn't notice, this is Pseudo Science.

Sorry, I thought this was men's wear.

Just talking about the subject and give some info which some people may interest. That's all.

Are you insinuating I'm not interesting?

It is free to think about it what you want, leave the posters here in peace please.

It certainly isn't that free if one is to receive warnings about what they are to think. As far as the posters are concerned, if you read my response you'll notice my comments were directed at the author of the article. He is a bonefide nutcase.

The posters may remain at peace. (sound of choir singing Hallelujah)
He is a bonefide nutcase.

NUTCASE??? Oh nonononnonoo, I may listen openly to others, but I don't believe everything I hear, this is as close as it gets to saying that aliens and ufos are fake. I AM NO NUTCASE.

I'm going to head over to your little thread and INSULT YOU!! NOW I HAVE A REASON!!
There IS evidence, Aliens DO exist, and yes, it really IS as simple as that.

There IS evidence, Aliens DO exist, and yes, it really IS as simple as that.

No matter how many disparate and then also comparative and confirming pieces of evidence for a multitude of instances which lead to the conclusion that the simplest answer to answer ALL the physical and measurable observations is ETI; will always continued to be rejected out of hand by those who, for whatever reasons, just cannot come to 'believe' in the concept that ETI has been here, IS here, and most likely will always be here in the future. That is simply becoming ever increasingly evident by the evidence of their posts and their responses. Fine, you choose NOT to come to the same conclusion many other people have that the simplest answer for these paradoxical observations throughout history is that the planet has been and IS being visited by Extraterrestrial Intelligences; but to dismiss EVERY piece of evidence out of hand without providing contrary explanations that answer all observable facts is exactly the same rationale that those proponents purport the 'other' side to be engaged in. i.e.: It is not evidence because I say it is not. That is as unjustified and as unbelievable a rationale coming from the skeptic side as it comes from any other side.

There is a vast wealth of data and evidence, including ground traces, multiple radar returns with corroborating sworn testimony by reliable and reputable multiple independent witnesses, artifacts containing astronomical and technical knowledge beyond conventional understanding of historical perception, and STILL perplexing mysteries that our current understanding of the 'laws of nature' just cannot explain. Yet skeptics will hem, fudge and otherwise discount any and all evidence suggesting ETI because they have to. If even ONE (1) single piece was allowed to exist showing ETI, then their whole 'belief' system will come crashing down around their ears. People who have honestly looked at the evidence objectively and concluded the ETI hypothesis can EASILY look at and reject evidence with a much more balanced perspective than someone who has an inherent psychological need NOT to allow a SINGLE piece of evidence to lead to the ETI hypothesis, so that evidence is IMMEDIATELY rejected; it just then becomes a matter of finding an excuse to reject it, and the rejection need not make sense in the most pathological of these instances.

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There is of course much more out there, much of it in books, newspaper, libraries, museums, government vaults and in private hands. Those who look at the huge amount of evidence supporting the ETI hypotheses in a full and honest manner and still cannot 'believe' that a vast conspiracy can be undertaken to 'hide' this information fail to see that the subject itself isn't hidden, its only that physical and authoritative distribution of that proof is held within secret by the government. And they can legally lie to us about ETI:

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As with the Cydonia Mensae features being artificial, until the government says it is for many, it just ain't so. Some worship government, I value my own judgment. If NASA does come out and say the Cydonia Face on Mars IS an artifact, I wonder how many will STILL hold on to their 'belief' that ETI could NOT be here now after having been proved wrong with the Face issue? Nearly all people who say the Cydonia Face cannot be an artificial artifact also believe there cannot be ETI here now, or in the past. How will that change when the artificiality of Martian features is shown to be true? THAT should be a proper SETI questionnaire instead of a thunk-thunk hypothesis that the MORE anthropocentric one is, the more likely one is to disbelieve in ETI. If you don't think there is ANY intelligent life out there, well, you really are the walking talking definition of anthropocentric now aren't you? Rejecting ANY and ALL evidence where ETI is suggested no matter the veracity of that evidence is manifestation of a pathological form of anthropocentrism. And for those who ask the question, will the Cydonia Face 'fanatics' finally admit the thing is a 'pile of rocks' if NASA proves it is; I say bring it on. In the quarter century of this enigmatic debate, find me a NASA paper that prove the thing is a 'pile of rock'. Find me a research paper from NASA on the subject, and NOT some press release. You can't, because there have been none. The government HAS investigated ETI and flying saucers and has concluded in Project Blue Book special report 14, and in the following letter, that for SOME instances, the ETI hypothesis is the most likely. But those deep in the center of anthropocentrism in its most pathological form refuse to even believe this.

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Some mechanism MUST be found to reject the evidence and again, the methodology is not important as long as avoiding dealing with the message of the evidence itself is achieved. Attack the evidence, attack the presenter, and do anything to avoid dealing with the message of the evidence. The skeptic must remain the center of their anthropocentric view at all, and any, costs. The easiest is ridicule as it requires they who use the tactic not provide ANY rationale evidence to back up the claim, it is ridiculous because they say it is mentality. As stated by Dan Drasin in The McDaniel Report:
"Ridicule, ridicule, ridicule. It is far and away the single most chillingly
effective weapon in the war against discovery and innovation. Ridicule has the
unique power to make people of virtually any persuasion to go completely
unconscious in a twinkling. It fails to sway only those few who are of
sufficiently independent mind not to buy into the kind of emotional consensus
that ridicule provides."

Just WHO are the TRUE pathological anthropocentric 'bozo flux' effluent skeptomaniacs?

<p><FONT FACE="Papyrus"><FONT SIZE=-1><FONT color="gold">Think out there act down here...NOW! Have YOU?<BR>
Let's taunt a Billionaire to Mars ! ! ! Beats Begging.<BR>
Give a High School kid a reason to care...a spacewalk!<BR>
Teach 'em a lesson in teamwork.<BR>
Teach 'em a lesson in humanity.<BR>

<A HREF="">Bob... ;-{)</A>

<A HREF=""></A>
Alright, rhw, that is a lot of information, too much to really put up all at once. You should've put only the once specifically pertinent to THIS discussion.

I'm glancing through the data now. Most of the first ten or so websites tell about UFO's. I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying that most are hoaxes, and those that aren't a government-related. Although this website is unrelated I find it interesting. The websites related to this really have nothing to do with what this thread is all about, maybe you should make your own with all of the websites. Again I do find it interesting but you must explain why it is pertinent.

On the first Stan Friedman page he says
As noted in 1950, it's the most classified U.S. topic.
This means that we don't know what it really is, therefore since it is classified it could be a government project.

This has been exhaustive.
mixed nuts.gif
rhw007, welcome at Sciforums. :) That you may post long and happy here.

You are right you know. Extraterrestrials have always been here on Earth and they still are here. And yes, Pollux V, there is an UFO-disclosure. Not only in the U.$., also in the U.K. and a lot of other countries.

The last time there are more rumours about UFO sightings and humans who actually see extraterrestrials. There are more and more voices heard who want to know the truth from the governments. So the cover-up will come to a fall. Perhaps sooner than you think or expect.

I have the sneaking suspicion that you know it Pollux V...;)
Ya know what, rhw and banshee? The very SECOND I hear 'the government' disclose secrets on NATIONAL TELEVISION with ARI FLESCHER, COLIN POWEL, or that other guy who's our secretary of defense, I will apologize swiftly and revere your word for as long as I know either one of you as well as anyone who has ever said that ufos are aliens on this website.

However, if this deal goes through and the government shows us that the ships are really airplanes then you must do that for me:D
I did hear something about physcists figuring out how to slow down light in a very, very cold environment. I'll see if I can find the article.

This may mean that if time can be slowed down that it can also be sped up.

BTW I hope you're on my side here, chris, I've been fightin' off banshee, rhw, zion amongst others for a really, really long time (since august 18th!!).

Where did you see the UFO's, what happened, etc? How can you say that human intelligence is not involved?
Chris Beacham, welcome to Sciforums. :) That you may post long and happy here.

Good post to come into Sciforums. Thanx for sharing the thoughts. We'll have some nice discussion here.

And Pollux V, I do what ever you want if you can prove me it is all human technology...
That's the kicker, isn't it, in this case we all have opinions but no real proof to back any of them up. Sure, regular humans don't do that but who knows how far ahead our government is in technology.
Pretty far, they stole the technology from an extraterrestrial spacecraft which crashed at Roswell. And it took them 50 years to 'copy' it.

Why is it so hard to get for you that there are extraterrestrials on Earth, have been visiting Earth as long as Earth exists.

Has nothing to do with internet, television or newspapers. Just the simple truth. There are lots of sightings over the last time period. You want proof of that? I can post it for you, then again, that is from the internet again. Most of the time newspaper articles. Sightings with many witnesses. All of the same sighting.

There shall be enough among them that are to be explained as terrestrial, there are a lot not terrestrial.

You want a good mailinglist? Then you get it all in your emails. Or pay good attention to the Sky, they are spotted above Maine too...:)
But it's not a simple truth because there is no evidence to back it up. Come on, banshee, we have no idea what is inside the real flying saucers, the 2% of them that can't be explained and that aren't clever hoaxes. Yes, aliens that have been visiting us since 'the beginning' could be flying them, but since there is not a shred of solid evidence (a strand of their hair proven by geneologists to be something out-of-this-world, for example) that anything at all is really inside these things, we can only believe based on our own scientific or religous view of the world. I believe that the day will come when everything is explained, hopefully I will live to see it. The day could be tomorrow, next week, or a century from now, but sooner or later people will know what it is. Maybe neither of us is right;)

Yes, actually, there are a few sightings here. I read a story once about a camping pair on moosehead lake (which I've never been to, most of maine looks like itself) who where abducted because they flashed an SOS at a UFO. I may have seen one during a power outtage, but I could've been half asleep (even though at the time I was terrified of the dark), or it could've been a spark from a power line. Anyway I saw I think a light blue light sort-of envelop the room after I saw a bunch of flashes through my eyelids. I was terrified and ran upstairs screaming and crying my eyes out, I didn't sleep all night and lucky for me it was a snow day the next morning.
Yeah I thought that hair thing was a little bit of a stretch.

But anyway, my theory is that the government does this where the abductees have burn marks to fuel the UFO phenomena and keep the public busy and distracted with aliens rather than the government itself. The memories could all be part of this, plus if you've ever seen a baby born you'd notice that the description of the Delivery room really fits into what abductees think of their alien space ship. That's another theory, that those people that tell the truth are merely remembering when they were being born.
Have you actually ever seen a Grey Chris B.?

Pollux V, you say it is all theory, there is a shipload of material which are no theory. Not every abductee sees the same kind of 'delivery' room when abducted. There are several cases in which the abductees tell complete different stories. By the way, it are not always abductees, there are humans who are invited to come aboard of a Spacecraft. This humans are not abducted.

Then there are humans who disappear for some days or even a longer time period and then re-appear again, out of nowhere, so it seems.

Extraterrestrials are not all the friendly kind. In Brazil a human body's been found, mutilated. After examination by different doctors, scientists, police and so on, there is still no sufficient explanation of what has happened to this man. He is mutilated, just in exactly the same way as the cattle you probably heard of. No traces of blood, skin cut away, minor round incisions through which the inner body parts are taken away, ears missing.

There is no explanation and they've come to the conclusion that it must have to do with extraterrestrial technology. In no way is it possible that the mutilation is caused by humans.

This is not the only human who is found, mutilated like this. Over the years there have been more of this cases. Because of Brazil making it world-known, in a degree, the other mutilations come to the surface also.

Extraterrestrials are visiting Earth since the beginning of time. They mingled with mankind and they are just like us, not all that friendly...
Operation Duckblind

chris beacham

Welcome to sciforums. May you find this inane interchange mentally tickling.

I belong to the school of thought that maintains ETI is almost a statistical certitude.

This being the case, imagine the human race at a point in the future where space exploration affords us the ability to observe more primitive extra-solar races. Would we do it? I think so.

From this, does it not follow that other more advanced extra-solar species would do the same?
Yes, but its so hard to do so and so hard to find life on other worlds hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands of light years away. I'd think watching them with an optical and radio telescope would tell almost as much as if you were in orbit above their world. My point is that its to get from one star to another, and sure, life, and lots of it, is definitely out there, its just so hard and not really price-efficient to go from one star to another, unless there's just a part of physics our species hasn't discovered yet or has overlooked. Until I see the other edge of the galaxy in under a year of travel I will hold my case:D
Abductees and extraterrestrials understand eachother by telepathy. No babbling, talking or what so ever, just telepathy. The sudden disappearance can be to another dimension, another time-period if you want. If they travel much, much faster than human crafts they have the ability to travel into time, by lack of another expression. Time is relative...

There seems to be a point where past, present and future come together and 'time' just vanishes.

Guess there is a certain absurdity in this, just give it a thought. It is not that absurd. Life is full of mistery and unexplained matter.

Thank you Chris. I was just wondering...:)