There Are No Aliens!!

We would all like there to be aliens

I personally think that all UFO sightings are just governement tests.
Crop circles are just made by some people who want to have some fun:D
Abductions arent real i think, those people just want attention.
But i do believe that there are lots of people who would want there to be intelligent life out there, just not to feel alone, and in the past people made God up for that cause, now its aliens, but honestly, me myself, i dont know what to think.
I dont know, maybe the human mind is not made to comprehend the meaning of life, i'll see it when i die....(i think):D
But who knows...
I do think that there can be life out there, but intelligent enough to get here??? We cant get there so....
Maybe once we'll get there i'll be convinced, but i havent seen no proof.

p.s.: If anyone has some links to sites that might convince me, feel free to post them
Wonderful Chris B...

Wonderful picture. There are more of them on other websites. It seems to be a lot in the last time period. Spacecrafts, materializing from light. And Shape-Shifters also, Crafts that completely change, while observed by witnesses.

Question comes to mind if those Crafts are coming out of the light and at what speed or from what dimension or time?

It stays incredible how the Spacecrafts suddenly appear and disappear again...
I get the feeling you guys and girls aren't getting what I'm saying. I don't deny that SOME ufos exist (even though the single picture on this website could very, very easily be created by a program on a computer), but there really is no proof to back up that aliens are inside. Please, prove to me that aliens are inside, not that ufos exist.
What kind of proof do you want then, Pollux V? That they come to your doorstep and say: Hello, here we are...? :D

An open mind and an open heart my friend, who knows..!!;)
i think even if aliens did exist, and showed up on doorsteps, people would still be hesitant to believe in them. even i would dismiss them at first as people running around in rubber suits.
Pollux's 'Proof'

Below is a short essay of sorts dealing with the subject of 'proof' in general and is NOT meant as a personal attack. Having said that, it is added to the other post I have made on page 9 of this thread that has links lots n lots n lots n lots of facts and evidence, follow and read them ALL thoroughly if you wish. If not, then I cannot force a mind to open, or even to inquire. As I stated in that posting there is much more out there in the way of evidence to indicate humanity has been visited by beings from 'up there' coming 'down here' since we were able to scrawl pictures on cave walls up to modern day accounts with ground, flight and space based radar returns in corroboration with credible and high ranking witnesses and photographic and ground trace evidence. What YOU personally choose to 'believe' all this evidence then 'proves' is up to you, as I futher point out here...

Solipsism: the belief that there is only one conscious being in existence: oneself. Taking skepticism to its extreme leads to solipsism. In fact, the current denial of ET contact is a kind of species-level solipsism.

These folks fail to see that 'belief' in coincidence has become the prevalent superstition of science methodology. And that makes them just as religious in their own disbelief as they espouse others are in their interpretations of facts and evidence that support and prove conclusions and theories that are not part of the 'accepted' world view. If we were in the 1200's these same folks would still be espousing all the below as being true that humanity is:

1. All alone
2. On a flat Earth
3. At the center of the Universe
4. As it revolves around us
5. Riding on the back of a giant turtle

You and I know these 'law of fives' to totally untrue, but they use the same arguments the religious leaders of the time made, hence they have their own religion they disbelieve in.

Dr. Sagan stated that "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Well also true is that extraordinary evidence requires extraordinary investigation, and an extraordinary investigation requires an extraordinary review and discussion process that is publicly open and honest. I mean we're talking about finally answering one of humankind's oldest and most interesting question here! You keep asking for 'proof' while ignoring all the facts and evidence laying at your feet!

Facts and evidence. They simply are, whether one chooses to see them as 'proof' of something is sometimes as subjective as personal interpretations of beauty. However, at some point ( where is that point? ) there is an overwhelming amount of facts and evidence of a thing and to then 'believe' otherwise is as silly a behavior as those who say people who do see the Cydonia Mensae Face as an artificial sculpture are suffering from nephelococcygia. Do the research necessary to make your opinions have merit, not only for others, but more importantly, for your own sense of self. Then you'll have a better idea of what YOU need to then see for 'proof' of a thing.

But many very vocal folks simply keep denying ANY evidence exists in continued religious disbelief, that is their right, but it is NOT science or truth.

Let's taunt a Billionaire to Mars ! ! ! Beats Begging.

Think out there act down here... NOW ! ! ! Have YOU ??

Give a High School kid a reason to care...a spacewalk.
Teach 'em a lesson in teamwork.
Teach 'em a lesson in humanity.

Bob... ;-{)
rhw, implants or markings on people could've been made by humans just as easily as aliens. Testimonies are not the evidence that US courts look for when convicting criminals, and whenever aliens are mentioned the same pop culture story is always mentioned, the large eyes, the white almond head, etc. If you think this is evidence then you're wrong, it'd be trying to prove that you saw MelVIN Gibson walk by and describing the way he looks. EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT ALIENS LOOK LIKE!!!

I don't want them walking on my steps (look at counslercoffee's website here ), I want a skin tissue sample, and I want to take it off to a facility where it can be tested under armed guard in case those MIB's show up (I figure, hey, you've found proof of aliens, you might as well watch out for anything else that's related to this freak sh*t). THAT is proof and that proof has never, ever been found.

For physical evidence you need physical aliens. If they aren't physical then at least in this world they don't exist.
Chris B., there are shape-shifters also among the UFO's. It is wonderful to see them merge if you get the chance. :) Didn't it give you a feeling of great joy to see them?

Pollux V, as you know very well, extraterrestrials DON'T have to be physical. They have so many ways to contact humans. I go along with Chris B. here. If you just don't want to see the facts and hold on to your flat way of thinking and seeing, then so be it...!
If the aliens aren't physical then some other form of evidence currently beyond mainstream science must be obtained. Otherwise it is PERFECTLY logical to assume that aliens do not exist. I don't see the facts because they aren't there, literally.
Isn't that what this whole discussion is about? Pages and pages we have written down here and we are no step closer!

Have an open mind, look up in the Sky, perhaps you'll see day or night. Keep the faith.

Extraterrestrials make contact in their own way. There is more than the eye can see...:)
I have an open mind, but I just.....don't......see.....hear.....touch.....SMELL.....concrete evidence. Give me something other than circumstantial evidence and I'll believe you. Pictures don't count (you must admit that at least some UFO pictures are hoaxes, banshee).
Of course, there are a lot hoaxes. There are very real ones too. You are too eager in wanting physical evidence. It comes when it comes, no sooner, no later.

What a BS. I am sorry, am tired. Don't know what to write for now any more. ;) The only thing left to say, is, there are Spacecrafts from outerspace and extraterrestrials! Talk to you later and keep the faith.. :)
Have I already posted here?
Well I'll repeat what I said on an other forum...

Alien and UFO are misundestood terms.

Alien = the unknown

UFO = Unidentified flying object = airborn alien = the unknown flying in the sky.

Catch yourself whit this, I readed this sentance, but modified it for the word alien.

"Most people are scared of the paranormal because like everyone is scared about the alien."

In the place the Alien stood the unknown to them.

Alright, I had something about doing something weird to an object so it's unidentifiable about what it is, and shoot it in the air whit a Catapult.

Voila, an UFO...
I'll be back in a few minutes whit the original story I did send...
Heheh, Hey guys, I found the message after an hour or so...

Here it is.

Originally posted by Mr. G

It depends on your definition of UFO and what there is to believe in.

Unidentified things have been seen in the sky, yes. [/B]

Sorry to say this, but I'm whit Mr. G. on this one...
I don't belive en FLYING SOUCERS...
I DO belive in UFO's...
To make it sounding a year or 2 younger than I am...

Run a scarf trough mud, dog poop, vanilla cream and jelly...
Burn is a little bit, shoot it whit a catapult, and voila...
An almost UFO...

UFO Stand for Unidentified Flying Objects...
I just like to post this...

But why do those posters out there keep asking "Do you really belive in UFO's?" to Mr. G.
I think my logic here explains it quite well why he does...


Well, as far as UFO's and ALIENS, I BELIEVE, O GOD, O JEZUS I BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, Extra terestrial's and flying soucers, heheheh, still this answer: nope, not as we all heard...

There is in my theory a world out there like earth, but not as developed in technology beyond or maybe even equal to us.
So now I made my contribution to this forum, now to see if someone is whit me on this....

Unidentified Flying Object, yes! All people who never saw one say the same as you do Psy-Learner. There is a world out there, more then one even. With far more advanced technology than here on Earth. The existance of exraterrestrials ought not to be questioned, they are a fact!

Just because you never had contact(s), doesn't mean it doesn't exist. What a tunnel vision, my, my...
I am not the one who ridicules here. I know about the abduction cases. And also that it are not all friendly Beings, these extraterrestrials, as I mentioned before in a post. Guess you have to read the thread a little back then.

Movies don't say that much to me. I have experiences myself and know several people who are actually abducted. Know also some people who have been visiting a Spacecraft.

Guess the opinions about UFO's will be divided on this thread anyhow. There is no significant proof to give to you here. I can come up with some Internet pages and so on yes. And then what? That will be questioned and not believed either.

So the discussion will go on about the phenomena. And I never said every UFO is an alien Spacecraft.

Not every Spacecraft is seen, most of the times it are terrestrial objects. The cases though in which it actually are Spacecrafts are a fact. Not to be denied facts...

Thanx for the link. ;)
Just found this in the email. Enjoy... :cool:


The Disclosure Project, a nonprofit research and public interest
group based in Charlottesville Virginia
( has obtained testimony that secret
units within NASA have confirmed information on UFOs,
extraterrestrial intelligence and related matters.

Donna Hare, Secret Clearance employee of NASA contractor, Philco
Ford: "Over the years, I worked in the photo of the
gentlemen I had been friends with pointed my attention to one
area of the [satellite photo] I saw a round white dot....veryy
crisp, very sharp lines on it.and I said, 'Is this a UFO?' and
he's smiling at me I knew he meant it was [a UFO] he said, 'We
always have to airbrush them out before we sell them [the
photos] to the public.'"

USAF Sergeant Karl Wolf, Top Secret "Crypto" Clearance: "I had
worked with the Tactical Air Command at Langley AFB, Virginia,
the 4444th recon technical group.I was a photographic
technician, with a background in electronics..I was asked to go
over to this facility. where the NSA was bringing in the
information from the lunar orbiter...At the time, I didn't know
what the real purpose of this darkroom and this operation and
this facility he [an Airman Second Class technician in
the room] was showing me how all this worked...and he said, 'by
the way, we've discovered a base on the back side of the moon.'
He pulled out one of the mosaics [composite photo] and showed
this base on the moon, which had geometric shapes...there were
spherical buildings...tall towers and things that looked
somewhat like radar dishes."

Mr. Harland Bentley: "I have been in a graduate program for
nuclear engineering and have been working contracts since 1963:
NASA, Department of Energy, and several other electronics firms
in the D.C. area. I was at a facility in California doing
classified work which I can't say too much about ..Our
astronauts were doing a loop around the moon in 1967 or 1968 I
heard them say they had a bogey [term used to denote UFOs] it
was another type of ship. There were portals there that they
could see in. They could see beings of some sort. They did not
describe these beings, they just took photographs. They just
said it was a saucer shaped craft. Then they said, 'There they
go,' and they [the bogey] went out of sight almost immediately."

USAF Nuclear Arsenal Security Officer Larry Warren: "I was
assigned to the 81st Tactical Fighter Wing in Suffolk, East
Anglia. They showed us a film [after an extraterrestrial vehicle
landed, hovered, and interacted with Air Force personnel on
base], they said, 'We are going to show you a film that might
help you put best into perspective what you gentlemen have
witnessed.' This film showed structures on the moon - these box
kind of things….it showed the astronauts pointing at these box
looking things and structured objects moving off the surface of
the moon, filmed by Apollo missions."

These witnesses are a few of the over 400 military, intelligence
and government witness who have been identified by Disclosure
Project Director Steven M. Greer MD. As a group, these
government insiders establish clear proof that UFOs are real and
that rogue, illegal secret groups within the government and
certain corporations have compelling evidence that is being
withheld from the public, Congress and the President.

Testimony from top-secret Air Force Sgt. Karl Wolf, NASA
employee Donna Hare, Air Force security officer Larry Warren and
top-secret intelligence officer Harland Bentley establishes a
pattern of explosive evidence being deliberately suppressed
within NASA and other agencies.

The Disclosure Project invites you to investigate these
important exposes at A number of
books, tapes, briefing materials and other educational items
are available on the website. Learn how illegal secrecy has
misled the Public, Congress and US Presidents on the most
important story in history. It can now be proven that secret
programs are withholding from the public new energy and
propulsion technologies based on UFO systems that would
completely replace the need for fossil fuels. In short, secrecy
is destroying the world's environment and impoverishing much of
the world's populations.

Join The Disclosure Project in its effort to end illegal secrecy
and begin a new era in human history.