There Are No Aliens!!

The only thing intriguing was the witnesses account of the bodies.and Glenn Dennis.


Finally...Someone has seen the Light. And I mean it literally.

Remember how Abraham was visited by four Angels? They had wings and everything. Even god 'himself' was with them and Sarah became pregnant with Isaac without having sexual intercourse with Abraham. Just like the mother of Jesus. Lots more to be found in the 'holy' bible. Because this is not the Religion Forum, I leave it with this. Somebody who wants to know more? Than lets go on from here please.;)

Thank you LIGHTBEING, for being a Light...:cool:
Exactly Banshee

There is plenty more scripture that supports Aliens in the Bible as well. So basical if you are a Christians and dedicate your life to the Bible, then you must understand that Extraterrestrials do exist.
Ever thought that the bible could just be b.s though? Call me crazy but that book seems kinda...out there.
I don't believe all of the Bible is BS nor do I depend on the Bible for any answers. I was just stating that because Christians are one of the more skeptical people regarding Extraterrestrials, yet their Holy Book depicts UFO's. So if you ever find yourself in heated debate with a Christian about Aliens just pull out a Bible.

I base my opinion on logical reasoning through mathematical probability. We exist, so was is it impossible for intellengence not of this Earth, to exist?
Did you read my postings at Kms thread named Past civilization(Unfortunately,except myself and Km,no one actually did:() i have put across a pattern of UFOs appearing as long as mankind can remember.(Historically I mean)Also Shrike i would like you to take a look at some portions of it...

About Roswell.
Yes here is what is about Glenn Dennis.
Glenn dennis receives an intersting streams of phone calls.Both from the air force first one Dennis is asked questions about how to preserve Bodies that have hermetically exposed to the elements(Exact words...!!,Yes exactly what Glenn said).
the second question was:
the above statement is exact wording of Glenn Dennis's statement.isnt it amusing?Note:CHILD sized coffins,Greys are of same size...(this speculation is by me).

Glenn Dennis later on recieves a phone call from Air force base saying:

Dennis later on goes to meet his friend who is nurse at base mortuary(Ballard).she tells him that she has witnessed doctors she had never seen before.they were experimenting on Non-Human entities.she gave a brief description which closely matches that of a grey.
Now for something even more interesting...
the nurse,is then asked by Col Du bose to take an army plane to attend a seriuos case of an army.and guess what,The plane Crashes mysteriously....

I have loads of Informatio o the UFO crashes,their History etc...that i"d love to share,but i need some time...

Some more on Roswell:
INA WILCOX wife of Sherrif George.wilcox(He was sherriff of Roswell during that wonderful year)says that(Many years later)family had recieved death threats,death threats for keeping up the whole incident from the air force.
Military personells were reminded of their Oaths...

Very extreme behaviour to account for a weather Ballon.

If you happen to come across a Book called "Doomasday Conspiracy" By Sidney Sheldon,just flip on the last pages to take a look on the list of Hundreds of people who have died mysteriously who weer directly or indirectly related to UFO...

Yeah...all godbelievers are fooling themselves....

If they should take off their eye-shields, it would make a hell of a difference in the human behaviour here on Earth. Just imagine.:)

Zion, I agree with every word you've written down there. Wonderful reply.

Let the scientists come with explanations about the Ancient buildings and most of all, let the governments reveal their nasty secrets. It's about time that happens.:cool:

By the way, I posted a reply about a recent UFO sighting, witnessed by hundreds of people in the UFO thread..
The description of Aliens that is GRAYs given is very Organic,so if there is a chance of their existance,they can only exist in other universe as i said earlier,since most of the other solar systems are Binary and i dont think the life forms of our like or our kind will be able to bear two suns,one is enough for now...:Dhahahahaa...;)

Most extraterrestrials are from another Universe...

There are extraterrestrials visiting Earth. They do so for ages. Gray's is just the most 'common' name some terrestrials gave to them.

There are meetings with extraterrestrials, humans who actually see them and sometimes even are allowed to go with them in their Spacecraft(s).

These extraterrestrials are not described as Gray's, sometimes they even look a little like humans. However, last I've read about a close encounter was that the extraterrestrials seen in this case, were smaller than humans, having a head with big eyes in it.

Not dangerous though...just strange...;)

This was witnessed by other humans, so no hallucination of the two boy's who actually had the close encounter. (happened in Mexico)...:)
Want to read something about Greys...?

Anatomy Of A 'Gray'

'Grays' Is The Common Term For The Visitors, But What Are They Like ?

By far the most common type of extraterrestrial that is encountered during saucer landings and abduction cases are members of the race that have come to be known as the Greys. Testimonies from abductees from all over the world, the US, Brazil and the USSR, exhibit a remarkably high degree of similarity when it comes to describing their captors. When one looks at descriptions of close encounters from the early 1940's and compares them to current cases the similarity between the aliens that are seen is striking, and except for small discrepancies are identical in all the important physiological areas. Greys are consistently described as being small, between 3 and 4 feet tall,and slight of build in that the cranium has a greater width than the waist so they appear to be top heavy. The grey namesake is derived from the description of the skin which appears to be opaque blue-grey in colour, lightly wrinkled and dry looking. Some testimonies describe the skin to be so paque it is possible to make out elements of the circulatory vascular system such as veins and branching capillaries below the skin covering the eyes. The most striking feature the greys exhibit is in the shape and size of the eyes, which are described as being very large, 4-7cm wide and black. They slant at an angle tapering to a point on either side of the head above the area where ears should be. No eyelids are visible and no colour differentiation is observed in the body of the eye which appear to be liquid filled and moist on the surface, the ocual fluid (lubricant etc) is most probably secreted from the raised boundary around the body of the eye as the absence of blinking excludes the possibility of timed surface refreshment. Since no inner eye compartmentalization on eyelids are observed by witnesses the method for light regulation is not known, one might surmise that such large eyes of an advanced species would be highly sensitive, but if they follow terrestrial biological principles this is hard to understand if there is no way to regulate the incident light levels entering the eye.The existence of a nose is variable in reports. Some describe a slightly raised lump with no nostrils while others see a pointed and tapered nose with nostrils. The mouth is small, with the edges angled slightly upward. Lips are thin and pale. Facial tissue is smooth with no pronounced sub-epithelial muscalture,this may explain why there appears to be little facial expression when Greys seem to communicate with each other. The general body plan is 2x2 bilaterally symmetrical with 2 legs and 2 arms. There is little information relating to fingers and toes, but several encountees describe 4-5 fingers with one or two opposable thumbs. It would appear that one of the main reason for the presence of Greys on earth is that as a result of their technological prowess they have advanced to a point by which they reproduce through direct genetic cloning. As a result of which there own genetic code has been degraded considerably and is too weak to enable there continued existence. They intend to refresh there karyotype (genome) through hybridization with human DNA. It is feasible that when a species has reached the peak of physical and mental perfection they decide to reproduce in such a way as to preserve the best body type, and ensure the best chances for their own survival. While being a result of extreme carelessness, it is also possible to imagine a situation in which an advanced species may find its self in serious trouble when it realises that the genetic continuity of its genome has been seriously compromised by thousands of generations of use, each one producing a minute mutation/mismatch error, which are in turn passed on to the next generation. But why try to repair the gaps using information stored in the human genome? Why not refresh their own, they surely must have archive information as to their ancestors genetic code, if not actual physical samples. According to many abductees who interacted with the Greys, they have been shown living products of a Grey-Human heterokaryon (Hybrid), so one must surmise they have had some degree of success in their efforts to mix human and Grey genetics, this in its self, if true, is a staggering achievement and would imply that unless the aliens are in possetion of godlike powers there is a degree of similarity between our hereditary molecule (DNA) and theirs, enabling them to "mix" the information stored. If this is true, if Greys are trying to incorporate human genetic data into their own, we can conclude that there basic biochemistry is in some ways similar to our own. DNA makes RNA makes PROTEIN. The DNA in our cells is only good for making a small amount of different classes of compounds, if the Greys themselves can't make biological use of these chemicals (proteins, amino acids etc) there is absolutely no point in them being interested in our genetic code. Some reports talk about the Greys using human captives to produce chemical secretions that they need to ingest as a food/metabolite source, unless the chemicals are highly complex or multi-organ specific, they are going about producing them in an overly complex way, since if they can engineer human skin cell secretion they should be able to sustain a closed epithelial cell culture indefinetly, and in effect have a portable skin secretion factory. It occurred to me that the only real advantageous reason for incorporating any human genes into a grey "chromosome" would be if Greys intended to improve their ability to survive and tolerate our environment. (Atmospheric differences, gravity tolerance, indigenous food source metabolism etc) through the expression of basic human genes.

From: Area X - Conspiracy World...

Say this stuff is true, about greys. Their technology is very advanced, but not advanced enough for them to tinker with their own DNA structures without implementing other sequences or genus' from other animals (human)? I'm talking about directly editing DNA using pins or something to move around the structure to modify anything about a living creature. Why depend on humans? They already engineered themselves, why not engineer themselves back? Humans don't seem to be required.

Have you checked out Kornis UFO's, Banshee? Although I'm not really a believer in this phenomena (as the title of this threadmay suggest) I still find the John Renz story interesting. Check his profile, his webpage is listed there. Go knock yourself out!:cool:
Oh man, I've knocked myself completely out! Didn't you get that?:cool:

I'll check out your link. I'll be back...
Say this stuff is true...

Will that really change anything, really?

Imagine that more truly significant progress advancing humanity would be made by accepting that all this stuff isn't true, thus freeing up all this declarative, pseudo-science brain energy for application to non-pseudopublic service activities.

You know: get food to the starving, medicine to the sick, shelter to the homeless, etc.

What use to humanity are beliefs in alien probemeisters, bodiless experiences, shadowy people-like thingies, talking planet entities, and other cognitive distractions from the tasks of really helping people to feed, shelter and protect themselves from the elements?

Oh, yeah. It's all about distraction.
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You"re right! Absolutely correct...

How will our Mars probing help starving Kids out there...

And BTW you"re the one who believe in existance of Alien entities and UFOs...we are speculating here,talk about MPDs,dissociative disorders and you remenber a name...;)

Still wondering...

Cool Website...Evidence for Extraterrestrial life?

This website I got in the Outlook today. I guess some of you should take a look. It's certainly worth it. :)

The email is coming from Bill Hamilton, I've copied it and pasted it below for the necessarry information about him and where to look at the website.

Have fun. Evidence for extraterrestrial life? It seems to become clearer and clearer that there is extraterrestrial life and that they visit Earth indeed. Take a look.

Talk to you later...;)

Bill Hamilton writes:

I have updated my Astrobiology website with a paper I have written entitled TELIC EVOLUTION.

Go to:
and click on the link to "Telic Evolution" under research papers.

I understand that I am not a practicing biologists or a professional scientist though I have had my fair share of college-level science courses. So I am stepping out on a limb to express an idea that I believe will have growing relevance in the years to come.

Eventually it may explain why we have humanoid visitors coming to our planet, and not the monsters of science fiction. It may be another small step toward a non-materialistic science. My motivation comes from a life-changing experience I had in 1977
that involved contact with a greater intelligence.

My subsequent studies have only begun to reveal the outlines of the cosmic images that I perceived. It has almost been a futile attempt to convey these concepts in human language to the public, but, nevertheless, I am attempting a small step again
in that direction.

I composed this essay on MS Word and converted to a webpage that I have placed on my website. The conversion did not smoothly space paragraphs, but I believe it is readable.

This is an overarching theory to a hypothesis of extraterrestrial origins.


Bill Hamilton

My own mystical insights that revealed an intelligent coding mechanism used by a cosmic mind bias my view toward a telic theory of life and the universe. Other thinking scientists have espoused this view, yet we continue to give precedence to materialistic theories based on chance. I believe that greater progress can be made in human endeavors by considering a telic theory of life and searching for principles that will further human advancement.

In addition to the above statements, William Hamilton III article has scored well over 100 points on the crackpot index. Nuff said.

My motivation comes from a life-changing experience I had in 1977 that involved contact with a greater intelligence.

His kindergarten teacher. :rolleyes:
We just talk theories here [Q]. No need to go intellectual...:D

My, my, what a hard time you have. In case you didn't notice, this is Pseudo Science. Just talking about the subject and give some info which some people may interest. That's all.

It is free to think about it what you want, leave the posters here in peace please. Thank you...;)