There Are No Aliens!!

Erm...I"l be back in a day.

Psy Honey,

Mr G as far as i remember believes in Alien beings,he revealed it somewhere in some other forum on account of discussion with Stryder...

Yes, banshee, I'd like to see a total composite of what you believe in. I think you know what I think , but I could be wrong and will post my thoughts at your request.
I don't believe, I know! There is a difference there and you know it!

For a composition of my thoughts about the subject, you only have to read my posts over the whole thread and then your hunger must be satisfied.

Come on Pollux V, what brings you to this? Well, give me your thoughts, then we start all over... Ok?

There are more then one Universe(s). Just because most humans only see 3-dimensional, doesn't say they are right. A case of looking with 'different' eyes. Inner eyes if you want.

That is no Pseudo Science, then it becomes Parapsychology and for that we have another Forum. Remember...? :bugeye:
I was wondering if matter could exist (specifically our own) at a different energy level...:confused:

I'm a little sketchy at physics, define what you mean by 'energy level.' I believe that if it was our own matter then no, it can only exist as its original energy level because if it changed energy levels it would also change its composition. I'm probably wrong I'm really only guessing here...

To sum up my views on this thread for aliens:

1-There is no extra-terrestrial life visiting earth from other worlds simply because the distances are too great to be travelled by our laws of physics. Albeit there are possible alternatives to physical space travel like travel through wormholes or other dimensions, but none of these speculations have really been thoroughly examined or experimented with because the energy consumption it too great and is beyond us.

2-The UFO's that aren't hoaxes are government (not just US but likely mostly US) spacecraft created to fuel the UFO phenomena and distract the public from their projects. Why they are secret is anyone's guess. Truthful 'alien abductions' that really, truly happened (a rare case) are also part of the basic government plan to add fuel to the fire.

If you look at the world with what science has proven and not what is speculative it is logical to come up with these results on a theory.

Now, banshee, could you summarize, please?:)
Aww come on!After all those endless scifi speculatiions about parallel universe hyposthesis(Yes its Hypo not a thoery,i know that!)After all that B.S about warping you still say we are travelling at the same speed and that distances are too great.That gives a shock to our NASA scientists out there working for FTL machines!come on man...

PS:I meant energy level in terms of entropy.

You've totally lost me with this whole energy thing, but at least tell me if I was right with what I said!!

I'm sorry but until there really is solid evidence of alternate universes THEN I will believe and support (vocally, but not with mee own pocket!) whoever comes up with a formula, like e=mc2. Otherwise it's just speculation, and that's not good enough, (voice of patrick stewart) NOT GOOD ENOUGH DAMNIT!!!

FTL Machines? You mean particle accelerators?
I was reading about how our government is keeping advanced technology from Aliens a secret, how the military developed new stuff including computers, how there are black projects with billions being spent etc etc...

Here is my thought. If we have such advanced and secret stuff, how come we could not prevent the 9/11 disaster? How come the firefighters just stayed in the lobby and did not even use helicopters for rescue. How come we did not use a super duper flying machine to intercept the one that crashed at pentagon. We can not even find the guy to spread anthrax. Conclusion: Men in Black is only a movie. But Black projects do exist, where they waste perfectly good money 9 out of 10 times.
I guess the emergency wasn't extreme enough. Maybe something worse is coming, and they're waiting to unveil their projects in a stunning act of heroism!
Like the emperor with no clothes, if you surround stupidity with top secret, no one will find out. But the rumor will keep the money coming....
Off-topic! The U$ government knew about the WTC attacks up front and didn't take action! What about that? And don't give me some poor excuse you don't know about it. Everybody knows it is true by now.

Spacecrafts travel through other dimensions yes. They have the technology to do so and know where they have to go, to enter the next dimension. Traveling in time, if you want.

Extraterrestrial life has always been on Earth and will always be here. Not in the form of Greys or whatever. Oh, you people, open your eyes and listen some better!

It is a fact that the U$ government has Alien Spacecrafts and that they are copying the technology from them. In secret, of course. Not only the U$ is part of this disclosure, other countries also hide their knowledge of extraterrestrial Crafts and life.

What the hell do you want to know now Pollux V? Be more specific please. Thank you...:confused: I am feeling like an old Music record that is stuck and constantly repeats itself...
My Goddess what ive missed

OK im back online its been a year but i see some more narrow minds are here. I used to come to this board all the time a couple years ago and the formats have changed twice since ive been here. Ive seen people come and go but anyway......
1. The U.S. isn't the only country with technology so to blame the whole ufo situation on america is absurd. Theres the nazi-ufo connection etc etc. theres been sightings in every continent on this planet. for more info go to and look at the archives.

2. Alien abductions are real my family has been through many since 1994 and we have encountered up to 4 species. for more info on personal encounters check out

3 If theres no ufo's or aliens explain the drawings in the Plains of Nazca...the drawings on the walls of caves in France, The Bermuda Triangle, Crop Circles, Cattle Mutilations and i can go on and you can't tell me its all U.S. Govt cause i Know its not. Ive been U.S.Army for 12 years now and even ive had phones tapped, been followed by spooks, and my wife and i had our life threatened by a Govt bastard so i know that which i speak. If you would like to chat more i can be found on yahoo messenger as faerieshaman. Currently iam stationed in Germany but may soon be deployed to places unknown. Take care all and have a great life.
Love and Light

thank God you replied to this topic,they were all set to put this board out on fire with Mabus,giving mabus as Saddam Hussain name etc...

Nazca plateau has been one of the most fascinating things i have ever encountered.the pictures are so long stretching that i think can be drawn only from high above.did you know about the Pierre Ries Map?it is taken from loong time back days,well,exactly during Alexander's time i presume.they,are supposedly taken from high above as Antartica is also seen in the map.according to popular belief was found just when Capt Cook sailed and coastline features were predicted only when echo sounding experiments were done.

French Caves.ah!yes i have seen the photos,all of the carvings represent flying saucers,and interestingly enough one of them depicts a cattle taking case,did you observe that?

tell more about your abduction experiences.

Oh yeah,this is the first time talking to you(Pleasurable!),you might find some good info on past civilizations thread of Km.

Yes! True! In every country are sightings of Spacecrafts. Guess the discussion concentrated on the U$ because of all the crap going on right now in the world.

The weekly Filers Files I get in my emails, so I know about them. Also know about the sightings in Brazil, Mexico, Belgium, England, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Italy, The Netherlands and so and so on.

There is a lot of which is not spoken here on the thread, just because of all the reactions on it. There is much more to the extraterrestrials and UFO's then we've talked about here.

Guess it is about time to come out with this knowledge. I am not in the mood for stupid remarks, so up to you to start.

What about the 'drawings' from the Maya's which only can be seen from up in the Sky and the big Stones and Plates everywhere on Earth. And Easter Island?

Welcome back Faerieshaman, pleased to meet you. I've posted some about the mutilations and abductions. I will post more about the whole subject.

Thanx for being back...:)
I believe the probabilty of life elsewhere is so high that we can only assume there is life out there somewhere. Jesus never said there was only life on earth and the story of babel talks about God scattering us all over the place. That could have included another planet. Carl Sagan ( gee I had the hots for him for his mind) said the universe was so large there had to be life elsewhere. But it's impossible for them to see us or for us to see them. The universe is about 15 billion years old and earth is about 14 billion years old. That means we are still another 1 billion light years away from seeing them or them us. They can see what we can't see and we see what they can't see. WOW that's deep as so many people claim to have seen UFO's and science has the proof to prove they haven't. OH wonder science is playing with stronger telescopes and launching them out in space trying to reach further than light has even travelled yet. See my point?? The light from their Stars has not arrived in our view yet and of course the light form our sun hasn't arrived in their veiw yet. SO both of us know the probablilty of life is great on the other side of light but neither of us can see it til the light does arrive. Yeah I agree that means I am assuming they haven't advanced to travel beyond the speed of light but then again if they had we would NOT have been able to see them anyways as they would have sped right by unless they wanted to be seen. If they wanted to be seen they would not be a mystery. SEE my point, none of us in our lifetime will know the truth of aliens. sighs maybe I should deep freeze myself and hope their society is better and catch the first flight there when I can. Grabbing my calulator to see how many earth years it will take for light to travel 1 billion light years. WOW realizing that is moot as the light we see when it does arrive will be 15 billion years They could not have been that advanced 15 billions years ago. That defies logic, science, history, and God. WOW besides the speed of light isn't constant as it travels faster in a vacuum than it does in atmosphere as we know it. The space it has to travel in can not be measured with our lack of knowledge. MY only conclusion can be the probablty of life elsehwere is still high but all who have claimed to have seen it are nuts, lieing, or saw something else. Gee humans are strange huh.
chat discussion

All right..... i tried this once before and couldn't get enough interest but with a new crowd might be better. Discussed much with one other sci-user and he knows where i stand. we should have a chat forum on yahoo if interested all download yahell messenger and we'll open a voice chat conference roomor open ourown chatroom. But to me a bb is fun and all but more knowledge can be dispersed faster through chat. Anyway, real the plains of nazca are designs of a monkey, a runway, and another which can only be seen from the air...back in that era there were no such airplanes,hotair balloons etc.
Another discussion we had last night was Roswell. In the 1950's during the Eisenhower admin. there was a meeting between Eisenhower and the Greys, a contract was drawn in exchange for technology they were given permission to abduct a certain number of people and the govt also agreed to disclose there existence to the planet. The govt failed there end and the aliens started to abduct more then there allotted number. The aliens staged Roswell to bring the existence to more of a reality to the humans.And with that i'll close for now as am not at home but in the army bookstore here in day.
If you dload messenger iam faerieshaman there as well
Love and Light
Light years and how long they 'travel', are invented by humans. Who says this is truth? The extraterrestrials travel through time, which is also made up by humans. Who started with the word 'time'? Humans! To make sure they get to their work on time and go home again on time.

Years ago, humans and the Ancient Ones, lived by Sun-rise and Sun-set. There was no measuring time back then. Not the way humans do handle 'time' now-a-days.

Spacecrafts travel through this so called time. Faster then the speed of light? What exactly is the speed of light? Another invention made up by humans, to contain control over themselves and others. There are more Universes then only the one we are living in. Perhaps there is a very good reason that humans from Planet Earth are not capable of travelling to other Universes.

This is in no way a reason to assume that extraterrestrials cannot do this. They have a much more advanced technology then humans.

By the way, jesus was the son of an extraterrestrial who mingled with an Earthly woman. Read the bible, with all the evidence and descriptions of Angels and gods. Even Spacecrafts are mentioned.

And people scattered all over the Earth from out Ancient Israel and Egypt. In every direction. That is where the human race started their ways across the Earth and inhabited Earth...

Welcome to Sciforums, Justagirl. :) May you post long and happy here.

Faerieshaman, you posted when I was typing. Talk to you later...
I think Carl wasnt aware of parallel Universe Hypothesis.

aint it true Banshee?.;)
