There Are No Aliens!!

The U$ government knew about the WTC attacks up front and didn't take action! What about that? And don't give me some poor excuse you don't know about it. Everybody knows it is true by now.
So, why was Banshee so completely ineffective at the task of convincing the government of the USA that the WTC attack was immenent?
Did she even try?

And we US Americans are to believe that Banshee is worthy of our thankful regard?
Yeah! I agree. There is always the possibility, however remote, that nothing has happened at all, and people are just nuts.
Time is not made up by humans...All we did was make up the name...but the earth rotates around the sun and it's arrival the next day has been correctly predicted for centuries. The speed of light is also very real measurable. In "Einsteins" Theory of relativity he stated nothing in our universe can exceed the speed of light and all other velocities can be emasured with it to provide a constant. Nobody has proved him wrong or even challenged that part of the theroy but we should be openminded to the fact something outside of our own universe could travel faster but as we speak nothing we know of can. For now "tales of aliens" are nothing but dreams and a way to explain away what sometimes man can't explain.(like Egypt and the Pyrimids but it's rather arrogant to assume they could not have built it just because our roots in England didn't have the knowledge to build it then.) I know its not what most of you wanted to hear but at one time you hated hearing there was no Sante Claus too *shrugs* we are a billion light years away before we have any chance of seeing aliens and that is a fact and not a guess.
For now "tales of aliens" are nothing but dreams and a way to explain away what sometimes man can't explain.

Just like Santa Claus....and dont forget many forms....

People who lifted 200 ton stones up the mountain at Machu Picchu and precisely custome cut to fit the stones knew something we do not. People in the east have been using silks for thousands of years. What if they built hot air balloons...

At the same time, just because a bicycle can not fly does not mean an airplane can not. Just because we may not break light speed does not mean, we can not bend space (gravity does that all the time) or move through hyperspace (or what ever the name will be).

If God wanted man to fly, he would have given man the wing...well...God is called the invent the wing....

Are there aliens out there? who knows. That is what another civilization is probably debating some where out there....Soon, we are going to dig Mars. What if we find fossil bones of humanoids? What would be our thoughts? What if we find a real pyramid there made of stone blocks?
All we have to wait for is another scientific breakthrough, like the theory of relativity or hubble's revelation that there were billions of galaxies like ours spread out over the universe, like Newtwon, or in flight's case, the Wright Brothers or Bernouli. You can try and invent a new theory that'll give us the equivalent of the atomic bomb of our age (like hyperspace for instance), but chances are you're either going to be wrong or you're going to give up. There will always be more things to discover and theorize about, but at the moment hyperspace and time-bending are beyond us.
BTW this thread has become the longest and most popular in sciforums pseudoscience history!
As i have said before today in the world of instant coffee,instant millionaireship(In Vegas;))instant divorce or marriage,instant everything...people are not willing enough to wait.the SETI project can continue but its dying down.people are simply not patient enough to wait for some other civilization to contact us.may be it has already;).but come to think of it.what are the odds in favour of it?Hmmph,less than odds against finding it.its been a long time since the project and how many <B>WOW</B> signals have had?hundred, 40,30 perhaps,...okay 10?...nope just one!!!!...

And the wild goose chase continues....
i have speculated many times here that if an organic life form(intelligent like us)it has to be from other universe altogether...

Originally posted by Zion
*i have speculated many times here that if an organic life form(intelligent like us)it has to be from other universe altogether...*

Yes! Exactly! Other Universes, in multiple! Why is it so hard to see that this is possible? If you start to think about it, then it's not so strange. The human race is advancing its technology in a higher frequency just for about 50 - 60 years. They discover more and more. Extraterrestrials have been here on Earth long before mankind even existed. Their technology is much more advanced and different then the human technology. Humans reason only with their three dimensional view on life and matter. Look beyond this three dimensions. There are a lot more...

Like how humans only use their five senses. There is more then only the five senses we learned to use. Be aware...
As a former employee of the Australian Defence Force, with high clearance and access to all sorts of funky things, I can assur eyou that there are no aliens. None. What you saw was swamp gas lighting up quite brightly due to otherwise clear weather and our very close proximity to Venus at that time of year...
well Firstly,What was your clearance level,i mean was it C.T.S?
Has the Govt there given any official explaination for Fedrich Valentich disapperance?
Prior to my knowledge no wrekage was found ever,during the final transmission he could see a brilliant pulsating greenish sort of light,hovering momentarily,taking sharp ninety degree turns and he described the UFO as a solid deck...

The person at the control center contacted Military to find out if there were any Aircraft flying,but negetive was the reply.
so what is the official explaination for that given?pls let me know.

have you read the official report of Swamp Gas?
It clearly says that the sightings of lightings sound much like Swamp gas,but there are several deviations(this is the point i point out;))
from the regular behavoiur,and <B>FURTHER STUDY</B>is a must to the above phenomenon.the reporter who first reported the whole explaination just remembered the partial of the whole shit and posted accordingly.hence Official explaination of Swamp Gas became a household name.

There were no deviations. It was swamp gas. Or a weather balloon. Or a combination of both. There are no aliens.
The words i quoted were Official.and yes i have the documents in PDF format.exact words,official words.

Well did i mention aliens?

Okay and what about Fedrich Valentich,Do you have an official explaination?
and what was your clearence level,was it C.T.S?

as Curious as cat of Merlijn.;)

this conversation....ahh its just going around in circles, no one can believe anyone else on the other side. It's useless. We exhausted our material seven pages into the subject. I don't think there are aliens, mostly everyone else does.
Most of the references made in this thread is to UFOs and none to aliens and their Capabilities(Shpae shifting etc sound familiar to me simply because there are a lot of incidences in almost all the places of our Holy texts aka Ramayana,Mahabharata,Vedas about it and how Gods did it).I dont know much about Aliens,the controversy surrounding them.when i first came to this forum,i was a pure skeptic.The changeover began when KMs thread started called Past Civilization.thats where i began having pattern.thats where i realised the ways and patterns of my own posts could lead to possibly a bigger conclusion.i have collected the evidence regarding Roswell incident.there are about 250 directly connected witneses with the incidence.out of which Most of them are Credible witnesses.the credible witnesses include Radar viewers,Pilots,Sheriff(i take him to be credible),Fire officers.Officials who were involved with Atom bomb who recovered the Supposedly said weather Balloon,certainly they were not so inexperienced to make out a weather balloon from a craft(structured)and certainly couldnt mistake a dead body for something called as Dummies for test purposes.

did you know that a Fire officers Guide in U.S has about two three pages devoted on how to deal with U.F.O classified emergency?

*looks over shoulder at the guy in the shadows...*

No, there are no aliens. End of statement.

My clearance was Crypto and Secret, and I had a nasty habit of digging my nose into things beyond my clearance level.
But it all could've been a master scheme by the government to block their secret fighters n stuff. That cancels out everything, the alien bodies, the ships, the eyewitness statements, everything. The bodies they used could've been filled with jello! It would've been so easy to fool everyone because the concept of a crashed UFO was soooo new back then.