The Universe has no beginning, and No End.

And again you used the word gravity as a description. What method are you talking about? Gravitons flying out from atoms? What does that mean?
No, I'm using 'gravity' as a noun. Obviously you have very little comprehension skills so I'll treat you like the 5 year old you seem to be as stupid as.

When I say "Gravity is isotropic" I mean that the force felt between two objects due to their mass attracting one another is dependent only on the distance between the two objects, their orientation with respect to one another is irrelevant. In the expression for the quantification of the force between two objects the only coordinate is 'r'. In a space which has 3 dimensions you have, get this, three coordinates yet gravity depends on only one of them, the separation between the two objects being considered.

You have not explained why gravity should treat some directions in preference to others. You have provided no distinction between quantum and classical descriptions. You have provided no evidence for your claim gravity isn't isotropic. You have provided no evidence for your claim aether exists. You have provided or explained NOTHING

How do you know that the electrons are not just vibrating the Aether?
How do you know they are, when you have no evidence of the aether's existence?

None, because success is part of being wrong in physics.
So you expect to be the first person ever to advance science by knowing absolutely NOTHING about it?
No, I'm using 'gravity' as a noun. Obviously you have very little comprehension skills so I'll treat you like the 5 year old you seem to be as stupid as.

When I say "Gravity is isotropic" I mean that the force felt between two objects due to their mass attracting one another is dependent only on the distance between the two objects, their orientation with respect to one another is irrelevant. In the expression for the quantification of the force between two objects the only coordinate is 'r'. In a space which has 3 dimensions you have, get this, three coordinates yet gravity depends on only one of them, the separation between the two objects being considered.

You have not explained why gravity should treat some directions in preference to others. You have provided no distinction between quantum and classical descriptions. You have provided no evidence for your claim gravity isn't isotropic. You have provided no evidence for your claim aether exists. You have provided or explained NOTHING

How do you know they are, when you have no evidence of the aether's existence?

So you expect to be the first person ever to advance science by knowing absolutely NOTHING about it?

What? Again you use a formula. What is Gravity to you? What is it's description? How does your Gravity work? How are you distinguishing it? How do you know it is not the Aether if you do not say what it is? That formula works with Aether, so I need your description. It would probably just be easier to ask "How old are you?"
What? Again you use a formula.
Because the formula illustrates that gravity is fundamentally about the distances between objects, not orientation. The fact you're basically innumerate doesn't mean its an invalid explanation or irrelevant to the topic, it just means your horizons are a lot lot smaller than you think they are. The entire concept of logic and rigour is lost on you.

What is Gravity to you? What is it's description? How does your Gravity work?
Gravity is an always attractive force between objects with mass and/or energy. The amount of gravitational attraction between two objects is determined by their energy/mass. Fundamentally it is an isotropic effect. From a relativistic point of view it is the deformation of distances such that the path of objects along geodesics are no longer straight (in the Euclidean sense) with the amount of deformation being determined by the contribution to the local energy-momentum field by an object.

On the level of a low energy effective theory is 'works' by altering 'the shortest path between two points', the geodesics. Since free objects move along geodesics it is quantified as the difference between the geodesics induced by an object. In a quantum mechanical high energy theory it is the exchange of a spin 2 boson which couple to all particles and which moves at the speed of light.

No doubt you'll whine about how you don't understand that but the fact you don't understand technical terminology is no fault of mine. Terminology is there to facilitate the rapid conveyance of an idea or concept and requires effort, something you're unfamiliar with, to grasp.

How are you distinguishing it?
Distinguishing it from what? It's a force which affects all objects, irrespective of their behaviour with regards to the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces.

How do you know it is not the Aether if you do not say what it is?
How do you know the aether exists if you can't provide any evidence?

See, it's easy to blow holes in our method by simply turning around your own questions onto you. The aether, if it existed, would be a material thing, like paper or water. Gravity would be an effect induced by the behaviour of the aether. Even if I agreed with you about the existence of aether it wouldn't mean 'gravity is aether' it would mean 'gravity is an effect due to aether'. You can't even follow your own claims.

That formula works with Aether, so I need your description.
The formula is only a low energy effective theory result. The full equations are the Einstein Field Equations which are not something which follows from an aether. Besides, you can't just say 'it works with aether', you have to show that you can derive the expression from the assumption that the aether exists.

It would probably just be easier to ask "How old are you?"
26. And you? I'm guessing you're either quite young or quite old. Your complete lack of rationality and utter nativity about science suggests you're young. Your references to being 'an artist' and having such a chip on your shoulder about learning science suggests you're someone whose not achieved much and now wants to give some meaning to their lives so they proclaim they are some insightful genius with a theory of everything. That way you can delude yourself into thinking you're an insignificant speck. But maybe I'm wrong and your nativity and nihilism balance one another out and you're middle aged.
Because the formula illustrates that gravity is fundamentally about the distances between objects, not orientation. The fact you're basically innumerate doesn't mean its an invalid explanation or irrelevant to the topic, it just means your horizons are a lot lot smaller than you think they are. The entire concept of logic and rigour is lost on you.

Gravity is an always attractive force between objects with mass and/or energy. The amount of gravitational attraction between two objects is determined by their energy/mass. Fundamentally it is an isotropic effect. From a relativistic point of view it is the deformation of distances such that the path of objects along geodesics are no longer straight (in the Euclidean sense) with the amount of deformation being determined by the contribution to the local energy-momentum field by an object.

On the level of a low energy effective theory is 'works' by altering 'the shortest path between two points', the geodesics. Since free objects move along geodesics it is quantified as the difference between the geodesics induced by an object. In a quantum mechanical high energy theory it is the exchange of a spin 2 boson which couple to all particles and which moves at the speed of light.

No doubt you'll whine about how you don't understand that but the fact you don't understand technical terminology is no fault of mine. Terminology is there to facilitate the rapid conveyance of an idea or concept and requires effort, something you're unfamiliar with, to grasp.

Distinguishing it from what? It's a force which affects all objects, irrespective of their behaviour with regards to the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces.

How do you know the aether exists if you can't provide any evidence?

See, it's easy to blow holes in our method by simply turning around your own questions onto you. The aether, if it existed, would be a material thing, like paper or water. Gravity would be an effect induced by the behaviour of the aether. Even if I agreed with you about the existence of aether it wouldn't mean 'gravity is aether' it would mean 'gravity is an effect due to aether'. You can't even follow your own claims.

The formula is only a low energy effective theory result. The full equations are the Einstein Field Equations which are not something which follows from an aether. Besides, you can't just say 'it works with aether', you have to show that you can derive the expression from the assumption that the aether exists.

26. And you? I'm guessing you're either quite young or quite old. Your complete lack of rationality and utter nativity about science suggests you're young. Your references to being 'an artist' and having such a chip on your shoulder about learning science suggests you're someone whose not achieved much and now wants to give some meaning to their lives so they proclaim they are some insightful genius with a theory of everything. That way you can delude yourself into thinking you're an insignificant speck. But maybe I'm wrong and your nativity and nihilism balance one another out and you're middle aged.

The deformation of distances, and pathways between the source, based on mass, and the destination. Deformation of what? Say in a vacuum what is being deformed? (And don't forget that this is nature that we are talking about, so something actually has to deform, not an imaginary line)

I'm 46.
The deformation of distances, and pathways between the source, based on mass, and the destination. Deformation of what? Say in a vacuum what is being deformed? (And don't forget that this is nature that we are talking about, so something actually has to deform, not an imaginary line)
Geodesics. Given 3 torches you can make a triangle with their beams by pointing them at one another in a loop. In the absence of any gravity the triangle will have angles such that they add up to 180 degrees. If you go near a large gravitational field you'll find that when you line up the torches to make a triangle again the angles will add up to more than 180 degrees. See the picture here The stronger the gravity the more and more the angles up to. Conversely if you're in an expanding universe whose expansion rate is increasing (ie the universe has dark energy) you'll find the triangle angles add up to less than 180 degrees. See picture here

And you failed to respond to my question of "How do you know the aether exists if you can't provide any evidence?". What's the matter, can't admit you have nothing but a total guess?
Geodesics. Given 3 torches you can make a triangle with their beams by pointing them at one another in a loop. In the absence of any gravity the triangle will have angles such that they add up to 180 degrees. If you go near a large gravitational field you'll find that when you line up the torches to make a triangle again the angles will add up to more than 180 degrees. See the picture here The stronger the gravity the more and more the angles up to. Conversely if you're in an expanding universe whose expansion rate is increasing (ie the universe has dark energy) you'll find the triangle angles add up to less than 180 degrees. See picture here

And you failed to respond to my question of "How do you know the aether exists if you can't provide any evidence?". What's the matter, can't admit you have nothing but a total guess?

Ok, your messing around now. I suppose this is some sort of joke. Well it's just immature. I asked for nature, and you give me some drawings of lines, like they actually exist. Plus I already said don't show me some imaginary lines.

Graphic Designer.

And as for the other question, I have posted about 30 proofs already, and each time you ask for another one.
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Ok, your messing around now. I suppose this is some sort of joke. Well it's just immature. I asked for nature, and you give me some drawings of lines, like they actually exist. Plus I already said don't show me some imaginary lines.
So once more you display your inability to grasp concepts.
How else do we represent nature other than with diagrams?
Maybe you'd rather AlphaNumeric gave you the maths?
Oh wait, then you'd just complain that you didn't understand that.

And as for the other question, I have posted about 30 proofs already, and each time you ask for another one.
No, you haven't even approached a proof.
You've posted insipid ramblings that aren't even self-consistent.
A proof requires mathematics.
So once more you display your inability to grasp concepts.
How else do we represent nature other than with diagrams?
Maybe you'd rather AlphaNumeric gave you the maths?
Oh wait, then you'd just complain that you didn't understand that.

You tell me about it. Like this... The lines are the tension of the bubbles, trapped between mass, enclosed in a spherical membrane.

You tell me about it. Like this... The lines are the tension of the bubbles enclosed in a spherical membrane.
Except that you no evidence for the bubbles, no evidence for the membranes.
All you have is wild speculation based on a total and utter failure to understand real physics.
And due to that failure you decide to maintain your ignorance by denying its validity.
I see where you're coming from. :rolleyes:

I don't suppose you have any mathematical support for your version of the diagram?;)
Ok, your messing around now. I suppose this is some sort of joke. Well it's just immature. I asked for nature, and you give me some drawings of lines, like they actually exist. Plus I already said don't show me some imaginary lines
How am I being immature by explaining that the general relativity description of gravity is geometry based, that it curves space and time such that the normal rules of Euclidean geometry no longer apply.

If you weren't so mind boggling ignorant you might have bothered to.... oh I don't know perhaps read a book or go to Wikipedia and read about the current status of physics. I know its obviously a totally alien concept to you but you won't actually learn anything if you don't expose yourself to information.

Non-euclidean geometry is a well developed (200+ years since it was first conceived) area of mathematics which has found massive appplications within physics via relativity.

The path of light is not an 'imaginary line'. Pencil thin laser beams sent through space near a massive object would be deflected, they'd not move in a straight line. This is an experimental fact known about for mroe than 90 years now.

How do you possibly think you have any grasp on physics when you don't know how the universe behaves?

Graphic Designer.
I am honestly surprised you've got a job. I wouldn't have said you seem coherently rational to be able to function well enough in normal society to hold down employment.

And as for the other question, I have posted about 30 proofs already, and each time you ask for another one.
I think you need to look up what 'proof' means in a dictionary. All you've ever given is utterly unjustified proclamations which have no evidence or reasoning other than "Because I say so".

You tell me about it. Like this... The lines are the tension of the bubbles, trapped between mass, enclosed in a spherical membrane.
The problem is science is more than just a few short sentences using words even someone as ignorant as you could understand. It's about details. For instance :

The space-time interval $$ds^{2}$$ is defined in terms of the metric $$g_{ab}$$ as $$ds^{2} = g_{ab}dx^{a}dx^{b}$$ and has signature (-+++). The Einstein Hilbert Action is $$S = \int_{M}\sqrt{g}R d^{4}x$$ where M is the space-time manifold, g is the determinant of the metric and R is the Ricci scalar which satisfies $$R = R^{ab}g_{ab}$$ where $$R_{ab}$$ is the Ricci tensor. The energy-momomentum tensor follows from the action by the definition $$T_{ab} =\frac{1}{4\pi} \frac{1}{\sqrt{g}} \frac{\delta S}{\delta g^{ab}}$$. Doing such a variation on the Lagrangian density of the E-H action and doing a little tidying up you get the equations of motion for the metric components as $$G_{ab} = R_{ab} - \frac{1}{2}R g_{ab} + \Lambda g_{ab} = 8\pi T_{ab}$$, the Einstein Field Equations, which also obey the conservation equation $$G^{ab}_{\phantom{ab};b}=0$$. The $$\Lambda g_{ab}$$ is an integration constant.

If M is Einstein then $$R_{ab} = K g_{ab}$$ so $$R = D K$$ where D is the number of space-time dimensions (ie trace(g)) and the EFE reduce to $$T_{ab} = K g_{ab} - \frac{1}{2}DK g_{ab} + \Lambda g_{ab}$$. In the absence of matter you get $$T_{ab} =0$$ and so $$K-\frac{1}{2}DK + \Lambda = 0$$ and so $$\Lambda = (\frac{D}{2}-1)K$$

Assuming D>2, if K=0 then you have flat space-time and the angles of triangles add up to 180. If you have K<0 then you have AdS space and angles add up to more than 180. If you have K>0 then you has dS space and angles add up to less than 180.

If I were to provide you with the definition of $$R_{ab}$$ in terms of $$g_{ab}$$ then in principle you would have all the equations required to construct working, accurate models of the solar system, pulsars, black holes, cosmological inflation/redshifting/expansion and the GPS network. It's all there in $$G_{ab} = 8\pi T_{ab}$$.$$$$
Don't you understand that the nature of it defines it? I ask you to tell me what fruit you are talking about, and you say...

you "It is spherical in nature, due to that being a shape naturally created by a liquid, we learned this at school."

me "I still don't know what fruit you are talking about."

You "Well didn't you learn the spherical nature of fruit?"

me "It depends what fruit you are talking about, try to tell me what it looks like."

You "here is the maths for its shape....blah, blah."

me "It could still be anything."

you "Well the maths is what science wants."

So you never tell me what you are talking about. Here is the Aether version of Gravity again...

Talking about a huge thing like the universe and saying it has no beginning and no end is like saying the universe has a beginning and has an end because both thoughts have no proofs to stand on .
Talking about a huge thing like the universe and saying it has no beginning and no end is like saying the universe has a beginning and has an end because both thoughts have no proofs to stand on .

you are wrong. An asumption that universe is cyclical in time, is as correct as assumption of string nature of universe.
Talking about a huge thing like the universe and saying it has no beginning and no end is like saying the universe has a beginning and has an end because both thoughts have no proofs to stand on .

This letter O has no beginning and no end.

has no end and no beginning if you follow the line, yet it shape is clearly defined with a beginning and an end.
I think you forgot about science and you are following a childish play here .
Science dose not prove that the universe has no beginning and no end .
I think you forgot about science and you are following a childish play here .
Science dose not prove that the universe has no beginning and no end .

I think you forgot about history and you are following a childish play here.
Science dose not prove that Earth is round, its definetely flat, heretic!
Science dose not prove string theory, it just assumes it for the best of it.

Or you not a child? speak!