The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!


Cris, it takes more than institutionalized religion create a Sir Loone. I suspect hallucinogenics or major head trauma.
Yes possibly, although I strongly suspect an accident at birth, or it could be genetic.


Corrupted? Do you really think that Sir. Loone should be cold hearted and obscessively rational as you? I don't think so...
Well thankyou for the compliment. You at least recognize that I am a rational person.

But, obsessively? One is either rational or one isn't. I try to be rational in all things. Why would that be considered obsessive? The alternative is to be irrational, or irrational sometimes. What value is there in ever being irrational?

That's like saying - as a rational person I know this gun will kill me if I point it at my head and pull the trigger and I don't want to kill myself, as opposed to the time the person decides to be irrational and actually pulls the trigger because he can't reason that pulling the trigger has an unfortunate result.

So what you are admitting is that Loone is either fully irrational or irrational sometimes because clearly he is not like me since I appear to you to be rational all the time. And since you associate yourself with Loone I assume you are also admitting that you are irrational all the time or some of the time, correct?

I loved the graphic - I shall think of you that way.

Why thank you, although I admit the hair is a bit of a stretch.

I never even tried with Loone...perhaps because I never thought that he was serious.

But, obsessively? One is either rational or one isn't. I try to be rational in all things. Why would that be considered obsessive?

Depends. As humans we are naturally prey to all sorts of irrational passions....somtimes we must fight against them.

I think Nelson's point is that we should not fight them, or that you fight them too much.

I disagree, of course. Note the title under my avatar.

If you let passion run unchecked, you will become its slave. You will be unhappy and your actions will soon be immoral.

And now I sound like Socrates, and we all know what happened to him! I shut up now. :)


A question for you...
Do you prefer to be cold hearted and obscessively rational like you are now or joyful and simple as Sir. Loone is?
Have you ever played the game of lemmings? I think they even sing in their happiness as they jump of the cliff and die because of their stupidity.

Life is not about being happy or being in love or loving, it is about survival. Life is often very harsh and cruel, and I don’t mean the cruelty of people but the cruelty of disease, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, meteorites, etc. Love and being happy won’t solve difficult problems. Those issues require intelligence, hard work, and the ingenuity of man. This is reality.

Religions especially Christianity are afraid of reality and refuse to believe that it exists, instead they invent fantasies that make people think they are to blame for the problems of the world and that they are powerless to change things. And then people are told not to worry since they can still survive but in an afterlife of paradise.

So is it any wonder that so many people, largely ignorant who cannot think for themselves, decide to follow religion. The choice seems clear – (1) work hard and deal with difficult subjects like reason and logic and strive to solve terrible problems like cancer, diabetes, aids, heart disease, etc., or (2) believe that a wonderful all powerful super being will pull them away to paradise if they should ever die.

A no-brainer right? The easy choice is religion every time.

What atheists, humanists, and other free-thinkers are trying to tell you is that you need to wake-up to reality and don’t give in to the false hopes of religion. Life is hard and it needs all our attention. Love is fine when it occurs and happiness is fine when you can find it, but reality isn’t fair and it isn’t just, and it requires logic and intelligence to solve the problems of this world.

So stop throwing your “love solves everything” gibberish at us and get down to solving some real problems. Unless of course you can prove there is a god or there is an afterlife, because at this time no one has been able to show any credible scrap of evidence that any such things can or have ever existed, despite people looking for the past several thousands of years.


Children in the Bible is referred as the Perfect ones to receive the Truth and enter the Heaven (consequence of receiving the Truth) because they are simple, faithul and innocent.
And uninformed, and lack knowledge, and have not learnt to reason, and are unable to decide for themselves. Well of course a tyrannical religion wants people to be like children, children do not offer any defense and will not question the authority of the priests. Fortunately informed people and who have learnt how to think will, and quite rightly question both the motives and the validity of any such intrusive religion. Knowledge, logic and reason can determine truth, and religions cannot have people knowing the truth, their fantasy illusions will be destroyed when the truth is known.

So of course religions don’t want people to think. So think about it – if you had an enemy wouldn’t that enemy do everything he could to stop you trying to understand his plans to kill you? Your best defense is always to think, to use your brain, to solve problems. What religions say is don’t think, and be as stupid as possible. That simply defies all definitions of common sense and reason.


I think Nelson's point is that we should not fight them, or that you fight them too much.
No I don’t think so. Nelson cannot think logically and he becomes very frustrated at me when I present him with reasoned arguments since he has to think about them, and that slows him down too much for his liking.

However, being rational doesn’t imply being passionless or cold hearted. Enjoying passion, love, sex, etc, and being warm hearted, is perfectly rational.

Sorry, that was more a message for truthseeke rather than you, since I think we are in general agreement on most things here.


No I don’t think so. Nelson cannot think logically and he becomes very frustrated at me when I present him with reasoned arguments since he has to think about them, and that slows him down too much for his liking.

Sure he can. He just dosen't have the intellectual fortitude to subject his theories to the harsh light of reason.

Or does he? I think he can.

Nelson, come on, look at the other believers around here. Tony, Kalvin, etc. Look at our famous Christians...Robertson, Falwell, Swaggert, Grahem.....

Do you want to be like those people? Mean, vicious, bigoted, and greedy? How do you think they got that way? Do you think it was Christianity that did it?

No! The problem is....

They did not use their minds, Nelson. They did not subject thier beliefs to the light of reason. And look at them!

I like you, boy, and I don't want you to end up a bigot.


Oh yes, and Cris: We do indeed agree. Love is somwhat rational, sex is irrational as such but the pursuit of pleasure is rational...yadda yadda.

Wonderfully said!! :)

Yes... that's exactly the difference! :)


But, obsessively? One is either rational or one isn't. I try to be rational in all things. Why would that be considered obsessive? The alternative is to be irrational, or irrational sometimes. What value is there in ever being irrational?

It depends on the way you say it... "delivery" is the key. ;)

So what you are admitting is that Loone is either fully irrational or irrational sometimes because clearly he is not like me since I appear to you to be rational all the time. And since you associate yourself with Loone I assume you are also admitting that you are irrational all the time or some of the time, correct?

What is irrational for you? For most people it means violent as most people associate irrationality with "dangerous" animals. they are actually not dangerous. We are! Animals kill to eat. We kill for pleasure, "irrationally". We actually kill RATIONALLY. That's
what I'm saying! You kill only for pleasure, RATIONALLY. Animals kill for survival. So, please define "irrational" first, because I'm tired of people saying that irrational means violent and rational means "civilized". Hey! Another crazy word!!! :bugeye:

You are really far away... :eek: (I like the new "eek"... :D)
reality isn’t fair and it isn’t just, and it requires logic and intelligence to solve the problems of this world.

Humans already proved this wrong in the last.... 2000 years. :rolleyes:

And uninformed, and lack knowledge, and have not learnt to reason, and are unable to decide for themselves. Well of course a tyrannical religion wants people to be like children, children do not offer any defense and will not question the authority of the priests. Fortunately informed people and who have learnt how to think will, and quite rightly question both the motives and the validity of any such intrusive religion. Knowledge, logic and reason can determine truth, and religions cannot have people knowing the truth, their fantasy illusions will be destroyed when the truth is known.

Have you read what bubbl3 wrote? She point it clearly.
You are very, very, veeeeeeeeeeeery far away from the Truth... :eek:

So of course religions don’t want people to think. So think about it – if you had an enemy wouldn’t that enemy do everything he could to stop you trying to understand his plans to kill you? Your best defense is always to think, to use your brain, to solve problems. What religions say is don’t think, and be as stupid as possible. That simply defies all definitions of common sense and reason.

Religion don't want yo to think because that's the origin of all your illusions, "temptations", fear and confusion...
You have lots to learn...

No I don’t think so. Nelson cannot think logically and he becomes very frustrated at me when I present him with reasoned arguments since he has to think about them, and that slows him down too much for his liking.

I think logically but not obscessivly as you do...
I really become frustated when I see you so blind in your "wonderful" illusionist world of "I can explain everything in the Universe rationally".

You are just a scared child who is scared to lose your "mother" and don't know what to do. Then, you have to construct a "solid" base to you reality in order to live in peace with your mind, and Heart. Then, you try to defend it no matter what is necessary to do it.


They did not use their minds, Nelson. They did not subject thier beliefs to the light of reason. And look at them!

I did subjected mines... and look at me.
And what happened with "them"? Who are "they"?

I like you, boy, and I don't want you to end up a bigot.

I'm ok... I know where I'm going. ;)

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What is irrational for you? For most people it means violent as most people associate irrationality with "dangerous" animals.
I don’t believe you are really that ignorant. I assume you are joking, right?

Here is a summary of some dictionary definitions that should help.

Irrational = Not rational, illogical.
Rational = Based on reason.
Reason = Logical explanation or justification.
Logical = In accordance with logic.
Logic = The science of the formal principles of reasoning.
Faith = Firm belief in something for which there is no proof or evidence.

Essentially logic is a method of reaching conclusions that are based on facts, proofs and evidence. This is a massive over-simplification but I believe is appropriate for our debates here.

Something that is irrational or illogical is a conclusion that is not based on appropriate facts, proofs or evidence.

For example anything based on faith is irrational, since faith specifically does not use proofs or evidence whereas anything rational/logical requires proofs or evidence. All religions are based on faith and therefore all religions are irrational/illogical.

Hope that helps.

The rest of your post is not worthy of any response. Your statements are just rather silly and childish (using bubble3s definition). You don't appear to have understood anything I have said.

You seem to believe that ignorance and stupidity are traits to be admired and encouraged. That is an insult to the whole of humanity and is utterly detestable.

That is immoral and encourages me to fight much harder against organized religion.

I do believe that the thoughts you express here if also suported by others like you represent a real danger to the human race if they are allowed to spread.

Essentially logic is a method of reaching conclusions that are based on facts, proofs and evidence. This is a massive over-simplification but I believe is appropriate for our debates here.

Something that is irrational or illogical is a conclusion that is not based on appropriate facts, proofs or evidence.

For example anything based on faith is irrational, since faith specifically does not use proofs or evidence whereas anything rational/logical requires proofs or evidence. All religions are based on faith and therefore all religions are irrational/illogical.

Very succinct, and correct. Nelson has admitted, as all religions do eventually, that his beliefs are a matter of faith, that he cannot explain them logically....

I'm ok... I know where I'm going.

I do hope so.

I think this bears repeating - in BIG BLUE LETTERS!

In my opinion, Adam is a more evolved human being. A man before his time. Fortunately he (and the rest of mankind to a lesser extent) has evolved to such a point that he can live in the present world and among great numbers of people who are (for one reason or another) enslaved by deeply rooted habits of irrational thinking. Adam is not a superman as some philosophers have idealized, but rather a relatively rare human specimen that has realized more of his human potential than most others have to date. He is not necessarily the “epitome.” He is an “advancement.” -Counterbalance


This "evolved being" can't hold on to a girlfriend, is seriously drunk, and makes shit up as he goes along.
The 'evolved being's' ex is a complete f**king moron, drunkenness is the key to enlightenment, and we all make shit up as we go along.

And if a little ego-stroking is what it takes to cheer you up, I'm all for it!

You're no match for me, Adam. You will do exactly as I say, you will get over her or I will throw a lemon-cream pie at you!
It's not my ego that needs stroking, I'm over the Evil One, I'm not over the world sucking.
Pie is good. I haven't been eating enough here, living at uni. Not much food available. I was told Friday that I have lost heaps of weight and look 5 years younger. I guess a diet of rice and tomato sauce is agreeing with me.
I rarely eat the food they make here in the cafeteria. It's not free anyway. I bought 2kg of rice, 2kg of oats, and four different sauces. And 4 litres of fortified wines. :)
Chris & Xev lives in demonic deception!

Chris, is ignorant of the truth, that he is created in the image of GOD and not an animal that does what he please with out consiquences to him and his family and all them that are around him! Him GOD shall judge!

Xev, I am a Christian and is 100+% serious of my Faith in the Bible the Word of GOD! And what I warned you and Chris and others about earlyer! That what I have said is reallity transcending your own, that is, it's very real and you all that read and herd the Word of GOD are in GREAT DANGER! And GOD shall not hold you guiltless of makeing 'lite' of the truths of GOD and the Son of GOD! The only one that you can turn to ever is the Lord Jesus! In this life you may be soon cut down! Jesus can forgive any sins you have commited!