The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!


I have a starnge feeling that that's not the purpose of thid thread...
I have a strange feeling that this thread has been officially dead for quite some time. It was dead for a month before Jan Ardena revived it, and in that time, I've seen only one seriously relevant post, and that was by BBCboy several days ago.

Every once in a while, we go through a venting of steam here. This is the civil form. Heaven knows, last autumn was a much-needed venting, but we generally like to be more civil than that particular episode.

You'll notice several serious topics have died out that way recently. It happens. Eventually people will get it all out, and even have some extraneous fun, as we're seeing.

And then we'll start the whole cycle over. I will say, though, that the cycle seems to be accelerating of late.

But yeah, this topic's toasted. Its current status is like pandas playing with bamboo rats.

Tiassa :cool:
I will be back!!



Ok... see my later threads for more information on scientific proofs of God... :D:D:D

Have fun with the ashes of this thread... :D:D

GOD exist!

All the Heavens Declares the Glory of our Creator GOD!

And the "Fool has said in his heart, there is no God!" But they will find out when it's too late, that HE was very real all along!:) Live and learn that the Lord is real just like the Bible has said for thousands of years!:) JESUS WILL RETURN!

I can't even comprehend that.

Out of curiosity, when is Jesus coming back? I gotta get ready.
And dope.

No, he already has enough 'dopes' declaring His imminant return. :D

But, I'm sure God could get his hands on some Panama Red.


Out of curiosity, when is Jesus coming back? I gotta get ready.

We gotta clean this place up!

Okay, Loone, question:

My heart pumps blood. It does not speak. So how in the name of all that is good and holy can I say somthing in my heart?

Psalm 14:1 would be better written as:

"The fool hath said in his heart, 'gla glump, gla glump, gla glump' "

BTW, if your foolish heart says: 'glump swish, glump swish, glump swish' you had best see a doctor.

'My Foolish Heart' sounds like a Country song.

Oh, and BTW:
Mat 5:22
But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

Loone's gonna bu-urn, Loone's gonna bu-urn! Woo woo woo, Loone's gonna burn!

*Xev giggles hysterically until the nice men in clean white coats bring her her shot*
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Originally posted by Xev
My heart pumps blood. It does not speak. So how in the name of all that is good and holy can I say somthing in my heart?

Forget about your heart Xev. Loone actually has a book that is thousands of years old AND IT SPEAKS!

I gotta see... hear this thing!

Hey Loone. Could you bring it with you to the party when Jesus gets here?
I'll bring the chips and dip... gotta have munchies.

I always get a kick out of that Jesus and Pals show on Southpark, cracks me up every time =P
Forget about your heart Xev. Loone actually has a book that is thousands of years old AND IT SPEAKS!

Yeah, I have a nice new book about a interdimensional squid-like dragon. I don't worship the Great Cthulhu.

Where did Loone go? I was having fun!
Does Jesus like hamburgers? Or should we serve something else when he arrives? And how is he arriving? Because we gotta get an airport/parking lot/landing pad ready for him. BTW, we need some party music too. I was thinking 1940's style swing music or possibly techno.
We can use my family room. I'm moving, so it is all empty now. I have a stereo system and everything! Should I go rent some movies at Blockbuster? What are his favorities? And should we save a spot for his dad and his pet ghost?

PS, I don't have a table, someone else bring one. Also, my mom is allergic to pot so smoke outside. I can provide aluminum foil as entertainment for those using pot.
A party! Yay!

I think hamburgers would probably be appropriate for Jesus. I mean, the bible says burning cows creates a "pleasant scent unto the Lord", so I'm figuring, if God likes the *smell* of a BBQ, Jesus probably likes burgers. I'm not entirely sure, but they should probably be pretty rare - seems to me they just might be ordered up "Still bleeding".

We probably don't need to bring any booze, just some good water for Jesus to work his magic on. Oh, maybe bring some of those fruity flavored beer drinks they're coming out with now, in case someone isn't fond of wine...

And for the munchies - probably only gotta bring a bit of each type, Jesus can make the munchies feed the multitudes - if he's done it with fish, he can do it with Doritos.

Y'know, I have a pipe with an extraordinarily large bowl - we have dubbed it "God's Bowl", I should bring it along. I wonder - do you think Jesus smokes regularly? I hope not, I only have so much weed to go around, I hope he's a "one hit" smoker... think we should all dress in robes and sandles? Don't want ol' JC to feel outdated or anything. Maybe we can take him to the mall, hook him up with some Nike's and cargo pants... Bring that biblical look into the 21st century! (Do you think Jesus has a credit card?)
Re: A party! Yay!

Originally posted by Cupric think we should all dress in robes and sandles? Don't want ol' JC to feel outdated or anything.

Whatever you wear, don't wear a cross. It would be like wearing a rifle pendant to JFK's resurrection party. And don't ask him where he got those scars on his hands... touchy subject.

'Hey Abe! Want to watch "My American Cousin"? I've got it on DVD.


If Jesus Christ came back today and saw what was being done in his name, he'd never stop throwing up. "Hannah and Her Sisters"
Posted by Xev:
Tell him to bring beer!

If He would bring beer, He would be the King of the Canadians, not the King of the Jewish... or Christians... :D:D:D:D:D

He will actually bring peace... :)


Originally posted by Xev

Tell him to bring beer!

Well God has already provided it in nature, all we have to do is to go to the store and buy it!:) But don't drink too much at a time!

Je'sus IS comming again, and the beer is here for you. Use responsivebly! ;) Never drink and drive!!
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Use responsivebly! Never drink and drive!!

You know, Loone, that is probably the most logical thing you have said yet!

BTW, did you change the flag? Looks a bit smaller. Nice though.
Saved by His (GOD's) Amazing Grace!

Originally posted by Xev

No, he already has enough 'dopes' declaring His imminant return. :D

But, I'm sure God could get his hands on some Panama Red.


Never use 'drugs'! It can kill you and others that as of, the inocent-bystanders!:) Substances abuse kills! Beware!

Greater is He that is in me then he that is in the world! Beware!:cool:

We gotta clean this place up!

Okay, Loone, question:

My heart pumps blood. It does not speak. So how in the name of all that is good and holy can I say somthing in my heart?

Psalm 14:1 would be better written as:

"The fool hath said in his heart, 'gla glump, gla glump, gla glump' "

BTW, if your foolish heart says: 'glump swish, glump swish, glump swish' you had best see a doctor.

'My Foolish Heart' sounds like a Country song.

Oh, and BTW:

Loone's gonna bu-urn, Loone's gonna bu-urn! Woo woo woo, Loone's gonna burn! You may burn, but we don't want that!:rolleyes: Hell is too finel a judgment, to fall into the hands of the "Living GOD!" Kids! Je'sus is the "good guy"! He wants you to come into His Kingdom, and to live forever! Not to 'ROAST in HELL!' Where the 'smoke of their torment goeth up for ever & ever! NO ! He is LOVE! And you would have far more fun and joy, and alot more to do in 'eternity', that's more then stroking harps, but to 'rule' with the King of the universe! This life is temparal, and shall soon pass away! And phyiscal beauty shall fade away! But not in Heaven! That's the Heaven that will come down unto the new Earth! Think of it! Eternal beauty and youthfulness!:) That is what GOD has instore for them who loves Him! Not slavery, but as a family, a loving family! I simply trust in Je'sus! And you 'could' too!:)

*Xev giggles hysterically until the nice men in clean white coats bring her her shot*
You can giggle for ever in Heaven!;) But here on Earth, it's only temparal!
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Welcome back Loone! I see it's time for more Big Blue Letters and exclamation marks!

By the way... Convert or burn in Zombor's stanky left armpit of doom for eveeeerrrrrr!

GOD is large, and incharge!

Hi Adam! I have been on another site having too much FUN with HTML and comic scripts and Preaching!:cool:!

I have the most powerful under-arm deoderant in the universe! It even can cure 'Beatteljuce's' under arm problems!:) Power from on high! Doctor Jesus is in the house 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, for ever, and never closes! And it's still all free! To anyone of the human race! We wait for you! Even unto the bitter end!:)