The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

Loone, I hope you do not really believe somthing so absurd and irrational.

Why would God forgive me for breaking rules He himself made? What's the point of making a rule if you automatically enclose a loophole?
And if one is automatically forgiven for thier sins, why not just sin and ask forgiveness, and sin again? This sounds rather amoral!

You accuse Cris of thinking that he is "an animal that does what he please with out consiquences to him and his family and all them that are around him!". I doubt this very much. Cris is quite rational and understands the consequences of his actions.
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Beware! of the Absolute truth!

Xev, your still lost in your own way! You have a misunderstanding of the absolute truth of GOD's Holy Word, that inwhich you just can not play around in! What I say is not from my mind, but that of GOD's!
Drugs, alcahol and wild music will damn your soul from the inside out! If that is the cause.

Adultery and fornication is condemd of GOD! That is still true even as I have stated it!

Nothing is abserd nor irrational of the truths of GOD's Word!:mad: You to come to the real truth!
GOD has made a way out of sin's power by JESUS, Xev, believing on Him alone for forgiviness!
Xev, your still lost in your own way! You have a misunderstanding of the absolute truth of GOD's Holy Word, that inwhich you just can not play around in! What I say is not from my mind, but that of GOD's!

That's nice. But you haven't answered my questions. Why is God allowing a loophole in rules that He made?

Nothing is abserd nor irrational of the truths of GOD's Word! You to come to the real truth!

Unless you can show evidence of the existance of God, such belief is irrational, by Ockham's razor.

GOD has made a way out of sin's power by JESUS, Xev, believing on Him alone for forgiviness!

I don't believe in forgiveness or mercy. I believe in respect.

I don't want to be forgiven for my previous immoral actions, I want to avoid doing wrong in the future.

P.S: Many who share your religious views claim that
"I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."-- George Bush

This is foolishness, and George the Elder did one of the few things that do offend me - he questioned my patriotism. Nobody questions my patriotism.

I hope you do not share such views....:)
Ah Sir Loone. Enjoy your heaven and I'll enjoy my hell if you are right. How cruel your god is that he would damn so many people to eternal hell when he is responsible for their damnation. He created man. He knew before hand what man would do (as he is omnipotent). But, like the sadist god is, he wanted to see everyone sin.

And what of tribal peoples in Africa? I am using one example here, but this basically applies to the majority of the world's population. The tribal people in Africa will grow up never even hearing of Christianity and yet they will be damned to hell because of it. They are damned because they are African. God's a real good guy.
And loony boy....

how about this. I'll lead an incredibly fun life with drinking, partying, listening to 'wild music' and such and then on my death bed will repent and accept jesus. Then I get into heaven.
sounds good eh?
Psalm 37

Psalms 37:1-2 NIV : "Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; 2)for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away."

Psalms 37:12-13 : "the wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; 13) but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is comming."

Psalms 37:35-36 : "I have seen a wicked and ruthless man flourishing like a green tree in its native soil, 36) but he soon passed away and was no more; though I looked for him, he could not be found."

Psalms 37:27 : "Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever." :)
Loone, that dosen't help much. Come on, think for yourself.....

Why would God create a law with a BUILT IN LOOPHOLE!?

And what is immoral about drinking, partying, slutting and whatall?

Ecclesiastes 9:5
For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.
Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works.

But do not think I attack you....

Ecclesiastes 7:5
It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.

Cheerie bye
Ah ha, I wondered what it was I was doing all this time.

From the way Loone tells it, I thought you were organizing pot orgies, complete with 'wild' music.

So, where's my invite?! :p

Drugs, alcahol and wild music will damn your soul from the inside out!
Phew! That means I'm going to heaven then right? Since I don't drink, have never done drugs, and hate wild music.

Your God it seems is easily pleased.

I feel so much better now.
Phew! That means I'm going to heaven then right? Since I don't drink, have never done drugs, and hate wild music.

What constitutes 'wild' anyways?

Although, I like Tyler's strategy better. The bad thing is, God could get peevish about the deception and


You get run over by a cement mixer. :(

Okay okay okay, let's figure this one out:

I do whatever I want, until I die. Then, like, 5 minutes before I croak, I 'accept Jesus'. Mmmkay. BUT! - There's the whole cement mixer scenerio. So, we have to figure out a way to make sure we have a few seconds before we actually die.

Or look both ways when crossing the street. :D

C'mon Loone, don't you see how silly this all is? By your logic, Ted Bundy* is in heaven and Mathatma Ghandi is in hell.

*Famous serial killer.
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Yours is a misquote!

Xev and Chris, the truth still is there before you! You must know that you that are not of GOD will have to answer for your life before the Lord that created you! The truth of scripture does not change. Only the language, you seem to forget about what that really mean! And the natural body of the dead is the only part that has no more conection in life and function! But the soul and spirit lives in Heaven, and at the return of Christ for His Church, the dead shall live again in a glorified body that shall never age or die or have need to reproduce! The resurection of the dead unto eternal judgement will be in torment in the flames , and the smoke of their torment goeth up forever!

Read the translations of the scrptures you read and post, you will get a difirant message then what you want!

Cris, the fool thinks he is wiser, when he is not! I stand on the solid foundation of absolute truth of GOD's Holy Word! Your on foundation of 'new age' nonesence! Come back to the GOD that loves you! And you 'Cris' don't have to be anything like me, but to be more like unto Jesus the Son of the Most High GOD, the one and only!:)

The only way Cris to get to Heaven is in JESUS as Savour and Lord of your life!:) Not on your own merits, that is impossible, and well as unecceptible of GOD the Father!
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"lean not unto your own understanding. But in all thy ways acknowedge Him!"


And why is Ted Bundy in your heaven and Mahatma Ghandi in your hell? Why isn't it the other way round?

Could Usama bin Ladin get into heaven?
Jesus H. Friggin Christ, Loone, I make more sense than you when I'm drunk off my nut. But at least you're funny. Keep up the good work, and all hail the mighty Sdrawkcab Mada!
Satan's stradgities!

I know that the Devil himself knows and monipulate scriptures ! Your father the Devil is very conning, but the Word of God in the Spirit of God can easly see your folly!:rolleyes:

Psalms 37:32: "The wicked lie in wait for the righteous, seeking their very lives; but the Lord will not leave them in their power nor let them be condemned when brought to trial."

Psalms 37:38: "But all sinners will be destroyed; the future of the wicked will be cut off."
I know that the Devil himself knows and monipulate scriptures ! Yuor father the Devil is very conning

'Your father the Devil'? You sound like me mum, Loone! :D

Say, are you gonna answer my questions?


Monkey in Austraila, are you drunk?:bugeye: :rolleyes: :)

Psalms 36:1-4 : "An oracle is within my heart concernning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of GOD before his eyes. For his own eyes he flatters himself too much to detect or hate his sin. The words of his mouth are wicked and deceitful; he has ceased to be wise and to do good. Even his bed he plots evil; he commits himself to a sinful course and does not reject what is wrong."
Monkey in Austraila, are you drunk?

That sounds like the title of a Zen parable....

Psalms 36:1-4 : "An oracle is within my heart concernning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of GOD before his eyes. For his own eyes he flatters himself too much to detect or hate his sin. The words of his mouth are wicked and deceitful; he has ceased to be wise and to do good. Even his bed he plots evil; he commits himself to a sinful course and does not reject what is wrong."

Oh Loone, Adam's one of the nicest people I 'know'. And I'm not just saying that because of the hellbeastie ex, Adam.

But you have yet to answer my questions:

Loone, Nelson, Jan, et alia:

Why would God create a law with a BUILT IN LOOPHOLE!?

Why is Ted Bundy in your heaven and Mahatma Ghandi in your hell? Why isn't it the other way round?

Could Usama bin Ladin get into heaven?
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Originally posted by Xev

Oh Loone, Adam's one of the nicest people I 'know'. And I'm not just saying that because of the hellbeastie ex, Adam.
No, she's saying that coz she wants to have some unholy shagging on a biblical scale. Right, Loone old buddy? Gonna join in mate? 40 days and 40 nights of raiding Noah's Ark? Some flagellation and hail Maries and kneeling at the altar? You all need a good Holy Spankin' dammit! Look out, here comes the Flood! What's for tea? Sodom with a bit of salt? Gosh, now I'm remembering that football song... Nah, a bit too rude. But the point is, um... what was the point? I forget. It was something rude though. Never mind...