The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

IA FHTAGN CTHULHU! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

I love you, Loone.

P.S: I still think you're an athiest.

(Edit to note that I am using Nelson's definition of love.)

(Edit to note that I am using Nelson's definition of love.)

Actually... Sir Loone is so joyful that I would say that HE ALREADY SAW GOD!!!


Yes the occasional post from Loone overwhelmingly reinforces my realization that religion is really stupid especially Christianity.

Thanks Loone for the energy boost. It is people like you that inspire me to do my best to destroy the institutions that have corrupted your mind and the minds of other innocent and gullible people like you.
Cris, you lack an appreciation of the surreal.

You, of course, assume that Loone is serious. I am sorry, he cannot be.

He's an athiest, poking fun at the absurd by being more absurd!

Nonetheless, I like your honesty. I, like you, am a militant athiest
Re: GOD is rather small and dinky.

Originally posted by Sir. Loone

I have the most powerful under-arm deoderant in the universe! It even can cure 'Beatteljuce's' under arm problems!:) Power from on high! Doctor Jesus is in the house 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, for ever, and never closes! And it's still all free! To anyone of the human race! We wait for you! Even unto the bitter end!:)
Is it me or is Sir L sounding like an infomercial?

Unfortunately, I won't be able to partake, as I am not of the human race.

Cris, it takes more than institutionalized religion create a Sir Loone. I suspect hallucinogenics or major head trauma.

How dare you guys! That's what you say to a joyful person? Grow up! Why do you think he is so happy and joyful? Have you never though that he might have experienced a miracle in his life? Then, what do you say? Can he stop believing? No!! He experienced it! I'm pretty sure Sir. Loone already experienced miracles and His Spirit himself!


Thanks Loone for the energy boost. It is people like you that inspire me to do my best to destroy the institutions that have corrupted your mind and the minds of other innocent and gullible people like you.

Corrupted? Do you really think that Sir. Loone should be cold hearted and obscessively rational as you? I don't think so...


You, of course, assume that Loone is serious. I am sorry, he cannot be.

Do you really think he should be like you? He seems pretty well for me...


Cris, it takes more than institutionalized religion create a Sir Loone. I suspect hallucinogenics or major head trauma.
So you are saying that to be joyful one have to use hallucinogenics or have a major head trama...?

If you guys don't see... he is pretty joyful, like a child. The Truth might have been revealed to him as God only reveal it to little children.

A question for you...
Do you prefer to be cold hearted and obscessively rational like you are now or joyful and simple as Sir. Loone is?

Think about it... ;)


Mark 10:15 :p

Corrupted? Do you really think that Sir. Loone should be cold hearted and obscessively rational as you? I don't think so...

Wow, obsessivly rational. Cris is 'da man!'.

Do you really think he should be like you? He seems pretty well for me...

Naw...I think he's somone playing a practical joke.

I did that once as an april fool's prank....trolled a friend's site telling people they were damned to hell and citing weird Scriptures.

Fun stuff!

A question for you...
Do you prefer to be cold hearted and obscessively rational like you are now or joyful and simple as Sir. Loone is?

Cold hearted and obsessivly rational? You do me too much honor! Thanks.


Unfortunately, I won't be able to partake, as I am not of the human race.

Nifty! Are you a bonobo? I wanna be a bonobo!

And remember, all


Mark 10:15 :

"10 Truly I say unto you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like little children shall not enter it ay all."

I complemenmt it by:

Matthew 11:25 :

"25 And Jesus prayed this prayer: "O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, thank you for hiding the Truth from those who think themselves so wise and reveal it to little children."

"Grow up" means "be a child again".
Haven't you read my posts?
Haven't you seen me saying that I'm a child?

Have you ever heard of something like this:
"The child grow up to be a man and the man discover that better is to be a child and grow up to be a child"?

(Unfortuantly I don't remember the exact quote... :()

Anyways... :)

Children in the Bible is referred as the Perfect ones to receive the Truth and enter the Heaven (consequence of receiving the Truth) because they are simple, faithul and innocent. ;)

GOD alone is SUPREME!

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

Actually... Sir Loone is so joyful that I would say that HE ALREADY SAW GOD!!!


No, I have never seen GOD, but in my spirit I can see and feel His preasents, His Holy Spirit!:) I do wish to, and will!

I have seen far too much of the Devil in the last 40+ years! Havent seen him in the 'natural', and don't particularly want to!

Xev, has to behave her self!:) And read more of that bible in deep prayer and meditation to the GOD that LOVES YOU DEERLY! JESUS is His name! HE wants to take you to a place where beauty never fades! That is, inner beauty and outer!

Kick the Devil in the shins and join JESUS's winning team! In Him there's life! Not from me but HIM!
Xev, has to behave her self!

Indeed. I'm a bad girl.

Kick the Devil in the shins and join JESUS's winning team! In Him there's life! Not from me but HIM!

I believe we've been through this - Great Cthulhu could kick Lucifer's ass in no time. :)


Of course, 1 Corinthians 13:11.....
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Cheerie bye!
Children of God

Sir. Loone,

I know you haven't seen Him with your "physical" eyes...
Those who see Him with their eyes shall no live anymore, as it is said in Exodus!

I meant exactly what you said, see Him with your spiritual eyes! :)


Yes... 1Corinthians 13:11... :)

We are Children of God! We are Children of Love! :)

Jesus is the answer for the world today!

Originally posted by Cris
Yes the occasional post from Loone overwhelmingly reinforces my realization that religion is really stupid especially Christianity.

Thanks Loone for the energy boost. It is people like you that inspire me to do my best to destroy the institutions that have corrupted your mind and the minds of other innocent and gullible people like you.

Chris the absolute truth of what the Bible says will be realized by you soon!:D I stand in the truth, your swimming in lies of your pears and that of Satan's deceptions of spirit and truths! Your philosophy of life would never really work for sociaty as a whole, it's not based on any truths, and is very stupid to have it as law and lifestyles that are very dangerous to any nation! Learn from history, agian!:) the TRUTH will triump! Live and see, if the blind can see!:rolleyes:

Xev, "posibly the meds?":) You need help from ignorance of the truth you sparringly read! I am fine! And happy in Jesus, my Savour forever! You all need Him if admit it or not! We are nye to death and eternity! So let Jesus be a friend that you have not known, to save you in the end! Life is a vaper, it is there for an instance, and then it is gone! So watch out! At the hour that you think not the Son of God and Man comes! And Hell is where there is weeping and wailling and nashing of teeth! Beware the Anti-Christ !
Rev. 14:9-11 : "If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of GOD's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of His wrath. He will be tourmented with burning sulfur in the presence of the Holy angels and of the Lamb. (Jesus) And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who recieves the mark of his name." That the unrepentant souls and spirits shall exist in eternal torment, and the WRATH OF GOD abides upon them forever! Death and Hell shall be cast into the Lake of Fire! But the lost are in torment forever! An Awful end for our carless live! But I say again, even now, JESUS saves!:)
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I stand in the truth, your swimming in lies of your pears and that of Satan's deceptions of spirit and truths!

Cris is swimming in pears? Yum!

Beware the Anti-Christ ! Rev. 14:9- 11 : "If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of GOD's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup o His wrath. He will be tourmented with burning sulfur in the presence of the Holy angels and of the Lamb. (Jesus) And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who recieves the mark of his name."

Like I said, you think some wussy-boy anti-Christ could stand up to my dragon-man-squid monster?

Here, look at Great Cthulhu:



Amen Truth Seeker! :cool: Xav, must come to a saving knowedge of GOD and His Son and the Holy Word before attempting to kick the Devil out of her life! He's far more powerful then any of us really would understand! Must be done in the power of GOD! In the armour of GOD! The "whole armour of GOD!" Armour up whin you do!:D Drop kick him out of site!:D
Xav, must come to a saving knowedge of GOD and His Son and the Holy Word before attempting to kick the Devil out of her life!

Ah, Loone, getting rid of evil influences is nothing - ex-boyfriends are another. ;)

Armour up whin you do! Drop kick him out of site!

Never knew that Tae-Kwan-Do would serve such an interesting purpose.....

I'll just have Cthulhu take care of him, mmkay? :D
GOD alone is the SUPREME BEING!

Looks like one of the Devils thugs, Xev!:rolleyes:

Xev, I believe in GOD and the Bible with no pretention at all! :)
I am in His care and growing in the Greace of GOD! So is Truth Seeker! I've been Christian for more then 40 years and beilieve in the GOD that loves me and really cares for His people, Jesus is a friend that truely is closer then a brother, and the Devil can not 'pluck' them (Saints) out of His Mighty hands! My Creator GOD is good!:) Read the above more and the Bible, it has answers the world could not give you!
Looks like one of the Devils thugs, Xev!

Oh, Loone, you can't be referring to Great Cthulhu? Cthulhu is nice, and wouldn't be a 'thug' or a 'bully'.

My Creator GOD is good!

Great Cthulhu is nice.

Read the above more and the Bible, it has answers the world could not give you!

I have read the Bible!
How do you think I can argue with Nelson about Scripture?
Why do you think I became an athiest?
Because I've read the Bible!
Originally posted by Xev
Of course, 1 Corinthians 13:11.....
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
I think the difference between childlike and childish is:

childish: immature behavior (nagging, demanding, cruel...)
childlike: curiosity, enthusiasm, youthfulness, love of life, creativity, imagination.

an adult can have childish behaviors. he/she may have grown in body, but not the inside. I think that's what that verse means, we need to get rid of childish behaviors.
while childlike qualities are the qualities usually found in children. (although childish behaviors are expected to be found in children since they have undeveloped consciousness)
the true meaning of growing up, I believe, is to keep these childlike qualities inside us.

Nonetheless, I like your honesty. I, like you, am a militant athiest
I loved the graphic - I shall think of you that way.

As for Loone, he and I go back a way in these forums and I have tried subtlety, and understanding as well, but the response is always the same.
