The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

Hey what the fuck? I would not do Loone, Adam


*Throws a lemon-creame pie at Adam*

No offense, Loone old pal, you are just not my type.

Oooh! Forget the spanking, you're gonna take a beating unless you take that back!

Erm, oops.

I mean it! I'll have Cthulhu eat you!
Let me whip out my dictionary and thesaurus so I can make this absolutely clear: NUP! :p
I'll show you what you can do with your dictionary!

*Throws another pie at Adam, hitting him squarely on the face*

I mean it Adam, normally I'd get out the whip but you might like that. You don't want me to wake Cthulhu up! :p

(P.S: You're drunk, aren't you? I am simply pleasently buzzed. Another point in my favor!)

Yeah, let's look at my score:

Pleasently buzzed, as opposed to drunk
Part Cluster-lizard.
Cthulhu loves me, and will eat you if I tell him to.
Supply of lemon-creame pies
Not drunk, just bored. Got a break until my next lecture. Anyway, it's your fault, you're the one who keeps threatening me with fun things. :p
Yeah, you take
"Xev and Loone, sitting in a tree,
K - I - S - S - I - N - G!"


Besides, he dissed me dad, who is most assuredly human.

*Xev rolls up her sleeves and grabs another creame-pie*
Ah well, we can't have the loonatics dissing your dad. So he really should take that back. But I'm not taking mine back. Why? Coz of that private message you sent me confessing your dirty thoughts about Loone. You know, that stuff you said about you and Loone and a trip to the supermarket...?
Adam, you fucking wanker! :p I sent no such thing!

Don't make me tell them all about your fantasies involving John Ashcroft and whipped creame!

Fucking 'ell Adam, I have Tony1 saying that Nelson is falling for me, I am going to be 'completly degraded as a woman' by Great Cthulhu (I really, REALLY, don't want to think about that), and now you have me kissing Loone and Jan Ardena!

Besides, Tyler is the only man for me. Oh yeah, and Russel Crowe...and several I shall not name in the off chance they read this and figure out my identity....oh hell.

Speaking of Tony, where the hell is he? I miss him.
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The rest of your post is not worthy of any response. Your statements are just rather silly and childish (using bubble3s definition). You don't appear to have understood anything I have said.

You seem to believe that ignorance and stupidity are traits to be admired and encouraged. That is an insult to the whole of humanity and is utterly detestable.

That is immoral and encourages me to fight much harder against organized religion.

I do believe that the thoughts you express here if also suported by others like you represent a real danger to the human race if they are allowed to spread.

You have just proved yourself wrong... :eek: :bugeye: :eek: :bugeye:

You can't blame me for your little trists. I'm just commenting on them.
Trysts? With Loone?

Oh I am going to hop a plane to Australia and kick your ass!

Besides, Christians can't boink non-believers, even if I felt any desire.....

*Mentally debates whether to 'chase' one just for the hell of it, then realizes that athiests are best in bed anyways*

Besides, Tyler is the only man for me. Oh yeah, and Russel Crowe (on the off chance)...and several I shall not name in the off chance they read this and figure out my identity....oh yeah, and my calc teacher from three semesters ago....

Nelson, put up or shut up. If Cris is wrong (hmm, Cris...) then show how.
*Trying to think some good teasing stuff...*


Xev and Loone, sitting in a tree...
Adam and John Ashcroft, sittin' in a tree
First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then comes a baby in a bay-be carriage!
Suckin' his thumb
Wettin' his pants
Trying to do the hu-la dance!

Damn, haven't said that since I was a little girl.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this one guy in my poly-sci class one semester ago, and Kenneth Branaugh, and James Randi....(yes, I had a crush on James Randi when I was fifteen)

That's about it.
Adam's boyfriend:


Hey, what if John Ashcroft was actually reading this?! Man, he'd really whine about the 'net then!

With his statements he clearly proved himself childish, detestable, immoral and other things he said about me.

He also proved that his thoughts are a danger to the human race.

If my thoughts are a danger to the human race, than, war seems to be a great thing, as war itself is not based on Love... :bugeye:

How my Philosophy of Love can be threatening to the human race!?!?!?!?! Many people agree with me as Love being a very good Philosophy!! I just don't say their names because I don't know if they want me to...

They usually send me by PMs. I didn't wanted to bring up the subject... but it seems that it's completly necessary...

If Love is dangerous, the world had gone mad.

That face... Somewhere is a dog wandering around without a backside...
Yeah, I think deliberatly picked an unflattering picture - but that's about how he looks all the time.

Adam, dear, you insulted Ashcroft. I forgive you for the aspersions.

Nelson: How? And what the hell is it with 'his thoughts are a danger to humanity!' 'no, his are!'.
Of course I insulted Asscroft. He's now on the list with McCarthy and Ronald McDonald. And quit it with the "dear" stuff, you'll get me in trouble with Loone and Tyler. :p