The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

Adam, you kill me man!!!!! :D :D :D

I guess that is the only thing to do with someone as arrogant and fanatical as Sir Loone. I will join Xev with the cheers!!!

Sir Loone,

Just a couple of more things. Try to tone it down a little. Be humble. Remember "The miek shall inherit the Earth". Practice what you preech buddy. Also explain to me how contradiction plus mistranslation equal "The Truth"?

I never claimed to know Everything, what I do know is that I will never submit to such falacies. You on the other hand are content in doing so.
Re: The ruth, the whole ruth, and nothing but the ruth.

Originally posted by Sir. Loone

Men are proud, and is very narrow minded, dead spiritaully, and need inlightenment of the 'absolute truth!'

And He is very real, and that, inspite of Sir. Loone!

Beware that God is well in charge of all, and the one decieved is "Light being".

Adam needs to turn to his Creator, who really care for you! Je'sus is the worlds only real hope of any hope of survivl!

Remember, what ever I say about what God said, is not of me but from the Bible truths!

Many here, even here have at lease read some of it, if not much of the Bible for them selves!

The truth of Scripture is supierior to that of any man, or devil!

Know that there is so much you do not know about your existance on this Earth, and that niether you nor science knows all there is to know, and that is imposible to know beyond your capassity to understand, that in the supernatural!

But take Jesus with you!

If not, your doomed! Jesus saves Adams and Caines!

Re: The Devil is a liar and the ruth is not in him!

I just tried to run one of Sir. Loone's posts through a grammer checker… it blew up!
Apparently "inlightenment" does not improve one's spelling or grammer. But it does enable one to post in Big Blue Letters .


Picking up Jesus, putting him in my pocket and taking him with me.

Only the righteous (like me) can properly post in BIG BLUE LETTERS! All others who use BIG BLUE LETTERS will surely burn and die in screaming horrible nasty agony and ouchies in the great firepits of nastiness and pain! Boo! Boooooo!

All doomed, I say! All of you! DOOOOOMED! Gonna burn in hell or the nearest really big oven if you don't convert and repent and send me your life savings! Quick! Do it now! Don't think about it, just send the money!

Sir Loone, you are in danger! Your eternal sole is coming loose and getting holes in it from walking on rough surfaces! Get to a cobbler as soon as you can! And remember, no more BIG BLUE LETTERS from your mistr, not until you convert to the worship of my God, Mistress Helga! She may have tentacles and whips, but that's one hell of a rack!


But Great Cthulhu prefers green. Ia!

Say, if the devil hasn't got the 'ruth' in him, does that make him 'ruthless'?

Anyways, Cthulhu loves you.

And as Loone's 'ruthless' devil, Great Cthulhu could kick his ass quite rightous. What is some wussy man-goat against Great Cthulhu?

Nothing! Let's compare
Wussy man-goat vs squid/dragon/man
Common theme for a Halloween costume vs. ability to make those who look at him go insane
Hooves vs. tentacles
'Prince of the Air' vs. ability to fly AND swim AND walk on land
'Beezlebub' vs. 'Great Cthulhu' - who has a cooler name?!
Some fallen angels and imps vs. shoggoths and human haf'hrdn
Writer who brought you the word 'magick' vs. writer who popularized 'tesselated'.

Case closed. Cthulhu in the first round.

Edit to note: You know, this is kinda getting to be a weird thread....
Big? Blue?

Does anyone remember the television show Big Blue Marble?

Just thought I'd throw that one in since we're getting big and blue.

Or are we referring to porn for obese people?

Tiassa :cool:

More groovy words:
- Adamised
- Groovilicious.
- Monkeybutt.
- Snog.
- Snogified.
- Shagified.
- Funkification.
- Crapulence.

Which reminds me...

YOU'RE ALL DOOMED unless you convert to the worship of Great Chickenpie, our Lord and Saviour! Repent and be saved! And you know how that other religion has you eat the body of christ? We get to eat chicken pie!!! Much more tasty. :)


'Nooner-nut' is a nifty insult.
Gibbered is really cool too.


WAR!!! You heard me, vile miscreant! We, the Holy Legions of Helga the Heavybreasted hereby declare Holy War on the Cthulhuan infidels! We have guns, we have the numbers, WE are taking over!

Begone, ye vile and distemperate hag!

Cthulhu can spout his "I love everyone" hippy crap all he wants, it won't save his green squid-arse when my tanks are rolling over it. :p

PS: Yeah, nooner-whatever is pretty good.

Helga?! You think some some two-bit dominatrix can compare with GREAT CTHULHU?!

The Cthulhu Cult will give you such a thrashing that Helga's whippings will feel like a gentle tickling!

You have guns? HA! Xev is AMERICAN! Case closed!
Tanks? Ha! Cthulhu knows the secrets of space and time, your tanks can't phase him!

And, hippie? Great Cthulhu, who eats people who annoy him for breakfast, a hippy?! You must be the hippy, with what you are smoking!
Originally posted by Xev

The Cthulhu Cult will give you such a thrashing that Helga's whippings will feel like a gentle tickling!

That a promise?

Hey, I'm not one to turn down 60-foot-tall green squid-monsters with whips. Never have been.

This is *my* kind of thread!

Myself, I worship the great purple onion. Tasty in sandwiches *and* in potato dishes!

Oh, how my stomach rumbles for my ONION GOD!

Oh, of course! Why, that's a good part of his appeal!

Makes a marvelous dip... *licks lips*
I have a starnge feeling that that's not the purpose of thid thread... :confused: :confused: :bugeye: :rolleyes:
