The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

Originally posted by Bambi
Rather, I'm more interested in why a given religionist actually chooses a particular holy book as their source of truth and as the foundation for their view of the universe and everything in it.

Read the Proverbs in the Bible... ;)

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
With regards your point that in America today, religion is being taught on a more deeper basis than what I originally mentioned, I fail to understand why they are not taught about the his (Jesus’) life from 12 to 32, where he travelled and taught. This is the most enlightening part of his purpose and is well documented in these locations. But for some reason or other, they are not taken seriously by so-called religious scholars. It makes me wonder what their actual scholarship entails.

You are right. But most of the scriptures about this part of his life is lost. It seems that a king destroyed some parts of the Bible at about 1500. Many teachings have been lost only for his own interest... what is common in the history of the human kind...

That’s very nice, but you only accept proof on your terms, which basically means, you want to see it with your eyes. Our eyes are weak, even compared with other life forms, how can anything, purely spiritual, be seen with these eyes, we have to learn to understand with all our senses, hearing especially. We cannot even see air, so what chance is there of seeing spirit. But we can, if we train ourselves, hear the spirirtual essence, far more easily than seeing it. Its not impossible to see it, but one has to prepare themself. This is the essence of religion, as stated in all scripture.

Jan, one first has to believe/accept that one can “hear the spiritual essence.” Ever. At all. That there is a good reason for doing so; a good reason to make that journey. Apparently you believe it and think you’ve determined a correct way to understand and experience “it.” In the paragraph above however you dismiss other’s need for proof, narrowly define what constitutes proof, and then tell them what they ought to be doing instead.

Experience has taught me, (for whatever it’s worth to you), that as long as you try to tell others what they should do while simultaneously dismissing what (may) be important to them, you are crippling the communication and undermining your own efforts. This takes us back to square one: Is it more important to you to achieve effective communication, or do you have something else in mind--like trying to sound like an authority that need not consider in-depth just what it is that others understand, want or need. It sounds like you have a narrow view of the rest of the world.

If we all saw it the same way, and if “religion” had not caused so much grief for Mankind, then none of this would be an issue.

Real religion has nothing to do with material life as we know it. It is concerned, purley with the soul, the essence of the body.

That is an opinion shared by you and others. Assert it until the cows come home, but it doesn’t make it true for everyone. If you understand that, then great. For now it doesn’t appear that you put much stock in the importance of understanding this.

When we see Israel pounding Palestine, and Palestine flying into Israeli buildings, that is not religion, they say it is in the name of their particular strand of religion. But what they are doing, has nothing to do with pure religion. But God knows that there are these classes of men, especially at this time, so he acts to protect His devoted followers.
I could easily say that atheism is based on fascism and natzi-ism based on the fact that hitler did not believe in a supreme being, he saw himself as a possible candidate, which is IMO, is atheism at its very worst. But that would not be a true statement.

Such a statement about Atheism would be very offensive to many people of all persuasions. To suggest such and then to smooth it over doesn’t remove all doubt that you don’t think this is true.

All the same, even though you don’t see violent aspects of the Middle East conflict(s) as being “religion,” the fact remains that there is a lot of “religion” involved in what goes on over there--and spills over onto the rest of the world. Religion as an institution, and religion as various religious sects wish to define it. Doesn’t make it any less connected to religion simply because you define the term “religion” in a different way. Tell me that what I see and understand or have even experienced isn’t true, and all you’ve done is dispute what I say. Nothing more. Tell the folks in Palestine and Israel that religion has nothing to do with it. Well, you can try to anyway.

For most of the world, these atrocious acts are seen as having been spawned from hatred that has resulted from a difference in views about religion and how one group of religionists or other would ultimately come out on top--in control--in power--in order to shape the world around them the way they (and their religion) has determined it should be shaped... and ruled. All of this is very much a part of “religion” in many people’s opinion. To deny it doesn’t make it any less true for others.

Further, the importance of the subject being taught is relative--as it will always be when a collection of “ideas” and supposed historical “facts” are what’s being taught and/or actively pushed onto a world’s population.

That is a secular way of looking at it, but it does not enlighten the student.
Its like a lot of parents from 25 years ago, vowed they are not going to bring there children up the way they were brought up, no strickness, give the child what it wants when it wants, no religion and no matter what my child is right. 20 years on and we are beginning to understand what chaos is really all about.

Secular? Perhaps. And a realistic view, imo. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” Simple, albeit general, truth.

Strictness is also a term that is defined in various ways. And while it may be true that a generation of parents may have been inappropriately lax in raising their children, that has little to do with my point.

Perception, Jan. And there have been some believers who have been, in fact, quite disrespectful…

Quite disrespectful is a tad different, than some of the profanity which has been exhibited.
But if that’s how one feels, that’s fair enough, but why the….. “right then! seeing as you don't see it my way, its my ball and I’m taking it home, complex”……. Which is constantly displayed by certain posters.
This a poster board, isn't it? LOL.

Yes, it is. A public forum where people can post as or when they like. I certainly don’t feel obligated to post anything unless I want to. I don’t know which posters you’re referring to, but isn’t it possible that some just determine that it’s a waste of time to reply to all that’s being spewed by others? Some of us have better things to do with our time than to argue with people--many of which can’t/don’t stay on topic, or who have serious difficulty seeing anyone’s view but their own.

As for the exchanges between Counterbalance and Jan Ardena, I’ve said all that I care to. Much of what you’ve written in each of your post here, I’ve already replied to in my first post to you. I can’t think of a good reason to repeat myself. Doesn’t mean I’m upset or taking my ball and going home. It means I value my time and that at this point I’m happy to leave your understanding of my view up to you.



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Re: Tee hee

*Originally posted by Bambi
Or are you closed to the idea that your god doesn't exist?

I can't speak for TS, but pretty much all Christians at one point had to be open to the idea that whatever god might not exist.

Since Christians aren't born, but are converted, we discovered that being "open" to the the idea that no God or god exists is a waste of time.

*Originally posted by Cris
Kind of, but the real intent of the bible is not for the benefit of people but for the glory of a god.

Exactly right.
However, glorifying God is for the benefit of people.

*One shouldn’t behave in a partcilular way because of fear of punishment.*

Exactly true.
In fact, those people who are "Christians" because of a fear of hell will discover that they completely missed the point.

*The purposes of science and philosophy are not about providing moral or ethical guidance, and so of course you will not find those values there.*

So where should one look then?

*Pride isn’t the issue, it is evidence.*

Actually, pride IS the issue.
Who is so humble as to make a great "scientific" discovery, and then years later, admit to having been wrong all along?
That kind of goes against the grain of "publish or perish."
As a matter of fact, that would be "publish and perish."

*Originally posted by Taken
I do not think that conversion or discouragement from a particular faith should be an agenda.

That brings us back to the same old question, "What kind of Christian are you, again?"

*That is like the equivalent of me telling a Pagan, or an athiest they are delusional, or brain washed or clinging to fantasy.*

They are.

*Originally posted by Cris
Ah but you've set a high standard and I'm having trouble keeping up.

That's only because it's close enough for you to recognize as a high standard.
Any higher and it would start looking low to you, because of complete inability to comprehend.

*In a legal trial it is up to the prosecutor to prove their case beyond any reasonable doubt, in this scenario you are the prosecutor. Prove your case.*

Ahh, but no.
The judge is God, the defense attorney is Jesus, the prosecutor, i.e. the accuser, is Satan.
If you stand against Jesus, then the onus is on you to prove your case.

*For you to show that I am delusional you must demonstrate my alleged delusional beliefs. But that will be difficult because I am not claiming a belief but just a disbelief in your claims. *

That's been done many times.
However, the nature of delusion is that delusion cannot be perceived by the delusional.

*Originally posted by Bambi
I don't come here to learn what a particular holy book has to say (though it's one of the side-effects of talking to religionists). Rather, I'm more interested in why a given religionist actually chooses a particular holy book as their source of truth and as the foundation for their view of the universe and everything in it.

That's like asking someone why they like Shakespeare, but insisting that they not give you any examples, and to leave Shakespeare out of the discussion, thank-you-very-much.

*I also harbor vague hopes of maybe at least convincing a couple religionists to consider my world-view as an alternative.*

Huge numbers of Christians have tried it and found it sadly lacking.
However, your best bet in attempting to convert Christians to atheism is to go after Christians who never read their Bibles, and who hold most of their doctrines in contradiction to the Bible.

*We don't need religion. What we need is learning. - me *

I'm still puzzled why you post in the religion forum, from your perspective, that is.
Since atheism is a religion, I can see why you do it, but from your perspective, it must be like a contradiction in terms.

Don't take that as a hint that you should leave, since I appreciate your presence here, in that you are quite intelligent, and intelligent enough to admit things that lesser people wouldn't.

*Originally posted by Taken
Given that Tony was like haveing 4 or 5

Like 4 or 5? Wow.

*Originally posted by Counterbalance
At the very least, the believer is spreading a "message" that is not rational in the mind of the non-believer.

That is correct.
The message is non-rational.
Note however, that "irrational" and "non-rational" are both opposites of "rational," but how can that be?
The purely rational mind gags on three opposites.

The "rational" atheist claims that Christianity is irrational, whereas if Christianity is non-rational, such an atheist would be wrong.

*Persistent ignorance requires a persistent and particularly firm response.*

So you can see where we're coming from.

*Originally posted by Taken
I was pointing out some agression that is being shown by a few at a few and seems to be escalating in the abscense of Tony to take it out on.

Oh no, can't take a little bit of pressure?
Well relax, I can take the heat, even from you.

*It quite simply is not misinterpretation when someone is trying to explain their thoughts in a calm and polite way to tell them they are void of thought process or brain washed. I didn't like it when Tony did it*

That's correct; it isn't misinterpretation.
Besides, at what point were you calm and polite?
You should read your first hundred or so posts, particularly the ones you directed at me.

*Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Read Bhagavad Gita. Therein you will find all the evidence you need.

Except that the BG doesn't mention the concept of lying.
That's a significant oversight for such an "significant" book.

*Originally posted by Counterbalance
Here we will part paths again if you choose to have faith that the situation will improve, and I choose to have a little unconditional hope


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
(Hebrews 11:1, KJV).

*This past Christmas I heard someone relate the story of the birth of Christ at a family gathering, and for the first time ever in my recollection the storyteller departed from reading only scripture and paused to briefly discuss the long held belief that Christ had been born on December 25th, and the possibility that that might not be true, and why it might not be true.*

A step in the right direction.
Have you considered that the wise men depicted in the nativity scenes weren't there, either?
There are a whole huge pile of "long-held" beliefs that are just pure fiction.

*This also requires that the would-be converter have a very good understanding of where the non-believer is coming from--which means avoiding making intentionally insulting assumptions, and too many assumptions, period.*

You're forgetting that the "would-be converter" is him/herself converted and thus WAS where the non-believer is coming from.

*Originally posted by Teg
I am willing. So long as you don't claim that dinosaurs existed less than 6,000 years ago, I am willing to hear you out.

IOW, you are only willing to hear what you already believe.
Re: Re: Tee hee

*Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Except that the BG doesn't mention the concept of lying.
That's a significant oversight for such an "significant" book.

Ah! Tony1, where have you been hiding?

What is your concept of lying?
To me, the basis of the act of lieing, is ignorance.
To this, the BG explains ignorance in perfect detail.


Jan Ardena.

You wrote for Taken:
That brings us back to the same old question, "What kind of Christian are you, again?"

I can answer this question... :)

Let's see...

She is a Gnostic Christian! :)

Since atheism is a religion, I can see why you do it, but from your perspective, it must be like a contradiction in terms.

Atheism is not a religion, it is an absense thereof.

Athiesm is a religion in the sense that bald is a hairstyle.
Perfect definition! :)

Btw... are you coming to my party...:D
bbcboy is coming with lots of girls... :p

Er....ooops, that should have read 'hair color' :eek:

Of course I will come. Shall I bring booze?

Oh dear, I don't think I'm old enough to do that. I'll bring music. :cool:
Re: Re: GOD is GOD Supreme!

Originally posted by Cris
Sir. Loone,

In the same spirit as your post –

God is a figment of your imagination.

Your grandiose claims are matched only by the stupendous depth of your irrationality.Cris, :) You should know that I quote of the Word of God Himself! And not of my ideals and not of imagination, but of the ABSOLUTE TRUTHS of the GOD you will have to face soon, Saint or sinner!:eek:

And Je'sus the Christ, the Son of God, is GOD! He is more then a man, and was and is very man and very GOD, the 2cd. person of the GOD head, He was 'deity' then 2000 years ago, and He is alive!:) and is 'deity' now, and is now 'back' with the Father GOD, who are one in the same GOD, (one GOD) Gloryfied forevermore above the Heavens, and shall soon return to judge the wicked!He Je'sus, is GOD! Very GOD and very Man! Our (for true Christians) 'Great High Priest'!

So dream on my strange friend, and please please stop preaching your prattle to me.
It is not of mortal man's dreams, but of GOD' Holy Word of Truth! Again I say I do not speak of my own, but of the Spirit of Truth!:) There is far more to reallity, and the universe then men know! There will always be a GREATER KNOWLEDGE, and WISDOM, that 'infinitly' surpasses that of you! :) You are being fooled of self, and the 'god' of this world (Satan) decieves, and blind your closed mind! You must return unto your GOD, the Creator of all! He will gladly welcome you and family and friends to a better life and relationship with the Creator of all things! GOD is LOVE, GOD is Spirit! And Je'sus SAVES! Even one as of you! :)
Last edited: are so Arrogant. Tone your voice down. Did you ever happen to think that it is possible that you are the one being fooled? That you are the one being deceived? Ofcoarse not, couldn't be....I mean you quote the Bible in Big Bold Red Letters. It must be the True Holy Spirit talking thru you. Obviously :rolleyes:

The Great Lord Shoeflaps the Unscrunchable demands you all listen to his Truth, the One and Only Truth! JFC is a false prophet, Jesus is the name of SIN, and Sir Loone walks in the path of Pure EVIL!

You will all be facing Our Lord Shoeflaps soon, so you'd best Repent and Start feeling sorry For yourselves! Remember, no two shoelaces are the same, and DEep down inside You all know it! Embrace the Truth, and Love the Shoeflaps!

I look forward to your party honey but you won't be able to touch any of those girls unless you marry em.

Just teasing:D

I think you put some points across very well here and others fall down because of the amount of passion with which you feel your convictions. This can be a difficult combination with which to bring enlightenment to people.

We can all respect you and your beliefs, especially when we witness such passion:) I am afraid for you that you leave yourself open to some derision or ridicule at times.

It is enough for us that you have faith

We all of us have faith in something and it is usually an higher power than ourselves or within ourselves. Some of us don't believe that power is a or any god. You can be better welcomed wanted and accepted here and everywhere if you can respect the beliefs of others.

Remember that faith provides comfort. Your faith can provide comfort to others. If others already lie in peaceful slumber, then trying to force a different pilow on them makes them grumpy and snappy See?

Live in peace with your god and may he comfort you always for as long as you need him. As long as you believe he exists, then he does. In your heart and your spirit.

Some of us don't agree with that interpretation That's all.

Respect to you my friend. Your name is truth seeker, you will find other truths on your path. Continue to seek

Love Bill
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Light Being

Originally posted by LIGHTBEING are so Arrogant. Tone your voice down. Did you ever happen to think that it is possible that you are the one being fooled? That you are the one being deceived? Ofcoarse not, couldn't be....I mean you quote the Bible in Big Bold Red Letters. It must be the True Holy Spirit talking thru you. Obviously :rolleyes:
Being of Light, your sure are in the dark!:rolleyes: That what I was saying, there is a greater wisdom and knowledge above yours! You are a 'babe in the woods', not knowing the God of Creation, and that the Bible is the Word of GOD! Men are proud, and is very narrow minded, dead spiritaully, and need inlightenment of the 'absolute truth!' Don't be wise in your own eyes! Because your wisdom and knowledge is foolishness before the Holy GOD! And He is very real, and that, inspite of Sir. Loone! Beware that God is well in charge of all, and the one decieved is "Light being". He is in me, so take care!:) I only serve Him! The Lord!
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Adam- that is fallen nature!

Originally posted by Adam
Adam, "shoeflaps", : The Word of God will judge you! The lies of the Devil will not stand before that which is of God and His Word!

Adam needs to turn to his Creator, who really care for you!:) Je'sus is the worlds only real hope of any hope of survivl!

Remember, what ever I say about what God said, is not of me but from the Bible truths! Read the Bible for your self! Many here, even here have at lease read some of it, if not much of the Bible for them selves! The truth of Scripture is supierior to that of any man, or devil! GOD alone is supreme!:)

No! The Great and Powerful Lord Gumboot of The Seven Naked Sisters will Judge YOU!!! But you can Still repent and Be saved! Just send your Cash or cheque to me before Judgement Day (October 7th this year, 3:47pm Australian EST), and you will be Saved!! You can Then go to Gumboot heaven!! It's full of Gumboots and Naked Women!!!

Rehoice! Repent! Relive the good old days of sin and punishment at the hands of your strict schoolmistress! Oh baby, those sessions in the basement...! She had a rack like you wouldn't believe... BELIEVE! Believe and be saved! Turna way from your false Gumboot-impersonator and follow the One True Path!

The Devil is a liar and the ruth is not in him!

Adam, God is no one to play around with! You need to know the truth, the absolute truth, and the truth shall set you free from the lies of the Devil and of your closed mind!:)

Know that there is so much you do not know about your existance on this Earth, and that niether you nor science knows all there is to know, and that is imposible to know beyond your capassity to understand, that in the supernatural! GOD is the truth, and you will stand before Him yourself one day soon! But take Jesus with you! If not, your doomed! Jesus saves Adams and Caines!
You know, whenever I see Loone's posts I can't but imagine some stoned athiest giggling hystericaly as he types.

I was going to start babbling about Cthulhu, but I think I will just watch the festivities. No wait, I will cheer Adam on!

Go A-dam! Go A-dam! Go A-dam! Wooo wooo woo!

This is bloody hilarious.

Thanks for your kind words! :)

You can be sure that even below storms,
I'll stand still and true to myself. :)


Sir Loone, you are in danger of falling into Great Googly-Moogly's frothy firepit of ultimate deep danky doom-doom! Repent! Abandon your false god, it is the True Devil! Come and join our crusade against the evils od christendom! Come and burn some unvbelievers with us! There are millions of us, and we, the Faithful, will overcome all opposition and false gods and claim the Earth!

PS: If you join before June 15th, YOU may be the lucky winner of your very own Hermaphrodite Harem!
