The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

Consider this - in thousands of pages, the Bible always says the same thing!

Wow, so I can just read the genealogy part and understand the rest!! Awsome! What was the point of writing the rest of the book then? And how does genealogy explain hell and heaven and the Crusades?

Why do you do that if you do not accept that it is God's Word? Why waste time?

Well, there is this wonderful invention called "logic." Those who use it try to explore all options before making a statement, and it is useful to consider what the opposing side will use against you.

Dude, I let Jesus crash on my couch for a week once. He drank all my beer!

Man, He came over and turned all my wine into water! Wasn't even spring water! And my local grocery store's bread for some reason only filled two people! Not to mention the funky things he did with the fish! (Don't ask, it was sick)
What I don't understand is why you involve Yeshua/Jesus in this argument. Of course I don't believe tht he was a god and he even didn't insist on tht. He was talkin more like-> we all are gods. [we all are children of god]. And although I'm certainly no christian I do not see a reason why should we bash Yeshua now. All he did was tht he phylosophised 2000 years ago and some romans and jews put him on a stake. I do not think tht he deserves this making fun of him. It isn't Yeshua tht is funny and laughable. It is nowaday [and from year ~300a.d.) christians with their babbling and preaching. See Mulder for instance;) ....... com'on Yesha wasn't tht ridiculous:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Avatar
I do not see a reason why should we bash Yeshua now.
Personally, I find Jesus kind of groovy. Liked to party, stopped a stoning, cured people, generally tried to get people to stop acting like hypocrites and assholes. It's a small section of his "followers" I can't stand.


It might be devils word also , might also be words written and edited by quite many humans.

Why would a book written and edited many times NEVER ONCE contradict itself?

my logical mind I quess

And what good is logic? Will it make you happy?

you didn't understand geez, I meant tht god is the greatest sinner.

Why do you say that?

why not? really, why not? please answer me this, I'll be most thankful.

Because they really exist! Consider - all cultures around the world have believed in some kind of vampire. How can this be a coincidence?!

Hells yes (pun intended), now I can go meet Satan and enjoy my alcohol, illegal narcotics and rock music!!! Oh......and atheistic sluts.

So you think that hell is one big party, with buxom blonde 'athiestic sluts' and narcotics and booze? You want that? Why would you want that over a life with GOD?

You are blind! And ROCK MUSIC? Rock music will keep you in demonic bondage!

Read this tract and get saved!

Ah, don't worry. I can take Yahwah any old day of the fucking week.

You think you can fight the Devil, you think you can fight God? You are wrong! OPEN YOUR EYES!
Why would a book written and edited many times NEVER ONCE contradict itself?
NOW YOU SAID IT! It contradicts every damn aspect. (you said tht phrase intentionally, didn't you)
And what good is logic? Will it make you happy?
I could say it makes me satisfied with myself
Why do you say that?
god kills, god is cruel, god likes to punish, god likes to make people suffer (I can prove this), god doesn't stand criticism, god is afraid from other gods.
Because they really exist! Consider - all cultures around the world have believed in some kind of vampire. How can this be a coincidence?!
I didn't say in a single line they didn't exist. What I wanted to know is what is wrong with them. To qoute one source-"we all are gods children" and "all life comes from one source" . So my question remains- why shouldn't I interact with thm if I get the chance?
Why would you want that over a life with GOD?
because life in heaven is boring.
You are blind! And ROCK MUSIC? Rock music will keep you in demonic bondage!
I like heavy pagan metal:p, new age metal and all kinds of trance:)
You think you can fight the Devil, you think you can fight God? You are wrong! OPEN YOUR EYES!
I did and I saw, there was no god, there was no devil, there were only evil humans.

edit- I don't want to hurt your feelings, but do you actually read and believe in tht crap? ( )
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Haha, okay this is definetly not Nelson. Ladies and Gents we have found a new low for theists. Dear lord.......will some religious folks please stand up here and stop letting idiots represent them?

"Why would a book written and edited many times NEVER ONCE contradict itself?"

The Bible contradicts itself many times...........Here are a few examples.......

- The Lord tells us not to kill in Exodus 20:13.....then he kills later on in Exodus 32:27, Hosea 13:16, Numbers 15:36 and many other areas

- In Proverbs 12:22 God teaches us not to lie......yet in Thessalonians 2:11 he himself lies

- In Exodus 20:15 our Father in Heaven commands us not to steal.....then in Luke 19 Jesus commands his followers to steal!

- The good Ephesians 2:8,2:9 teach us that faith is the ultimate reward!......But later we hear James 2:24 which tells us that hard work, 'and not faith alone' provide us with the highest rewards.

- Exodus 21:2 seems to be okey-dokey with slavery......while Isaiah 58:6 commands you to release all bondage!

- Here's one about the big dude himself........Malachi 3:6 says 'For I am the (edit, next two words were replaced by me) Big Guy, and I change not.'...............but then in Jonah 3:10 and Exodus 32:14 basically say 'And the Big Dude changed his mind'

See? Do you want me to bring up any more?

"And what good is logic? Will it make you happy?"

Yes! Logic makes me VERY happy!

"Because they really exist! Consider - all cultures around the world have believed in some kind of vampire. How can this be a coincidence?!"

First of all, no not all cultures believed in vampires. And second of all, not all the 'vampires' were NEARLY the same from area to area!! Basically, all that can be said is most cultures had a folklore of a creature that sucked blood. And even then it's really quite easy to see how the folklore spread. See, like any rumour it starts up in one town. Then a traveller passes by one day and hears the rumour. He takes it back to wherever he's going and tells it to the people there. Over time they start worrying that they have one. Then an unusual death happens and they believe they have a vampire. So, now you have two towns that believe they have a non-existent thing in them. It can spread quite rapidly.

And if vampires are real.....were they on the Ark with Noah? If so, what did they eat for those 40 days and 40 nights?

"So you think that hell is one big party, with buxom blonde 'athiestic sluts' and narcotics and booze? You want that? Why would you want that over a life with GOD?

You are blind! And ROCK MUSIC? Rock music will keep you in demonic bondage!

Read this tract and get saved!"

For starters, that site gives off the impression that these people are only interested in Christianity for the reward at the end. And that is a poor way to be a theist.

Second of all......does hell contain the atheistic sluts, rock music, drugs and alcohol that I hope it does? If so, I would MUCH rather spend an eternity in Hell than an eternity in Heaven. You see, I believe if your God is real, he is a cruel God.

"You think you can fight the Devil, you think you can fight God? You are wrong! OPEN YOUR EYES!"

I don't want to fight the Devil. I see no need or desire too.
Okay, I've just managed to stop giggling. Now I'll type a response and....

*Xev collapses in giggles again*

"Why would a book written and edited many times NEVER ONCE contradict itself? "

Tyler gave you some nice contradictions. (Thank you Tyler) Here's a link to more:

"And what good is logic? Will it make you happy?"

Yes, as a matter of fact, it will.

In any case, 'whether it makes you happy' is not a good guide to believing in things.

"You are blind! And ROCK MUSIC? Rock music will keep you in demonic bondage!"

You have some weird fetish here, that I do not even want to BEGIN to explore.

But, yeah, booze, drugs, rock music, maybe some cute guys.....could I have unlimited funding for my scientific research?

Sounds great.

"You think you can fight the Devil, you think you can fight God? You are wrong! OPEN YOUR EYES!"

Well, Lucifer has a nasty left hook, but I managed to mop the floor with him pretty easy.

In conclusion, FoxMulder, you are a total head case.
I don't buy it.

FoxMulder just cannot be serious. I think he's just an atheistic person doing this for fun, or to mess with us. He just can't be a real christian. His "arguments" are just too pathetically and obviously wrong and repetitive. Even a christian person has better arguments than these! FoxMulder, I apoligize if you actually are a christian trying to defend your beliefs, but if you really are christian this should give you some indication of how good your arguments are.
Re: Xev is crazy, she not goddess!

Originally posted by Sir. Loone
Proverbs 26:3-5: "A whip for the horse, a bridle for the @ss, and a rod for the fool's back.

4)Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

5)Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own coneit."

11)"As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly."
:D Adam and Vex, Tiassa & his friends of the pegon hord!:D
Xev! It is I, Sir. Zangief Loone!:) not "Tony1"! All fonicators and adulterers can come to JESUS for their salvation! One day in life you all will have to come to Him, or else the" fate worse then Death!" Standing by! :)
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Originally posted by Tyler
Haha, okay this is definetly not Nelson. Ladies and Gents we have found a new low for theists. Dear lord.......will some religious folks please stand up here and stop letting idiots represent them?

"Why would a book written and edited many times NEVER ONCE contradict itself?"

The Bible contradicts itself many times...........Here are a few examples.......

- The Lord tells us not to kill in Exodus 20:13.....then he kills later on in Exodus 32:27, Hosea 13:16, Numbers 15:36 and many other areas

- In Proverbs 12:22 God teaches us not to lie......yet in Thessalonians 2:11 he himself lies

- In Exodus 20:15 our Father in Heaven commands us not to steal.....then in Luke 19 Jesus commands his followers to steal!

- The good Ephesians 2:8,2:9 teach us that faith is the ultimate reward!......But later we hear James 2:24 which tells us that hard work, 'and not faith alone' provide us with the highest rewards.

- Exodus 21:2 seems to be okey-dokey with slavery......while Isaiah 58:6 commands you to release all bondage!

- Here's one about the big dude himself........Malachi 3:6 says 'For I am the (edit, next two words were replaced by me) Big Guy, and I change not.'...............but then in Jonah 3:10 and Exodus 32:14 basically say 'And the Big Dude changed his mind'

See? Do you want me to bring up any more?

"And what good is logic? Will it make you happy?"

Yes! Logic makes me VERY happy!

"Because they really exist! Consider - all cultures around the world have believed in some kind of vampire. How can this be a coincidence?!"

First of all, no not all cultures believed in vampires. And second of all, not all the 'vampires' were NEARLY the same from area to area!! Basically, all that can be said is most cultures had a folklore of a creature that sucked blood. And even then it's really quite easy to see how the folklore spread. See, like any rumour it starts up in one town. Then a traveller passes by one day and hears the rumour. He takes it back to wherever he's going and tells it to the people there. Over time they start worrying that they have one. Then an unusual death happens and they believe they have a vampire. So, now you have two towns that believe they have a non-existent thing in them. It can spread quite rapidly.

And if vampires are real.....were they on the Ark with Noah? If so, what did they eat for those 40 days and 40 nights?

"So you think that hell is one big party, with buxom blonde 'athiestic sluts' and narcotics and booze? You want that? Why would you want that over a life with GOD?

You are blind! And ROCK MUSIC? Rock music will keep you in demonic bondage!

Read this tract and get saved!"

For starters, that site gives off the impression that these people are only interested in Christianity for the reward at the end. And that is a poor way to be a theist.

Second of all......does hell contain the atheistic sluts, rock music, drugs and alcohol that I hope it does? If so, I would MUCH rather spend an eternity in Hell than an eternity in Heaven. You see, I believe if your God is real, he is a cruel God.

"You think you can fight the Devil, you think you can fight God? You are wrong! OPEN YOUR EYES!"

I don't want to fight the Devil. I see no need or desire too.

Tyler, the contridiction you point out are not understude by you!:rolleyes: You have to have the Holy Spirit of this the Bible to understand that which you say are contradictive of each other! A blatent missunderstanding of what you have read, and you need to be in GOD and GOD in you to get this right and Church and fellowship will help, but in thy rebelion against the truth of God's Holy Word, it will look strainge to you and others that know not the truth nor the Author of the truth! Read on, may find answers, hopefully find GOD !:)
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Originally posted by Raithere

Personally, I find Jesus kind of groovy. Liked to party, stopped a stoning, cured people, generally tried to get people to stop acting like hypocrites and assholes. It's a small section of his "followers" I can't stand.

Your sounding like your getting close to the truth!:) And when you do, you will love all!!:D JESUS is Alive and well!... He does not wish that any should go to Hell!... Now does that ring a bell?!...* JESUS 'is' Alive and well!* You know, JESUS is very groovey with me!:D GLORY BE TO GOD ! Amen!
Okay I've been doing my homework and Loony is not Tony1 in my opinion. Their styles are different.

Hey may see this as unfortunate but I will not become a theist without hard evidence (which I doubt will come) and am not about to waste a bunch more of my life to try religion again. So perhaps you can just tell me how these things aren't contradictions? Hmm?
Jesus was pretty nifty. I mean, other than the exhortation to slay his enemies, and the fact that he was rather nonchalent about that stoning.....

He was pretty groovy. Anybody who brings the dead back to life and turns water into wine is groovy.

Xev! It is I, Sir. Zangief Loone! not "Tony1"! All fonicators and adulterers can come to JESUS for their salvation! One day in life you all will have to come to Him, or else the" fate worse then Death!" Standing by!

Naw, I'm definitly damned. ;)
Not in your own understanding!

You need to read a lot more of that Bible and go to a Spirit filled Church of the Living Christ, were thay teach the truth in love!:) Tyler!

Xev, get a life! And clean up thy act!:)and, get out of the lap of Satan! He will only kill and destroy lives of ignorant peolples! As of you show your self! You nor anyone one Earth is a match for him, only in the power of GOD through Jesus! He's your only true hope of any hope! All others are flat out lies of the one, the lap your sitting in!
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Originally posted by Sir. Loone
Your sounding like your getting close to the truth. ... You know, JESUS is very groovey with me!:D GLORY BE TO GOD ! Amen!

Okay, settle down Loone. I think Jesus was pretty groovy but...
1. I don't believe he was God.
2. He's around 2000 years dead by now.
3. He's probably somthing of a fabrication.

Santa is pretty cool too, I just don't believe in him.

Xev, get a life!

I resent that! :p


I have a life. Life sucks.

And clean up thy act!and, get out of the lap of Satan!

Loone, I am not in Satan's lap. I don't want to think about that one.

He will only kill and destroy lives of ignorant peolples!

That's a mean thing to do.

As of you show your self! You nor anyone one Earth is a match for him,

Okay, just a second......

*Xev grabs her copy of the Necronomicon and starts chanting*

Ia-R'yleh! Cthulhu fthagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

*Cthulhu rises from the waves*

"Hey Cthulhu, do me a favor and beat the stuffin' out of Satan."

Okay Loone, problem solved. Like I said, no wussy man-goat is a match for Cthulhu.


"Hey Cthulhu, watch that left hook!"

Well Loone, looks like Cthulhu took care of the problem.

All others are flat out lies of the one, the lap your sitting in!

Evil man-goats ain't my type, Loone. I may be damned, but I ain't putting out for anything that isn't human.
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As far as I'm concerned the Bible was a bad quantum experiment that went completely wrong, and now everybody is dogged by the entrapy created from faster than light manipulation.

This means that the Bible is a disease, the words it spreads can be used and manipulated for any meaning other than good.
How many people suffering delusional represenations quote, how many people could be found to suffer schizofrenia from quoting verses?

I'm not a medical doctor, but I swear the book belongs with the dead, not the living.
Originally posted by Stryderunknown
As far as I'm concerned the Bible was a bad quantum experiment that went completely wrong, and now everybody is dogged by the entrapy created from faster than light manipulation.

This means that the Bible is a disease, the words it spreads can be used and manipulated for any meaning other than good.
How many people suffering delusional represenations quote, how many people could be found to suffer schizofrenia from quoting verses?

I'm not a medical doctor, but I swear the book belongs with the dead, not the living.


Funny how A book, that is over 2000 years old, written by a bunch of superstitious, homeless fools can create such havoc!!! BTW does anyone know if "The Bible" is now or ever was on the bestseller list. I've tried finding it in the fiction section, no luck.

Maybe if I write A book, people will worship me. Not even in a million years.:D :cool:
Originally posted by *stRgrL*:
its people like you that kept me away from the church when I was trying to find God.

That's true.
Fox, if you walk in Light you should see Light in everyone. God is everywhere. There's Light even in darkness. You shouldn't see the darkness of people, you should see the Light that comes from them. Instead of seeing that they know not God, see that they are full of Life, they are full of God. See their beauty that is beyond their personalities instead of their imperfections. Eveyone has imperfections. I have them, you have them too. Respect other people's differences and beliefs and look for the Light that shine from them. You'll start to Love everyone unconditionally and seeing the beauty and Glory of God everywhere in the world. :)

Darkness is merely an illusion. ;)


Second, most Christians have told me 'God loves the sinner but hates the sin!' The problem I have with this is, if God loves me, why would he damn me? That's not very loving.

He doesn't damn you. It's not Him that causes you to fail, it's your choices. You have a free will and you certainly make mistakes. You are not to blame God neither you for them. They are there to make you learn. You learn from your mistakes. Don't blame them, and forgive yourself. Then, everything will be fine.


Tell me Xev, what have you got to lose if you believe in God? Your pride?

Yes. But they also feel insecure about believing in things that they do not see.

God hates all workers of inequity (sinners)!
No God never hates. He doesn't accept sin. But He accepts the sinner because He knows that the sinner has been illuded by the Devil, by his own mind. You see... Devil has no power over anyone. The only thing he can do is to attack you through your free will. He uses your free will against you. That's the only way he can get you. He causes you to make a mistake, to make a wrong choice. Then, he uses this mistake to blame you. He makes you blame yourself, or blame others for your problems. That's why Jesus teached us to forgive ourselves and to forgive other people. ;)

Don't blame no one for anything. It's not my fault neither yours. It's an illusion that the Devil created, through your own soul. That's why Jesus told us to search for the Truth in our Hearts and that the Truth will set us free. Because there's only one Truth, but there are many lies. A "broad way to hell" and a "narrow gate" to Heaven. :)

God is within everyone. Look for the Glory of God, look for Life, for Love; don't look for the darkness. ;)

God loves you, but He is perfect and cannot abide imperfection (sin). So He expels the sinners

He doesn't "expels" them, they just can't stand with Him...


The Lord tells us not to kill in Exodus 20:13.....then he kills later on in Exodus 32:27, Hosea 13:16, Numbers 15:36 and many other areas

God is Life... Does Life kills...?

Yes! Logic makes me VERY happy!

Is that a long lasting happiness...?

Originally posted by Sir Loone:
You have to have the Holy Spirit of this the Bible to understand that which you say are contradictive of each other! A blatent missunderstanding of what you have read, and you need to be in GOD and GOD in you to get this right and Church and fellowship will help, but in thy rebelion against the truth of God's Holy Word, it will look strainge to you and others that know not the truth nor the Author of the truth!

Yes, that's true. But I should explain this.
In the example I interpreted above, the Holy Spirit within me helped me to understand it by remembering me that God is Life. When this understanding comes, it is easy to interpret what is written in the Bible. Holy Spirit is Life. It's everywhere.


Look to each other with the eyes of Love!:)
