The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

Re: apologies in advance

Originally posted by dan1123

Were the angles obtuse to want to rape? Maybe they wanted acute girl.... Maybe some of the angles were right and wanted another right angle to get straight.

...sorry... couldn't help myself.

I must now kill you.

For I am without morals because I have no god... bwhahahaha.
Note: Atheists have their OWN morals. Which don't involve sheep or incest. (see Bible)

Oddly enough, when searching for that reference to find the fathers name ,'Lot,' I searched using the word 'angel' ... one wonders how i miss spelt it here. Err, or i do a least. (probably because my spelling isn't that great!)
"I must now kill you.

For I am without morals because I have no god... bwhahahaha."

I'm a good atheist - I only hit theists with mackrels, and take all their money.
I suppose it's better that they apoligised, but it still doesn't back up the the mob raping his daughters does it? many problems in the book and yet some still manage to believe in this 'god' and yet...such a thing can not scientifically exist

If a giant gorrila in heat was locked in a cage with you would you not fear?

What's your point?

And fear creates ILLNESS???

Stress does, fear does...

These things are all easily explained by science.
Oh my God...!
That's not what I meant...
I meant that Life is everywhere and can be seen in all transformations . Transformation is the unity of Creation and Manifestation.

Learn their language and explain it in that.

I'm not talking about language, I'm talking about knowledge. For instance, if there are electromagnetic waves in the middle of a forest, a tribe cannot perceive it, they don't even know it exists. But if you have an antenna to receive them, you will perceive it. And you might get a soccer game... or baseball... or whatever...:D


Actually, she does.

What is "Him"? Which part of the statement "God is Life" people don't understand...?:bugeye: :confused: :eek:

"1 Cor. 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

child·ish Pronunciation Key (chldsh)
1.Of, relating to, or suitable for a child or childhood: a high, childish voice; childish nightmares.

a.Marked by or indicating a lack of maturity; puerile: tired of your childish pranks.
b.Not complicated; simple.
c.Affected mentally by old age; senile.

Matthew 18:2-4:

"2 He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3 And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. "

Matthew 11:25:

"25 At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. "

child·like Pronunciation Key (chldlk)
1.Like or befitting a child, as in innocence, trustfulness, or candor.

a. Resembling a child, or that which belongs to children; becoming a child; meek; submissive; dutiful.

Note: Childlike, as applied to persons grown up, is commonly in a good sense; as, childlike grace or simplicity; childlike modesty.

b. adj 1: befitting a young child; "childlike charm" [syn: childly] 2: exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity; "childlike trust" [syn: dewey-eyed, simple]

Society is not childlike anymore, it's childish. Big difference...

1 Cor 13:11 talks about childish
Matthew 18:2-4 and Matthew 11:25 talks about childlike

I was saying that we are not childlike anymore, that we lost our innocence and created fear and disorder...

"What's your point?"

That fear does not come from a lack of knowledge of God. It comes from being locked in small, dark areas with male gorillas in heat.

"Stress does, fear does..."

Stress and fear are not the exact same. Please tell me how I got mono from fear.

"Oh my God...!
That's not what I meant.."

He asked for some proof to your theories and you said the birds chirping is your proof. So yes, that is what you meant apparently.
This may have been adressed, as I haven't read all 22 pages of this discussion....

I just thought it would be best to point out:

"The scientific proof that God exists!" a paradox.

And not a very good one at that.
Don't you worry about it, jj! The 'proof' was debunked on page 2 or three, I think, and was pretty weak from the beginning.

For the rest of that time, it's been a very bizzare thread. :eek:


"What is "Him"? Which part of the statement "God is Life" people don't understand...?"

It's meaningless, that's all.

"I was saying that we are not childlike anymore, that we lost our innocence and created fear and disorder..."

Yep, life was soo much better in the stone age, before science. People normally died in their 20s and all, great time!
Well, that was effing stupid

Note: Atheists have their OWN morals. Which don't involve sheep or incest. (see Bible)
I'm sure this completely and utterly f--king stupid statement has some value in the world aside from demonstrating the sheer idiocy of its author.

Perhaps, if we're patient, the author will be so kind as to explain that value.

I'm not holding my breath. :rolleyes:

--Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
I perceive God as Life. You said "I need no God to tell me the world is beautiful and life is worth living." In my philosophy God is Life...
God = Love = Life

Sorry, but the equation doesn't really make sense without some further explanation, Nelson. You're obviously not just equating terms here but are trying to reach for some deeper meaning. Most theists are of the opinion that God is the source of Love and Life but that is not quite what you are saying. Care to expound on the premise?


Forget about faith! You didn't need faith to fly, you needed to understand flying. This is just the same. Now try again…
- "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" by Richard Bach
Note: Atheists have their OWN morals. Which don't involve sheep or incest. (see Bible)

this is obviously refering to all the good helpfull things the bible teaches, such as having sex with ones own daughters, sister, half sister, or parents as the bible mentions so often
"Note: Atheists have their OWN morals. Which don't involve sheep or incest. (see Bible)"

Breathe! (i'm pretty sure that's how you conjugate it)

The first part means that atheists decide themselves what is right and wrong. And lot of morals of the religious [people] are picked up from the 'holy book'.

The second part was admittably, a bit of a cheap shot. But not fully so. The part about sheep was cheap. (i was joking that god gave adam the chance to live with any animal... 2:18-22. the bit about sheep was a connotation to how a suprisingly large number of people (aka: > 0) have had sex with sheep.)
The bit about incest... in many places, the bibles seems to promote incest. Many times do daughters have the children of their fathers. Incest marriage is not allowed, just sex (or it seems so). If you can somehow get 'it is bad to masturbait' from 38:9-10, then i think that you ought to conclude that incest in the bible is Ok.

Sorry, but the equation doesn't really make sense without some further explanation, Nelson. You're obviously not just equating terms here but are trying to reach for some deeper meaning. Most theists are of the opinion that God is the source of Love and Life but that is not quite what you are saying. Care to expound on the premise?

God is not only the source of Love and Life but He IS Love and Life. God-The Source is the "Father" of the Bible, the Creator. God-The Love and The Life is the Holy Spirit which is everywhere. That's why there is Father, Son and Holy Spirit; they are three different aspects of God.

May I ask you something... When you look in the mirror what do you see...?


That fear does not come from a lack of knowledge of God. It comes from being locked in small, dark areas with male gorillas in heat.

I don't even answer that...:rolleyes:

Stress and fear are not the exact same. Please tell me how I got mono from fear.

Fear causes stress... distress to be more exact...

He asked for some proof to your theories and you said the birds chirping is your proof. So yes, that is what you meant apparently.

That's philosophy... you can't give evidence for philosophy...


It's meaningless, that's all.

Can you exist without life...?

Yep, life was soo much better in the stone age, before science. People normally died in their 20s and all, great time!
I'm talking about domestication of children and obscessive urbanization. Ah... and a stupid fear and disgust of nature...
:rolleyes: :bugeye: :eek:

"Don't you worry about it, jj! The 'proof' was debunked on page 2 or three, I think, and was pretty weak from the beginning. "

Btw, my real name doesnt have a single J in it... nor do I have any heroes who's initials may have jj in their name. It's not an acronym for anything.. just a near random tapping of the keys.;) I'm also not adverse to being called jj, so i'm not sure why i just wrote this...

I just wanted to point it out because of the fact it was a paradox.. as that's a term we've really learnt to apply to things this school term.

"For the rest of that time, it's been a very bizzare thread. "

It's human nature to digress isn't it? :)
In english class, while discussing a book, our debating (moreso the teaching was feeding us 'facts') turned to sex. (the book is Fahrenheit 451, nothing to do with sex) I like a teacher who isn't afraid to talk about anything though. Sex is often taboo. sex sex sex.

What I actually wanted to add though, an edit didn't seem appropriate. On second thought, aside from the 'sheep' reference. I think my statement had a lot of truth behind it! So pour that in your pipe and blow it.

"May I ask you something... When you look in the mirror what do you see...? "

A human... one who happens to be me.

Edit: for typos.
"Btw, my real name doesnt have a single J in it... nor do I have any heroes who's initials may have jj in their name. It's not an acronym for anything.. just a near random tapping of the keys. I'm also not adverse to being called jj, so i'm not sure why i just wrote this... "

Ah, I can never remember acronyms. Sorry.

"What I actually wanted to add though, an edit didn't seem appropriate. On second thought, aside from the 'sheep' reference. I think my statement had a lot of truth behind it! So pour that in your pipe and blow it."

Tiassa feels that he was mislead by the athiests of sciforums or some such. Ignore it, I liked your post. Quite witty, actually.

Edit to add:

Your sig:
"jjhlk; proud to be atheist.
Faith is the enemy of reason."

Martin Luther would say that:

"Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and ... know nothing but the word of God."

That guy was mental. Oddly enough, I was born on his 500th birthday.

Can you exist without life...?"

No, but this proves nothing. I can't exist without oxygen, either. Is oxygen God?

It's a meaningless statement - one might as well say "God is nothing" - it proves as much.


"I'm talking about domestication of children and obscessive urbanization. Ah... and a stupid fear and disgust of nature..."

I agree wholeheartedly. However, life is better because of science - you cannot dispute this, unless you say that living longer is a bad thing.

You're also mixing your tenses here. If the past was of infinite duration it would not have a beginning rather than not having an end, as you state. If time is infinite then the "present" is simply a point somewhere along an infinite line. If time is finite then the "present" is simply a point somewhere along a finite line. You've solved nothing here

You would describe time then as a ray, but without a point of origin, but a mobile endpoint?

6. Where's the proof? A snowflake has a beginning, where is it's creator? A tumor has a beginning, where is it's creator? Obviously, not all things that have a beginning have a "creator".

There only needs to be one creation at only one point. The rest is cause-effect.

This is essentialy the original cause argument and it is faulty. At the least it begs the question, "If everything must have a cause what caused God?"

I will say God always was, and is, for He created time, physics etc. and therefore is outside of the natrual laws. I can't explain this further, but I will ask Him when I see Him. (And If I don't then you were right)

Should we then believe in Santa Claus and ascribe to his tenants (i.e. be nice not naughty) just to be on the safe side? After all, we may get presents.

I thought so when I was younger, however I encounterd the proof that my reletives are they who purchase the gifts. Therefore Santa has never done anything for me, nor do I have proof that he will. Nor is he obligated to, for he has never said he would, only other people have.

God, (please note I believe in the Christian God for other religions have different doctrine) has in the Bible. Written by men, yes, but Inspired by God. And nothing I have read has been proven false.

On a more personal note, thanks for the laymans counter arguement, made it easy to understand. My belief, again is that God does exist, and that it is the Christian God. However, I DO respect your belief and your right to believe it. That whole "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" thing. I believe that, in order to spread my faith, I must subject it to criticsms and critiques, so that my facts are in order. If I, or Truthseeker can convince some of the people on this board that God exists, then I think I can convince most people I come across. Also, thank you for not cursing me out in the reply. Very strong opinions all across the thread. Thanks.

No, but this proves nothing. I can't exist without oxygen, either. Is oxygen God?

The Bible says that the Holy Spirit is everywhere... it might be... :D

Air is always associated with Spirit in Mythology. That's seems a good idea... because without air we cannot exist... :)

Another one is the association of blood with Life and Spirit. You cannot exist without blood... so God is in the blood too. ;)

It's a meaningless statement - one might as well say "God is nothing" - it proves as much.

God is everything... so what's nothing if only everything exists...????:confused: :bugeye: :p :eek: :eek: :D

I agree wholeheartedly. However, life is better because of science - you cannot dispute this, unless you say that living longer is a bad thing.

I cannot argue againt that... :)

"The Bible says that the Holy Spirit is everywhere... it might be... "

So God is everything? You do realize that this negates traditional Christian doctrines, especially that of Origional Sin and the Redemption.

"God is everything... so what's nothing if only everything exists...????"

Everything is nothing.


Just call me Master Ripoche.

No, seriously, what does it mean, "God is everything"? Then I am God, because I am somthing.

You're heading down the primrose path to agnosticism, or Unitarian Univeralism, Nelson. Soon you'll be very, very close to us athiests.....

Scary thought, ain't it? ;)
"I DO respect your belief and your right to believe it. That whole "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" thing. I believe that, in order to spread my faith, I must subject it to criticsms and critiques, so that my facts are in order"

As it should probably be said at least once:

Although it may seem hypocritical, that is - atheists seeming to discourage your belief in god, while being all for free speech and all that; I can say for myself that I would be glad to let you believe in anything you want. However, I will also glady debate you on why your beliefs seem stupid and illogical [to me], and I will maybe get a little hyperactive over it. But I still respect your right to belief it; even if you are brainwashed. [i'm trying to be light-hearted, not insulting.. most likely]

The internet is the ultimate place for debate. I can't get it from any of my friends. But here... well, it's just great!!!!