The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

But they also feel insecure about believing in things that they do not see.
Or believing in that which does not exist...

The only thing he can do is to attack you through your free will. He uses your free will against you.
Wasn't this in the Communist Manifesto?

Look to each other with the eyes of Love!
Nice outlook on life though. :)

You know what's great about yiffing? Everything.
Nelson, FoxNutter:

"Yes. But they also feel insecure about believing in things that they do not see."

Actually, the last time I believed in God, I lost my car keys.

Pride? Fuck pride. Truth above pride and ego. Truth above all.

There ain't no evidence.

"A "broad way to hell" and a "narrow gate" to Heaven."

As an athiestic slut, I get to party with Tyler in hell, righty?

"Look to each other with the eyes of Love!"

*Looks at Spy Fox with the eyes of Love.* ;)
"He doesn't damn you. It's not Him that causes you to fail, it's your choices. You have a free will and you certainly make mistakes. You are not to blame God neither you for them. They are there to make you learn. You learn from your mistakes. Don't blame them, and forgive yourself. Then, everything will be fine."

Well Nelson for the first time in a while I think we can have a rational debate.

Let me explain it this way. If I had a friend who was a serious drug addict and came to me, what would I do? Well, I would try and help him, get him to recovery and to accomplish what he wishes. I would not hand him over to a torture chamber to live out the rest of his days because he made a choice I didn't like. Second, and Nelson I believe you will have a personal answer to this on how you feel God acts (what with Jesus just being accepting Love into your heart), but true scripture does not say this, and to most Christians who truly believe and follow their religion it is thought that accepting Jesus into your heart is the only way to heaven. If this is the case, then many millions of people who never have a chance to even hear the name Jesus will go to hell. And that is cruel.

"Yes. But they also feel insecure about believing in things that they do not see."

Not true. I have never seen 10 million dollars, yet I believe it exists. However, I believe it because it is logical and rational.

"God is Life... Does Life kills...?"

No. Life does not kill. Other things end your life. And anyway, are you just going to try and correct one contradiction?

"Is that a long lasting happiness...?"


"As an athiestic slut, I get to party with Tyler in hell, righty?"

We'll crank some tunes, light up one, find a place to 'rest' and enjoy the fire!
If god is a male human being as you've implied, then 'he' cannot be made of only energy. (you COULD argue that matter IS a form of energy, but I'd know you are just being an idiot).

To prove the existance of God, then you first have to define god. But since you haven't. Everything you've stated is bullshit.

Let me give you an example.

God is a metaphysical system that exists within the universe.
There are an infinite number of possible metaphysical systems within the universe, however, and a finite amount really existing. The chance of god really existing, then, must be 'nearly' one in infinity. So god probably doesn't exist.

It's only an example and I won't defend it.

But why try and prove the unprovable. Accept your defeat!
Go Atheists! ;) *a joke, . right?
You need to read a lot more of that Bible and go to a Spirit filled Church of the Living Christ, were thay teach the truth in love! Tyler!
christ is dead (was a nice guy), christianity is dying (thank god:D)
You nor anyone one Earth is a match for him, only in the power of GOD through Jesus!
you seem to give a lot of power to THINE demon. christianity created satan, only christians have to fear from him.
I think tht Jesus told that you must believe in god only through yourself
Truth Seeker,
---Darkness is merely an illusion.--- I could say the same about the light

No God never hates. He doesn't accept sin. But He accepts the sinner because He knows that the sinner has been illuded by the Devil, by his own mind. You see... Devil has no power over anyone. The only thing he can do is to attack you through your free will. He uses your free will against you. That's the only way he can get you. He causes you to make a mistake, to make a wrong choice. Then, he uses this mistake to blame you. He makes you blame yourself, or blame others for your problems. That's why Jesus teached us to forgive ourselves and to forgive other people.
total BS, have you ever talked to your gos. you speak so as if you did
God is Life... Does Life kills...?
he does- read the bible

If god is a male human being as you've implied, then 'he' cannot be made of only energy.

He can't be male neither female as He is the source of everything... He is Life itself...

To prove the existance of God, then you first have to define god. But since you haven't. Everything you've stated is bullshit.

God is Love, God is Life...
I've already said that...

Primeval Beauty,

total BS, have you ever talked to your gos. you speak so as if you did

Interesting observation...

he does- read the bible
  1. God is Life
  2. You are Alive
  3. God is within you

    He gets out of you, you are dead... "He" "killed" you...:bugeye:

Any who doubt God's existence may want to check out I can't find any holes in the philosophy. Using only reason and not the Bible to prove God's existence.

I myself believe in God. However, I would just like to mention that if I am right and God does exist, any who don't believe in Him will be in Hell. If you are right, what do you have to loose by believeing in Him? I don't know, but just for the reason of being on the safe side...
"1. "God" means "Creator of the Physical Universe.""

So the big bang is God?

"4. History has its end in the present. (The future is not history.)"

It will be.

"So if the past was of infinite duration, an infinity came to its end."

No, that dosen't follow.

"7. A Creator of the universe, God, exists."

Dosen't follow.

"I myself believe in God."

Bully for you.

"However, I would just like to mention that if I am right and God does exist, any who don't believe in Him will be in Hell."

Dosen't follow. Maybe God isn't a sadistic fuck like you think He is.

It's a simple dilemna:
God is either

A: A sadistic twerp who tortures people for eternity for no reason.

B: Forgiving of those who didn't believe in Him.

Why worship the first choice?

And why fear the second?

"If you are right, what do you have to loose by believeing in Him?"

Honor, ethics, the ability to think clearly...

"I don't know, but just for the reason of being on the safe side..."

May as well believe in the Great Cthulhu.
On Arctan Talematros' Pascal's wager:

- you can't choose what you believe, you can only believe what you believe. If I find God illogical then I can not believe him to be logical.

- Which God should I believe in? There is more than one. Xev's Cthulhu could kick your God's ass.

- So we should believe so we don't burn in hell? I have great objections to living in a fool's paradise, be it metaphorical or literal.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

He can't be male neither female as He is the source of everything... He is Life itself...
But you refer to him as a male. I agree, HE is the source of everything- of misery, death, accidents, illneses, fear etc.
God is Love, God is Life...
I've already said that...
Yes you did, but can' t you do any better:confused: like some little proof?:D
Interesting observation...
I know it is, but you didn' t answer the question
He gets out of you, you are dead... "He" "killed" you...
Actually- have you heard of Sodom and Gomor (sp). HE killed those people.

he gets out of me, I' m dead???:D
well then, it is better if he never is in;)
Originally posted by Arctan Talematros
Using only reason and not the Bible to prove God's existence.
you apparently have bad reasoning and awful logic

I myself believe in God.
that unfortunately is the problem for many amongst the living:(
I would just like to mention that if I am right and God does exist, any who don't believe in Him will be in Hell
You don't say?:) And who in the hell has told you that it is bad in the hell or good in the heaven. So you'd like to sing happy songs and play the arph to your god for all eternity. If you'd ever question it's authority you'd find yourself in a lake of fire. Seems like a bloody despot to me.

Your god is a bloody despot of a past age and we are better without him.

IF you are true, well-> I quess we'll make a big party in the hell with Xev:cool:
what do you have to loose by believeing in Him?
I quess my pride, my mind, my reason, my life.
I don't know, but just for the reason of being on the safe side...
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Originally posted by Arctan Talematros

Sorry Arctan, the site uses faulty logic. See the quote and my responses. I'll keep it simple rather than introducing formal logic.

1. "God" means "Creator of the Physical Universe."
2. Time passes, from the past, into the present, and on to the future.
3. The past was either finite or infinite in duration. That is, the amount of seconds, days, years, etc. before the present moment (day, year...) must have been either infinite or finite in number.
4. History has its end in the present. (The future is not history.) So if the past was of infinite duration, an infinity came to its end. But this is a self-contradiction.
5. Therefore, the universe did not have an infinitely long past; but a past of finite length. Therefore, it had a beginning.
6. The universe was created.
7. A Creator of the universe, God, exists.

1. A somewhat limited definition but I'll accept it.

2. Not truly accurate but I'll give you that one too.

3. Time is either finite or infinite. This leaves out some other possibilities but I'll accept it.

4. First, history is not time. History is the record of human events generally given in chronological order. Hopefully history does not have it's end in the present… hopefully, humans will continue to exist for a while into the future yet. But we don't know for sure. Of course, we do know that history did not end when you wrote that because I'm responding to you now.

You're also mixing your tenses here. If the past was of infinite duration it would not have a beginning rather than not having an end, as you state. If time is infinite then the "present" is simply a point somewhere along an infinite line. If time is finite then the "present" is simply a point somewhere along a finite line. You've solved nothing here.

5. Unproven, but I'll give you this one for the sake of argument.

6. Where's the proof? A snowflake has a beginning, where is it's creator? A tumor has a beginning, where is it's creator? Obviously, not all things that have a beginning have a "creator".

7. You've failed to prove 6. Therefore you cannot reach 7. Even accepting 1-5, which are definitely arguable, 6 and 7 are not proven by 1-5.

This is essentialy the original cause argument and it is faulty. At the least it begs the question, "If everything must have a cause what caused God?"

I myself believe in God. However, I would just like to mention that if I am right and God does exist, any who don't believe in Him will be in Hell. If you are right, what do you have to loose by believeing in Him? I don't know, but just for the reason of being on the safe side...

Should we then believe in Santa Claus and ascribe to his tenants (i.e. be nice not naughty) just to be on the safe side? After all, we may get presents.

"God is Love, God is Life...
I've already said that... "

Wow! It sounds so abstract! But in reality (which i know some of you don't subscribe to) saying that 'God' is love or life is not really different than calling him death or misery. Just giving things seemingly abstract descriptions doesn't do much; and I think most people would agree that mine (death and misery) apply to god so much better. (Take a look at Sodom for example. Or the time God killed all the animals on the earth because 'he' went insane.)

Funny how you give God abstract difinitions, but in the bible God is a living, breathing Male human. Which is quite a problem in itself. How does he live out in space for over 48000 years!? (Or several billion if you go by the scientist count). Perhaps because he is omnipotent? If he is so omnipotent, why'd it take him so long to make the universe! And how'd he make all that light before he made the light SOURCES. OK, enough bible contradicts for now.

I can't believe people still believe in God after witnessing our spectacular science programs. They [theists] must be mentally handicapped.

God believing people are just ignorant masses that for some reason (probably a handicap) need to explain everything. And even when an explanation comes along, they still believe in their other poor beliefs. (therefore, if you beleive in god, we'll call you superstitious, as its nicer than 'idiot*')

God does not exist, there is too much LACK of proof for him, the only reason to believe is to explain the creation of the universe.
You do not NEED to understand the creation of the universe, since you can't even seem to understand elementary astronomy; or physics, or geology, or chemistry.. [more bible bashing]

* Like it or not, idiot is just the 'non political correct' way of saying mentally handicapped. It's not a cheap insult.
Primeval Beauty,

But you refer to him as a male. I agree, HE is the source of everything- of misery, death, accidents, illneses, fear etc.
If I would speak Latin, I would refer to Him as neutral... with a noun instead of a pronoun.

One thing...

Love: awareness of God
Fear: lack of awareness of God

Love creates: kindness, abundance, fulfillement, health, prosperity, honesty, patience.

Fear creates:misery, disorder, illnesses, accidents, lack, desires, lies, worries.

Yes you did, but can' t you do any better like some little proof?

Why leaves grow in trees?
Why birds sing and fly?
Why flowers open in the spring?

I know it is, but you didn' t answer the question

Since I'm about 3 years old.

well then, it is better if he never is in

You don't exist without Him...


Funny how you give God abstract difinitions, but in the bible God is a living, breathing Male human. Which is quite a problem in itself. How does he live out in space for over 48000 years!? (Or several billion if you go by the scientist count). Perhaps because he is omnipotent? If he is so omnipotent, why'd it take him so long to make the universe! And how'd he make all that light before he made the light SOURCES. OK, enough bible contradicts for now.

If you would go to a tribe that don't even speak your language and try to explain gravity... how would you explain it? Allegories, perhaps...

There are two main things in the Universe:
  • Creation
  • Manifestation
The beauty of Creation is the renovation. Creating new things. Create a music, for example. Live Life as a child and you wil perceive it.

The beauty of Manifestation is experience. We are here to experience, to have fun. Live Life as a child and you will perceive it.

The Universe works by the balance of those two things.
If God had created everything in one "day", the beauty of Manifestation would have gone.

I can't believe people still believe in God after witnessing our spectacular science programs. They [theists] must be mentally handicapped.

Science programs...?
You mean... the destruction of innocence and the creation of fear and disorder...?

God does not exist, there is too much LACK of proof for him, the only reason to believe is to explain the creation of the universe.

God is not creation, He is also manifestation. As Tao is the union of the opposites, so is God.

"Love: awareness of God
Fear: lack of awareness of God"

Do not be so stupid nelson. Please.

Fear is not lack of God. If a giant gorrila in heat was locked in a cage with you would you not fear?

And fear creates ILLNESS???

"Why leaves grow in trees?
Why birds sing and fly?
Why flowers open in the spring?"

Holy Shmoley, you are that dumb. These things are all easily explained by science. And they can all be proved by our current theories on how life evolved. Yes, they can be proved by God's existence, but they do not prove that God exists. Just like they don't prove our current scientific theories on the start of life.

"If you would go to a tribe that don't even speak your language and try to explain gravity... how would you explain it?"

Learn their language and explain it in that.

Science programs...?
You mean... the destruction of innocence and the creation of fear and disorder...?"

Well Nelson has one thing right. People certainly didn't live in fear during the crusades before huge technology. And they most definetly weren't in disorder during the times of the French Revolution. And hell, it's not like the plague was fear inducing.
"Why leaves grow in trees?"

In order to capture sunlight for photosynthesis.

"Why birds sing and fly?"

In order to attract a mate, in order to move around, respectivly.

"Why flowers open in the spring?"

In order to attract bugs, to be pollinated so that they can reproduce.

"You don't exist without Him..."

Actually, she does.

"The beauty of Manifestation is experience. We are here to experience, to have fun. Live Life as a child and you will perceive it."

A good strategy. We are not here for a reason, though.

Science programs...?"

You owe us scientists your life. You also owe us your internet connection, your computer, and your means of transportation. You owe us, if you ever see a doctor and he dosen't kill you out of ignorence, you owe us scientists for that. :)

"You mean... the destruction of innocence and the creation of fear and disorder...?"

"1 Cor. 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

We are here to experience, to have fun. Live Life as a child and you will perceive it.

Actually, Nelson, I have to agree with you on this one point. To look at the Universe without awe and wonder is indeed a pale existence. Of course, I would add that the understanding of nature that science has provided us only increases my sense of awe and wonder. I need no God to tell me the world is beautiful or that life is worth living.

Though I don't agree with the whole of your philosophy, I can't argue the value of beauty and love, awe and wonder.


For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command or faith a dictum. I am my own God. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us. - Charles Bukowski
You are blind.

Edit: Just had to address this.
>If I would speak Latin, I would refer to Him as neutral... with a
>noun instead of a pronoun.

And that makes your argument so much more powerful.

>Fear is not lack of God. If a giant gorrila in heat was locked in a
>cage with you would you not fear?
Sorry but I needed to address this as well, despite the author being an 'ally' ;) . I'm pretty sure that gorrilas will only mate out if it will result in a conception. (the pope is very fond of them for this, and other reasons.)

Although, I don't know about you, but I'd still fear anything that is at least 500 kilos and has a penis the size of my head. (Large penises should be feared, as if they are misplaced it can result in quite an injury)

>"If you would go to a tribe that don't even speak your language
>and try to explain gravity... how would you explain it? Allegories,
>perhaps... "

So the bible is just choke full of allegories to help puny humans understand it? Explain the abstract concept behind that 'righteous' guy giving up his virgin daughters to a crowd of angle rapers. He didn't fight back, or even talk to the crowd other than, 'errm, don't rape the angles, rape my daughters instead.'.
Edit: I'm referring to Lot, out of the bible of course.

>"The beauty of Creation is the renovation. Creating new things.
>Create a music, for example. Live Life as a child and you wil
>perceive it. The beauty of Manifestation is experience. We are
>here to experience, to have fun. Live Life as a child and you will
>perceive it. "

Interestingly enough, a child will have no concept of god at all.

>Science programs...?
>You mean... the destruction of innocence and the creation of
>fear and disorder...? "

Well it's a lot better than praying for a cure to cancer! (btw, the kid died.)
Oh right, i fear smallpox NOW.. damn scientists. I'd rather look upon my blistering skin with innocence and wonder.

>"If God had created everything in one "day", the beauty of
>Manifestation would have gone. "

I guess you are right there... I certainly appreciate 'manifestation' much more than i would have, had it been done in only one day ... some billion or so years ago. [verbal irony]

>"God is not creation, He is also manifestation. As Tao is the
>union of the opposites, so is God. "

I find it interesting that in a debate to an atheist, you've chosen to use another religion to explain something. . . I don't really know much about the Tao at all, let alone your crummy religion.(ack).

So you are saying... ignorance is bliss? Tell that to someone who is having chest pains and doesn't know why. Or someone who is spitting blood or has massive headaches (possible brain tumor).
But as long as we can appreciate a flower.... (i can appreciate a flower plenty, and I know the names of each part of it! stamen, pistil, anther, filiment, stigma...etc... I can say, i appreciate them much more than i did before)

Blind faith is the enemy of reason.
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Actually, Nelson, I have to agree with you on this one point. To look at the Universe without awe and wonder is indeed a pale existence. Of course, I would add that the understanding of nature that science has provided us only increases my sense of awe and wonder. I need no God to tell me the world is beautiful or that life is worth living.

Though I don't agree with the whole of your philosophy, I can't argue the value of beauty and love, awe and wonder.

I perceive God as Life. You said "I need no God to tell me the world is beautiful and life is worth living." In my philosophy God is Life... ;)

apologies in advance

guy giving up his virgin daughters to a crowd of angle rapers He didn't fight back, or even talk to the crowd other than, 'errm, don't rape the angles...

Were the angles obtuse to want to rape? Maybe they wanted acute girl.... Maybe some of the angles were right and wanted another right angle to get straight.

...sorry... couldn't help myself.