The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

Very strange

Tiassa, over the past couple of months you seem to have had an obsession with me. Now, I understand it from women, since I'm so damn handsome and sexy and all, but from you...?

Now, you have said many, many times "Adam, your credibility is taking a nose-dive". You say it every other day. There are several points which you might wish to consider about this:

1) You provide no qualification for such statements, you merely repeat the same thing over and over as though such repetition will make it so.

2) Credibility is something which exists only in an arena in which one has a desire to be credible. I have absolutely no credibility in the local knitting club, because I don't care to have it. If anyone here at sciforums mattered enough for me to have some measure of credibility with them, then I might feel it worth my time and effort to work on that. Outside of any relevent arena, credibility is irrelevent.

3) It really doesn't matter, dude. Take a pill and relax.
Back to the topic of the thread...

This thread is about The Scientific Proof That God Exists, remember?! Your petty squabbles don't matter! Geez, get with the program, people! God lives in and around us!

And yes, I had proof of it all, until I was attacked a short time ago...
I think someone's getting way too cocky. FoxMulder you have no right to tell people what to talk about, especially considering you've only been here a few days.
I am not 'cocky'!

I think someone's getting way too cocky. FoxMulder you have no right to tell people what to talk about, especially considering you've only been here a few days

You have a point, Tyler. But I want to go back on topic!

God is Life, God is Love

Yes! Athiests, God loves us! Every one of us! But God hates sinners!

"Psalm 5:5
The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity."

FoxMulder: God lives in and around us? What evidence have you of this?


Athiestic slut? Ha ha ha, I am going to use that in my profile!

I have read the Bible, front to cover.

I don't see how a collection of the mis-translated myths of desert nomads proves the existance of God.

Oh, now you've done it! What, you think your better than us because we dont believe in your god? That was totally uncalled for. And completely distastful. God doesnt like sinners? What does he think of you? I dont think he would find your use of language very approriate, do you? Your a total hypocrite, and its people like you that kept me away from the church when I was trying to find God.
Get a life!
Bring on the atheistic sluts. If any of you fear FoxMulder or God's wrath, you are welcome to stay at my house.

"Yes! Athiests, God loves us! Every one of us! But God hates sinners!"

First of all, those sentances contradict each other. - I love ALL the apples in the basket! But I hate that one! - See how that doesn't work? Second, most Christians have told me 'God loves the sinner but hates the sin!' The problem I have with this is, if God loves me, why would he damn me? That's not very loving.
But God hates sinners!"
your god must really hate himself
now this was an inaproriate(sp) but I'd better be called an atheist slut:D, than a christian nun

fot the record -> I have read the bible and concluded tht christianity is the biggest hoax in 2000 years
Bring on the atheistic sluts. If any of you fear FoxMulder or God's wrath, you are welcome to stay at my house.

Ooooh, Tyler will you protect me from Yahweh?

P.S: I find this utterly....hilarious.

P.P.S: Since, in slasher films, it is the skeptic who dies first, and the slut who dies after her 'shower scene'........well, where do I fit in?
Obsession? Really, Adam ... I think you're just embarrassed

Tiassa, over the past couple of months you seem to have had an obsession with me. Now, I understand it from women, since I'm so damn handsome and sexy and all, but from you...?
Actually, Adam, I'd thought the same thing of a sort about you. You've had an obsession with me ever since you thought I was a woman. After all, it was in response to one of my posts that you decided to bash Wicca for the sake of bashing it. You respond more to me than you do to the topic, and you do, in fact, keep it up.
Now, you have said many, many times "Adam, your credibility is taking a nose-dive". You say it every other day. There are several points which you might wish to consider about this:

1) You provide no qualification for such statements, you merely repeat the same thing over and over as though such repetition will make it so.

2) Credibility is something which exists only in an arena in which one has a desire to be credible. I have absolutely no credibility in the local knitting club, because I don't care to have it. If anyone here at sciforums mattered enough for me to have some measure of credibility with them, then I might feel it worth my time and effort to work on that. Outside of any relevent arena, credibility is irrelevent.

3) It really doesn't matter, dude. Take a pill and relax.
(1) Says you. In fact, I usually tell you why I say it. Such as your repeated I hate people tantrum really blew your credibility as far as your pipe bomber topic was concerned. I mean, many people are angry, but here's an Australian who just wants to hate this American bomber who consistently demonstrates little understanding of the American sentiments he's dealing with; but it doesn't matter, because people suck and he's just out to help himself feel better. Of course, you would have been best to skip the topic altogether. There's nothing in it we didn't expect of your hatred f humanity.

(2) Why, then, do you bother posting at all?

(3) If it really doesn't matter, why bother posting at all?

Adam, your lack of credibility comes from your mouth. From the first time you ever admitted that you didn't read the post of mine you were responding to because it was too long and rambling, your credibility has been zero. Or, at least, I thought it was. I didn't think you could get much lower or full of shite until you made that nicely-uneducated bashing of Wicca just for the hell of it.

Now, it's all well and fine that you don't care. And its up to you whether or not you wish to conduct yourself with any integrity. I mean, it is my own damn fault for presuming one's credibility in the first place; I should, in fact, just start treating everybody else with the presumption that they suck and aren't worthy of my respect. It works well enough for you, doesn't it?

--Tiassa :cool:
I have read the Bible, front to cover.

Why do you do that if you do not accept that it is God's Word? Why waste time?

You do see that it might be God's Word!

Tell me Xev, what have you got to lose if you believe in God? Your pride? But life with Jesus can be so much more rewarding!

I don't see how a collection of the mis-translated myths of desert nomads proves the existance of God.

Consider this - in thousands of pages, the Bible always says the same thing! Could an human book do the same thing?


Second, most Christians have told me 'God loves the sinner but hates the sin!' The problem I have with this is, if God loves me, why would he damn me? That's not very loving.

That is just wrong, Scripturally! God hates all workers of inequity (sinners)!

God loves you, but He is perfect and cannot abide imperfection (sin). So He expels the sinners from His presence.

your god must really hate himself

No, he hates sinners! And Avatar, vampires are not somthing you can play around with! They are real! Not 'cool'!


Adam, your lack of credibility comes from your mouth.

YES IT DOES! ADAM NEEDS TO WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH! Otherwise, he will never be 'credible'.
don't mind if I answer this also, Xev?

Why do you do that if you do not accept that it is God's Word? Why waste time?
If you read Quoran (sp) would you instantly believe in Allah? I read the bible for educational purposes.
You do see that it might be God's Word!
It might be devils word also:D , might also be words written and edited by quite many humans.
have you got to lose if you believe in God?
my logical mind I quess:rolleyes:
Consider this - in thousands of pages, the Bible always says the same thing! Could an human book do the same thing?
it doesn't. it says many things. one theme tht goes throughout the whole book is tht you have to believe in god or else... ____ And yes a human book could do the same thing and bible is also a human book.
He is perfect and cannot abide imperfection (sin). So He expels the sinners from His presence
No, he hates sinners
you didn't understand:confused: geez, I meant tht god is the greatest sinner.
vampires are not somthing you can play around with
why not? really, why not? please answer me this, I'll be most thankful.
They are real! Not 'cool'
I'm real, I'm cool:cool:
This is just classic...


1) You have never offered any actual evidence for the validity of the Bible, yet you get mad at anyone who says it might not be valid. It's no wonder. And don't give me that "it's the word of God and must be true" crap. It's been translated far more times than you have been logical (oh wait that's zero) and it contradicts itself repeatedly. You can't just accept the bible literally unless you go back and learn Aramaic.

2) Some people actually read the bible as an educational/fictional source. Believe it or not, it is possible to read the bible without being a christian.

3) You said repeatedly that God loves us all yet hates us sinners. Apparently everyone doesn't include sinners.

4) Repeating the same thing over and over, regardless of what size font you use or what color, does not make something true. If you want to debate something, you have to actually conform your arguments to your opponents in an attempt to refute them, while occasionally offering your own points for your opponent to try and refute. Simply repeating the same tired old rhetoric is going to get you nowhere. And you think Adam has no credibility? At least he thinks for himself.

To be fair, you're not as bad as Sir Loone though. All he ever did was quote bible passages.
"Ooooh, Tyler will you protect me from Yahweh?"

Or die trying.

"P.P.S: Since, in slasher films, it is the skeptic who dies first, and the slut who dies after her 'shower scene'........well, where do I fit in?"

After the shower scene. the way......that little circular glass-like thing in the top corner of my's nothing......don't concern yourself with it.

"Tell me Xev, what have you got to lose if you believe in God? Your pride? But life with Jesus can be so much more rewarding!"

- My dignity
- My respect for my own sense of logic
- My life
- Life (as following Christian doctrine would surely take everything I see as fun in life out of my life)
Want more?

And yes, life with Jesus can be much more rewarding. But only if you're a pathetic little person who can't stand reality and needs a great big 'ooga-booga' (to steal a word) to make life worth while.

"Consider this - in thousands of pages, the Bible always says the same thing! Could an human book do the same thing?"

First of all, yes, yes a human book could do that. Second of all, the Bible is FULLLLLLLLLLLLLL of contradictions. Third of all, then why not believe in Islam? The Qu'ran does the same thing.

"That is just wrong, Scripturally! God hates all workers of inequity (sinners)!

God loves you, but He is perfect and cannot abide imperfection (sin). So He expels the sinners from His presence."

Hells yes (pun intended), now I can go meet Satan and enjoy my alcohol, illegal narcotics and rock music!!! Oh......and atheistic sluts.

Oh, and to Adam and need to BOTH get a life and realize that your little war has turned into an intellectual debate over which one of you is a loser. I'll admitt, it's interesting to read. But Adam you're getting nowhere, and Tiassa you're wasting time on this meaningless debate when you could be off writing thousands of words on my drug questions. So shape up you two.
"why not? really, why not? please answer me this, I'll be most thankful."

Gee Avatar, would that involve 'demonic bondage'?

"Next, on the Spice Channel - Vampire Lesbo Chicks and Demonic Bondage"

"Or die trying."

Ah, don't worry. I can take Yahwah any old day of the fucking week.

Besides, Yahweh can't repel chariots of iron.


That's what the Bible says.


"Tell me Xev, what have you got to lose if you believe in God? Your pride? But life with Jesus can be so much more rewarding!"

Dude, I let Jesus crash on my couch for a week once. He drank all my beer!

"God loves you,"

TYLER! What are you doing? Ewww! :p
You think that's bad...

Dude, I let Jesus crash on my couch for a week once. He drank all my beer!
Dude that's nothing. I heard that Jesus is running this scam in which he gets people to go into these buildings and then he forces them via peer pressure to sing and chant mindlessly. Then he doesn't let them leave the building until they put all their money on this little tray they pass around! Can you believe that? This is a scam, or possibly scam-o-la.