The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

Adamski, he's obviously MENTAL! Why're you asking for proof? :bugeye:


"The Cthulhu Cult? And you are its Priestess? What does that mean?"

It means that I am Cthulhu's High Priestess. I study the Al Azif, and wait until the stars are right for the Great Old Ones to rise from their watery tomb. When the stars are right, I will summon them, and mankind will enter an age of freedom and prosperity never before known.

"And what do mackrels have to do with it all?"

Oh, an inside joke.....

I hit thiests with mackrels, since Nelson said that athiests are violant....

"How do you think they will react to a real vampire, being raised on Anne Rice novels that say that vampires are interesting and sexy?"

Well, seeing as VAMPIRES DON'T FUCKING EXIST!, the question is moot.
Just one post before I go to bed...

Vampires do exist.

Adam: I had of "Them" attacked me and destroyed it.


This Cthulhu does not sound like he would bring 'freedom and prosperity'. I think he would bring anarchy and chaos....

You say that Cthulhu loves you. I doubt it.

Would it not be better to serve Jesus Christ, who loves you?

You need my help. You are in the clutches of somthing very sinister. Break free of this demon that enslaves you!

"Vampires do exist. "

You're certifiable, you know that?! You can't can't be for real! C'mon, fess up, you're some athiest's idea of a practical Loone....

"This Cthulhu does not sound like he would bring 'freedom and prosperity'. I think he would bring anarchy and chaos...."

Well, anarchy, chaos, freedom and prosperity then!

"You say that Cthulhu loves you. I doubt it."

That is probably the first time you've ever doubted anything...

"Would it not be better to serve Jesus Christ, who loves you?"

You theists just don't get it - athiests aren't rejecting your God.

We just don't believe in Him!

"You need my help. You are in the clutches of somthing very sinister. Break free of this demon that enslaves you!"

I don't need anyone or their help. And you're certifiable.
Two points, Adam

Okay, I like to give everyone chances and all, but... You're insane.
I laughed my ass off when I saw this.

• What are your criteria for determining one's sanity? (e.g what "chances" you give will suffice here)

• Given that the rationality of your judgments is undermined by your espoused hatred of people, why bother?

We already know your opinion. This guy sucks, just like everyone else. What more would you like to add to it? Or is this one of those gratification things for you?

Tiassa :cool:
• What are your criteria for determining one's sanity? (e.g what "chances" you give will suffice here)

I think it's fairly obvious that Adamski meant 'insane' in the vernacular sense.

• Given that the rationality of your judgments is undermined by your espoused hatred of people, why bother?

Oh good fucking grief Tiassa, you think Adamski is always serious? How do you know that 'People Suck' is an actual sentiment, and not one of those things that people say and don't really mean?

Honestly, I know you and Adamski bicker on occasion, but there's no reason to provoke anything. Lighten up.

Fox, I await an answer to my questions. I think you are going to be about as fun as Loone, only in less colorful font. ;)
Originally posted by FoxMulder:
Okay, I researched this Cthulhu. Books and games and such spawned this name. But did you ever wonder why? Ever wonder why the rapidly growing mass-consumption economy of the twentieth and now twenty-first centuries have spawned so much pure consumer drivel which so closely resembles what people in the past efared so greatly?

"They" want us to read these books because it will make it easier for us to accept "Them". Do you know what the 'Goth Scene' is, Xev? These kids think that vampires are "cool".

I Love you FoxMulder...:eek: ;) :cool:
You are a rare kind of awakened Christian (rare at least of what I see...:bugeye: )


What Xev said. Chill out a little, and don't be so eager to run around proving points and such. It's, well, pointless.

I hate people. People suck.
"They" want us to read these books because it will make it easier for us to accept "Them". Do you know what the 'Goth Scene' is, Xev? These kids think that vampires are "cool".
Always wanted to be one. Especially after reading Anne Rice:p here are my girlfriends .
can't get thm to bite me:mad:
I had of "Them" attacked me and destroyed it.
was tht in halloween?:D
You say that Cthulhu loves you. I doubt it.
I doubt Yeshua loves you (jesus christ just means holy saviour or smth like tht in ancient hebru(sp). we discussed tht in one thread. even TS agreed. )
TS-> You are a rare kind of awakened Christian (rare at least of what I see...
here is fox- the vampire killer
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Oh good fucking grief Tiassa, you think Adamski is always serious? How do you know that 'People Suck' is an actual sentiment, and not one of those things that people say and don't really mean?

Honestly, I know you and Adamski bicker on occasion, but there's no reason to provoke anything. Lighten up.
Well, as I read it, I should simply assume that nothing said by Adam should be taken seriously, and that, furthermore, his posts are merely distractions inserted into the topics with nothing to say. I would hate to assume that about him, because then it just means that he needs to stuff it and shut the f--k up.

So yes, I give him the credit of not being full of shit.

But if you think I'm provoking, what then of that which you're defending? Really, Xev .... :rolleyes:

Tiassa :cool:
Adam ... Noted

What Xev said. Chill out a little, and don't be so eager to run around proving points and such. It's, well, pointless.

I hate people. People suck.
• Learn to speak for yourself.
• I am happy to respect your position that proving points is pointless.
• We know.

And yes, Adam, it is noted that your posts should not be taken seriously, and henceforth, they will not be.

But thank you for lightening the load.

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:

He looks like he needs a shave and bath, Avatar. Now, if we are going to have a vampire hunter at Sciforums, I suggest Blade

Now, of course, I am willing to cut you a bit of slack if you look anything like Snipes, FoxMulder

I Love you FoxMulder...
You are a rare kind of awakened Christian (rare at least of what I see... )

Hands off him if he looks like Blade, Nelson!


Well, as I read it, I should simply assume that nothing said by Adam should be taken seriously, and that, furthermore, his posts are merely distractions inserted into the topics with nothing to say. I would hate to assume that about him, because then it just means that he needs to stuff it and shut the f--k up.

Straw man. I said that Adamski is not always serious. I think it's obvious that few people are always serious. I threaten to hit Nelson with a mackrel, as a way of poking fun at his contention that athiests are necessarily violant. I flirt with Tyler, even though the chances of meeting him are rather small. Ditto for Q. I claim to be Cthulhu's High Priestess, even though I'm an athiest and a skeptic - I don't believe in Cthulhu.

I've found Adam's posts to be quite good, and it would be a shame if he decided to 'stuff it and shut the fuck up'. You disagree. Fine. You could always ignore him.....

Quite frankly, I'd like to see the two of you have it out once and for all, rather than you attacking Adamski over irrelevancies. However, this dosen't look like it will happen.

Edit to add:

And you, Xev, can always ignore me if fucking off isn't satisfactory.

If you don't suddenly make a valid objection to athiesm, I shall.

Because that last post of yours was a sick disgrace.

Boo fucking hoo.
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I agree that God is energy; but the bounds and leaps at straws of scientific data I'm wittnessing here is to over whelming.

I will simply say this, God is energy and it is a proven fact that energy exists.

Anything is measurable and nothing will go long undetected.
to follow your logic

I consist of pure energy also, therefore I must be a god.
Xev is a god .

by your own definition.

being a god is even cooler thn being a vampire , thnx:cool:

but the bounds and leaps at straws of scientific data I'm wittnessing here is to over whelming.
what is it? the boy can't take the logic, proof and science?? too baaaaaaaaad
Xev, watch your language

Not that it's particularly offensive in any way, but you might end up embarrassing yourself if you're not careful:
Quite frankly, I'd like to see the two of you have it out once and for all, rather than you attacking Adamski over irrelevancies. However, this dosen't look like it will happen.
• I'd be happy to have the grand mother of all debates, but Adam doesn't seem to take his debates seriously, so there doesn't seem to be a point.

Xev, if you're going to use phrases such as you attacking Adamski, perhaps you had best think twice. I, for the record, am not the poster who sets out to bash ideas and people merely because I think they need to be bashed.

And you, Xev, can always ignore me if fucking off isn't satisfactory. Because that last post of yours was a sick disgrace.

Don't be Adam's lawyer. He can speak for himself, right?

Tiassa :cool:
Xev is crazy, she not goddess!

Originally posted by Adam

What Xev said. Chill out a little, and don't be so eager to run around proving points and such. It's, well, pointless.

I hate people. People suck.
Proverbs 26:3-5: "A whip for the horse, a bridle for the @ss, and a rod for the fool's back.

4)Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

5)Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own coneit."

11)"As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly."
:D Adam and Vex, Tiassa & his friends of the pegon hord!:D


Ha ha, you sly bastard, I had no idea you were Loone. Welcome back, man. :)

a rod for the fool's back.

Glad as I am to see you, Tony, I am not into that sort of thing.

Back at ya!

Proverbs 26:12
Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.

Glad to see you again.

And what the fuck - PAGAN? MOI? That's low Tony - you know I'm an athiest. Low. Low. Low.

P.S: Nope, not a Goddess in the conventional sense. But I am a nerd goddess. ;)

Originally posted by Xev

I think it's fairly obvious that Adamski meant 'insane' in the vernacular sense.

Oh good fucking grief Tiassa, you think Adamski is always serious? How do you know that 'People Suck' is an actual sentiment, and not one of those things that people say and don't really mean?

Honestly, I know you and Adamski bicker on occasion, but there's no reason to provoke anything. Lighten up.

Fine, I'll speak for myself, if you insist...

1) I meant "insane" in the vernacular sense.

2) I'm not always serious.

3) "People suck" is just something I say. Sometimes I mean it very seriously, sometimes not so seriously.

Originally posted by Tiassa

But thank you for lightening the load.
You're welcome. :)

White man talk much, say little. (Some movie)

What prevents me from speaking the truth with a smile? (Horace, Satires)
Well, if it's not too much trouble ....


Well, I hate to inconvenience you. You can let whomever you choose speak for you.
1) I meant "insane" in the vernacular sense.

2) I'm not always serious.

3) "People suck" is just something I say. Sometimes I mean it very seriously, sometimes not so seriously.
(1) Like I should care? In light of your point #3?

(2) You're never serious, insofar as I can tell.

(3) That's ... nice. I'll bear that in mind :rolleyes:
White man talk much, say little. (Some movie)
Thank you for that, Adam. In the United States, at least, I don't qualify as white. Technically, by law, I qualify as yellow.

Low and outside. Is there anything else you'd like to pummel your own credibility with?

--Tiassa :cool: