The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

You know, God really is an underacheiver. Here's this omnipotent being with infinite power and one of his minions leads a revolution against him. When he fails and his embarassed, God kicks him out, leaving him able to hurt so many millions of creatures.

Ya think God could have just killed Satan?
Dubble mindedness!

But Xev, ye can not be of the dubble minded!:eek: NO! You must have a love for the Lord of all Creation with the whole heart! And Jesus alone, not of works, Jesus alone for your salvation!:)

Beware! The Devil is real also! And works far more subtol then you can detect!! And he can be extremely dangerous!!
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Lean not unto your own understanding!

Originally posted by Tyler
You know, God really is an underacheiver. Here's this omnipotent being with infinite power and one of his minions leads a revolution against him. When he fails and his embarassed, God kicks him out, leaving him able to hurt so many millions of creatures.

Ya think God could have just killed Satan?
Satan is DOOMED!! Read Revelation!
And GOD knows what to do! And what He is doing! Leave it to Him!:)

But Xev, ye can not be of the dubble mineded! NO! You must have a love for the Lord of all Creation with the whole heart!

Why should I love God?

A: There is no such thing.
B: What's God ever done for me?

And Jesus alone, not of works, Jesus alone for your salvation!

So, no matter what I've done, other than blaspheming the Holy Ghost, (I don't think I have...) Jesus will forgive me?

How is that fair?!

Beware! The Devil is real also! And works far more subtol then you can detect!! And he can be extremely dangerous!!

Cthulhu could take that wussy man-goat any old day of the week. :cool:

Tyler: Ah yes, the problem of Satan. Fascinating concept there.
Foolish ones!

Xev, you are no match for the Devil! Nor I or anyone without the Spirit of the 'Living GOD within them! Please do not lean unto your own understanding of this! Not a game, odd one! But the fact! :mad:

Adam, ye tell me notthing, but ye ignorance and self deceptions!
GOD's Holy Word is of the truth! You read it, with help from the Body of Christ, the Chruch! Go to Chruch, you must!:)
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Xev, you are no match for the Devil!

Don't be silly Loone, I'm quite strong. And I'm Cthulhu's High Priestess, and Cthulhu wouldn't let me get hurt by some wussy man-goat.

Some puny 'influence of evil' wants a peice of me, they get what they ask for! I don't let any man, let alone some half-human fallen angel, tell me what to do!
Drones sense the dawn of time, compelled to live out sheltered life... not once has anyone seen such a rise of pure hypocrisy.. I'll instigate I'll free your mind, I'll show you what I've known all this time... GOD DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST!
Just a quick question.

Sir Loone, just out of curiousity, why do you keep pretending to talk in 17th century english? Does it help you get your point across or something? Or are you just trying to sound biblical?
Just wondering. :)


Xev, you are no match for the Devil!

Don't be silly Loone, I'm quite strong. And I'm Cthulhu's High Priestess, and Cthulhu wouldn't let me get hurt by some wussy man-goat.

Some puny 'influence of evil' wants a peice of me, they get what they ask for! I don't let any man, let alone some half-human fallen angel, tell me what to do

Sir Loone is absolutly right. I have battled demons, although not The Enemy himself. You are no match for him, unless you have been washed in the Blood of Jesus and have accepted Jesus into your Heart.

For even the demons accept that Jesus is the Son of God. It is written in the Bible, in Mark 16:17, that the true followers of Jesus will cast out demons in His name.

But you cannot be a true follower of Jesus if you follow this unholy 'Cthullu'!

God Bless and Keep
Re: Foolish ones!

Originally posted by Sir. Loone
Xev, you are no match for the Devil!

If we assume:

1. God is merciful and good.
2. God is omnipotent and omniscient.
3. God created everything.
4. The Devil is ultimate evil.


If the Devil exists then God is either not "good and merciful" or is not "omnipotent and omniscient".

Thus both cannot exist simultaneously.

Given 3: The Devil cannot exist without God.


Not hard to kill the Devil, is it?

"Not hard to kill the Devil, is it?"

Not at all, as he dosen't exist. ;)

Welcome to here, FoxMulder.

"But you cannot be a true follower of Jesus if you follow this unholy 'Cthullu'!"

A: It's 'Cthulhu' - pronounced 'kuH-thoo-lew'.
B: I am certainly not a follower of Jesus, being an athiest.
C: What've you guys got against Cthulhu? He loves you.....
Xev, you are in more danger than you know...

Okay, I researched this Cthulhu. Books and games and such spawned this name. But did you ever wonder why? Ever wonder why the rapidly growing mass-consumption economy of the twentieth and now twenty-first centuries have spawned so much pure consumer drivel which so closely resembles what people in the past efared so greatly?

As I said, I've dealt with these things. The REAL things, not just books and games. Evil is not just a word. It is real, and it's stalking each and every one of us.
"Okay, I researched this Cthulhu. Books and games and such spawned this name."


A writer named H.P Lovecraft wrote a series of short stories involving Cthulhu, an alien monster, in the '20s and '30s. The games came later. They were not Gnaii Lovecraft's invention.

"But did you ever wonder why? Ever wonder why the rapidly growing mass-consumption economy of the twentieth and now twenty-first centuries have spawned so much pure consumer drivel which so closely resembles what people in the past efared so greatly?"

Gee, maybe because we like to be scared?

"As I said, I've dealt with these things. The REAL things, not just books and games. Evil is not just a word. It is real, and it's stalking each and every one of us."

Uh huh. Dare I ask, what makes you say that?
We have a choice...

People like to be scared because there is temptation in the world! Free will has to mean something. We feel and see the darkness and we have a choice. We revel in having that choice.

What makes me say that? As I said, I've dealt with these things before! You'd be surprised how closely the "fiction" resembles the real thing. Why? As I said, the mass-production and broadcasting of these materials serves a purpose. Ever seen television shows such as Charmed, BUffy, and Angel? Movies such as The Craft? Ever wandered into a bookstore and seen entire bookcases devoted to horror, demons and such? This is all driven by the people in power. "Them", if you will. It's not an accident...
How did you find out about the Cthulhu Cult, FoxyMulder? :p

Okay, I'm bored, and my head hurts, so indulge me:

Why do 'they' want us to read horror books?

The Cthulhu Cult? And you are its Priestess? What does that mean? And what do mackrels have to do with it all?

You do not know what you are getting into....

"They" want us to read these books because it will make it easier for us to accept "Them". Do you know what the 'Goth Scene' is, Xev? These kids think that vampires are "cool".

How do you think they will react to a real vampire, being raised on Anne Rice novels that say that vampires are interesting and sexy?
Okay, I like to give everyone chances and all, but... You're insane. Dude, if you want to keep on talking about vampires and demons and conspiracies, don't you think you should provide some sort of proof?