The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

HTML LOVE is GOD's love to me and you!

Originally posted by LIGHTBEING
The big colorful font must help him deal with his insecurities about his own religion and Faith.
No insecurities here man!:) I like colors and HTML and if your insecure with the Devil and World of Sin, you can have the "peace that surpasses all understanding!" JESUS is His name and He is a very real person! Yes the Second Person of the GOD Head! GOD the Father, GOD the Son (JESUS the Christ) and GOD the Holy Spirit of GOD that is in me and TruthSeeker, and all that love the Lord JESUS, that put their trust within Him alone for salvation of their souls!:)

Come fly with Eagles! And get away from those 'turkies' in the slums of sin and earthly pleasures for pleasures sake!:rolleyes:

JESUS is this worlds only real hope! Not in Man's dreams of Utopia, which will never come! Appart from JESUS, this world would be doomed as it really is, but the Saints of GOD shall live forevermore with the Lord of all creation! He is waiting for you to find Him, He's your only hope of standing before the Almighty justified in Him! Live and learn all!:D

Originally posted by Xev

Why? Your God sounds like an abusive husband, Loone. :D

Tyler: Indeed, all Christians would.

An answer to an old post.

No, Xev, GOD in the last days will punish the wicked that hate Him and His Son Jesus! He will come as an 'Avengening Angel' upon the wicked, and with great furry! Again I say unto all that know not GOD or the Lord Jesus as Savour, and hate the Word of GOD the Bible and it's teachings, "It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the 'Living GOD'!" Deceived of Satan the Devil, JESUS is your only hope! And 'Good News', none of you have to be anything like little ole me:), but come to Jesus just as you are!
Atheists may have a "closed mind" toward religion, but they're largely open-minded to other things that cannot be proven. Some believe in ghosts, some in Ufos, ad infinitum.
I can't speak for other close-minded atheists, but this one sees belief in the chritian god, shiva, the rainbow serpent, fairies, and honest politicians as all the same thing. Very bloody unlikely. However, until proven otherwise, they can't be ruled out completely. Does relgion get any special treatment in my disregard? Not in that manner. More that belief in fairies hasn't caused the problems that organised religion has. The only special treatment religion gets is that orgainsed religions are political/social organisations which exist to gain and maintain wealth and power, and people just suck it up and love it. Other than that, it's the same as honest politicians.
Tiassa, you need to write a book. Though you're only going to confuse more people than you help!!! :D :D

To be honest, that was a brilliant post. But it really doesn't answer my question. And I think my question can't be answered.

It's simply ignorance, and that confuses me more than any of your posts (well....okay, not any of them.....just, no I shouldn't even say that!). What confuses me even more though is the arrogance of these theists. I can acknowledge the fact that deep down they have decided that their is a God. But they can't acknowledge that deep down I have found there is no God. It's the 'No!!! I'm right, you're wrong! End of debate!' mentality. I suppose that at 16 I've just begun to understand the ignorance of humanity, and I fear that I have years left meeting this. About two years ago it all started hitting me in waves and it absolutely shocked me. It seems to get worse as the days go on. Alas, I must learn to live with it in full knowledge that I am likely (a) not as much smarter than any of these people as I like to think I am and (b) even if I am, there are those far wiser than myself who likely think this of me.
Grrrrr - my third favorite Christian comes back the moment my internet connection dies and I start a new job.

All others that know not JESUS for the pardonning of their sins, "get a life!" AMEN!

Sorry Loone:

I may be a woman, but I have the balls to accept my 'sins' and deal with them. I don't need to be forgiven by somone who isn't even qualified to forgive - I take care of my 'sins' and I right the wrongs I commit.

No, Xev, GOD in the last days will punish the wicked that hate Him and His Son Jesus!

I don't hate either - old JC was even kinda nice. Kinda.

I just don't believe in them. I mean, how can I hate God if I don't believe in Him?

Come fly with Eagles! And get away from those 'turkies' in the slums of sin and earthly pleasures for pleasures sake!

Slums of sin? Sounds like a good name for an apartment complex.

Earthly pleasures......hmph. I've started a job with no job security or guarentees, 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, rather hard work too.

At least pay's decent. *Grumble*

P.S: Loone, as in sex, so is debate. Size is less important than substance.
Originally posted by Xev

P.S: Loone, as in sex, so is debate. Size is less important than substance.

Phew! Just as well, my posts here are generally rather short and limp... :p
Maybe it's scary, but ....

But it really doesn't answer my question.
Well, you know ... like I said, it was worth taking a hack at. But,
And I think my question can't be answered
Sometimes I think that's the Answer. And from there, I guess it's just a matter of how much you let it affect you.
I can acknowledge the fact that deep down they have decided that their is a God. But they can't acknowledge that deep down I have found there is no God. It's the 'No!!! I'm right, you're wrong! End of debate!' mentality.
Such as these people you describe. I know the custom well. They let it affect them far too much.

It is, I suppose, a fair question, though, to ask how it got that far in the first place. But that question, as well, may escape any specific answer.
I suppose that at 16 I've just begun to understand the ignorance of humanity, and I fear that I have years left meeting this.
Maybe it's scary, but at 28, I feel the same way. The sad thing is that it's a recurring cycle; every time I think I learn something, it's just out of the frying pan and into the fire. Typically speaking, yes, you have the rest of your life to go through this.

And, for the record, that's one positive I'll definitely place squarely in the "pro" column for my decade of drug use. Not only did it ease the shock of each new cycle, but it gives the whole thing a macabre aspect that keeps me mildly amused and more accepting, and I am thus under the illusion that it's not quite as confusing. I never actually recommend the way I got here, but it's me and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Well, maybe a couple of things. Dunno.
About two years ago it all started hitting me in waves and it absolutely shocked me. It seems to get worse as the days go on.
Read Sartre. It's called nausea. Actually, when I finally put myself through Camus' Myth of Sisyphus, I found that helpful. But that's merely academic, and the academics argue about whether Sartre had anything to say. I don't know what to tell you since my retreat into literary explorations of the sensation haven't given me the Answer.
Alas, I must learn to live with it in full knowledge that I am likely (a) not as much smarter than any of these people as I like to think I am and (b) even if I am, there are those far wiser than myself who likely think this of me
From the nature of your observations, I can tell that you're smarter than you think, and smarter than more people than you would imagine.

I suppose there is the choice of acceptance, but I personally haven't found anything attractive about resignation. So in the end I'd say keep asking, and never believe you've found the answer until you wake up one morning and the world is truly perfect and stays that way.

Other than that, welcome to it. Fun-fun, eh? ;)

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
HTML LOVE is GOD's love to me and you!

HTML LOVE sounds like a movie about cyber-sex that airs on the Spice channel.....;)

Read Sartre. It's called nausea. Actually, when I finally put myself through Camus' Myth of Sisyphus, I found that helpful. But that's merely academic, and the academics argue about whether Sartre had anything to say. I don't know what to tell you since my retreat into literary explorations of the sensation haven't given me the Answer.

You'll love Sisyphus. This sounds kinda like somthing that Loone would say, but -

'The Myth of Sisyphus' helped me so much. I had been thinking along the lines of Camus - that the joy of life is in struggling, even though you know you're struggling for nothing - well, I had thought of and believed that, but Camus put it into focus.

The Absurd Hero- well that's me. And I've learned to accept it, thanks in a large part to Camus.

It's rather easy to read - and you've gotten through Neitsze...(damn, I always screw up his name!)

I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain! One always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night filled mountain, in itself forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
Ye Hypocrites! That know not GOD!

Matthew 6:5-8KJV.:

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

6)But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward you openly.

7)But when you pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

8)Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Farther knoweth what things ye have need of, before you ask Him."

When I pray to the Father (God), there is no hypocritsy!:D I pray in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to GOD in the name of JESUS His Son, and that we should pray every day of our Christian lives without ceasing! :)

Tiassa!:) You may read and quote the Bible, which is the Holy Word of GOD, but you in most quotes of it, do missquote to denagrate it, or mock, to the Glory of self! Be careful! You may have to answer to GOD for tamperring with that you refuse to understand, and it's true meanings! I, on the other hand am a servent of GOD, with the Spirit of GOD within me, and the truths of Scripture are revealed in ways you will not know in your preasent state! We who are of Christ have an advocate with the Father GOD, who is JESUS! What so ever I need to pray about, I simply turn unto Him, and He answers in the Spirit! All Christians are growing in Faith in Jesus!:cool:

"JUDGE not, that ye be not judged."
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"Sometimes I think that's the Answer. And from there, I guess it's just a matter of how much you let it affect you."

I definetly let it affect me too much. Ah well, there's always things to take it away! :D

"Such as these people you describe. I know the custom well. They let it affect them far too much.

It is, I suppose, a fair question, though, to ask how it got that far in the first place. But that question, as well, may escape any specific answer."

I suppose it's possible that subconsciencly or underneath all their hard-headedness (not a word, is it?) they know they're wrong and are afraid of that. Then again, maybe some people really are that stupid.

"Maybe it's scary, but at 28, I feel the same way. The sad thing is that it's a recurring cycle; every time I think I learn something, it's just out of the frying pan and into the fire. Typically speaking, yes, you have the rest of your life to go through this."

I know exactly what you mean. Somehow, whenever I have a problem and answer it, more questions arise than are answered.

"And, for the record, that's one positive I'll definitely place squarely in the "pro" column for my decade of drug use. Not only did it ease the shock of each new cycle, but it gives the whole thing a macabre aspect that keeps me mildly amused and more accepting, and I am thus under the illusion that it's not quite as confusing. I never actually recommend the way I got here, but it's me and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Well, maybe a couple of things. Dunno."

It helps but only momentarily, for me.

"Read Sartre. It's called nausea. Actually, when I finally put myself through Camus' Myth of Sisyphus, I found that helpful. But that's merely academic, and the academics argue about whether Sartre had anything to say. I don't know what to tell you since my retreat into literary explorations of the sensation haven't given me the Answer."

I have read Sartre! And I'm not sure I know enough to critic him yet. As for the Answer. I wonder, does one exist? Or do many exist? Or do none? Perhaps the Answer to my questions completely depends on me. And if it does, can the Answer be that none exists?

That was one of the worst paragraphs I ever wrote.

"From the nature of your observations, I can tell that you're smarter than you think, and smarter than more people than you would imagine."

Thank you very much! Coming from a man who can impromptu an essay on any topic, I am very, very flattered!

"I suppose there is the choice of acceptance, but I personally haven't found anything attractive about resignation. So in the end I'd say keep asking, and never believe you've found the answer until you wake up one morning and the world is truly perfect and stays that way."

Resignation is a sign of weakness, but also a sign o realization. Still, fight to the death I say. I did do that one day though, the perfect world thing. Well, the perfect me was more like it. Two days ago, in fact. In history, we had to make up a piece of propaganda from WWII. I made three things (all pro-nazi):
1) A swastika, and inside the first section, The Gay, second, The Jew, third, The Gypsie, fourth, a Sickle/Hammer
2) A large picture of a German countryside with a German flag (the swastika in the middle of the red flag with a white circle) and the words Schutz vom Vaterland.
3) A large picture of the Reichstag falling and burning. The side parts of the building are faling inwards as the middle is already in rubble on the gorund. Through the middle is a large sick/hammer with the word REMEMBER above it.

Everyone else in my class did like a picture of a table and the words DONT WASTE FOOD or some stupid rip off of an enlistment ad. When I saw them all I slowly looked up and said to myself 'I am the smartest human being ever'......and I felt modest.

haha. true story!

"Other than that, welcome to it. Fun-fun, eh?"

Eh, it's life. I don't have another choice!
Has anyone here considered the possibility that Sir Loone might be a very rational person and mabey even an atheist he just likes to confuse us?

I mean he almost make too little sense to actually be for Real.
Originally posted by Xev
Grrrrr - my third favorite Christian comes back the moment my internet connection dies and I start a new job.


You got a job?.. woo hoo. First congrats, then are you guys hiring? Hell I will work 60 hours in 5 days. :p Find me something too what state do you live in??:confused:
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
I didn't know whre to put it, so I've put in many forums...

Here is the explanation:

According to Quantum Physics, energy comes in "packs". And this "packs" have a certain amount of energy. Energy has many frequencies. Matter is just one of the frequencies. We can't detect anything beyond 299,792,458 m/s. God is not made by matter, so, we can't detect Him. And He is an Spirit, so we are. And Life is a type of energy too that cannot be detected because is beyond the limit established by light.
How do I know that there is something beyond the limit? Where do you think that those particles from the Vacuum come from? Think about it...


AMEN TruthSeeker!

Never the less, GOD exists, and is greater then all creation, the universe, and beyond the INFINITE! If you don't know JESUS as the soul pardener of yall's sins, you can never understand nor concieve the infinite, Almighty One! In Him, JESUS the Son of GOD is the ONLY way to know this; true, 'Living GOD' of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! JESUS was and is human, but very GOD, and is the image, the very likeness of GOD the Father!! :) He have said, and it is written: "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father which is in Heaven." I know you have not seen JESUS! :) But look at each other, you are 'created' in the image of GOD, although fallen, and in deniel of Him, you are! Not and animal, nor an decent of an animal-like creator! But mankind was created [color=dark red]fully formed
with an imotal soul and spirit ye are!:)

I have been watching PBS & NOVA on tv about 'Anthraphoids' learned how to walk 'up-right' in the trees!:rolleyes: That scientist are having trouble with the transistion from walking like a 'chimp' to walking like a man! their theories will be revised over and over again many times untill thay will say, that something's wronge here!:bugeye: "?" Well we humans, and all life that ever existed anywhere, has an awsome meaning and porpose to live, espeacially US humans![/color]
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Markx: I'm in Michigan. I don't think I can help much, but.....

Nelson: As usual, you are way off base. This is worse than the time you accused all atheists of being murderers...:rolleyes:

(Although I am very, very dangerous....grrrrrrwlll)


I knew Jesus once. He stole my girlfriend and drank all my beer.

We're not on speaking terms now. But Cthulhu loves me.


Onwards, Cthulhu Cultists, just a few more years
Waiting till the Stars Are Right, when he Reappears
Rising from the ocean, striding to the shore
Claiming as his birthright, lands he ruled before

Onwards Cthulhu Cultists, like in times before
Best get on his good side, or he'll eat us raw!

Great is Lord Cthulhu - this you ought to know
To get in his good books, while he sleeps below
Imprisoned in Ry'leh, far beneath the waves
Imprisoned in Ry'leh, far beneath the waves
Till we liberate him, from his living grave


Think of divine splendour, shaped not unlike Man
But with beard of tentacles - picture if you can!
Splendid wings of ebon hue, spread beneath the moon
Sleeping down the aeons, dreaming from his tomb


Once he ruled in majesty, in the days of yore
Earth was young and splendid, and His was the Law
Till the jealous Elder Gods, envying his skill
Bound him with their symbols - but we serve him still !


Soon comes the Milennium, face it without fear
If you love Cthulhu, then your future's clear
Cthulhu is recruiting - what he wants, is YOU !

More Cthulhu hymns:
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If I said it was beautiful or cute I'd be doomed-> I wouldn't have enough strenght to keep away all those new-bor christians from my door and mailbox. So I say it's nice:)

Originally posted by Xev

Markx: I'm in Michigan. I don't think I can help much, but.....

Nelson: As usual, you are way off base. This is worse than the time you accused all atheists of being murderers...:rolleyes:

(Although I am very, very dangerous....grrrrrrwlll) And very foolish at times!:D


I knew Jesus once. He stole my girlfriend and drank all my beer.

We're not on speaking terms now. But Cthulhu loves me.
Satan is a liar and there's not the 'seed' of the truth in him!:mad:
For he (evil spirit) is the father of lies!

In the light of truth: "Let every man be a 'liar' before the truths of GOD's Holy Word!"

Beware! All fornicators & adulterers shall have their part in the Lake of Fire, prepared for the Devil and his (fallen) angels! JESUS, the real JESUS saves you from this awful fate! All you need is faith in Him 'alone' for salvation!
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Wait wait, if Satan is the father of lies........and God created Satan.........then I guess God is the grandfather of lies and evil.

Grandpa God....

I like that!

Satan is a liar and there's not the 'seed' of the truth in him!
For he (evil spirit) is the father of lies!

Sounds like a real jerk.....I think we should have Cthulhu beat him up.

Beware! All fornicators & adulterers shall have their part in the Lake of Fire, prepared for the Devil and his (fallen) angels!

That sounds like it would really sting....good thing that Cthulhu wouldn't want that!

JESUS, the real JESUS saves you from this awful fate! All you need is faith in Him 'alone' for salvation!

Well, actually, according to John 5:29 and Mattew 12:37, we will be judged by our deeds. And according to Luke 10:25-29, I'm 'saved' as long as I love God and my fellow man with all my heart.
Satan, the father of lies!

Originally posted by Tyler
Wait wait, if Satan is the father of lies........and God created Satan.........then I guess God is the grandfather of lies and evil.

Grandpa God.... No, :eek: Satan fell! He did it at his own free will! Sin was found in him and he the Cheirbe of Heaven was casted out, now called the Devil! GOD is Holy to the 'absolute'! Sin entered the Devil through pride! The oldest known sin! The Devil is and evil spirit that once was the highest of the Angelic Host! GOD by His Grace lets us, and the angels, have freewill! Not to be `robots', but to chose to love Him (GOD) or reject Him! GOD is fair!:)

I like that!