The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

He's now on the list with McCarthy and Ronald McDonald. And quit it with the "dear" stuff, you'll get me in trouble with Loone and Tyler.

Certainly, darling. And I'm soo glad I'm not alone in despising the creep. Thanks lover-boy.
Dear sweet christ, this topic looks like somthing Salvador Dali would find bizzare!

Now this thread is just getting fun! :cool:
Can I insult someone as well???? I need to get on the bandwagon here!

Originally posted by Xev

Certainly, darling. And I'm soo glad I'm not alone in despising the creep. Thanks lover-boy.

Oh Foolish one!:) Your already in :eek:GREAT PARREL:eek: with the GOD who made you! Read to 'understand' the Holy Scriptures and know that GOD is Holy and will not talorate any sins! JESUS is the only way into His Heaven, and there truely are no other way!! HE is the "good shepared", and He wants you to come unto Him no matter what are where you have been or done He, the Great High Priest can and will for give us our sins, and to cleans us from our unrighteousness! JESUS is our only hope!!:mad:Beware! Time is nye at the door!
Re: Trouble?!

Oh, foolish one! You're already in great peril from the English professor who will fail you. Read and try to understand the "English Class Textbook" and know that the English professor is educated and will not tolerate any errors! Learning is the only way to pass the class and there truly is no other way! He is a good teacher and wants you to come to class no matter what you have done or where you are. He, the great English professor, can and will forgive your errors and cleanse you from your ignorance. English class is your only hope. Beware! The time is nye!


Don't you find that quoting this out to people gives them some strange feeling of how scary and near cult like you see your religion??

I will always argue, your religion is based on something that past 2000 years ago, why do you have such trouble letting go?

What about the other religions that pre dawned before your own hypothesised reality? (I forgot, put that in the thread and we start this whole inquisition thing over again.)
OK what is more funny - loone's rantings or his spelling?

I know we don't normally criticise spelling here, but really some of Loone's errors are superb.

What we have is esentially an illiterate simple-minded moron attempting to tell everyone the secrets of the universe.

Ummm, Loone, what does John Ashcroft being a bloody moron have to do with God? :p

Cris: You just don't appreciate the masterworks of surrealistic preformance art that Loone's posts are.

Come now, if you want to look at it in a 'what will facilitate rational thinking' way, Loone is rather evidence against the usefulness of X-tianity. As 555 pointed out.

Well of course I fully accept that loone is probably one of the greatest gifts to atheism. He is a wonderful example of the idiocy of xtianity.

As for an art-form - hmm - I dunno - commedy maybe.


Nelson: How? And what the hell is it with 'his thoughts are a danger to humanity!' 'no, his are!'.

If someone says that my thoughts of Love and peace to the world are a menace to the world, this person is who really is a menace to the world!!! :bugeye:

Cris: I don't know, if Loone actually believes....I can't laugh. Poor guy.

Nelson: Umm, okay, Cris is a menace to the world. Everyone who disagrees with you is a menace.

Oooookay. :eek:
GOD is bigger then you!

You people that know not GOD are funnyer then the comic scripts!:D HA! HA! HA! GOD love you, but hates the sin!:)
You know what, I've gotten rid of my whole accepting Jesus at the last moment thing. First of all, what if it's the wrong religion? How do we know which is the right religion?

Second, I don't want into heaven. No drugs? No atheism? No Neitzsche? No Plato? No any non-christian philosopher? No alcohol? No good music? Sounds like hell to me.

You know what, I've gotten rid of my whole accepting Jesus at the last moment thing. First of all, what if it's the wrong religion? How do we know which is the right religion?

Any Religion based on Love is true.
Accepting Christ in your Heart is actually accepting Love as a way-of-living...

Second, I don't want into heaven. No drugs? No atheism? No Neitzsche? No Plato? No any non-christian philosopher? No alcohol? No good music? Sounds like hell to me.

Tonight pray and ask God to show you Hell... ;)

Tyler: Hell is not the absence of God, it is the absence of philosophy, science, and booze. Oh yeah, and sex. There wouldn't be sex in heaven (no jokes!) either.

Say, H.P Lovecraft, Giordano Bruno, Einstien, J.S Mill, Hannah Arendt, Epicurus, Carl Sagan....they are all in Loone's hell.

Damn, just chatting with that crowd would be worth it! Sorry dear, 'Zarathrusra' made my head hurt, but you can chat with Neitzsche.

Besides, I know two Christians I'd care to spend eternity around. One of whom I value as a sparring partner about athiesm.-

Loone: Glad to keep you entertained.

Edit to add a list of fun people who are in hell, according to Loone:

Franklin, Paine, Washington....I really love the early American Patriots. Chatting with them would be wonderful!

Hey Tyler, come visit and I'll show you 'love' as a way of living! ;)
I could go for some lovin'

Nelson; MANY Christians would argue with you on that one. Orthodox Christians take the Bible VERY literally and so if it says you need to accept Christ into you, you need to accept Christ.......NOT Love.......NOT Mohammed......NOT Budha........CHRIST! Most religious Christians feel this way.
Stands one the Absolutes of the Bible!

Originally posted by 555

Don't you find that quoting this out to people gives them some strange feeling of how scary and near cult like you see your religion??

I will always argue, your religion is based on something that past 2000 years ago, why do you have such trouble letting go?

What about the other religions that pre dawned before your own hypothesised reality? (I forgot, put that in the thread and we start this whole inquisition thing over again.)

555, It is the Word of GOD Himself not just little ole me!:D I quote the Word of GOD and not to 'water it down' but to it's truths of exposing of sins and that mankind needs to turn back to the Creator of all!
Jeudeo Christian Faith comes out of Jeudeisum, since the Abraham the father of all that are of GOD's House !

Scaryer things are in the Bible about people who hears the Holy Word of GOD & the Gospel of Jesus the Christ, and rejects it, will have their day before Almighty GOD at the Great White Throne of Judgement, and answer to GOD for there rebelious lives! He will be furrious with the wicked for rejecting His only begotten Son! "For it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the 'Living' GOD!!" And: "The smoke of their torment shall asendeth up for ever and ever, and their will be no rest for them day or night forevermore!" Why? Because GOD is angery with the wicked! They reject JESUS and His teachings, and kills the messangers and prophets of GOD! GOD is most Holy and shall and must judge sin! "Vengence is Mine sayeth the Lord!" There will and shall be ultimate JUSTICE for the wicked people of Earth if they not repent and turn to GOD in this life!!
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He will be furrious with the wicked for rejecting His only begotten Son!

Why? Your God sounds like an abusive husband, Loone. :D

Tyler: Indeed, all Christians would.

Originally posted by Tyler
I could go for some lovin'

Nelson; MANY Christians would argue with you on that one. Orthodox Christians take the Bible VERY literally and so if it says you need to accept Christ into you, you need to accept Christ.......NOT Love.......NOT Mohammed......NOT Budha........CHRIST! Most religious Christians feel this way.
That is correct 'Tyler'! The only one we that are true Christians are to accept is Jesus the Christ, the Son of GOD and NONE OTHER! I do take this Bible VERY LITERALLY! And ONLY the ones that accept JESUS as Lord and Saviour of their lives unto Salvation and life everlasting are truely born-again Christians!!