The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

GOD of Abraham alone is SUPREME!


Tyler's very correct there! JESUS is #1! And we that are true Christians are to eccept none other! For He is GOD! "GOD with us."
Read all of Psalms 37 !
A christian is coming on to me.......

what do I do???

If I reject he'll send the lord after me!!!!!!


"Tyler's very correct there! JESUS is #1! And we that are true Christians are to eccept none other! For He is GOD! "GOD with us."

What I wanna know is, if each religion says this, how do ya pick?
Tyler, if God starts hitting on you, I'll disprove His existance so fast it won't even be funny.

I mean it Loone. You stay away from my man. :p

What I wanna know is, if each religion says this, how do ya pick?

Flip a coin. I decided on Great Cthulhu.
GOD shall Judge the wicked!

Originally posted by Tyler
A christian is coming on to me.......

what do I do???

If I reject he'll send the lord after me!!!!!!

Haha.The Lord of Creation shall take care of you Himself! I and Christians of the Faith are the messagers of Faith! You will be before the Judgement Seat of GOD! Jesus is real and He saves!

"Tyler's very correct there! JESUS is #1! And we that are true Christians are to eccept none other! For He is GOD! "GOD with us."

What I wanna know is, if each religion says this, how do ya pick?
Tyler, the fool asks that one, we believe in GOD And His Son Jesus as Lord and Savour because He is in our hearts! He is very real and very GOD of all creation!:rolleyes:
Palms 37

Originally posted by Cris

Nice psalms.
But that Psalms clearly condemns your very way of thinking!:)

[color=dark-blue]"But the wicked will parish: The Lord's enemies will be like the beauty of the fields, they vanish-vanish like smoke.":) Psalms 37:20 NIV[/color]

"When the wicked thrive, so does sin, but the righteous will see their downfall." Proverbs 29:16 NIV.
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First off I want to say "you have balls" for being able to post something on that subject. Now I do know that almost the whole world has based there religion along the lines of a basic Christian.. But what I want to ask, is how can you believe so strongly in something that you can't see? We can see people, and what not..
And WHY would it be a sin to have basic natural feelings, instincts ... that EVERYONE feels. You are punished for them. To me that is absurd. Why would "God" give us these feelings and then punish us for acting, or accepting them?
I am not saying at all, that you shouldn't believe in what you chose .. But I believe that God is a shield. You have something bad in your life happen, you pray. Something good happens.. and you don't want to believe that it is a ripple from something you had done in you life.
I believe in myself and the power to change the things around me. Along with what I said above, my basic natural feelings.

Mastemarose, I as a Christian Have the Holy Spirit of GOD within! He is a 'person' , and we reflect the light of God to people. You may not know that of the supernature power, but Faith in GOD we take it as very litteral truth which it is! I have no problem in my Faith in the GOD of Creation, He loves me and have cared for my needs even when I in no ways deserving it!

"Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. Proverbs 3:7.
But that Psalms clearly condemns your very way of thinking!

That's the SAB Psalms, which illustrate quite clearly the absurdity of the Bible, especially the OT.

And yes, I do have rather nice Psalms. <-------I have no idea what this means.

The Lord of Creation shall take care of you Himself! I and Christians of the Faith are the messagers of Faith! You will be before the Judgement Seat of GOD! Jesus is real and He saves!

Loone, you keep your Bible-thumping hands off my man! :p

Tyler, the fool asks that one, we believe in GOD And His Son Jesus as Lord and Savour because He is in our hearts! He is very real and very GOD of all creation!

Yeah, but I have the Great Cthulhu in my heart. Why your God over the Great Cthulhu?

Have a great evening, Loone.

And don't overdo the Bible stuff, you'll get hairy psalms. Just like mother said. ;)

God condemns everything that comes from the Master of Illusion, the Devil. The Devil uses the circumnstances and give doubts and fears to our mind. If you silence your mind, the Devil can never get you. Devil is the Dualist World in Taoist Philosophy. It works like that: it gives your pleasure from something outside you and then get it away from you causing pain. This pain, fear and doubt is what draw us away God, that is Love, the Truth. Buddhism the same thing: desires causes pain, don't have external desires. :)

What the Devil do, is to get your instincts and use them against you. That's why God doesn't want us to follow them. Believe me... there are highter pleasures... the Spirit of God sometimes makes me laught, for example... :D

You got a very common wrong idea! God NEVER punish us!! We are His children! He can even discipline us, like you do with your children (if you have...), but NEVER punish you! Only the Devil hurst you!

It's simple:


"the Spirit of God sometimes makes me laught, for example..."

Yea, but you know what really makes me laugh? Insomniac with Dave Attel. Now that is a great show!

"...desires causes pain..."

Owch, this prime rib hurts! *munchmunchmunch* Ow ow!

"God NEVER punish us!!"

Yay! Sex party at my house then!

I do not want to rain on your sunshine, but I believe that it is the other way around. I do not believe that there is a God or the Devil. I don't know where people get their mass conceptions about the devil and God. But as I said before, it is I...
Why should I waste my time worshiping something that has no REAL proof of existence? I don't want to say I don't believe in something I can't see. Because in relativity, I can't see myself.. Only a reflection.

One thing I have a real problem with is something telling me how it is. I am not telling you what you should think, only what I think. I do not post my religion all over the place. What ever gets you threw gets you threw. I do not turn the TV off when someone mentions God, or when an Eric Claption song comes on. I actually enjoy his music.

Damn it, someone interrupted me.. And I lost my train of thought. I will continue this later.
He can even discipline us

EEEEEEEE! Now I am thinking of Yahweh in a leather corset holding a whip.

Not a pretty thought. Not a pretty thought. Not a pretty thought at all!!! :eek:
You all have a closed mind for freaky sex eh?

Them's fightin' words!

I have a rather open mind but -

not involving mythical supernatural mass murderers.
