The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!

Just thought I would ask. (By the way, I was not referring to THAT freaky of sex.. in that case I am rather tame..)
One thing, this might start another attack on me but.. I firmly believe that ALL people masturbate from a young age, they just don't tell anyone.
I am a tad pissed right now, so I have no problem telling this to you all.. now if I was sober it would be a different story.
How young?
Personally, the only question that I wondered about was whether or not, or how often, women do it. I would say 'girls', but I don't want to sound like a pedophile. But I mean like my age and up.
Not as much as men, Tyler. I am always suprised by the way men assume that we do at the same rate.

How young? Oh, about teens and up, from what I gather. I read an interesting survey somwhere, but I'm too tired to find it.
I wouldn't call it masturbating, but when a child finds out they have something.. down there.. Lol. They "play" with it all the time. I used to watch this little one, about 2.. and he would walk around with his hands in his pants.. Because it feels good.. There is really nothing you can do about. My little brother used to "hump" or rub up against everything. Lol.
Same with girls.. But like one said, men do find it amazing that we do it just about as much as them.. Lol.
Anyway.. I'm gonna head out.
"Not as much as men, Tyler. I am always suprised by the way men assume that we do at the same rate.

How young? Oh, about teens and up, from what I gather. I read an interesting survey somwhere, but I'm too tired to find it."

I always assumed it was, well, very rarely. But I honestly had no idea. Women just in general seemed less sexually-oriented. Not less into sexual things, but less open about sexuality.
My GOD Supreme!


It is pure ignorance of the ungodley to say it, and not give thought to what thay say! And Man still knows so little of the phyiscal universe other then that of the above nature as we know it!:) Ignorance! Your schools shall fail if it continues in the Anti-Christian dogma! I think it already happening now, you may see! Amerrica will be delt with by GOD and all other nations that forgets GOD and His Holy Word, and the Lord (Jesus) that died that they may have life, and to have it more aboundently!

Repent! Time is comming that you here the truth no more untill you stand before the Throne of GOD!:mad:

Live long and prosper! But theres is a better life then this one of DEATH!:mad:
Wow! Them's big-ass letters, Loone. They're like, an inch high*.

*If anyone, anyone makes a joke about Xev having low standards, I will hit them.

My GOD Supreme!


Ia Ia Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! Tikki Tikki! Ia! Vulgtlagln Great Cthulhu! Haf'hrdn Cthulhu ilyaa his return ooboshu shugg! Yog-Sogoth knows the Gate! Yog-Sogoth is the Gate! He knows where the Old Ones broke through, and they shall break through again! Ia Yog-Sogoth! Ia! Ia! Ia! La mayyitan ma qadirun yatabaqqa sarmadi Fa idha yaji' al-shudhdhadh fa-l-maut qad yantahi! Another 'Ia!' for good measure! y-Cthulhu!

H.P.L fhtagn!

Damn, I'm getting good at this!
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Originally posted by SpyFox_the_KMeson
Let us all show our love of god by baking marijuana brownies and then making out! Wheee!

They already tried that... we call it the 70's.
The results were horrible:

Lime shag carpeting
Platform sandles
The wa-wa pedal
Avacado appliances

'nuf said


Okay fine, we'll just make <b>normal</b> brownies. Yep, nothing but normal, everyday brownies laced with LSD.
You would not believe how strong the smell of marijuana is here in the university dorms.
NORMAL is good! Ha.. Just kidding.
Walking threw the apt buildings it is terrible.. I live in Iowa.. There really isn't much else to do but smoke bud.
Re: Re: Re: YIFF!

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
The wa-wa pedal
Are you kidding, great invention.:cool:

Okay, I'll admit that some few have used it to good effect but the bad stuff is really, really, really bad.
Let's say "70's movie soundtrack music" instead. ;)
Same thing for the vibraphone.

:eek: wakawakawakawaka
