The Riddle of Epicurus

Lori, it's cool.

I didn't know you we're trying to 'say' something. I thought you were just asking a question.

It's not easy to recognize "the voice" of people whom we don't meet face to face, so we should never condemn, unless God says it's Ok.

I'm don't know if all alien abductions are spiritual.

No one can have anything unless God gives it.
Yorda said:
No one can have anything unless God gives it.

Then we are nothing; mere insignificant motes in the darkness. If it is not really a painter painting, then why paint? If anything an archetect designs will be only something from god, why have anything built. I prefer to think that god, if he exists, set up the laws of the universe in such a way that they promote complexity and then let it to its own course.

Perhaps hell would be better in your case, at least if you consider it to be any place away from god. At least there, what little you can make is made alone and is something you can be proud of.
Perhaps hell would be better in your case, at least if you consider it to be any place away from god. At least there, what little you can make is made alone and is something you can be proud of.
And herein lies teh nub of the whole issue. WE are separate from God because we want to do it ourselves....and suffer the consequences accordingly.
However I would argue that being one with God [the universe] does not in any way undermine your own self inspiration in fact being one with God can only enhance your self you draw on his infinite wisdom and presence. [Which is what we already do every moment of our lives anyway....]

You see a vacant block of land and you build upon it a house of your choosing. All aspects are God inspired. for with out God [universe] there is no land or ability to build a house etc etc.....
The universe determines what we do with our lives, is this so is only when you grant God the ability to make decisions in a human way that you loose your sense of individuality and self inspiration.
Would not being one with god be akin to a drop of water falling into an ocean? Once in, you can pull another drop out of the ocean, but it will never be the same drop. It would even be infinitly worse with god as he is, after all, supposedly infinite.

God may very well have tweaked the universe in such a way that bricks and wood and cement are all possible... but there are an infinite number of possible combinations of assorted mediums.

I like to think that he may have plopped down the paint and the canvas, but stayed apart from the act of painting itself. I also like to think that sapience would have formed and made something out of anything he layed down, no matter what it was.
Yorda said:
Lori, it's cool.

I didn't know you we're trying to 'say' something. I thought you were just asking a question.

It's not easy to recognize "the voice" of people whom we don't meet face to face, so we should never condemn, unless God says it's Ok.

I'm don't know if all alien abductions are spiritual.

No one can have anything unless God gives it.

I meant that I thought I recognized "the voice" of your source of enlightenment, not your voice. That's why I thought that you may have been abducted.


Oh... ok... But as I said, I've not been abducted, I just have a bad life. Suffering leads to much knowledge... Sometimes.
What no one seems to have addressed is this...

Let's suppose free will completely answers the question of evil. Let's suppose that it is our free will, and our free choice to do evil, and not God's. Let's suppose that the only way God could eliminate evil would be to rob us of our free will. Let us also suppose that the other bad things that happen to us, which don't have to do with human choice, happen for a good reason (to teach life lessons, to make the timeline work out, whatever).

Let's assume ALL of that is true. Now...

Why did god create us? To worship Him is what I've heard.

So, God is a perfect being, meaning that he doesn't NEED to have us worship him for his survival right?

He's also a being that can tell the future, including our future choices right?

So why would a perfect and good being choose to create a universe and a free-willed people that he knows will make choices that result in massive suffering? Why would he create them deficient of the knowledge that only the lessons of suffering could teach?

So far, the picture looks like this...

Although he didn't require them, God desired some beings to worship him out of free will. Therefore, he created a universe, which would essentially be a big grinding machine which would create billions and billions of these people. The nature of this universe is that these people would suffer. There would also be additional suffering because of the choices many of these free-willed people would make (and he knew this for a fact). When it was all said and done, the majority of these people would be cast into hell. But, the remainder who chose him freely would be brought to heaven so he could have his worshippers.

Does this seem ethical to you?

Edit: Is "wanting worshippers" a good enough reason to create beings that you know will freely choose to commit evil acts? Wouldn't it have been more ethical to just go without worshippers than do it this way? It's a good thing this model is monotheistic because If I was God, I'd never admit to my other god-buddies what I had been up to here.
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Yorda said:
Oh... ok... But as I said, I've not been abducted, I just have a bad life. Suffering leads to much knowledge... Sometimes.

Well good, I'm glad that you haven't been abducted. And I hope that you have found relief in truth.


The conflict of logic/morality/ethics only comes about when God is granted the limitations as set out in a 2000 year old book.

Is it possible that God as described by these books has yet to evolve, that he is less sentient than we are?

Is it possible that the universe [God] is just some fantastic organism that functions on auto pilot with out a ruler at it's helm.

Is it possible that God is looking outwards and relying on what is within him [us] to maintain his existence just like we do?

I have often thought that man kinds quest for self determination is the same quest that God has. If Man is a reflection of God then maybe to acheive self determination man and God must create their own individual reflection and not the same shared reflection.

Maybe man as creeated to help facilitate Gods desire to acheive self determination by using mankind etc as a vehicle in that quest.

Just some thoughts :)
Tiberius1701 said:
What no one seems to have addressed is this...

Let's suppose free will completely answers the question of evil. Let's suppose that it is our free will, and our free choice to do evil, and not God's. Let's suppose that the only way God could eliminate evil would be to rob us of our free will. Let us also suppose that the other bad things that happen to us, which don't have to do with human choice, happen for a good reason (to teach life lessons, to make the timeline work out, whatever).

The only way to eliminate evil is not to rob us of free will. If evil comes from a trangression of law, then you may eliminate evil by choosing of your free will not to transgress the law, and you make this choice given your knowledge of the evil consequences of doing understanding brought about by experience.

Let's assume ALL of that is true. Now...

Why did god create us? To worship Him is what I've heard.

Where did you hear that? He made us to commune with Him. Why do people have children? Well, lets try to eliminate selfish intentions like to suck some child support out of some man, or to suck some welfare dollars out of the govt...but in a purest sense, supposedly without sinful intent, why would a person have a child? To love and to hope to be share commune have a family.

The worship comes as a result of this communion and the knowledge that it brings of God and His love and His character. The definition of worship is to "treat somebody or something as a deity" and to "love somebody deeply". I can only speak for myself here, but to worship Him is not even a choice's just a natural outcome of experiencing who He is in my life. You just can't help it. He is all powerful, all knowing, full of unconditional love and grace that has had the most profound impact of me and on my life...He's changed everything for me...He's made it all worth while...He's given me so much hope when there was none...He's made a way out of what seemed impossible and in ruins....He has restored. He has blessed me in unimaginable ways. People whine that God is not, He is not fair...grace is definitely not fair...but I tell you will melt your hard heart into a big ol' puddle of love. So, worship is just a natural result of realizing through experience that God is who He says He is...and that knowledge results in a profound respect, love, admiration, trust, and reliance that manifests itself in "worship". You know, church people pretend that worship is when they go to a church on some particular day, and sing what are usually really hideous sounding songs and clap their hands and pray for a around a little maybe...I don't know. But those of us who actually are the church know that worship is given your whole your whole life to live for Him and in His will to the best of your ability 24/ desire for Him to live through being the temple of the Holy Spirit, a vessel for His love and power to move through. And you do this because through knowledge of Him, you realize that this is the best possible use of your for you and best for everyone around do this out of love, but it's also just a matter of making a sound decision. Like I said, once you know Him, it's like you almost don't have a choice because to do anything else just seems like such a stupid idea...destructive even....self-destructive...counter-productive....selfish and malicious even...sadistic and masochistic.

So, like a good parent, He earns your respect and admiration and love and trust, and you wish to commune with Him according to His law because of this.

So, God is a perfect being, meaning that he doesn't NEED to have us worship him for his survival right?


He's also a being that can tell the future, including our future choices right?


So why would a perfect and good being choose to create a universe and a free-willed people that he knows will make choices that result in massive suffering? Why would he create them deficient of the knowledge that only the lessons of suffering could teach?

There is good too...we have both. How would we come to have this inherent knowledge of something so vast and that we have never experienced? What you are proposing is that we would be born with all of the knowledge that we had acquired by the time of our death, and who's to say about reincarnation and even more knowledge acquired through it. How can you acquire knowledge without being taught? How can you achieve knowledge without experience? Without being God that is...

So far, the picture looks like this...

Although he didn't require them, God desired some beings to worship him out of free will. Therefore, he created a universe, which would essentially be a big grinding machine which would create billions and billions of these people. The nature of this universe is that these people would suffer. There would also be additional suffering because of the choices many of these free-willed people would make (and he knew this for a fact). When it was all said and done, the majority of these people would be cast into hell. But, the remainder who chose him freely would be brought to heaven so he could have his worshippers.

God desired love and to be loved. Therefore He created children and a universe for them to live in. The nature of the universe is to maintain an eternal perfect balance according to His law. But for a relatively short time, He allowed for the transgression of this law, according to His children's free will, which caused much suffering, death, and destruction. So that when it was all said and done, He would end up with children who desired to live with Him in love and communion and according to His law, and therefore eternally, voluntarily and of their own free will, and according to their own knowledge.

Here it is in a nutshell...He has created every one of us...and given every one of us a you wish to continue to live or not? And He abides by your decision, and ensures that you have the knowledge with which to make one.

Does this seem ethical to you?

Yes, it does.

Edit: Is "wanting worshippers" a good enough reason to create beings that you know will freely choose to commit evil acts? Wouldn't it have been more ethical to just go without worshippers than do it this way? It's a good thing this model is monotheistic because If I was God, I'd never admit to my other god-buddies what I had been up to here.

I'm not trying to be critical or whatever, but it seems that you're not looking at the big picture. This evil has a purpose, and once served will be ridden of our own free will choice, made according to this knowledge of it. This evil is not all there is...this flesh is not all there is....this is just a very necessary step along the way to something perfect and eternal and void of evil. But you have to know what it is that you're avoiding and understand how to avoid it first, in order to do so.


Quantum Quack said:
The conflict of logic/morality/ethics only comes about when God is granted the limitations as set out in a 2000 year old book.

Is it possible that God as described by these books has yet to evolve, that he is less sentient than we are?

Is it possible that the universe [God] is just some fantastic organism that functions on auto pilot with out a ruler at it's helm.

Is it possible that God is looking outwards and relying on what is within him [us] to maintain his existence just like we do?

I have often thought that man kinds quest for self determination is the same quest that God has. If Man is a reflection of God then maybe to acheive self determination man and God must create their own individual reflection and not the same shared reflection.

Maybe man as creeated to help facilitate Gods desire to acheive self determination by using mankind etc as a vehicle in that quest.

Just some thoughts :)

I agree, but my arguments are specifically made with reference to the conservative Christian god - I should have made that more clear, but many of the posts on this thread which I was responding to were already taking that line. But you're correct. :)
Lori_7 said:
The only way to eliminate evil is not to rob us of free will. If evil comes from a trangression of law, then you may eliminate evil by choosing of your free will not to transgress the law, and you make this choice given your knowledge of the evil consequences of doing understanding brought about by experience.

No, I mean the only way God could eliminate evil would be to remove humans of their free will, since it is inevitable when creating billions of people that some will choose evil. Human beings are not perfect.

Where did you hear that? He made us to commune with Him.

Ok, so he wanted people to commune with. The argument still works in either case.

There is good too...we have both.

Yes, but even though there is good, the point still stands - God created a universe he knew would contain evil for his own selfish ends (to have people to commune with).

How would we come to have this inherent knowledge of something so vast and that we have never experienced?

Because God is allegedly all powerful - he can do anything. And that includes making a being which already contains knowledge of the things it would have learned through a life of suffering. It should be a sinch.

What you are proposing is that we would be born with all of the knowledge that we had acquired by the time of our death, and who's to say about reincarnation and even more knowledge acquired through it. How can you acquire knowledge without being taught? How can you achieve knowledge without experience?

Your brain (or soul) is in a certain state before an experience, and a certain state after an experience. Experiences change the nature, structure, and state of your brain (and presumeably soul). If God can create one structure he can create another. He could have created the entire universe one hour ago, complete with full memories everyone had of all preceding events and world history. He could have made sure to include this forum in his creation, along with your memory of writing your last post, even though it didn't actually happened.

So, when the whole world history is complete and all the badies have gone to hell and all the goodies are with him in heaven communing, then that will be the state of things. He could have just created that state, along with the inner knowledge and nature of all beings involved just as they will be, without ever having created a universe with so much suffering.

God desired love and to be loved.

Yes and to fulfill that desire he would go to any lengths, including creating a universe in which he knew there would be massive suffering. It's not like having kids because parents can't control the universe. If they could, they would ensure that their children did not suffer.

But for a relatively short time, He allowed for the transgression of this law, according to His children's free will, which caused much suffering, death, and destruction.

Which he knew would happen when he created them. A murderer may have free will too, but if I open his jail cell and release him out into the world, am I not responsible in some regard? God unleashed all sorts of horrors on his children, including certain children that he knew would freely choose evil upon the others.

I'm not trying to be critical or whatever, but it seems that you're not looking at the big picture. This evil has a purpose, and once served will be ridden of our own free will choice, made according to this knowledge of it. This evil is not all there is...this flesh is not all there is....this is just a very necessary step along the way to something perfect and eternal and void of evil. But you have to know what it is that you're avoiding and understand how to avoid it first, in order to do so.

Why would I need to learn how to avoid something that will eventually be gone?

If you say that evil is truly going to be gone, then that means no one will have the ability to choose to do evil once in heaven. If that is true, then our entire ride here is pointless. He could have just created people that coudn't do evil to begin with.

On the other hand, if you say that evil will be removed but our ability to choose evil will continue, then evil will not truly be removed because if so many people have the ability to choose evil for ALL eternity, then eventually someone will.

And, aside from the question above, you still have the fact that an all powerful god could have created entities already aware of the lessons he's teaching them with evil now. Through god all things are allegedly possible so that means evil isn't necessary. For ANYTHING to be necessary would mean that there would have to be some things God can't do.

So, either God is not all good, or he's not all powerful. The two cannot logically both be true given the universe we live in.

As mentioned by Quantum Quack, there may be other sorts of general god/s which are logically possible. But the one being discssed here is flat out impossible.
Tiberius1701 said:
No, I mean the only way God could eliminate evil would be to remove humans of their free will, since it is inevitable when creating billions of people that some will choose evil. Human beings are not perfect.

Well, instead of eliminating free will, it seems that He is eliminating those who use their free will to choose evil. See, it's according to His law that states that the result of sin is death. So the result of the transgression of his law is death. So to use your free will to choose to trangress His law is really to choose to eliminate yourself. You I want eternal life...or do I want death? He gives you what you want.

Yes, but even though there is good, the point still stands - God created a universe he knew would contain evil for his own selfish ends (to have people to commune with).

So are you saying that every person who bears children throughout the entire history of this planet, knowing that evil exists is selfish, and is doing so selfishly? We all should have stopped having sex long ago and perpetuate the extinction of our species to spare the future generation any suffering? Are you saying that it's better not to live at all, than to live a life with suffering and then die? I also think that you might be forgetting how long eternity is. This time spent with evil in our midst is infinitesmal.

Don't you want to live? Don't you want to exist? I do. And I live in the same world that you do. I didn't used to be too keen on this life, but I could never kill myself because I knew that there may be something so much more than this. Now that I know Him, things are so much different. Now, even though this world sucks, He has blessed me so much that I have a hard time imagining anything any better than this...even in His Kingdom...which I know is incorrect in's just that He's made things so good for me here...I could have never imagined it being this good, or anything close to it, much less how it will be in His Kingdom. So recently, I've been hoping for time...lots of time left, here on this sucky planet, to enjoy the life that I've been given in Him.

Because God is allegedly all powerful - he can do anything. And that includes making a being which already contains knowledge of the things it would have learned through a life of suffering. It should be a sinch.

Your brain (or soul) is in a certain state before an experience, and a certain state after an experience. Experiences change the nature, structure, and state of your brain (and presumeably soul). If God can create one structure he can create another. He could have created the entire universe one hour ago, complete with full memories everyone had of all preceding events and world history. He could have made sure to include this forum in his creation, along with your memory of writing your last post, even though it didn't actually happened.

So, when the whole world history is complete and all the badies have gone to hell and all the goodies are with him in heaven communing, then that will be the state of things. He could have just created that state, along with the inner knowledge and nature of all beings involved just as they will be, without ever having created a universe with so much suffering.

Sooooo, you want God to brainwash you instead of allowing you to actually live? That's....weird. Reminds me of that Schwartzenegger movie...the one that Sharon Stone kicks ass in right? You know, and they had that place you could go to have vacation memories implanted into your brain. Did you see that movie cause I think it may just provide an answer to your suggestion. Which begs the would you know that the knowledge that He implanted in you was the truth? Talk about a lack of free would rather be some programmed robot-like being? That would take away all of your free will as you would have absolutely no choices at all regarding your experience in wouldn't have a would be imaginery. Brainwashing and spoonfeeding is not how God operates...ironically, it is however how the "other side" operates.

Yes and to fulfill that desire he would go to any lengths, including creating a universe in which he knew there would be massive suffering. It's not like having kids because parents can't control the universe. If they could, they would ensure that their children did not suffer.

As you suggested before...they could not have them in the first place...knowing that suffering exists

And like I said, the only reason that the suffering seems so "massive" to you is because the life of your flesh is all you see and believe in. And because you see no purpose in it other than suffering for the sake of suffering. This life of suffering is a mere blink of an eye compared to the eternal life of your spirit....that if you choose this eternal life, will live forever in love joy and peace.

Which he knew would happen when he created them. A murderer may have free will too, but if I open his jail cell and release him out into the world, am I not responsible in some regard? God unleashed all sorts of horrors on his children, including certain children that he knew would freely choose evil upon the others.

He also offers them protection, provision, redemption, restoration, and salvation in Christ. And for all of the horror, gee, you would think that more people would take Him up on it huh?

Why would I need to learn how to avoid something that will eventually be gone?

Because given the premise of free will, it will only be gone because you have learned how to avoid it and why you should.

If you say that evil is truly going to be gone, then that means no one will have the ability to choose to do evil once in heaven. If that is true, then our entire ride here is pointless. He could have just created people that coudn't do evil to begin with.

People will still have free will, and still have the ability, but they will choose not to because after all, knowing what they know from living here and now, WHY WOULD THEY CHOOSE TO? Fact is that God knows what we will choose before we ever do, so ultimately, the ones who will be saved are the ones who, by their own choice, and by their own desire, will live according to His law.

On the other hand, if you say that evil will be removed but our ability to choose evil will continue, then evil will not truly be removed because if so many people have the ability to choose evil for ALL eternity, then eventually someone will.

Not if they don't exist anymore they won't. God already knows what everyone will eventually choose for all of eternity. I can't really get my head around that either, but that's not surprising, as I am only human.

And, aside from the question above, you still have the fact that an all powerful god could have created entities already aware of the lessons he's teaching them with evil now. Through god all things are allegedly possible so that means evil isn't necessary. For ANYTHING to be necessary would mean that there would have to be some things God can't do.

God IS doing it...His way...which is the best way...the perfect way. Now, that doesn't mean that this is the only way, just the best way. And the best way for us, whether you see it or not. He always acts in our best interest, you just can't see all of what God can see. But, when you create your own universe, and your own species, then you can decide what's best for brainwashing them perhaps...into choosing whatever you want them to choose....thereby eliminating their free will. You could call them muppets. Muppets are damn cute aren't they?

So, either God is not all good, or he's not all powerful. The two cannot logically both be true given the universe we live in.

As mentioned by Quantum Quack, there may be other sorts of general god/s which are logically possible. But the one being discssed here is flat out impossible.

I contest, as I have found flaws in the logic that you are using. God is indeed both all good and all powerful...and all knowing. We are not all knowing...not sure that I would even want to be...but we can know Him, and in doing that, we can know everything we need to know, to ensure an eternal life of love peace and joy.


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It wouldn't be "brainwashing" for him to create beings that already had knowledge. They would still have free will, they would just simply be aware of certain information. He could have created people with him in heaven already, who were knowledgeable of all the life's lessons that they are currently learning through pain and suffering.

As for the ones that he knows will choose evil, he could simply just not create them in the first place.

That would be a universe with no evil, no suffering, AND free will. But, he didn't do that it seems. (of course, as you know, I don't believe this entity exists but we're assuming that for now, for the sake of the discussion)
Tiberius1701 said:

It wouldn't be "brainwashing" for him to create beings that already had knowledge. They would still have free will, they would just simply be aware of certain information. He could have created people with him in heaven already, who were knowledgeable of all the life's lessons that they are currently learning through pain and suffering.

As for the ones that he knows will choose evil, he could simply just not create them in the first place.

That would be a universe with no evil, no suffering, AND free will. But, he didn't do that it seems. (of course, as you know, I don't believe this entity exists but we're assuming that for now, for the sake of the discussion)

Maybe it's me, but I can't figure out how you would know, without experience, whether the "implanted" knowledge was the truth or not. It would be the same thing as taking someone's word for something, or accepting something that you read in a book as the truth. In my experience, the only way to have true knowledge of something is to live through it. I mean, to try to "imagine" the consequence of sin...even with a true and accurate just wouldn't do it justice. How can you know what it's like to have a broken heart without ever having one? You can't.

And to not create those who would choose evil would be taking away their free will. Because they choose to die. They are created, and given life, and given knowledge, and given a you want to live forever or not? And they get what they want. To have never been created, they would have never been given a choice. Right?


Zero Mass said:
Answer this riddle, and tr not to use the term "free will":

depends on your definition of evil. who says death is the ultimate evil in the world? God doesn't allow or disallow anything. what happens to us in this world is the product of our actions.
Many many people would consider death to be a blessing, if anything to end interminable suffering due to severe illness or accident.....
Repo Man said:
I've always loved this conundrum from Bertrand Russell's An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish:
There are logical difficulties in the notion of sin. We are told that sin consists in disobedience to God's commands, but we are also told that God is omnipotent. If He is, nothing contrary to His will can occur; therefore when the sinner disobeys His commands, He must have intended this to happen. St. Augustine boldly accepts this view, and asserts that men are led to sin by a blindness with which God afflicts them. But most theologians, in modern times, have felt that, if God causes men to sin, it is not fair to send them to hell for what they cannot help. We are told that sin consists in acting contrary to God's will. This, however, does not get rid of the difficulty. Those who, like Spinoza, take God's omnipotence seriously, deduce that there can be no such thing as sin. This leads to frightful results. What! said Spinoza's contemporaries, was it not wicked of Nero to murder his mother? Was it not wicked of Adam to eat the apple? Is one action just as good as another? Spinoza wriggles, but does not find any satisfactory answer. If everything happens in accordance with God's will, God must have wanted Nero to murder his mother; therefore, since God is good, the murder must have been a good thing. From this argument there is no escape.

or maybve God is omnipotent and life is just a great big test that we all are taking to get to next level. and GOd has all the answers already.