The Riddle of Epicurus

Zero Mass said:
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?
or maybe he just doesnt exist. ;)

if god created all people then he obviously made some evil.

if god made universe/nature then natural disasters in which inocent people die would mean God is evil.

since I dont believe in gods,everything is as it should be,the strongest survive,the weak die,its just natures way.
if the weakest didnt die,the world would become overpopulated and everyone would soon starve and die anyway.
Lori_7 said:
He is able, but not willing...yet. Logic flaw...this does not mean that He is malevolent.

To teach a child right from wrong is not malevolent.
to kill all people including children, such as in a worldwide flood is not bad :rolleyes: then?
what will they learn when they are DEAD!
Q25 said:
to kill all people including children, such as in a worldwide flood is not bad :rolleyes: then?
what will they learn when they are DEAD!

That's basically how I see some of the actions of the "God of the Bible", also. Killing people is not "teaching them a lesson", unless one has a contorted theological view, in my opinion. I fail to see how killing children or those in the womb as being the corrective measure of a loving deity. If he is really omnipotent, he doesn't need to order the slaughter of all of a town's inhabitants, or kill everyone by a flood, he could dole out his justice individually. Some of the actions of the "God of the Bible" don't seem to be actions of an omnipotent deity who can dole out justice individually, or one who is willing to do so. Unless, of course, one wishes to say "justice" is "perfection or death" I suppose. If that's the case, that's an unfair standard for any being to expect out of anyone, in my opinion. Of course, an argument can be made that if there's a God, he can do what he wants, and I won't argue against that. But to try to say it's a "loving" or "just" act is kind of saying, in my opinion: God exists, might makes right, God's the might, and what he says goes. Or one can go ahead and say everything God does is good by default. Ok, then what? We should look at what doesn't appear good to us as "good"? If the Bible said that God killed a million people for the sins of a few, should we then say that it's a good act because "God did it"?
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Clockwood said:
Then why can I walk outside happy, without a care in the world and not suspecting anything, and then have something horrible happen to me to my great detriment. No warning; not even a twinge of anxiety. Would it be that god just chooses not to talk?

On the other side of the coin, I can get that twinge of anxiety, but nothing happens should I obey it or not. Sometimes you just get these sorts of thing for no reason. Sometimes bad things happen to me because I follow it. Is god just pulling my chain for his own amusement?

Those are good questions. It is my experience that God is with me no matter what happens, good or bad. And that He has protected me from harm many times. The odds of me being alive are self-destructive as my behaviour has been in the past. It's been just recently that He's miraculously ridden me of a 20+ year and deadly drug addiction...nicotene, alcohol and marijuana...extremely physically addicted to nicotene, and extremely emotionally addicted to an altered state of mind. What's happened to me recently has been a real trip to make an understatement.

It is also my experience that bad things happen to good people all the time. But that God can see a greater outcome that we can not see. There is reason in everything...and even if the reason is just to learn something new...that may be a good enough reason. Often times, and it's a shame but, tragedy brings out the best in people. Look at the humanitarian effort and the outpouring of love that resulted from the 9/11 tragedy. Sometimes a bad experience can bring people together that need to be together for the greater good...for their own good. What is that saying? What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger?

Funny, I was just having a conversation with my brother tonight, and he's not a Christian, but a real history nut. And he said that some monks and other early Christian sects used to beat themselves with implements to invoke suffering. Like in an attempt to emulate the suffering of Christ, and to initiate learning from it. I'm still not sure how I feel about that. It seems very ritualistic to me, and therefore kind of hollow. For one, you're never going to get close to what Christ suffered. Two, the fact that the wounds are self-inflicted seems to take something vast away from the experience. And three, isn't there enough suffering in life already and inherently? After all, that's what were all talking about here...the point of this thread. I don't know. My brother seemed to think it was credible...that maybe comfort leads to laziness and stupidity. So he thinks that suffering does initiate learning. be driven to seek the truth in an effort to eliminate or aleviate the suffering...or at the very least explain it. Maybe he's got a point...

I also know one thing for sure, because God has done this for me in many ways. That is He can use the worst thing for good. He can take the worst thing...the worst event or act or intent...and make something good out of it. Everything that happens is ultimately within His will. And His will is good...pure good and unconditional love...which means for our benefit...for our own good. We may have free will to do as we please...make our own choices good or bad. But we only do this within the realm which He created, and under the law that He designed. He is the one who has given us what we have to choose from. And He is the one who has determined the consequences of the choices we make according to His law.

Heh. Why should our short and petty lives matter enough to a being who sees worlds flash into existence and then die in a relative instant. A human living 100 years or 10 would make little difference to a being who measures time by the rotation of the galaxy. And that is if he even exists.

On that scale, good and evil cease to have any personal meaning. A planet may have some meaning. A species may have some meaning. Even a culture may have some meaning. But an individual only matters as far as it affects the greater universe.

It has meaning to us. It means everything to and now. To learn seek the truth about God is the meaning of life. To understand the difference between good and evil and experience the consequences of both so that we have knowledge of both is why we are here with both. So that we understand that what God tells us is the truth...look around...the wages of sin really is death. That's why He hates sin, and that's why He will rid the world of it with His wrath. This is not the end...this is not all there is...rejoice in that certainly!!!!! His Word speaks of eternal life, and because the consequence of sin is death, an eternal life must then be void of sin. He wants us to see that with our own hear it with our feel it with our flesh...yes, that it that we that we truly understand. His Word says that this is NOT what He ultimately wants for us...and this is not what He will ultimately have for us. He offers us something so much better. Why it is that someone would not want an eternal life void of sin is beyond me...and that is what He offers.

You know, God doesn't do anything in vain or without purpose. If we didn't matter to Him He would not have created us in the first place. What is the scripture? "God's Word does not return to Him void"...which to me means that everything happens for a reason...every little thing. And that His will will be done...I guess the question is are you in or are you out? Do you really want this wretched flesh? Or are you willing to trade it in for something so much better? He is not done yet...this is a process that is not finished yet...Creation is not "complete". When it is will last forever. This this a step along the way.

I know the way He is with me...the way that He makes me feel. I've never felt so much love...true love...not in this's not of this world. Because of who He is, He is able to give freely of this love to everyone who wants it...who wants to know know Him...which is amazing to me...that He can be that way in the first place, and that He has an infinite amount to spread around. What He has done for He's helped me...what He's taught me and shown He's just been there for me...I swear to you, has made me feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the whole world. It makes my cry every time I think about it...I'm just so grateful and relieved...words just don't seem to capture how much. And I know I'm not special...everyone is special to Him. He loves all of us the same, and would give to all of you the same. All you have to do is to receive. You can not receive in denial or in rejection.



PS...Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
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Quantum Quack said:
There are two things I wish to post:
1) Lies only exist to hide the truth.
2) Evil exists only because we allow it to.

The world could be free of evil in very little time if we all genuinely wanted it to be so.

To take the religious perspective:

The second book of the bible was all about the love and justice of that which is God. It suggests even if just in poetry that to love one another is the key to the erradication of evil. Now this book was written 2000 years ago.....yep...2000 year ago.

To take a humanistic perspective:

The Charter of human rights were created and endorsed over 50 years ago....yep that's 50 years ago.......

Take a older religious perspective:

How long ago was the ten comandments handed down.....hmmmmm...5000 years ago maybe....yep....5000 years ago.

The legal perspective:

Laws are in place have been for ages...yep have been for ages...

So tell me ...why does evil exist?

The answer is ...simply because that is what we have chosen and continue to choose to allow to exist.

The answer is not in "Gods'" hands but our own.....

Evil is not Gods responsibility it is ours and ours alone....every one of us....

Every time you ignore someones plight, every time you get a buzz out of seeing someone bleed, everytime you profit from someone elses misery you are choosing to allow evil to exist....
end of story and end of rant

I like that story...good answer. :)
Yorda said:
God is able, willing and doing. The problem (or key) is balance. Evil exists only in the human mind, because he has fallen from the divine oneness to the world of separation. Now he must combine every two opposite to create balance. Man's nature is to search the good and avoid the bad, but God's nature is to make no difference between them. The evil is as important as the good, because without it we are not able to know what good is, since the only good is balance. Things depend on what we think of them and how we use them, that decides if they are evil or good.

The created world is like a tree: To left it bears evil (negative) fruits and to right it bears good (positive) fruits. But both of them come from the same stem, from the same one-ness. Only by separating, good and evil is born from the one-ness, which is not good or evil, but divine. Only by separating, information is possible. From this comes the consequence that the world consists of good and evil, but without this separation, creation is not possible.

Nothing can push aside God, he must always exist. This makes him omnipresent. God is the unity, he can't be separated. Even so, he created the world of separation, he sent two images of himself to reflect him, and these opposites keep searching the unification forever and ever. God knows everything, and suffering is the best way to lead man to the truth. God doesn't think like we do, he doesn't favor the good people more than the evil. God respects our free will. We wouldn't be free if he once again took us to the paradise. But we will come there, by our free will and by the guidance of God.

Very good...for there to be life, there must be death...for there to be good, there must be evil...for there to be light, there must be darkness...for there to be peace, there must be calamity...for there to be love, there must be hate...for there to be order, there must be chaos...for there to be joy, there must be sorrow...and on and on. But just because the possibility of these things exist within creation, does not mean that we must choose the latter of each of the two options.

Love ya.
the preacher said:
sin is not a transgression of law, it's a trangression of your gods law, but what of the non-religious who have not sinned, they die for no reason, this is not the consequences of sin, none of these people will have flesh eternal, but they exist without sin.

The only man who ever lived without sin is God Himself in the flesh of Jesus Christ. Certainly you must realize that just because you deny the existence of sin does not in any way mean that you aren't a sinner. You will die because of sin...whether you acknowledge it as the reason or not. After all, you can believe that the world is flat if you want to...but that doesn't make it so. It may make for some rather inefficient long distance travel arrangements...

Love you.
Q25 said:
to kill all people including children, such as in a worldwide flood is not bad :rolleyes: then?
what will they learn when they are DEAD!

Not to f*%k demons and breed nephilim. *shrug*


Yorda the problem is that to justify evil as necessary to promote good only goes to justify the existence of evil in our lives. A bit like saying the evil is essential to our existence. And it is just this sort of justification that allows evil to go on existing.

Is it fair to say that right can only be achieved if wrong is present?

I don't think so.....even a man living in a cave knows what works for his ultimate benefit and what doesn't. Does he deliberately perpetrate an evil against his own interests just so that he can get it right later....?
Lori_7 said:
He's miraculously ridden me of a 20+ year and deadly drug addiction...nicotene, alcohol and marijuana...extremely physically addicted to nicotene, and extremely emotionally addicted to an altered state of mind. What's happened to me recently has been a real trip to make an understatement.

First off, you make me sick. If this is a real problem in your life, you smoke up,
then you need to get a life. For a lot of people their problem is they can't smoke up. And for those of us that live in the real world, death is a problem.

Lori_7 said:
Everything that happens is ultimately within His will. And His will is good...pure good and unconditional love...which means for our benefit...for our own good.

The Holocaust? Eh? how about ethnic cleansing in the Balkans? Or what is going on in Darfur right now? Or what Europeans did to the native north and south americans? Or a million other horrible acts. To say that everything will turn out good in the end is not only wrong and illogical, but it is plain evil. If some mass murderer snuck through your window tonight and smothered you to death that is not a good thing. that is sick to believe that everything that is bad has a good end, that is not the way adults think and the real world works. Grow up.

Lori_7 said:
for there to be love, there must be hate...for there to be order, there must be chaos...for there to be joy, there must be sorrow

On the "Spouting Inane Bull" exam you get an A+, on the "Talking like an Adult, and not a naive child" exam, you fail with an F-
Really though, this kind of "logic" was fine in kindergarten, but the rest of us matured and left the idealistic and illogical behind. While you are throwing out your ill-conceived ideas about good and evil, please also realize that Christopher Columbus was a sadistic asshole and the war on drugs, homelessness, and terrorism don't work.

Sorry, I am ranting. It is just this kind of rampant ignorance is stunning. Listen, if there were a god and he was benevolent then why make pain at all? Why make chaos? Who the hell says we have to suffer in order to enjoy things? and your definition of joy through sorrow is just plain wrong, and like I pointed out to you before (even though I do admit I know nothing abbout you, I would wager your family is still intact and not murdered in their sleep, and I would also hope that you have never been gang-raped) I would wager that you cannot think of what TRUE sorrow means. Your relative sorrow is NOTHING compared to the tragedy of real strife, true sorrow that I think that you would have trouble explaining as an act of god. Tell me why god would allow girls to be raped before they hit puberty. Tell me why YOUR god would allow soldiers in Sudan to throw babies up in the air for target practice. Please explain to them, not me, why god loves them and that is why millions starve to death every year.

Listen to reason: god does not exist. There is nobody behind the smoke and mirrors of "good and evil". They, like god himself, are constructs of the human mind to help cope with war, disease, famine, and evil. If god did exist and was "good" then he would not allow the kind of evil I mentioned above. The truth is he doesn't exist. A just god would step in, hell if I was god I would step in, unless of course I was malevolent then I would do nothing. The FACT of the matter is god does not and we are only to blame for the evil of the world. It is useless to talk about divine intervention stepping in and saving anybody.

The beef I have with religion is that the money, resources, and manpower that could go to the solving the problems of war, hunger, disease, and inequality all over the world is instead pissed away on you going to church on sunday for the bullshit reason that you are going to go to heaven when you die. Think for one minute. Your selfish act of "spiritual growth" is taking food out of the mouth of somebody dying in nother country. Please, review what I have written and think about it with a clear mind. What makes more sense, a world with or without god.

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zero: I am in awe. hear hear.

The only man who ever lived without sin is God Himself in the flesh of Jesus Christ. Certainly you must realize that just because you deny the existence of sin does not in any way mean that you aren't a sinner.
in your opinion, sin is a religious concept, I am not remotely religious, there is no historical proof a jesus (or who was the son of a god) every lived.
so lets make it clear, so you dont preach your shit to me or my kind, I/we have not sinned in anyway possible.
and now look at it this way and read my previous post again thank you.

Originally Posted by the preacher
sin is not a transgression of law, it's a trangression of your gods law, but what of the non-religious who have not sinned, they die for no reason, this is not the consequences of sin, none of these people will have flesh eternal, but they exist without sin.

oh btw that's rich coming from a xian (After all, you can believe that the world is flat if you want to) when you believe in fantasy figures, wow!

Originally Posted by Q25
to kill all people including children, such as in a worldwide flood is not bad then?
what will they learn when they are DEAD! ”

Not to f*%k demons and breed nephilim. *shrug*
wtf wow!, you are now entering the twilight zone.
this is one sick statement, children will learn this when there dead, wow!.
Quantum Quack said:
Yorda the problem is that to justify evil as necessary to promote good only goes to justify the existence of evil in our lives. A bit like saying the evil is essential to our existence. And it is just this sort of justification that allows evil to go on existing.

A human creates imbalance, (or evil) and the balance (the good) tries to inform us (by suffering) that we are doing the wrong thing.

If we didn't know what evil was, we might see someone crying for help and we would just walk by, because we don't know what evil is, and thus we wouldn't know what is right to do. But real evil is imbalance between two opposites. Animals and plants don't "know" what good and evil is, and because they don't know, they DO the right thing all the time, they have no choice but to do so, because they don't know any of the two opposites, they just act upon feelings.

In the primal state of existence all two opposites rested with each other, in complete balance, (and still do so) this means that they actually didn't exist (and still don't). Since, if we combine two opposites in harmony, they always melt together, they stop having an existence, and a new existence is born - balance. If we had black and white color for example, and then imagine that we would mix them together; both the black and the white would stop existing, and a new color would be born, the balance of these two colors. It's like this with every two opposite that we melt together. In the material world 2 things can't really be on the same space and time, but in our consciousness it is fully possible.

We must consider the fact that two opposites don't have a self-governing existence, but they are dependant on each other, on the tension between them which creates them. Most people would agree that there are no absolute directions. Even so, up and down must be thought as two opposites. However, when we are in space, there is no up and down. So the directions up and down are dependant on a body, which is depenant on gravity. Gravity is a manifestation of the balance between two illusional opposites.

Quantum Quack said:
Is it fair to say that right can only be achieved if wrong is present?

Yes, but remember that the other side is always left undisclosed, but it certainly exists! If I do good, the "not-good" is invisible, and when I don't do good, the good is invisible. Without this separation, the material world is not possible, because it consists of opposites which search for each other. Just as a coin has two sides, which still are one wholeness, in the same way are all two opposites only two aspects of one wholeness.

If I scatter 100 coins on the ground, about 50 of them are heads and the other half are tails. Why is it like this? Because 2 opposing (complementary) forces can't exist on the same space and time in the material world. These coins search for unity by combining themselves with each other so that a balance appears, but this is just a material manifestation of the unity.

Quantum Quack said:
I don't think so.....even a man living in a cave knows what works for his ultimate benefit and what doesn't. Does he deliberately perpetrate an evil against his own interests just so that he can get it right later....?

Animals and plants never do good or evil, they obey the Creator and balancer of all opposites, on an animal and vegetative state. Because they use both the good and evil in balance, these "opposites" stops existing - They do the right thing. A man might think that he is doing good but he might actually be doing evil, because he is already separated from the Creator unlike animals and plants. There is no eternal separation between two opposites, rather they are dependant on the balancer.

Life in the material world is a circle (or more likely a sphere) of events; a man might be happy, but after happiness he falls into sorrow. Only if he has balance in his life, he can always be "happy". If he treats the good as the bad, like the sun shines with its warmth to all things, only then can he come back to the center of this circle and realize the entire spectrum, the sum of all perceptions, the absolute reality. He who has found the beginning has also found the end. He who has understood the meaning between two opposites is on his way of understanding everything, because the whole creation is based on this principal.

What is so evil in this world? Only the humans are evil, because they don't know how to obey the balance. People constantly go against the One which tries to make things back to normal. They think they can go their own way and be happy, but they can't. An earthquake is not evil. It can kill many people but it's not evil. Things are what we think of them.
Zero Mass said:
First off, you make me sick. If this is a real problem in your life, you smoke up,
then you need to get a life. For a lot of people their problem is they can't smoke up. And for those of us that live in the real world, death is a problem.

First off, you want to know why this world sucks? Well then take a good long look in the f'ing mirror sweetheart, because it's hateful, judgemental, and vile sentiment just like yours that makes it that way, you bigot.

And death isn't a problem for those of us who know how, or in Whom rather, to overcome it. The only reason that it's such a problem for you is because it's all you've got...this wretched stinking world and all of it's misery is all you've got to look wonder you're so disappointed and pissed off. But don't blame me or anyone else or even God for that matter because that is all you choose to see, it's no one's fault but your own. You stick your head in the sand, and then whine around about how uncomfortable you are, and that everything looks so dark. If you choose to be blind, then be blind, but stop whining about's your own choice. Otherwise, pull your head out of whatever dark, cavernous recess you have it shoved up into, and get a clue.

The Holocaust? Eh? how about ethnic cleansing in the Balkans? Or what is going on in Darfur right now? Or what Europeans did to the native north and south americans? Or a million other horrible acts. To say that everything will turn out good in the end is not only wrong and illogical, but it is plain evil. If some mass murderer snuck through your window tonight and smothered you to death that is not a good thing. that is sick to believe that everything that is bad has a good end, that is not the way adults think and the real world works. Grow up.

Speak for yourself, you're the one ranting like some five year old spoiled brat who had his lollipop taken away. You want to change the world? Take a look at yourself...that's always a great place to start. As a matter of fact, I have found that it's the only way. You can't control anyone else, but you can control yourself, Saint Zero.

And allow me to reiterate once again...sin is indeed horrible, and not good. The effects of sin are the very suffering and pain and sickness and death that you are complaining of, and I don't like it any more than you do. Apparently I like it even less than you do, since I choose salvation from it, and an eternal life without it. The only good end lies in God...the only good end lies within the salvation from this evil that He offers in Christ. And so what do you do? Turn your nose up in the air and refuse it? If I can't have it my way then I don't want it at all? You would rather be some mindless puppet? You would rather be a slave to ignorance? You would rather not have a choice? You would rather be forced to commune with Him and blindly follow His law? Well then you might make a great pet...but His pet is not what you were created to be.

On the "Spouting Inane Bull" exam you get an A+, on the "Talking like an Adult, and not a naive child" exam, you fail with an F-
Really though, this kind of "logic" was fine in kindergarten, but the rest of us matured and left the idealistic and illogical behind. While you are throwing out your ill-conceived ideas about good and evil, please also realize that Christopher Columbus was a sadistic asshole and the war on drugs, homelessness, and terrorism don't work.

Sorry, I am ranting. It is just this kind of rampant ignorance is stunning. Listen, if there were a god and he was benevolent then why make pain at all? Why make chaos? Who the hell says we have to suffer in order to enjoy things? and your definition of joy through sorrow is just plain wrong, and like I pointed out to you before (even though I do admit I know nothing abbout you, I would wager your family is still intact and not murdered in their sleep, and I would also hope that you have never been gang-raped) I would wager that you cannot think of what TRUE sorrow means. Your relative sorrow is NOTHING compared to the tragedy of real strife, true sorrow that I think that you would have trouble explaining as an act of god. Tell me why god would allow girls to be raped before they hit puberty. Tell me why YOUR god would allow soldiers in Sudan to throw babies up in the air for target practice. Please explain to them, not me, why god loves them and that is why millions starve to death every year.

It is you who needs to open up a science text book dear. This is law we're talking about, and any time there is law, there exists the possibility of a transgression of it. Take a running leap off of a 30 story building and see if the effects of gravity don't suck...yea, pretty damn bloody. Does that mean that gravity is a bad thing? Well according to your logic it does. What is the only alternative to order? Hello, it's chaos. What is the alternative to love? It's hate. You have a choice, and your sentiment is pretty clear. What is the trangression of God's law? It's sin. What does God say about sin? He hates it. Will we remain in it forever? No, that's why He came here in the flesh as the ultimate sacrifice for it. And so whoever so chooses, can receive salvation through this sacrifice, as His wrath will surely destroy this sinful flesh and the remains of the devastating effects of it. Why do you think that what Jesus suffered was so horrible? Take a look around...because the effects of sin are so horrible, that's why.

You don't have to suffer to enjoy things, and you do not find joy through sorrow. But to suffer and to feel sorrow, you know what the effects of sin are, because you've experienced them, and so in knowledge, you can choose something better...the alternative.

And who are you kidding? Judging from your sentiment, it is pretty clear that nothing would make you happier than to see me gang raped. Apparently that's the only thing that would qualify me to have an opinion in a conversation with you. Which leads me to wonder if you yourself have been gang raped, or have had your family murdered in their sleep, because if not, then you don't have a valid opinion either. And that's according to your own logic...and I use that term very loosely here to make a point.

Fact is that I indeed have suffered because of the malicious intentions of men. I have been scared to death by them actually, and that fear has led me to believe lies that have caused me all kinds of strife. I have suffered mostly though, because of my own sin. And yes, it is all relative, but all it takes is compassion, and you are then suffering in sympathy. The truth is that whether we choose to recognize it or not, we all suffer due to everyone's sin, because we all live in the same ultimate condition of death...we all live in the same deadly world. Just because your flesh may be comfortable, does not mean that you are not suffering. Just because you deny your suffering does not mean that you are not just means that you are ignoring the truth about this world, and believing the lies of your flesh.

And just because God allows us the free will to experience sin and it's effects does not mean that He condones it. God hates it more than you do. It is not God who tells a man to sin, but not to...and man turns against God and does it anyway.

Listen to reason: god does not exist. There is nobody behind the smoke and mirrors of "good and evil". They, like god himself, are constructs of the human mind to help cope with war, disease, famine, and evil. If god did exist and was "good" then he would not allow the kind of evil I mentioned above. The truth is he doesn't exist. A just god would step in, hell if I was god I would step in, unless of course I was malevolent then I would do nothing. The FACT of the matter is god does not and we are only to blame for the evil of the world. It is useless to talk about divine intervention stepping in and saving anybody.

What? Step in and and do something about it like come to earth Himself in the form of a man named Jesus Christ and offer Himself up to suffering as a sacrifice in atonement for all of the world's sin so that every man can have salvation through it? DUH....

And please stop talking out of both sides of your you realize how stupid what you just said was? You said that evil was of "smoke and mirrors", and a construct of the human mind, to help cope with evil. So in your apparent nonsensical mind, what God defines as evil is an illusion, and what we define as evil in the world is reality, when in fact, they are by definition one in the same...exactly the same.

So you talk about how a just God would have to step in and save us from what is clearly our own deeds, and then in the next breath you deny the worth of salvation from divine intervention. don't want help? You don't want salvation? You get what you want. You want to rely on yourself for your own salvation? You want to rely on this world? Well good luck with that, because history speaks for itself now doesn't it.

The beef I have with religion is that the money, resources, and manpower that could go to the solving the problems of war, hunger, disease, and inequality all over the world is instead pissed away on you going to church on sunday for the bullshit reason that you are going to go to heaven when you die. Think for one minute. Your selfish act of "spiritual growth" is taking food out of the mouth of somebody dying in nother country. Please, review what I have written and think about it with a clear mind. What makes more sense, a world with or without god.

First of all, I don't go to church, I am the church. And I do what I can even given my own sinful nature, which is what I would imagine to be no more or less or better or worse than what you do. Spiritual growth is not attained by going to a particular building that is run by a particular organization on a particular day and doing particular things while there. Spiritual growth comes only by rebirth through the Holy Spirit and is something profoundly personal. It also involves a conviction of sin, and a required repentence of it, which is a turning away. What I have learned through rebirth and by the counsel of the Holy Spirit has led me to turn away from some sin in my life. Sin that hurt me and hurt others around me. I do not take credit for this change. All I wanted was the truth, and to do what was right, but it was the power of God that manifested this change in me. It is clear to me that there is much to learn, and that I will be a work in progress until the day I die. It is clear to me that death is the only "fix" to this problem of sin, but that doesn't mean I can't try my best. And so the best thing that I can do to try to effect positive change in this world, which is to eliminate what sin I can, is to seek God more and more. You want to consider that a selfish act, you go right ahead. But I seek God in my life for the very same reasons that you are so pissed off...because I hate sin and the effects of it.

And as many problems as I have with organized much so that I can not bring myself to participate in it....organized religion has funded and perpetuated more humanitarian efforts in this world than all other secular organizations combined. Have they done everything right? No. Have they fucked up royaly and in many ways? Yes. But so have I and so have you. And after all, it stands to reason, since they are only an organization of sinners. What have you done to save the world you hypocrit? I suppose you live some meager existence like some monk so that you can give all of your money to charity right? I suppose that you spend all of your free time volunteering to feed and shelter those in need right? I suppose that you constantly give of yourself to others and offer your time and resources and money to those who are hurting right? What are YOU doing to change the world besides bitching about it?


the preacher said:
zero: I am in awe. hear hear.

The only man who ever lived without sin is God Himself in the flesh of Jesus Christ. Certainly you must realize that just because you deny the existence of sin does not in any way mean that you aren't a sinner.
in your opinion, sin is a religious concept, I am not remotely religious, there is no historical proof a jesus (or who was the son of a god) every lived.
so lets make it clear, so you dont preach your shit to me or my kind, I/we have not sinned in anyway possible.
and now look at it this way and read my previous post again thank you.

Yes, profound as usual. There is no such thing as greed, lust, envy, gluttony, pride, sloth, or wrath, and therefore no negative consequences of such. Soooooo, what is this thread about again????? Refresh my memory...what is it that you atheists are whining about again??? OH YEA, THE SIN IN THE WORLD AND THE HORRIBLE EFFECTS OF IT.

You can deny, deny, deny all you want to preacher man, but those of us who have eyes and choose to use them to see the truth...we see your sin. As a matter of fact, we live with it everyday, as with our own. You're not fooling anyone but yourself.

Originally Posted by the preacher
sin is not a transgression of law, it's a trangression of your gods law, but what of the non-religious who have not sinned, they die for no reason, this is not the consequences of sin, none of these people will have flesh eternal, but they exist without sin.

oh btw that's rich coming from a xian (After all, you can believe that the world is flat if you want to) when you believe in fantasy figures, wow!

Believe what you want preacher. But what I'm saying is the truth and is correct and you can not argue with it, and that is this...

That just because you believe something to be true, does not in fact make it true. That just because you want to believe something to be true, does not make it true. So believe what you want...everyone does. But it would serve you well to examine the intentions within you and that determine how sincerely you seek the truth. You're intentions are not pure or founded in humility, and therefore you do not sincerely seek the truth. You seek to be right. And guess what? You're not. So believe what you want.

Not to f*%k demons and breed nephilim. *shrug*
wtf wow!, you are now entering the twilight zone.
this is one sick statement, children will learn this when there dead, wow!.

Physical death doesn't mean as much as you think it does, as this world is all that your blind eyes can see. We are eternal spirits. And if you're going to quote the Bible, I would suggest yet again, that you actually and at least remotely familiarize yourself with it first. For it is quite clear that God flooded the earth because the sons of God had bred with the daughters of men, and created nephilim. These were the exceedingly wicked and evil goings on at the time, and the reason for the destruction of that blood line.

You want to quote scripture? Then at least know what it is you're talking about. Otherwise why bother? You don't believe it anyway, so why do you? You don't make any sense.

But I still love ya.
I think most people are in agreement, whether you believe in God or not, that humans are responsible for the evil in the world. Sure, there is debate over natural disasters, but by and by it would seem that evil arises out of human activies, rather than it being something that is simply inherent in nature. Meh, that's my take on it anyway. I have no need to pass on guilt to God. I am responsible for whatever evils I bring upon myself and others. Simple as that.
lori I did'nt quote scripture, I quoted you.
however you are, and have been making soom, rather nasty callous statements, and you make out I'm the evil one, also I never once said I was'nt guilty of some minor bad things in my life, I said I cant sin, you have to believe in your god to sin.( sin: an act that is regarded by theologians as a transgression of God's will )( commit a sin; violate a law of God )

and note that it seems that anybody who remotely disagrees with you is the nastiest person/persons on this planet, I am glad it's just your fingers typing and not holding a gun, and we not in the same street, you would proberly kill one of us.
Lori_7 said:
To teach a child right from wrong is not malevolent. To shelter a child from any knowledge of wrong is to avoid teaching them altogether.
I do not believe that you (or your children) know the difference yet. Please, post you address so I can come over tie you up, and randomly chop fingers and toes off. To shelter your child from this knowledge of wrong is to avoid teaching them altogether.

You never really answered the question in the first post. Your answer seems to be that God is able, but not willing. The problem with your logic is that some people do go through life without experiencing as much pain as most. Are they now suddenly short changed? No matter how you cut it you have people that experience tons of pain, and those that don't.
Lori_7 said:
For it is quite clear that God flooded the earth because the sons of God had bred with the daughters of men, and created nephilim. These were the exceedingly wicked and evil goings on at the time, and the reason for the destruction of that blood line.

A long time ago there was a race on earth, which was totally different from the man we see today. Their consciousness was on a divine state and they followed the Law without attaching themselves to the body and its properties - egoism. With their divine purity, this race truly deserved to be called "the Sons of God" (SoG).

The SoG became fewer and fewer on earth because they didn't procreate, materialize, on earth anymore, but ascended to heaven for a moment (so that we would grow independently). But before the SoG left the earth they had to plant their divine seed among people, so that after a long time of devolopment, the rise from matter would be possible again.

Because the SoG bred with the early humans, they also attached themselves to matter and lost their eternal life and fell to the sufferings of matter. But these were selfless people who were all-loving, and they were not restricted by bodily aspects. These SoG who took upon their shoulders this great burden will be born as great teachers, scientists, philosophers, mysticists, these great people will lead man to higher truth. They will live lonely lives and few people will understand them. Those who don't understand will laugh and those who understand them will listen and admire them.

"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.
They were the heroes of old, men of renown."
- Genesis 6:4

The SoG were also Nephilim ("giants"). From the mixture of these two races (the SoG and early humans) this human race was born.

From the first crossbreedings of the SoG (which also were human, just that they were of greater size) and the daughters of men, "hybrids" were born, which partly had the divine spiritual powers of SoG and partly had the great physical powers of the daughters of men. So there were those which were physically giants, but still inherited the early human brain from the mother's side. Because of that, they converted the creative power from their father's side into great physical powers. With their great physical strenght they suppressed the weaker and because of their animal desires, they became feared tyrants.

But there were also spiritual giants, who didn't express their creative power in physical strength, but with the higher organs in the brain. Their job was to lead the hopeless people to love, wisdom, science, art - to higher culture.

Then there were also those who inherited Both the "magical" knowledge of the fathers and the earthly egoistic nature of their mother. They sneaked into the temples, and because of their spiritual powers they attained the inititation. But they suppressed this divine knowledge to black magic, they used the spiritual powers selfishly with their own power and the powers of nature, which the help of the devices from the temples.

Those SoG which lived in that land knew (they saw it as an inner vision) what was going to happen, they knew that these powers destroy without mercy the one who uses them incorrectly. These were the days of Noah, when the Sons of God built great ships, which were closed from all sides, even for those powers that go through matter, and they fled from the doomed land. Some of them sailed to the north, some to the east, some to the south, and to the west.

One day, when the SoG were already far away, an accident happened, for a black magician directed a power which destroys matter (converts it into another form of energy) to his own body. When this process has once started there is no stopping it, the matter which has formed into energy works as a destroying power until everything has been dematerialized.

The whole continent transformed into radiation energy, which first ascended to the outmost atmosphere and then came back in all kinds of substances. In constant processes of change this gigantic mass fell down as endless water- mud- and sand rain. In the place where this fallout met with a great 'earthmother', the waters of the oceans 'united' (even above great mountains). The 'other side' of the earth's continents 'separated' from each other and parted further away until they reached balance, until they reached about the point where the continents are today. The 'partly' destroyed continent is now a great desert. 'Nothing sounds here but the wind. Nothing moves here but the sand.'

The SoG had certain devices in their ships which always kept them in balance. This way, they lived through these nature catastrophes and reached land. Wherever the SoG went a new civilisation was created. With their infinite wisdom and universal love they conquered the hearts of all humans, they ruled over them and were respected as gods or half gods. At very first they raised adequate buildings to keep their devices which radiated all-piercing energies, these buildings which we call pyramids.

Because of the crossbreeding between this divine race, it is even today possible, through the laws of nature that the Son of God is born on earth, even under the darkest period. In the end times when the Sons of God will once again be born here, they will remember what they knew and they will do what they have to do.
Possibly we neeed to make the distinction between right and wrong and good and evil for they are not necessarilly the same.
How would you define evil?

Can a right action ever be evil?

Can a wrong action ever be good?

To me evil requires violition. It must be deliberate to be classed as evil.

For example; is an tornado that sweeps through a town and hurts 10 people inherantly evil?
To me the answer is no, as no deliberate action has been taken to make this so.

Is a car accident caused by a man who knows he shouldn't be driving but drives anyway an act of evil? To me I would say yes.

Is the act of blaming an event [the great flood in the bible] on a GOD and claiming he did it deliberately for purposes of superstition and religion thus misleading the common folk, an act of evil?
To me I would say yes.

Doing evil requires deliberate choices. And if a decision ismade to do what you know is the wrong thing then you are creating an evil.
To deliberately make a mistake makes that mistake not a mistake but an evil.

The difference between right and wrong and evil and good are quite subtle sometimes.
long time ago there was a race on earth, which was totally different from the man we see today. Their consciousness was on a divine state and they followed the Law without attaching themselves to the body and its properties - egoism. With their divine purity, this race truly deserved to be called "the Sons of God" (SoG)...............etc

You know, it is contantly a source of amazment and wonder how poeple use their imaginations and apply small fragments of information and build huge stories out of them. Tolkien was famous for doing it and Yorda you should write a book or two just like he did.

I am impressed by the story and marvel at it's construction but most of all I am amazed that it has the possibility of one person giving it credibility by lending his belief to it. :)