The rejection of euthanasia is illogical

You're now comparing children to livestock?

You obviously have no kids. You've never known the instictual urge to protect your offspring.

indeed i would do time for my children. the urge to protect is really high and we shouldnt be told that our children should be killed because of somthing?

what next kill a child if it writes with its left hand? blue eyes?
That's not true, though. We're very predictable. That's why serial killers tend to fit certain personality types. It's why we all knew the same kinds of people in high school. We all knew the arrogant jock, the ignorant bully, the slut, the goth chick, the preppy chick. It's why comedy works and why we can relate to people we've never met before.
The aspect that renders those things predictable is culture; and although we can study psychology in order to gain greater insight into human behavior, ultimately choice is unpredictable.

Also, you had to make one hell of a leap to get from "We're illogical beasts" to "nobody is more right than the other." That's a total non-sequitor.

No, it isn't. As we are illogical, emotional creatures, we will all form our different opinions. Thus nobody is more right than anybody else unless we're talking about something like science.

We do not base our cultures on logic, is my point. So we can't apply logic to culture, because culture is not based on logic, it's based on human emotion.

Instead of reading up on as-of-yet science fiction, maybe you should study some science fact? It would help your case, and perhaps even change your mind.

As of yet science fiction? Haven't you kept up with the latest tech developments?
It wouldn't happen. There's a reason we don't already do it.

But we do do it. We cannot discover all that is wrong with a fetus but there are ways to know if a child will have down syndrome and other diseases and women abort based on this information all the time. They also abandon children like this all the time.
ok what if certain disbilties dont show until the child is for example 13? should we then kill that child? or should we just do it, just in case?

Then we do it at 13.

You're using an appeal to compassion. We're discussing logic.
Norse, I'm sure we can find something wrong with you so we can cull you.
You claim to be all logical, but you're not. All of your statements here are based on emotion. You want to 'better' humanity.
If you were purely logical you wouldn't care one bit for humanity.
Norse, I'm sure we can find something wrong with you so we can cull you.
You claim to be all logical, but you're not. All of your statements here are based on emotion. You want to 'better' humanity.

Then you admit that your points are moot. This thread can be closed.

No. My point is that human beings are illogical.

As for eugenics, it's an objective good in the interest of the survival of the species. Can you demonstrate otherwise?
You said that people who are disabled contribute nothing, but I think Stephen Hawking would disagree...
The aspect that renders those things predictable is culture; and although we can study psychology in order to gain greater insight into human behavior, ultimately choice is unpredictable.

You're speaking out of ignorance, once again. You've never studied phsychology, for one. And the rest of this paragraph is drivel. I could take you to any country in the world, and the murderer on the loose is almost certainly a male in his mid-30s.

No, it isn't. As we are illogical, emotional creatures, we will all form our different opinions. Thus nobody is more right than anybody else unless we're talking about something like science.

Again, false. You've provided nothing to support this stance. This is just a passing thought you've had that's based on nothing except maybe what you've deduced from watching television. We are the most logical creatures on the planet.

We do not base our cultures on logic, is my point. So we can't apply logic to culture, because culture is not based on logic, it's based on human emotion.

More drivel. What do you base this on? Can you cite a source? Show me an example? Evidence? Anything more than the shit that seems to run out of your brain like brown water?

As of yet science fiction? Haven't you kept up with the latest tech developments?

The site references "transhumans". There is no such thing. So don't give me "latest tech developments".
The fact that you care is illogical.
I'd agree; after all nihilism is the "most accurate' philosophy.......the philosophy of nothing

Although our desires, our premise, is simply a matter of choice.......the choices from there can be approached logically

If our premise is survival, we can approach this survival logically, in which case eugenics is an objective good

You said that people who are disabled contribute nothing, but I think Stephen Hawking would disagree...
If Stephen Hawkings were also mentally disabled as well as physically, what would he contribute?

He contributes intellectually; although there are those that contribute literally nothing.
But we do do it. We cannot discover all that is wrong with a fetus but there are ways to know if a child will have down syndrome and other diseases and women abort based on this information all the time. They also abandon children like this all the time.

All the time? You have a gift for overstatement.

The vast, vast majority of parents do not abort their children. As do the vast majority of parents who know there is a distinct possibility that the child will be mentally retarded.

So again, my point stands: There is a reason we don't already do it. Society does not operate this way because the vast majority of people do not operate this way. Most parents will keep their child regardless of the deformation or retardation.
As for eugenics, it's an objective good in the interest of the survival of the species. Can you demonstrate otherwise?

Yes, I definitely can. The only thing that's good for a species' survival is NOT to meddle in any way.
And 'good' is purely subjective. You're appealing to emotion again.
You act as if one must contribute a positive measure of growth for society as a whole to be measured as a human being. What exactly do you contribute to society other than being a consumer of resources. Have you invented anything or been a catalyst for social change? I doubt it.
Again, false. You've provided nothing to support this stance. This is just a passing thought you've had that's based on nothing except maybe what you've deduced from watching television. We are the most logical creatures on the planet.

You mean the stance that "we have different opinions"

I thought that was quite apparant; where have you been?:bugeye:

More drivel. What do you base this on? Can you cite a source? Show me an example? Evidence? Anything more than the shit that seems to run out of your brain like brown water?

A source for the statement that culture is based heavily on emotion? Again, where have you been? Just look around you. There's all the evidence you need.

The site references "transhumans". There is no such thing. So don't give me "latest tech developments".
There was also no such thing as a vaccine for polio.

At any rate, it came to be; similarly these tech developments are bringing us one step closer to posthumanism, or the state of being post human, after human; organic evolution is inferior to technological evolution.
Yes, I definitely can. The only thing that's good for a species' survival is NOT to meddle in any way.
How is this good for the survival of the species?

This is a social darwinist world, then, that you propose...which I suppose is good for the survival of the species, although not for the survival of every individual.
And 'good' is purely subjective. You're appealing to emotion again.
Good is subjective; although it can be objective if it is taken from a specific stance, which is the subjective part

For instance, you might be on the stance that the survival of tomatoes is the ultimate priority; thus anything that threatens their survival is objectively bad from this position.
You act as if one must contribute a positive measure of growth for society as a whole to be measured as a human being. What exactly do you contribute to society other than being a consumer of resources. Have you invented anything or been a catalyst for social change? I doubt it.
Measured as a human being? How do you measure human beings?

We can measure their productivity, if that is what you mean. And theirs' is next nothing,if not simply nothing.

Subjectivity is objective ?
See above, where I responded.