The Real Name of the Muslim Messiah

Originally posted by AAF
Finally, you asked this question: "what difference does it make to me if and it is a bigest if the name was Mohammed or something else"? It makes big difference. First, it is a historical fact that must be known. Second, it means devout Muslims, like you, have been 'suckers' all the time. They don't even know the original name of their 'Beloved Prophet'! What a shame! What unmitigated ignorance!


Please don't use the word 'FACT'. You do not know the meaning.

AAF; Friend I am still enjoying the entertainment you are providing, now let me end this discussion by saying the following,

If you take Ahemd deedat as an authority on christianity, I will belive in what you are saying. :rolleyes:

Apologies to Mr. Deedat for comparing him with Badwai.
Originally posted by skywalker is really **serious** issue. We have a new historian. It is serious inded.

Are you 'skywalker' or 'sleepwalker'?
Originally posted by Markx
Please don't use the word 'FACT'. You do not know the meaning.

AAF; Friend I am still enjoying the entertainment you are providing, now let me end this discussion by saying the following,

If you take Ahemd deedat as an authority on christianity, I will belive in what you are saying. :rolleyes:

Apologies to Mr. Deedat for comparing him with Badwai.
Sorry, you're wrong!
Dr. Badawi was a great professor & researcher as judged by his own peers.
And in any case, Badawi's accurate referencing of the primary sources on this particular topic is what is important here, not his conclusion which he didn't make big deal of it anyway.
Originally posted by AAF
Sorry, you're wrong!
Dr. Badawi was a great professor & researcher as judged by his own peers.
And in any case, Badawi's accurate referencing of the primary sources on this particular topic is what is important here, not his conclusion which he didn't make big deal of it anyway.

:p Please man, get a life. So, you said YES to my question? You are taking Deedat as an Authority on Christianity? I thought so. Thank you.
Originally posted by Markx
:p Please man, get a life. So, you said YES to my question? You are taking Deedat as an Authority on Christianity? I thought so. Thank you.
"Please man, get a life"!
Don't get carried away. I didn't say anything about 'Deedat'.
"Abu Ba'aja" is the topic here.
Tell me: How long it will take to get you convinced that 'ABU BA'AJA' is the 'PROPHET'?
AAF said:
"Abu Ba'aja" is the topic here.
Tell me: How long it will take to get you convinced that 'ABU BA'AJA' is the 'PROPHET'?

so did you find any proof?

As the captain of that huge ship, it's my duty to make sure it won't sink into oblivion.
Thereupon, I've decided to tether to Abu Baja's!

I would like to make the following points with regard to the 'locked-out' thread:

[1] I was not notified or given any advance warning that the direction of the last exchange was against the rules of this board.

[2] The subject matter of that thread has, indeed, been exhausted or almost exhausted.

[3] To the contributors, I would say this. As disheartening as it, the locking out is actually a good thing. I have been informed of attempts at hacking the thread, in question, a number of times. And so, your contributions are now more secure and immune to that sort of corruption.

[4] Finally, my sincere apologies to TruthSeeker for the ill-fated attempt to bring him back to the discussion and for unwittingly staining his good name. And I apologize to the administrators of this forum for violating the rules, and to the contributors for letting them down. To the participant in the last exchange, I have to say this. I can't look across one thousand miles and be thoughtful of your conditions; but if you're really hurt by that small and careless remark, then I must regret it and apologize for it; no hard feeling…


There can be no doubt that 'Abu Ba'ajah' is the true name of the Muslim Prophet.
The historical evidence for it is very good.

It's imperative in this regard, however, to clarify the use of the 'Abu-Naming' System of persons in the Arabic language. In formal Arabic, the words (Abu, Aba, & Abi) mean 'father, dad, daddy, pa, & papa'.

Historically, there are four types of this naming system:

[1] The Classical 'Abu-Naming' System:
In the pre-Islamic period, the word 'Abu' is always used as a prefix for forming proper nouns. For example, the name of the first Caliph is 'Abu Bakr':
This is a real name. In other words, this Caliph had no son called 'Bakr'. 'Abu Bakr' was just a name given to him on his first birthday. The same applies to the Muslim Prophet. He had no daughter called 'Ba'ajah'. 'Abu Ba'ajah' was just a name given to him on his first birthday as well.

[2] The Asian 'Abu-Naming' System:
In the Arabic speaking countries east of the Suez Canal, i.e. (the Gulf States, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Gaza, and the West Bank), the 'Abu-Naming' System is used today to generate nicknames of persons in a pre-defined manner. Suppose for instance that someone is called 'Abraham'. As soon as this 'Abraham' comes of age, his friends start calling him 'Abu Isaac' and 'Abu Ishmael'. Why is that? It's because, according to the Bible, the old Abraham had two sons called 'Isaac & Ishmael' respectively.

[3] The Egyptian-Sudanese 'Abu-Naming' System:
In Egypt and Sudan, the 'Abu-Naming' System is used arbitrarily to refer to an actual father by the name of his first-born son or daughter whatever that name happened to be. And mainly wives in referring to their husbands use the 'Abu-Naming' System.

[4] The North-African 'Abu-Naming' System:
In the North-African countries, i.e. (Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, the Western Sahara, & Mauritania), the 'Abu-Naming' System is used differently. Here, the word 'Abu' means 'son of ' instead of 'father of'. Accordingly, the 'Abu-Naming' System is used, in these countries, to refer to sons by the names of their fathers.

These differences in the use of the 'Abu-Naming' System must be taken into account in any historical research to pin point the actual name of the Muslim Messiah.

The Muslim Prophet got the name 'Abu Ba'ajah' in the Classical Period. And hence, when ancient poets called him 'Abu Ba'ajah', those poets were referring to a real name and not just a nickname of the contemporary types.

*** *** ***

Dear Muslims;

You have to realize that your Prophet couldn't be the 'Messenger of Allah', because first and foremost there is absolutely no 'Allah' anywhere inside or outside the vast Universe:

AAF, you are not Muslim, therefore anything you say about Islam has not much credit with me.
No, but if they go and think they know everything, then yeah, I just see a total dipshit

But if they truly think about it and ask and think and discuss, that is different
No, but if they go and think they know everything, then yeah, I just see a total dipshit

But if they truly think about it and ask and think and discuss, that is different

So the only way people, other than Muslims, can have a discussion is if they know what a Muslim is? It would seem, as in my case, I am not educated as to just wahat a Muslim is and I would take this opportunity to let you explain what Muslims are exactly so that I can discuss with you things that you will credit me for.
AAF, you are not Muslim, therefore anything you say about Islam has not much credit with me.

Interesting notion, one which delves deeply into hatred and bigotry.

In other words, what you're saying is that one could learn everything there is to know about Islam, yet not be a believer of Islam (Muslim), and you wouldn't accept anything they had to say about it? Yet, you'd accept something from a believer who actually knew very little about Islam?

Are you saying you don't understand a simple question, are refusing to answer or you simply are unable to formulate one?

Heres' how it works; you make unsubstantiated claims, we ask questions and you answer them. By not answering, you become a preacher and that isn't tolerated here.
No, but if they go and think they know everything, then yeah, I just see a total dipshit

But if they truly think about it and ask and think and discuss, that is different


Why did norsefire get an infraction for this comment.
whats the issue???


AAF, you are not Muslim, therefore anything you say about Islam has not much credit with me.
Hi Norsefire

I hope all is good with you
How do you mean Norsefire?

do you mean that a non muslim can not speakj about isalm or be knowledgeable about Islam?

Why do you say that??? If the above is the case i completely disagree with you.

Takeit ez


There can be no doubt that 'Abu Ba'ajah' is the true name of the Muslim Prophet.
The historical evidence for it is very good.


Hell AAT

i hope you are well

I think you are forgetting something Muslims dont think the Prophet Muhammed is the Messiah either??

Over to you Norsefire

take it ez
Last edited by a moderator:
Because SkinWalker is a horrible mod, of course, I got 3 infractions! *gets edited*

Anyway, a non-Muslim can defintely be knowledgeable and speak and I would respect their opinions. BUT, they cannot simply play a game of "my religion is better" or "christianity is perfect", because christianity is far more violent than islam.

(Q), what's the question?
Dear whoever

thank you for merging my posts


Thanks for clairfying.

did i have a question?

cant remember

No I was referring to (Q) who was referring to me and my refusal to answer a question. Please, what is the question?