THE REAL [GOD] = ALLAH ...... join here you all need to know

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OMG, that is some seriously crazy shit.
Its funny, absurd and sad all in one go :bugeye:

Poor Zainab, she must have been on her back thinking to herself, Gawd damn it, 3 inches and 30 min short of a revelation :p

Seriously though, I am curious, what is the typical Islamic Apologist reasoning on Mo wanting to bone the living hell out of his daughter in-law, and then boning her? But, hell, if Zaid was such a sad shit, maybe she was better off getting her boat rocked in a different jetty ;)

this is from FaithFreedom. Again I really like these testimonies pages.

I was thinking, how in the hell can people go along with this? I mean religiously? Its just odd.

Qadir Sheikh


That led me to investigate the land records of my family and led me to the identity of my Hindu ancestors (just five generations back) and I have since decided to come back to the Hindu culture if not the religion. I feel that my Hindu ancestors were subjected to torture and humiliation and also had to pay jaziya taxes which they could not afford due to drought in the region which finally led them to accept Islam.


Also disturbing is the arrival of rich old Arabs in the Hyderabad city of India who marry young Indian Muslim girls in connivance with the local mullahs for a period of 15-30 days, after satisfying their lust using the Indians Muslim girls and enjoying the Indian hospitality, these Arabs divorce the girls after robbing them of their virginity and respect and return to their lands as respectable grand fathers and fathers. Their shameful acts remain unknown to their own daughters and grand daughters of equal age back home. What is disturbing is that these Arabs are even rented out rooms made conveniently in the homes of these maulvies who perform these sham marriages. In some cases these marriages last only 24 hours. In reality Islam promotes prostitution and the mullahs are nothing but pimps. Very soon India might become the centre of legalized, sharia-approved prostitution, a Mecca of fornication sought by Muslim men mostly from the Arab world.


There is no need to change my name either as I am living in India (unlike Pakistan), here a lot of Muslims (almost in hundreds at a time) have already and openly converted back to Hinduism.

Very interesting stuff. And people are worried Islam will become a world dominate religion?


Also, I wonder why there are not any serious docos ... where they get some "real" Muslims that seriously beleive this silly stuff and just simply put it on TV. Let the go at it I say. You know, like Mo getting his Thing on with Zainab...


PS: Did you ever see the Little Green Book by Ayatollah khomeini?

Khomeini's Teachings on sex with infants and animals
"A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. If he penetrates and the child is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however would not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister."

ah yeeeah, these people are truly living and breathing the words of God. Islam will soon save the world ... :bugeye: ..... :D

Also something I read over and over and over again and again and again on these testimonies pages.

I think it is grossly unfair to use everything western and then celebrate death of every single infidel.

It scary to think some people could be happy at the death of another... someone they don’t even know, just because they are not Muslim? And some of these people would say it so casually.... like yeeee hawww, another couple of kafir died …..wooo hooo ….

Michael said:
Poor Zainab, she must have been on her back thinking to herself, Gawd damn it, 3 inches and 30 min short of a revelation :p

Seriously though, I am curious, what is the typical Islamic Apologist reasoning on Mo wanting to bone the living hell out of his daughter in-law, and then boning her? But, hell, if Zaid was such a sad shit, maybe she was better off getting her boat rocked in a different jetty ;)


Isn't this the same Zainab (Zainab al Bint) who finally poisoned Mohammed?

She's a freaking hero, in my book.

Michael said:
this is from FaithFreedom. Again I really like these testimonies pages.

I was thinking, how in the hell can people go along with this? I mean religiously? Its just odd.

Qadir Sheikh


That led me to investigate the land records of my family and led me to the identity of my Hindu ancestors (just five generations back) and I have since decided to come back to the Hindu culture if not the religion. I feel that my Hindu ancestors were subjected to torture and humiliation and also had to pay jaziya taxes which they could not afford due to drought in the region which finally led them to accept Islam.

Something of interest from the same posting above:

Our resident apologist tells us that the jizya (the tax on non-muslims) was the same as the zakaat (the tax on muslims), so how can they have become muslim because they couldn't pay the jizya?? That testimony can't possibly be implying that jizya was oppressive and higher than zakaat, now can they? :bugeye:

Ergo, of course, they weren't. Jizya was intended to oppress, and it did so.

So the only way the Islamophobists can win an argument against Islam is to invent quotes and rewrite Muslim history to fit their own beliefs.

What has been said so far by our idiots on this forum:

'Spanish Inquisition proves that religion and government is bad, hence Islam is evil.'

Wasn't it the Muslims who were responsible for the plurality and freedom in Moorish Spain where Jews, Muslims, and Christians were all treated asequal human beings and respected as equal citizens? This has been referred to many historians as the golden age of Jews in Spain. What happened afterwards? The Spanish kings killed, genocidally murdered anyone who wasn't Catholic. Hence, this proves that Islam is tolerant and just. While the kings of Spain used their Catholic religion to murder millions of Muslims and Jews.

On the other hand, some people use the Saudi police brutality to argue that Islam is evil. Maybe you should read history on who supported and pushed the Saudi monarchy to rule in modern Hijaz. The French and the British massacred people in the Holy cities of Islam. Saudi police and the Saudi government hardly represent Islam. The Saudi government is the most Pro-American government in the region and supported the Iraq war.

Maybe you should read more on the position of apostasy in Islamic law. An apostate is free to practice his beliefs as long as he does not make his beliefs public. It is illegal to evangelize in most Muslim countries, but evangelists do it anyway. Again, this is the popular will and belief of the people in the region.

I am expecting differing views and I welcome people who have good points to make, however blatant lying is completely wrong and I will always be oppossed to it.

You go on to imply false motivations (without any proof) against the Honorable Prophet Muhammad (s). Maybe you should actually read on history, rather than invent lies.

Hazrat Zaid (r) was the adopted son of The Holy Prophet (s). When he and Zainab (r) had divorced. Allah (swt) told the Holy Prophet (s) to marry her to show that an adopted son is not a real son and does not have the same position as the real son.

For Information:

Because a Muslim who becomes a Hindu convert (which is very rare in the world) agrees with a history which Hindu fanatics push for does make it reality. Hindu fanaticals also claim that Hindu kings made the Taj Mahal, and other absurdities.

Imam Khomeini didn't allow any intercourse with infants or animals, that is a pure lie.

Some people feel happy at the death of a national whose nation which has invaded and occupied Muslim lands. Do you blame such people? Wouldn't the founding fathers of America rejoice at the tar and feathering of British officials?

It shows how much there is a vacuum of knowledge of Islam when someone tries to say that Muslims rejoice at the death of every non-believer. This is a lie, it was many Muslims who offered condolences for the death of Princess Dianna and other important westerners who show sympathy to suffering people in the world.

Zainab al Bint? There is no person with that name, do you even know what that name means? It means in Arabic Zainab the Daughter of, which is shows just what is the extend of your knowledge of Islam.

No, Hazrat Zainab (s) didn't poison the Prophet Muhammad (s). Allah (swt) will curse those who attribute false charges on the family of the Prophet (s). It would be good to apologize for such a hideous charge.

There is no set amount for for jizya and zakat. Jizya was the tax for military exemption and protection of religious minority temples and projects. I have already wrote about it, so those seeking inormation refer back to my previous posts.

Allah (swt) says for those who lie and present false accusations against His beloved people, He will question them on the Day of Judgement. And Allah (swt) will not overlook a small seed of their evil deeds and take them for full account. You should pray and seek forgiveness before your words and deeds strangle and curse you in this life and the next.

DiamondHearts said:
So the only way the Islamophobists can win an argument against Islam is to invent quotes and rewrite Muslim history to fit their own beliefs.

Islamic history and the quotes speak volumes. It is simply your lack of knowledge and indoctrination that hinders your ability to understand.

What has been said so far by our idiots on this forum:

Allah (swt) says for those who lie and present false accusations against His beloved people, He will question them on the Day of Judgement. And Allah (swt) will not overlook a small seed of their evil deeds and take them for full account. You should pray and seek forgiveness before your words and deeds strangle and curse you in this life and the next.

I'd much rather stick needles in my eyes while chewing a wad of tinfoil than seek forgiveness from your imaginary friend in the sky.
DiamondHearts said:
So the only way the Islamophobists can win an argument against Islam is to invent quotes and rewrite Muslim history to fit their own beliefs.

Regrets, but those here who disagree with you and your religion need invent nothing, but merely report back to you in illumination of the things of which you believe.

What has been said so far by our idiots on this forum:, from a Nazi? Irony, indeed. ;)

Wasn't it the Muslims who were responsible for the plurality and freedom in Moorish Spain where Jews, Muslims, and Christians were all treated asequal human beings and respected as equal citizens? This has been referred to many historians as the golden age of Jews in Spain.

But, of course, it was nothing of the kind. It was massacre, enslavement, jizya, dhimmitude and fear. There were several massacres of Christians and Jews in Spain, until oppression were properly instituted by islam. It is meaningless to claim equality in a system were there is no equality of belief, or common citizenry independent of faith.

What happened afterwards? The Spanish kings killed, genocidally murdered anyone who wasn't Catholic. Hence, this proves that Islam is tolerant and just. While the kings of Spain used their Catholic religion to murder millions of Muslims and Jews.

Millions? And where does this number come from? The Spanish were reconquering their nation - and they treated their invaders as them themselves had been treated. And this was a good thing - for does not Sura 9 say "cut at the necks of the infidels"? Does it not demand they bow in servitude, or pay the tax, or die? The Spaniards, in all honesty, were adhering to the essence of islamic defense - that Sura, the second to last to be 'revealed'. Should the Spanish not treat islam as islam demands to treat others? In fact, the Spanish were clearly being sensitive to the realities of islam by retaking their nation. That they massacred, too, is regrettable. The Jews, for example, had nothing whatever to do with the oppression of the hundreds of years prior, and were fellow sufferants. A true tragedy.

On the other hand, some people use the Saudi police brutality to argue that Islam is evil.

And yet that that they do, you agree with - the oppression of other religions, the murder of apostates. How you can find islamic fault with their actions and still believe as you do baffles. Doublethink seems to be a commonality to you and dkb, based on his recent posts.

Maybe you should read more on the position of apostasy in Islamic law. An apostate is free to practice his beliefs as long as he does not make his beliefs public. It is illegal to evangelize in most Muslim countries, but evangelists do it anyway. Again, this is the popular will and belief of the people in the region.

Except for the converted, and except for the fact that we have no way of knowing how many people would abandon islam if only religious freedom existed in islamic countries. To save the many, the minor must be murdered? This is a most curious humanitarianism. And what impact, pray tell, would apostacy possibly have on an islamic nation? Would they cease paying their taxes? Would they revolt? If they did revolt, why so? Would it be because the very nation they live in is trying to kill them? And you can honestly complain about the investigation of islamic terrorism in the West?

You go on to imply false motivations (without any proof) against the Honorable Prophet Muhammad (s). Maybe you should actually read on history, rather than invent lies.

It might be more accurate to say that we do not believe the generally accepted basis for the story.

Hazrat Zaid (r) was the adopted son of The Holy Prophet (s). When he and Zainab (r) had divorced. Allah (swt) told the Holy Prophet (s) to marry her to show that an adopted son is not a real son and does not have the same position as the real son.

A fine humanitarian gesture! No need to ask of islamic opinion on the adopted! (For reference: I understand they're roundly hated.)

Imam Khomeini didn't allow any intercourse with infants or animals, that is a pure lie.

Regrettably, it is not a lie. He made those very statements, deny them as you like. Perhaps he doesn't understand islam? Why do you feel the need to lie to protect your religion? I thought you valued honesty.

Some people feel happy at the death of a national whose nation which has invaded and occupied Muslim lands. Do you blame such people? Wouldn't the founding fathers of America rejoice at the tar and feathering of British officials?

But - as you yourself exemplify - the hatred goes far, far deeper than that. It is essentially of religious character, as islamic thought goes round and round like a dervish, sweeping its coats to try and protect its "private parts".

It shows how much there is a vacuum of knowledge of Islam when someone tries to say that Muslims rejoice at the death of every non-believer. This is a lie, it was many Muslims who offered condolences for the death of Princess Dianna and other important westerners who show sympathy to suffering people in the world.

And many, many muslim people around the world who rejoiced at the destruction of the towers; even those who were not Palestinian. Tell me if you can: why did they cheer?

Zainab al Bint? There is no person with that name, do you even know what that name means? It means in Arabic Zainab the Daughter of, which is shows just what is the extend of your knowledge of Islam.

Ah - partially right for a change. Not al Bint. Bint something else. Her name was Zainab, and she was the sister of Marhab.

No, Hazrat Zainab (s) didn't poison the Prophet Muhammad (s). Allah (swt) will curse those who attribute false charges on the family of the Prophet (s). It would be good to apologize for such a hideous charge.

No apology necessary; I have no apologies for any mistreatment of the madman. Apparently it was a different Zainab. I'll be back with more information about her; she sounds like a great woman. I still think she may have been forced to become one of his wives, however. Either way you cut it, a grand gal.

As for your "allah", he has no power, and cannot curse me.

There is no set amount for for jizya and zakat. Jizya was the tax for military exemption and protection of religious minority temples and projects.

And it was about double that of zakaat; otherwise, why would so many convert to avoid the tax? :D

Allah (swt) says for those who lie and present false accusations against His beloved people

"His beloved people"? Funny - Brian Foley tells me that muslims don't think in those terms. How odd.

BTW, to hell with your twisted moon-god. He might meet Mohammed there, of course.

Does anyone with a reasonable question want to ask me something which i can explain to them. I will feel free to answer any questions which are honest questions that aren't meant to defame or villify Muslims.

Also, to all those who might be reading this. If you seek any geniuine knowledge of Islam, ignore all statements concerning islam by the following islamophobists: (Q), GeoffP, Michael, sockpuppetpath, spidergoat, hapsburg, godless, qwerty mob, duendy, snakelord. These people have no knowledge of Islam and enjoy spreading false stories and making up quotes to insult Islam and Muslims.

To those who seek true guidance and enlightenment, all the blessings to you.

DiamondHearts said:
Also, to all those who might be reading this. If you seek any geniuine knowledge of Islam, ignore all statements concerning islam by the following islamophobists: (Q), GeoffP, Michael, sockpuppetpath, spidergoat, hapsburg, godless, qwerty mob, duendy, snakelord. These people have no knowledge of Islam and enjoy spreading false stories and making up quotes to insult Islam and Muslims.

You've just clinched the deal, my short peckered friend.

By making that statement, you're basically telling the good peeps of this board that they are unable to think for themselves and should only pay attention to your propaganda. You're also insulting their intelligence by claiming that we are all making up quotes and false stories when in fact they can quite easily find the quotes and read up on Islamic history themselves.

And, no one here has jumped up in your defence so you have to resort to grouping us together as if you've already corralled everyone else in your favor.

Feeling quite alienated, are we?
DiamondHearts said:
Also, to all those who might be reading this. If you seek any geniuine knowledge of Islam, ignore all statements concerning islam by the following islamophobists: (Q), GeoffP, Michael, sockpuppetpath, spidergoat, hapsburg, godless, qwerty mob, duendy, snakelord. These people have no knowledge of Islam and enjoy spreading false stories and making up quotes to insult Islam and Muslims.

This is a lie. I invent nothing. I repeat back to you what you say about islam, and I do so in a light you might not like: that of empathy. You appear to have very, very little in your heart, and I am beginning to be forced to agree with you that you are indeed representative of the intolerance, the vindictiveness, the supremacism and the outright hatred that so many - and many more each day - ascribe to islam.

To those who seek true guidance and enlightenment, all the blessings to you.

I thank you for your blessings. I am convinced that whatever the road to true enlightenment, islam is most certainly not it. I know this from having discussed and debated islam with you. You, who present yourself as moderate, would put many, many people to death in the name of your god. This is not my way, and it is not the way to true enlightenment.

I wish you luck in breaking free of your chains and finding the way to true enlightenment and love for your fellow man and woman, whoever they might be. I recommend an end to falsehoods (see above): most religions deplore lying.

True peace.

Sorry Diamond hearts this is the information age all the info we post regarding islam is freely available to all :cool:

Sorry for the big copy paste but I thought this was a very interesting story from an ex-muslim who had converted to islam from catholicism in good faith.

Portal of deception

I recently denounced Islam.

It's not that I thought there was something wrong with the Quran, but it was the way they teach this travesty they call a "religion."

Although I have a few Muslims friends in real life, and they are great folks on a personal level, I have recently been exposed to some incredibly deceptive tactics both IRL and online.

For quite some time I had been speaking at a Comparative Religion forum which is located at the web portal. When I first went there almost a year and a half ago I met a couple people whom I thought were nice and everything seemed fine.

But suddenly, things started taking a wierd twist. Let me explain.

I don't speak Arabic, but I currently have 25 electronic translations of the Quran. This makes it fairly easy for me to compare translations, find the most common translation of a specific verse, and then use the common translation as the standard for interpreting the that particular verse.

I would even check out my interpretions online at some Islamic website just to make sure I had a decent and firm understanding of the verse.

Now, coming from a Catholic background previously, I have a very strong knowledge of both the Gospel and Torah. And I was reading in the Quran where it says various scriptures which confirm the authenticity of both the Gospel and the Torah. On some of the Qaran verses, in all 25 of my interpretations, it was 100% agreement on the authenticity of the Torah and Gospel.

So I brought this up in their Comparative Religion forum at and that's when all hell broke loose. This idiot moderator they have over there named "Moayidd" starts coming in with his Arabic language skills and proceeds to completely re-design the message of the verses to explain that the Quran does not authenticate or confirm the Torah or Gospel in any way shape or form.

So I'm watching this guy, and I'm looking at my 25 translations, and I'm reading what he's saying, and then looking at my 25 translations again from 25 different scholars, and I say to myself:


So this bullsh!t story of his keeps churning out the crap, and then some of the other Muslims come into the forum- you know the type, the one's who's avatars depict war, killing, and anti-american, anti-christian propaganda- and they all sart saying how right this Moayidd moderator is. They proceed to tell me how corrupt the Gospel and Torah are, how Christians and Jews are all going to hell, how America is going to be destroyed, and all that wrought.

So I'm watching this stuff happening- and not only once, but hundreds of times- on my screen over the past year and a half. I'm watching how these "Muslims" are permitted to invite people on to their forum to discuss the comparitives between their religions, and while they are totally insulting decent Christians and Jews, they will then use their moderator tools to edit posts of non-Muslims to make it look like they said something they didn't say.

Not only that, if a non-Muslim were to speak out with anything that even showed the slightest disrespect for Islam he would get threats against his life in private messages, as well as publically chastized in the forums, and either a suspension or a ban from the forums.

So I'm observing this little act of deception going on at this forum, and I determined that the entire point of thier Comparative Religion forum was not to share a dialogue between faiths as advertised, but to use as a portal to propagate their hatred of Christians, Jews, Americans, Britons, and just about anyone/anything else that isn't Islamic ... all in the name of Islam.

Now, I have been on both sides of the fence- Christian & Muslim- but I confess right here and now that I have never experienced pure hatred from anyone than what I have seen dished out by Muslims. They will attempt to purposely decieve you if its in their best interests. They will lie to you, find allies against you, try to track your home address down through the internet, and purposely misguide you until they get what they want from you.

And what they want from you is to be like them. And that is very very sad.

I dunno but ... the Jesus that I know never taught me to hate anyone. Never taught me to be prejudiced, or to lie, or to decieve, nor to misguide anyone. He taught me to have love for one another, and not once did he ever attach that love to some condition of religion.

Well, I'm free of Islam now. After the kind of bizzare behaviour I have seen displayed online and in real life by Muslims, the best thing I can say about them is ... grow up.

I mean, nobody hates like Islam hates anymore. That type of religious hatred went out in the dark ages with the Crusades and before. It was left in the dust the day a man named Jesus got nailed to a cross for a crime he didn't commit; a crime we- as the human race- commited.

The crime of hatred.
ignore all statements concerning islam by the following islamophobists: (Q), GeoffP, Michael, sockpuppetpath, spidergoat, hapsburg, godless, qwerty mob, duendy, snakelord. These people have no knowledge of Islam and enjoy spreading false stories and making up quotes to insult Islam and Muslims.

Well, all I really did was ask you some questions. You then made muslims look bad by the answers you gave. "No, muslim women are not allowed to dance" etc.

Your own words are causing the problem, not the rest of us.
More of the peaceful followers of islam as diamond hearts says "the happiest most content and peaceful people on earth" :rolleyes:

battle for the airwaves between two Islamic preachers with their own FM radio stations in Pakistan escalated into bitter fighting that killed at least 24 people.

YEEEEHAAW now that's what I call fire and brimestone preachin!

Just recently had a multiple stabbing incident in the main mosque here in Oslo between two rival pakistani muslim groups(fighting for control of the mosque). What is it with the religion of peace?? :confused:
DiamondHearts said:
So the only way the Islamophobists can win an argument against Islam is to invent quotes and rewrite Muslim history to fit their own beliefs.
DiamondHearts, you just don’t get it so there is no point. I can only say you must be totally brainwashed. I give example after example I find Western non-Western, Eastern, Middle Eastern, Historic and contemporary. And it’s all a waste of time.

You were TAUGHT to be a Muslim by your parents and this was reinforced by your society and so THROUGH NO CHOICE OF YOUR OWN, a Muslim you will be.

I wonder, shold the Muslims in the West or in India be restricted from openly admitting they are Muslim? Like in Islamic countries?

I wonder,should Islam be banned in Western countries the way polytheism is banned in KSA?

I wonder, if Pakistan should lose a war against India and you are captured, should you be a Hindu’s Slave?

DiamondHearts said:
Hazrat Zaid (r) was the adopted son of The Holy Prophet (s). When he and Zainab (r) had divorced. Allah (swt) told the Holy Prophet (s) to marry her to show that an adopted son is not a real son and does not have the same position as the real son.
How sad, how utterly pathetic.

For centuries, pre-Mohamedism, the honorable and noble Arabs used to treat their adopted children as blood family. As one whole. As any honorable people should and would do. Now they don’t. This noble tradition was ended all because Mohammed wanted his daughter in-law. Mohammed sees the lovely Zainab and JUST as SOON as he can roll his tongue back in, out of his mouth is his-Allah, giving him a reason to enjoy having sex with his daughter ... ... ... in law.

And YOU are trying to justify this lust by saying it was GODLY to do away with a noble tradition and replace it with an immoral one? And then you turn around and have the gall to say that the immorality of having sex with a person you considered your daughter is the correct behaviour?!?!? And that the son is now not to be treated as blood?!?!?!

Dude, go sell it somewhere else, we stop buying Bull Shit at 10.

DiamondHearts said:
Imam Khomeini didn't allow any intercourse with infants or animals, that is a pure lie..
The little green book, Sayings of Ayatollah Khomeini, Political, Phylosophica, Social and Religious with a special introduction by Clive Irving, ISBN number 0-553-14032-9, page 47

Hows that for a quote. Specific enough?

Anyway DiamondHearts, you have already skipped a bunch of questions and so why bother. I specifically and systemically asked you simple questions and you have ignored them. WHY?

I think we both know why, you and I both know what the answers are.

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DiamondHearts said:
Wasn't it the Muslims who were responsible for the plurality and freedom in Moorish Spain where Jews, Muslims, and Christians were all treated asequal human beings and respected as equal citizens? This has been referred to many historians as the golden age of Jews in Spain. What happened afterwards? The Spanish kings killed, genocidally murdered anyone who wasn't Catholic. Hence, this proves that Islam is tolerant and just. While the kings of Spain used their Catholic religion to murder millions of Muslims and Jews.
Actually this is interesting. First, Kings lead the army. Makes one wonder, if things were so great, why did the Spaniards follow? Things obviously weren’t that great for enough of the common people.
Second, the Catholic Kings gave the Muslims a 1 year reprieve to get their house in order and leave Spain. The Muslims called their bluff and were whooped a year later.

The rest is history.

SnakeLord said:
Well, all I really did was ask you some questions. You then made muslims look bad by the answers you gave. "No, muslim women are not allowed to dance" etc.

Your own words are causing the problem, not the rest of us.

I said Muslim women are not allowed to dance with men who are not their husbands or not family. Muslim women are allowed to dance with women, children, husbands, sons, fathers, and other family members. However there are restrictions regarding dancing with other men, and this makes sense because it dicourages affairs and stops the spread of rumors. Also men have the same restrictions women do as far as who they can dance with. Muslim families often dance at wedding celebrations, and often men and womenwho are seperated in the main celebrations dance together.

You were engaged bigotry and stereotyping as the following proves:

SnakeLord said:
lol.. so once we're converted, do we get to live in little mud huts and have hairy, ugly wives just like you do or what?

I don't need to say anything else, you have made my point for me.

As I have proved, it is twisting my posts and finding your own meanings from them that you use to deride Muslims and Islam. Such as saying I would say such a thing as 'women are not allowed to dance.'

Sock puppet path said:
More of the peaceful followers of islam as diamond hearts says "the happiest most content and peaceful people on earth" :rolleyes:

battle for the airwaves between two Islamic preachers with their own FM radio stations in Pakistan escalated into bitter fighting that killed at least 24 people.
Also From the BBC
"Both clerics had been operating illegal FM stations to broadcast their religious beliefs and denounce the rival group as heretics."

heretics, DiamondHearts, heretics.... can you please try to use the brain that Evolution gave you and think hmmmm maybe religion is a stupid thing to rule stupid people with and maybe that is the reason why everyone around here is dirt poor....JUST LIKE EUROPE USED TO BE.... 500 years ago in Catholic Land.

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