So lets see 786, you wasted my time not answering the extremely simple straightforward questions posted for you and now you're wasting my time because you don't have anything to write - I can only assume because you havn't learned anything worthwhile out of all the years you have wasted reading the Qu'ran. Oh, I'm sure you have learned a few thinsg like: Ron Hubbard was "THE" Last Prophet, Xenu likes you to pray towards Mecca , don't eat chicken with red feathers Xenu doens't like it...
Have fun,
So lets see Michael, you wasted my time by not providing a single thoughtful question as others have agreed that your questions can not be answered due to so many assumptions and lack of definitions and now you're wasting my time because you DON'T have a SINGLE EXAMPLE of what "enlightenment" is - I can only assume because you haven't learned anything worthwhile out of all the years you have been alive from ANYTHING. Oh, I would love to say that "I'm sure you learned something" but I can't...
But seriously you can't provide a single example of enlightenment and then you blame it on me.... How pathetic can you get!
I learned a lot from the Quran and again it is perspective based which is what I was trying to get at but you simply don't have the brains to understand this concept.... as you have continuously asked the same type of questions even when others have said pretty much the same thing about each of your questions..
Anways here is something Enlightening (for me) :
"O mankind! We have created you male and female from Adam and Eve, and Allah has made you nations and tribes that you may know one another. Lo! The noblest of you in the Hereafter, (in the sight of Allah; on the Day of Judgment, (is the best in conduct) in the life of the world."
Another part I find enlightening: This is from a context where God is telling about his bounties and then asks why do you deny it?
"This is the Hell which the Sinners deny. In its midst and in the midst of boiling hot water will they wander round! Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?"
The fact he calls Hell as a blessing is amazingly insightful (although I don't expect you to understand)
I don't feel compelled to tell you what is enlightening about these because after discussing with you like 2 or 3 questions I find myself talking to a person who just
1. "blurts questions" and thinks they are thoughtful.
2. Asks for example without fully understanding what he is asking for, or at least incapable of providing an example when asked
3. Putting the blame on the other for his own lack of understanding
4. Not really caring about the full answer even if partial answer is misleading
5. Jumps to "assumptions", as you just did here by "assuming" that I learned nothing just because YOU couldn't give a simple example of what you wanted from me not to mention that your questions are already full of assumptions so the added assumption after the question is asked is not so helpful.
Have fun, and If I may recommend please take a debate class.... maybe you'll learn something enlightening in there.
Peace be unto you