The Qur'an

It's quite obvious that the people who regard the Quran as a sacred and perfect revelation of something are not happy about the ways unbelievers describe it after reading the thing.

Actually it doesn't bother me. I grew up wth the concept of patala and naraka and hence hell is a perfectly valid paradigm of accountability for me. You guys like your beliefs dry and literal, we like ours colourful and allegorical.

It reads like a cult document, SAM. The structuring of the thing for hypnotic indoctrination is obvious - this isn't some kind of subtle property, it's striking. I'm sorry if that offends you. I was not expecting that myself, the first time I read it. What that implies for Muslims and Islamic culture is an open question - my own presumptions follow from my rule of thumb that people are basically similar the world over, and I wouldn't expect to be able to predict the behavior of Christians by inferences from cold-reading the Bible.

You're confusing Islam with Christianity
Not that interested. I suggest you hang out with Americans who don't continually interrupt their conversations with several sentences about sexual intercourse with Jesus, to understand normal Americans a little better.

Actually I lived among those and they were as cut off from reality as the rest. There is something to be said I think for hyperbole in speech. Saying "Death to America" is less cumbersome than trying to stitch together broken bodies. I'm sorry if it offends you but if there is something that needs to be changed/reconsidered its not the Arabic language or its tendency to hyperbole or even the religion of Islam.

Its your society's attitude to the rest of world and the people who live in it. All the PC language in the world is not enough to make up for it.
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Q said:
And, if they are uneducated as all they know is the Quran, that speaks volumes for the Islamic cult and how dangerous it is.
Few people from a Western Christian fundie country have much altitude for viewing the violence of other people's cults.

SAM said:
You're confusing Islam with Christianity
I'm reading the Quran, and describing it.
SAM said:
You guys like your beliefs dry and literal,
SAM said:
There is something to be said I think for hyperbole in speech.
And something to be said against it, when it is being employed to launch wars and do murder in the streets - as you are not shy of noticing, when it's the hyperbole of others.
SAM said:
I'm sorry if it offends you but if there is something that needs to be changed/reconsidered its not the Arabic language or its tendency to hyperbole or even the religion of Islam.
The faults of others do not excuse those of Islam.

SAM said:
Its your society's attitude to the rest of world and the people who live in it. All the PC language in the world is not enough to make up for it.
That's just because of the weaponry advantage. That will change, in time.

And all the changing of it will not help the Islamic worlds. They need their devils, as all the Abrahamic peoples do, and will breed their own if deprived of the foreigner's help.
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That's just because of the weaponry advantage. That will change, in time.

And all the changing of it will not help the Islamic worlds. They need their devils, as all the Abrahamic peoples do, and will breed their own if deprived of the foreigner's help.
Today 01:58 PM

Will it? Lets see. All your PC language does not change the utter lack of credibility that your society conveys when it comes to any issue of justice and tolerance beyond self interest. So I'll place my faith in those that at least have a history, as we Indians do, of live and let live, inspite of the various levels of hells we design for our infidels.
I was referring to general violence.

I was referring to Islamic violence, the kind we see every day.

Maybe we'll get civilised and westernised and avail ourself of all the options there are to defend ourselves better.

Why? Are you not able to come up with any other options? Is your cult so stifled it is unable to change it's course of mankinds destruction?
I was referring to Islamic violence, the kind we see every day.

You do? Where do you live? Afghanistan?

Why? Are you not able to come up with any other options? Is your cult so stifled it is unable to change it's course of mankinds destruction?c

Whats the best option between occupation and suicide?
Whats the best option between occupation and suicide?

Try starting with your own internal strife. You'll find that once you've solved those problems, your delusions will diminish.
Try starting with your own internal strife. You'll find that once you've solved those problems, your delusions will diminish.

Occupation is a state of mind? Interesting.
Ergot mysticism?

S.A.M. said:

Not only that, but children who disobey are often referred to as "little devil". Its all quite quite terrible. :(

Give 'em some rye ergot and a copy of the Book of Lies. I would be fascinated to see what the Muslim world's Aleister Crowley would be like.

Crowley's mother, at the very least, belonged to a nineteenth-century Irish-based sect called Plymouth Brethren, which still exists today. While Crowley is oft-reviled as a Satanist, that's not quite accurate; his infamous names "Beast" and "666" were bestowed him by his loving mother. Crowley himself had a fondness, at least in late youth, for the hallucinogenic effects of C. purpurea, otherwise known as rye ergot.


Perdurabo, Fr. "Chinese Music". Book of Lies. 1913. October 1, 2009.
SAM said:
Will it? Lets see. All your PC language does not change the utter lack of credibility that your society conveys when it comes to any issue of justice and tolerance beyond self interest
We weren't comparing societies - and the "credibility" of a society doesn't strike me as of much use in such a comparison, especially as "conveyed" to someone. Neither does the "self-interest" of a society, for that matter.

Are you really taking the position that the Iraq invasion, and the horrors thereof, and the official lying and corruption accompanying the lot, were in the "self-interest" of American society?

SAM said:
So I'll place my faith in those that at least have a history, as we Indians do, of live and let live,
You don't, actually. Your rigid enforcement of a caste system - about as far as one can get from "live and let live" - is one of your most historically characteristic features.

And the intersection of the Quran with that setup would be a really fascinating area, if it could be (has been) investigated with reasonable clarity.
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Occupation is a state of mind? Interesting.

Are you being occupied, Sam? Tortured? Imprisoned? Victimized?

Or, are you leading the comfy life completely disengaged from such things?

We weren't comparing societies - and the "credibility" of a society doesn't strike me as of much use in such a comparison, especially as "conveyed" to someone. Neither does the "self-interest" of a society, for that matter.

Are you really taking the position that the Iraq invasion, and the horrors thereof, and the official lying and corruption accompanying the lot, were in the "self-interest" of American society?

Sure it wouldn't be the first time the best laid plans went awry, the last 20 years in the same two countries might have led to expectations of an easy layover.

Are you being occupied, Sam? Tortured? Imprisoned? Victimized?

Or, are you leading the comfy life completely disengaged from such things?


That depends, is it a state of mind or an internal strife?
SAM said:
Sure it wouldn't be the first time the best laid plans went awry, the last 20 years in the same two countries might have led to expectations of an easy layover.
Not of the society. American society made no such plans, and paid no attention to either country. I doubt one American in a hundred could locate either one on an unlabeled map.
Not of the society. American society made no such plans, and paid no attention to either country. I doubt one American in a hundred could locate either one on an unlabeled map.

And? Since when has ignorance stopped Americans?

Haven't you been following the discussion on this thread, for instance?
That depends, is it a state of mind or an internal strife?

What it is exactly, is those who follow the Islamic cult allow their violent brethren to continue unfettered. Instead of dealing with it, they would rather join in as silent partners and spit venom at cartoonists. Sad really.
What it is exactly, is those who follow the Islamic cult allow their violent brethren to continue unfettered. Instead of dealing with it, they would rather join in as silent partners and spit venom at cartoonists. Sad really.

When we could all commit silent genocides take the resources as our manifest destiny and live happily ever after? Or are you inclined to reject misbegotten wealth as beneath you?
SAM said:
And? Since when has ignorance stopped Americans?
It prevents them from recognizing their self-interest and making plans.

Your presumption that surveying the last 20 years of easy pickings led to complacent approval by American society of invasion plans for Iraq is silly, for example. American society had - still has, actually - no idea of what the pickings have been in Iraq for the past twenty years.
It prevents them from recognizing their self-interest and making plans.

Your presumption that surveying the last 20 years of easy pickings led to complacent approval by American society of invasion plans for Iraq is silly, for example. American society had - still has, actually - no idea of what the pickings have been in Iraq for the past twenty years.

Or the last 100 presumably, but who's counting? Or even remotely interested?

Except as part of the volunteer army that does the grunt work.
When we could all commit silent genocides take the resources as our manifest destiny and live happily ever after? Or are you inclined to reject misbegotten wealth as beneath you?

I reap that which I sow. Why do want to commit genocide?
You wouldn't. You just follow those who "clear and hold" the land for you.