The Qur'an

I find no satisfaction in their answers then it is logical (at least the usual practice) to stick with your own worldview.

In other words, you believe only that which agrees with your Islamic cult indoctrination and nothing more.

Yes, that is quite obvious.
Well the sentence would make sense if you knew what you are talking about.


Yes I know you are simply looking at the facts.

Just as I know you're fantasizing.

That is why you don't know what enlightenment is...

I see, your version of "enlightenment" is fantasizing, which is what I assumed in the first place.

in brief you must take something from the facts to be "enlightened" or if you simply took the fact as is then you have simply become more informed not "enlightened", and that is what I meant by "meaning".

In other words, take a fact, like nature's existence, and fantasize it was created by magic, while ignoring the facts of how nature actually came into existence. Well done.

My assumption is that you assumed the wrong thing from what I meant by "meaning", but that is okay because I understand that you don't understand anything about this subject so I can't have high hopes of you in regards to this matter.

You're right. I can't possibly understand your gibberish based fantasies.

Or it may be that you are using a different meaning of the word than I am which could explain everything. But if you had the dictionary then you most certainly would have known the various derived meanings, but yet you failed to understand my sentence which actually leads me to question your ability to use a dictionary, if you actually used one to begin with

The definition of a word is irrelevant to your misuse of it.

Enlightenment: Education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge.
In other words, you believe only that which agrees with your Islamic cult indoctrination and nothing more.

Yes, that is quite obvious.

No... If I was simply going to match everything to my own understanding and only accept that then there would be no point in discussion in the first place. I said if someone does not have a satisfying philosophy then it is natural to stay with your own. You seem to like to jump to conclusions. But I think in your case everything goes back to a cult, so no surprise there :D

Peace be unto you ;)
In other words, take a fact, like nature's existence, and fantasize it was created by magic, while ignoring the facts of how nature actually came into existence. Well done.

Funny thing is I don't think I ever said that the meaning behind nature being God or something of the sort, it could be for me but we were discussing the general idea of enlightenment. Goes on to show that you didn't understand anything and are basically making pre-conceived assumptions (knowing that I believe in God).

You're right. I can't possibly understand your gibberish based fantasies.

Yes you are right you can't understand without reading what was written. Because "enlightenment" has nothing to do with "magic" which you were using in substitute for God (I presume). I was speaking in utmost general terms of what enlightenment is. But since you are such a strong believer in cults how can I possibly fantasize that you will read my arguments without pre-conceived notions :D

The definition of a word is irrelevant to your misuse of it.

Enlightenment: Education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge.

Really now? Re-read what I said and re-read the definition. Then say something about cults :bugeye:

Peace be unto you ;)
Funny thing is I don't think I ever said that the meaning behind nature being God or something of the sort...

...the Quran says to ponder upon God's creation for surely their are signs in them...

Seems like you did.

Because "enlightenment" has nothing to do with "magic" which you were using in substitute for God (I presume). I was speaking in utmost general terms of what enlightenment is.

No, you were using YOUR version of "enlightenment," a version you most likely made up yourself, like you admit you do.

But since you are such a strong believer in cults how can I possibly fantasize that you will read my arguments without pre-conceived notions

You can argue all you want about your cult's beliefs. You won't be able to demonstrate a single argument, hence it's all just your delusions.

Really now? Re-read what I said and re-read the definition. Then say something about cults

I understand the definition, you don't.
No... If I was simply going to match everything to my own understanding and only accept that then there would be no point in discussion in the first place. I said if someone does not have a satisfying philosophy then it is natural to stay with your own.

Your "philosophy" or whatever the hell you want to call it is simply cult indoctrination. If something doesn't agree with your cult, it doesn't agree with you.

Simple really. You're no different than any other cult member.
786 said:
No... If I was simply going to match everything to my own understanding and only accept that then there would be no point in discussion in the first place. I said if someone does not have a satisfying philosophy then it is natural to stay with your own
Despite Q's ridiculous arrogance and bad temper, he does have a point there - you have openly stated (and demonstrated) that you have no acquaintanceship with even the ordinary stories and writings of philosophies other than your own, which appears to be derived from a single book and its specialized commentary within a group of believers in one religion and (from the sound of things) one culture.

On what grounds do you plan to evaluate and "compare" other philosophies, when you do encounter them some day?
Unless he is particularly dissatisfied, is it incumbent upon him to do so?

(Q) himself was brought up without religion and has followed his own indoctrination.
Seems like you did.

I think you have a problem following things. Michael asked me about something enlightening from the Quran which I did give, another poster mentioned the same thing can be found elsewhere to which I replied that that the fact enlightenment can be found in nature is no surprise to me. THEN we started to get into discussion what enlightenment actually is... Now if you followed this then you will see that I try to give a general meaning to what it is... from here on it had nothing to do with the Quran/God.

I understand the definition, you don't.

You couldn't even follow what was going on, I don't know-- maybe try following up on the definition again.

Perhaps to help you understand what I was saying in a scientific context so that you don't AGAIN misunderstand that I was talking about enlightenment having anything to do with God here:

The discovery of GFP is not enlightening. But the implications of its use in many different assays that help in experiments is enlightening. So it is not simply the fact of GFP's existence but rather what it can mean in a larger context, this "understanding" (from your definition :D) is what I was claiming is enlightenment. I think that is why I specifically mentioned an example of "Photosynthesis taking place in a chloroplast" is not enlightening but it seem that have skipped you and so did the whole point of many of my posts.

I don't feel like teaching you how to follow a thread and how to read one especially how you understand examples in a post. :bugeye:

Peace be unto you ;)
Your "philosophy" or whatever the hell you want to call it is simply cult indoctrination. If something doesn't agree with your cult, it doesn't agree with you.

Simple really. You're no different than any other cult member.

Thanks again for your cult information. I wonder if this can be considered trolling? :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)
SAM said:
Unless he is particularly dissatisfied, is it incumbent upon him to do so?
If he wishes to claim the perspective of having done so.
SAM said:
(Q) himself was brought up without religion and has followed his own indoctrination.
If true (not immediately visible), so what?
786 said:
So it is not simply the fact of GFP's existence but rather what it can mean in a larger context, this "understanding" (from your definition ) is what I was claiming is enlightenment. I think that is why I specifically mentioned an example of "Photosynthesis taking place in a chloroplast" is not enlightening
All meaning comes from context. I presume that not all meaning is enlightenment?
If he wishes to claim the perspective of having done so.
If true (not immediately visible), so what?

See your own comment above.

And I have yet to see where 786 has claimed such a perspective by simply saying that one is likely to stick with what one thinks best unless one comes across a better philosophy. Such truisms hardly require one to have exhaustively researched all existing philosophies. I would consider them self evident.
SAM said:
And I have yet to see where 786 has claimed such a perspective by simply saying that one is likely to
Neither did I derive my comment from that statement by 786.
SAM said:
If he wishes to claim the perspective of having done so.
If true (not immediately visible), so what?

See your own comment above.
I think you have a problem following things.

No, I don't. I do have a problem following your made up terms, though.

I replied that that the fact enlightenment can be found in nature is no surprise to me.

As typical as it is for cult members to lie in order to support their delusions, you are no different. You said there were signs of god in nature, but couldn't substantiate that claim even if your life depended on it. That is not enlightening at all since there is no knowledge of those signs, but only your cult based beliefs in them.

what I was claiming is enlightenment.

Which quite obviously, you still don't have a clue.

I don't feel like teaching you how to follow a thread and how to read one especially how you understand examples in a post.

For someone whose nose is buried in the Quran and only defines his world based on his own imagination and his cult beliefs, you have absolutely nothing to teach and a shitload to learn.
Thanks again for your cult information. I wonder if this can be considered trolling?)

As a theist, you are offended if anyone criticizes your beliefs. It's a typical flaw in the theist mindset in that they believe the myths and superstitions of the past are their arms and legs.
As a theist, you are offended if anyone criticizes your beliefs. It's a typical flaw in the theist mindset in that they believe the myths and superstitions of the past are their arms and legs.

I see......

Peace be unto you ;)
No, I don't. I do have a problem following your made up terms, though.

As typical as it is for cult members to lie in order to support their delusions, you are no different. You said there were signs of god in nature, but couldn't substantiate that claim even if your life depended on it. That is not enlightening at all since there is no knowledge of those signs, but only your cult based beliefs in them.

Which quite obviously, you still don't have a clue.

For someone whose nose is buried in the Quran and only defines his world based on his own imagination and his cult beliefs, you have absolutely nothing to teach and a shitload to learn.

Thanks for repeating yourself, and again thanks for the information on cults. :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)
Thanks for repeating yourself, and again thanks for the information on cults.

Repetition should be something you're well accustomed, is it not?

But, I'm sure you'll continue to ignore the world around you in favor of your holy books myths and superstitions. Such is the destruction of mankind due to those cults. Very sad indeed.