The Quran on Seas and Rivers:

The bitch has made herself muslim no more. :p She's probably just fulfilling her agenda.

Yes, Muslims obediantly accept what she shows of the Quran: its ok for a group of martyes screaming allah akbar while tearing a woman's limbs apart and deeming her less than a goat, and a woman must only be happy when under the foot of her husband. Its ok to say the souls of buried Jews are crying and deem this a blessing for allah, rob their land and dump mosques in Jerusalem - and scream allah is great for robbers. Lets help allah by killing off any bitches who refuse. Its ok for a syrian regime to have $40 Billion in a swiss account too.

But wait there's more. Here a son of Hamas telling it:
I know it burns your arse to see people committing terrible acts by saying Allahu akbar first. But it makes muslims slap themselves in disbelief because this is so absolutely contrary to Islamic teachings. Hope that helps.
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I know it burns your arse to see people committing terrible acts by saying Allahu akbar first. But it makes muslims slap themselves in disbelief because this is so absolutely contrary to Islamic teachings. Hope that helps.

An honest disagreement beats a dishonest agreement.

No it does not help. When I see Muslims taking out their own mass murderers instead of the BS they are against all forms of terrorism, openly and by naming NAMES, bringing down their attrocious regimes ruling for decades, and cease behaving like Nazis against Jews and their homeland - then boast you are doing something. That there is no fatwa for Bin Ladin, the Islamic Brotherhood, Hamas and Hizbullah - says there are no Islamic martyrs and freedom fighters.

Your allah knows that Jerusalem and Hebron are Zionist plots - meaning 100% Jewish lands, in case the pun confuses you.
iamjoseph, don't bring palestine into this.. sam'll bite your head off when your turn comes so don't be hasty:D.
iamjoseph, don't bring palestine into this.. sam'll bite your head off when your turn comes so don't be hasty:D.

How to insult a Muslim: Call 'em Palestineans. :D

I'm not scared of 20 hooded 'WE ARE AGAINST ALL FORMS OF TERRORISM" muslims with auto rifles -in Mecca, Hebron of Hamastown. I'll meet 'em anytime they want - in our Italian restaurant. :cool:

Another message from an ex-Muslims, who knows more than me.

Open letter to Ground Zero imam

September 03, 2010
© 2010

Dear Feisal Abdul Rauf,

The bottom line is that America wants to know if you are moderate. We have seen another imam before you, Anwar Awlaki, say on NPR and PBS that he condemned terrorism and even advocated for religious dialogue. He vanished and is now being chased by U.S. drones. You, too, seem to have vanished. We have not heard from you and we suspect that the reason you do not answer any questions is because you have great connections that speak in your defense – the president of the most powerful nation on earth, the mayor of the greatest city in our nation and the speaker of the House. We asked them about you and they simply tell us not to be alarmists, that we should judge you by your "positive" accomplishments. A drawback to this way of thinking can, at times, be akin to ignoring a drop of cyanide in a punch bowl. Remember Awlaki?

Nancy Pelosi insists that you are moderate and that 71 percent of us are: stereotypical, racists, divisive, inflammatory, hateful, Islamophobic, bigoted, ignorant and intolerant. She says that you are all about reconciliation, but I couldn't find your take on converts from Islam to other religions. Would you reconcile with them? You refused to sign a patriotic act to condemn the killing of converts from Islam to Christianity. This should be no problem since the president is a convert from Islam – and after all, he trusts you. Why else would Pelosi send you as an envoy to discuss an "American-style Islam" and an "Islamic democracy" in the Middle East? It sure beats the heck out of Obama's oxymoronic capitalistic-socialism and Obamacare. However, I would like to know if your American-style Islamic Shariah would include interest banking since our whole capitalistic system depends on it.

Check out Shoebat's books "For God or For Tyranny" and "God's War on Terror."

It's nice that the Cordoba building will have a swimming pool, lecture hauls, sports centers and bridge-building classes. The name "Cordoba" was brilliant to promote the golden age of Islam when Christians were honored for accommodating a crescent in place of a cross; at least we all now know that Cordoba Mosque was built during the golden age of Christendom.

But perhaps Americans are being too harsh and are getting back at the wrong Muslims when they say: "We do not want them to have anything next to Ground Zero." After all, the only thing you had to do with the "9/11 rubble" was to print it on your book cover in Indonesian: "Seruan Azan Dari Puing WTC" ("A Call to Prayer from the World Trade Center Rubble"). Please clarify: Azan (summons for prayer) is only conducted from a minaret – a mosque – not a cultural center.

You have worked tirelessly for peace. All you wanted was: "an icon [Cordoba Mosque]." My mother asked me: On God's green earth, there is no other place you can put a mosque except by the 9/11 rubble? And since we rejected the mosque idea, will the pool at your center allow Jews to swim, or were you kidding when you wrote the N.Y Times that Israel will be Judenrein (free of Jews)?

I loved your romantic example on how to dialogue with Christians and Jews: "Deal with them as one courts a girl; stop thinking like a typical Muslim. Then you can engage." Just what is a "typical Muslim"? Did you use this romantic technique with Bloomberg?

In one news report, you were dumbfounded that "Many American blogs print that Muslims want a Caliphate." This is like Arabs thinking that Saudi Arabia is Judenrein. Absurd, isn't it?

(Column continues below)

I never knew that your Shariah was different from Anwar Awlaki's; just how many Shariahs are there? You say that Shariah is compatible with the U.S. Constitution – just to make sure, I compiled three questions. And just to assure you of my genuine intentions, I will not include typical ignorant stereotype questions about the funding for this noble "Cordoba peace center" or ask inflammatory questions regarding Caliphate, beheadings, killing of converts, amputation of limbs or lashings for certain sins and infractions. I will keep it strictly civil:

Will marriage between Jewish men with Muslim women be protected by American Shariah law? (Yes, No)

Will inheritance be distributed equally to males as well as females under American Shariah law? (Yes, No)

Will the sale of mosque properties be allowed to include setting up places of worship for other faiths? (Yes, No)
Finally, I was delighted that you now reconciled with Christians when you stated: "We all worship the same God." So I salute you in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, my Lord and yours. Right?

With best regards,

Walid Shoebat
How to insult a Muslim: Call 'em Palestineans. :-D
being a palestinian is a source of pride as far as i know...[?]

I'm not scared of 20 hooded 'WE ARE AGAINST ALL FORMS OF TERRORISM" muslims with auto rifles -in Mecca, Hebron of Hamastown. I'll meet 'em anytime they want - in our Italian restaurant. :cool:
let me guess, it was your "country"'s defense department that invented the first modern rifle that shoots around corners, right?:rolleyes:

i mean, what other "country"'s army gets to face monsterous kids armed to the teeth with rocks and pebbels? :-D
How to insult a Muslim: Call 'em Palestineans. :D

I'm not scared of 20 hooded 'WE ARE AGAINST ALL FORMS OF TERRORISM" muslims with auto rifles -in Mecca, Hebron of Hamastown. I'll meet 'em anytime they want - in our Italian restaurant. :cool:

Another message from an ex-Muslims, who knows more than me.

You've sidetracked enough.
I'm well aware of that that's why that part has been put in parentheses. "(the celestial bodies)" have been inserted because that seems to be a plausible reference point for "all". Regarding taking of evasive path whatever the verse means (we never know for sure) God isn't obliged to explain it. We are the ones with the obligations.

If you argue that God has set these factoids down as eminent proof of special knowledge, then you certainly are. But don't go holding up God and then hiding Him behind your back when the plausibility of your explanation is suspect. If it's a magnificent proof of some theological supposition, why not just say "all celestial bodies"?
chiller said:
Regarding taking of evasive path whatever the verse means (we never know for sure) God isn't obliged to explain it, please
The sun orbiting the earth like the moon is often described in the Quran - Ya Sin 14 in the mid thirties has the sun traveling to its resting place every evening, and the power of God preventing it from overtaking the moon in their common orbits (that same chapter has God credited with saving everything in Noah's Ark, another frequent reference).

It's literal and false, or poetic metaphor and informative of something other than physical fact. Either way, it is not revelation of scientific fact - it isn't even accurate physical information.

There is none revealed in the Quran. No physical fact otherwise unknown to human beings has ever been revealed to anyone by the Quran.
chiller said:
But it makes muslims slap themselves in disbelief because this is so absolutely contrary to Islamic teachings.
We on the outside do not have the luxury of being able to distinguish among the many different ostensible Islamic teachings, those which millions believe in as truly Islamic teachings, which are contrary to the true Islam and which are not.
The sun orbiting the earth like the moon is often described in the Quran - Ya Sin 14 in the mid thirties has the sun traveling to its resting place every evening, and the power of God preventing it from overtaking the moon in their common orbits (that same chapter has God credited with saving everything in Noah's Ark, another frequent reference).

Ah so you've become so desperate that you went ahead and forcibly drew you own conclusions about a verse of the Quran.
chiller said:
Ah so you've become so desperate that you went ahead and forcibly drew you own conclusions about a verse of the Quran.
If it doesn't say what it means, if it has to be "interpreted" away from its literal wording, then it isn't revealing anything, eh?

It's the interpretation that would be the revelation.

And there haven't even been any of those.

There are many verses in the Quran that refer to the sun traveling like the moon. Take your pick.

Meanwhile, there's this:
No physical fact otherwise unknown to human beings has ever been revealed to anyone by the Quran.
It's a very strong statement, easily contradicted if false. So - -
If it doesn't say what it means, if it has to be "interpreted" away from its literal wording, then it isn't revealing anything, eh?

It's the interpretation that would be the revelation.

And there haven't even been any of those.

There are many verses in the Quran that refer to the sun traveling like the moon. Take your pick.

Did you think why the sun and the moon came up in the Quran. The book is for humans and the sun and the moon dominates our sky from our view.... Also who said all verses have to be interpreted according to the reader's choice.
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Ah so you've become so desperate that you went ahead and forcibly drew you own conclusions about a verse of the Quran.

Veracity of quran cannot be what Muslims say - it must be vindicated by non-muslims to be credible. E.g. there is no such thing as islamic law - unlike the Hebrew laws, not a single Islamic law is accepted in the judiciary today. The same applies to the Quran's version of history: Moses was not a Muslim! Jews are not unbelievers because the new kid on the block says so - they introduced monotheism and the history of Abraham! Jews are not illegally occupying Palestine - Jerusalem and Hebron are Hebrew names and cities invaded by Muslim hordes - as was Pakistan.
being a palestinian is a source of pride as far as i know...[?]

Muslims hated this name pre-1960 as they do Zionists today! This name was dumped on the Jewish soveriegn land of Judea in 70 CE - not any Islamic or Arab land. And it was dumped to signify Roman disdain, not pride. But a mysterious force transfered this name where it better belongs. You may wear it with with pride - perhaps it will even change history and make Jerusalem Islamic?

let me guess, it was your "country"'s defense department that invented the first modern rifle that shoots around corners, right?:rolleyes:

i mean, what other "country"'s army gets to face monsterous kids armed to the teeth with rocks and pebbels? :-D

Yes, Israel introduced rifles that can see around corners for muslims hiding behind mosques and children. Even Nukes, which all Islamic states are panting for - was invented by Jews - like your cell phone and instant messaging you use in this forum. Its because Jews are born of apes, right? Is Darwinism copied from the Quran? :D
You may wear it with with pride - perhaps it will even change history and make Jerusalem Islamic?

This question is fucking retarded.

I, for one, do not want to make Jerusalem Islamic, the religious composition of the city can be determined by the people whom live there however each religious site, Christian, Jew or Muslim, should all be respected. Let's be clear, all three have strong spiritual associations both with the city and the sites therein thus all three should be respected.
This question is fucking retarded.

I, for one, do not want to make Jerusalem Islamic, the religious composition of the city can be determined by the people whom live there however each religious site, Christian, Jew or Muslim, should all be respected. Let's be clear, all three have strong spiritual associations both with the city and the sites therein thus all three should be respected.

Lets be more clesr: Jews were barred with signs DOGS & JEWS FORBIDDEN when Islamists illegally invaded this Jewish city. And your kind kept silent. Jerusalem is not an international city - it is ONLY a Jewsh city, but Jews respect others and give them free access. The call for internationalising Jerusalem is also a call for genocide - lets not be unclear of that.

Its Muslim silence which causes today's evils. Where are your freedom fighters and martyrs where it really counts:


Pakistan suicide bomber kills 43 in Shia parade backing Palestinians78 injured in procession blast as death toll from series of sectarian attacks mounts

Guess why Bin Laden is free!