The Quran on Seas and Rivers:

i kinda agree.
i am joseph, we'll murderize your ass omewhere else:cool:
so try sticking to the topic please.

Re. The Quran on Seas and Rivers:

You can impress me much more if the Quran quoted some clear histrical fact about seas and rivers first or what humanity did not know. Like mentioning mount ararat and its exact location first - or the river Tigris. Such factirs cannot be manipulated by anyone as your drawings and imaginitive descriptions - now can they?
that's idiotic, as usual.
a book with evidence is between your hands, you demand evidence other than what's offerred and claim it's different. when if your requested evidence was in the book to begin with, you'll be asking for the evidence that's in it now.

if the quran gave the distance between earth and the sun in kilometers they'll say it was supposed to be in miles:shrug:

however, the people who were there when the book was being revealed and were finding faults in it, had their doubts and dares answered, yet many still stubbornly refused to beieve.
those who did believe after seeing their requested miracles, were sure to tell about them everybody they meet, in case anybody had similar doubts tio theirs, and preserved everything down in the only storage formats available then, books and brain memory, transferred by authenticated word of mouth, for people yet to come.
then people come 14 hundred years later and say none of it happenned, some even say those people didn't exist. their books? forged. their narration? made up. what do they know of either? none, zilch, nada. they just decided in their head that god doesn't exist, and everybody and everything that even hints otherwise doesn't exist or is a liar. WHO is a liar and WHAT doesn't exist? they don't know, other than it is meant to support the idea of god, and they'll fight to their last breath at those trying to bring santa claus back.

if god came down now and was seen by everybody and captured on video and everything. ou'll have people on the news tomorrow saying they won't believe in him till he comes down again..
..for hell wasn't meant to stay empty.
Because God is a sadist, looking for people to burn?

scifes: if there's special ahistorical knowledge in the Quran, demonstrate. Otherwise this debate is done. And I remind you that your personal knowledge of that period is also zilch, nada, zero. You weren't there.
scifes said:
if the quran gave the distance between earth and the sun in kilometers
There's nothing like that in the Quran.

No physical fact or circumstance has ever been "revealed" - stated for the first time to human beings - by the Quran.

What physical description there is in that book is either

1) known to human beings long before the Quran was written or

2) wrong - inaccurate as written.

3) How does one account for "luck" in this analysis, incidentally?
if god came down now and was seen by everybody and captured on video and everything. ou'll have people on the news tomorrow saying they won't believe in him till he comes down again..
..for hell wasn't meant to stay empty.

I don't want to sound arrogant but you got to be careful when you're talking about God you see it's impossible for God because of His very nature to literally come down as He's not in any location or be captured in anything literally. I don't mean just any kind of impossible, this is absolute impossiblity.
that's idiotic, as usual.
a book with evidence is between your hands, you demand evidence other than what's offerred and claim it's different. when if your requested evidence was in the book to begin with, you'll be asking for the evidence that's in it now.

if the quran gave the distance between earth and the sun in kilometers they'll say it was supposed to be in miles:shrug:

however, the people who were there when the book was being revealed and were finding faults in it, had their doubts and dares answered, yet many still stubbornly refused to beieve.
those who did believe after seeing their requested miracles, were sure to tell about them everybody they meet, in case anybody had similar doubts tio theirs, and preserved everything down in the only storage formats available then, books and brain memory, transferred by authenticated word of mouth, for people yet to come.
then people come 14 hundred years later and say none of it happenned, some even say those people didn't exist. their books? forged. their narration? made up. what do they know of either? none, zilch, nada. they just decided in their head that god doesn't exist, and everybody and everything that even hints otherwise doesn't exist or is a liar. WHO is a liar and WHAT doesn't exist? they don't know, other than it is meant to support the idea of god, and they'll fight to their last breath at those trying to bring santa claus back.

if god came down now and was seen by everybody and captured on video and everything. ou'll have people on the news tomorrow saying they won't believe in him till he comes down again..
..for hell wasn't meant to stay empty.

In the end you have to vindicate something which is historical and what was not known elsewhere - else it does not qualify as revelation or historical. It is clear the Quran has not given humanity a single law or message which is acceptable [names are not laws or messages].

Further, the quran is in competition with the Gospels, both claiming a take-over of the Hebrew bible. Both are mutually exclusive of the same space-time events they each hold as sacred truth - both cannot be right. At least 1.5 Billion humans here are wrong - guaranteed. One says the car is green - the other says the car was red. And the underlying fact is - no car can be proven.

Who would like to be the judge which is right and wrong - or if both are wrong? This insane situation hovers over humanity for 2000 years. If the Hebrew bible is right - then we have to call Huston and exclaim we have a situation here. Huston says: we don't want to go there - let's just stay on course attacking the witness for the prosecution. Death to the Jews - oops, I mean the Zionists! But then what - will the two king kongs shake hands like nice guys - its a question!? :rolleyes:
Further, the quran is in competition with the Gospels, both claiming a take-over of the Hebrew bible. Both are mutually exclusive of the same space-time events they each hold as sacred truth - both cannot be right. At least 1.5 Billion humans here are wrong - guaranteed. One says the car is green - the other says the car was red. And the underlying fact is - no car can be proven.

This is major donkey poo the Quran isn't claiming a take-over of the Hebrew bible but something different, the claim over the Quran is it's the last prophetic message after the previous messages of Moses and Jesus. No Hebrew bible or New Testament has anything to do with it.
From The Official Office of Imam Ja'far at-Tahir:

Q: Does al-Qur'an talk about seas and rivers?
A: Yes, it does.

Thread closed.
the Quran isn't claiming a take-over of the Hebrew bible.

Moses was Muslim - the Jews distorted history because they control the media - and history.

Jerusalem is Islam's third holiest site - but not the first holy site of the Jews.

Isaac was not offered - but Ishamel was.

Burial within 24 hours - its from Islam - Jews copied Muslims!

Praying facing a sacred place - its from Islam - Jews copied Muslims here!

Blessing God when mentioning a sacred name - its from Islam and the Jews also said this before Islam existed!

Hallal is the last word but kosher is not the first word.

geoff said:
3) How does one account for "luck" in this analysis, incidentally?
Dunno. They don't seem to have been lucky.

It would be beating some seriously long odds, and I have the lack of visibility to comfort me - something like that would have made a few ripples.

Plus, I read the book in translation - missed it, whatever it would be.
From The Official Office of Imam Ja'far at-Tahir:

Q: Does al-Qur'an talk about seas and rivers?
A: Yes, it does.

Thread closed.

Which seas - which planet?

Do Muslims even know 'WHY' they don't eat pork? Care to enlighten us....seeing you boast you have the last word? :rolleyes:
Moses was Muslim - the Jews distorted history because they control the media - and history.

This is hate-speech and anti-Semitism, the Jews are the greatest people in history they invented talking, walking, the wheel, robots, herding, sex, purifing well waters, the Magna Carta, the Lethal Weapon and are responsible for the French and American revolution, the Russian revolution, the fall of the Berlin Wall, freedom, sunshine, moonshine, medicine, writing, language, poetry, pottery, fort building, fire starting, Jews invented fire, shark week, playboy, Jack Daniels, they hand built the White house, the pyramids, they were responsible for the suicide of Hitler because the bullet and gun was built in a factory employed solely by Jews, Jews won WWII, they discovered the Americas, they invented space travel, the first man in space was really a Jew, Da Vinci was really a Jew, the Mona Lisa is clearly a picture of a lovely Jewess, they invented philosophy, psychology, they are responsible for all music and cinema ever. Roots? Jews. The Jews cured polio! Also, I want it to be clear that you did say this, you can't unsay it. You have officially admitted that hazrat Musa (as) was Muslim.
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I believe he was citing some common misapprehensions about the Quran and Islam vis-a-vis Judaism.
Because God is a sadist, looking for people to burn?
may that be so, he has some candy for the kids who listen, it's your choice.
besides, some people DO deserve hell, as a matter of fact, all who enter hell deserve it, even if just because their creator wanted to, who is to tell a creator what to do with his creations? who has the right first, and who has the power second?
scifes: if there's special ahistorical knowledge in the Quran, demonstrate.
A: it's not my ass on the line if it exists.
B: i would if any of you gave a damn to take it seriously, which i already did, and the other party proudly proclaimed he didn't do any research, because he didn't need to do any research, because he knew he was right from the beginning, so research won't change anything.
that kind of people you don't bother demonstrating anything for, you just bang heads with them whenever you feel like it, and bid your time to tell them "i told you so".
Otherwise this debate is done. And I remind you that your personal knowledge of that period is also zilch, nada, zero. You weren't there.
that's bullcrap, her's a newsflash for you; they write history in books. just because you're ignorant doesn't mean everybody else is.
There's nothing like that in the Quran.

No physical fact or circumstance has ever been "revealed" - stated for the first time to human beings - by the Quran.
i believe you didn't miss the "if" at the beginning of my sentence, did you?

What physical description there is in that book is either

1) known to human beings long before the Quran was written or
you need to know the "human beings", their culture and demography, their history and recorded science, their interactions with other human beings and their lifestyle etc etc etc... things you don't know the alphabets of.
no need for research indeed.

2) wrong - inaccurate as written.

to what example?
you gave none, only empty statements reflecting complete unawarness of anything remotely related to the subject at hand.

3) How does one account for "luck" in this analysis, incidentally?
by measuring out the odds.
but that translates to research, so guys might wanna forget it.

I don't want to sound arrogant but you got to be careful when you're talking about God you see it's impossible for God because of His very nature to literally come down as He's not in any location or be captured in anything literally. I don't mean just any kind of impossible, this is absolute impossiblity.
it was a hypothetical situation, just to prove a point.:)
In the end you have to vindicate something which is historical and what was not known elsewhere - else it does not qualify as revelation or historical. It is clear the Quran has not given humanity a single law or message which is acceptable [names are not laws or messages].

Further, the quran is in competition with the Gospels, both claiming a take-over of the Hebrew bible. Both are mutually exclusive of the same space-time events they each hold as sacred truth - both cannot be right. At least 1.5 Billion humans here are wrong - guaranteed. One says the car is green - the other says the car was red. And the underlying fact is - no car can be proven.

Who would like to be the judge which is right and wrong - or if both are wrong? This insane situation hovers over humanity for 2000 years. If the Hebrew bible is right - then we have to call Huston and exclaim we have a situation here. Huston says: we don't want to go there - let's just stay on course attacking the witness for the prosecution. Death to the Jews - oops, I mean the Zionists! But then what - will the two king kongs shake hands like nice guys - its a question!? :rolleyes:
scifes said:

to what example?
you gave none, only empty statements reflecting complete unawarness of anything remotely related to the subject at hand.
It's an assertion, of a negative. A nonexistence claim, like "there are no flightless birds".

One commonly disproves such assertions by counterexample, which is especially easy when they are so strongly and generally put - if they are false. I don't think you can.

Here it is again:
No physical fact or circumstance has ever been "revealed" - stated for the first time to human beings - by the Quran.

What physical description there is in that book is either

1) known to human beings long before the Quran was written or

2) wrong - inaccurate as written.