The Quran on Seas and Rivers:

seas and rivers are accurate and were not known at the time.
show me they were known or that the discription is not accurate.

you know not the wording which defines it's accuracy nor the first thing about the cultre of the people to know what their knowledge and its potential were.

while i know more than you, you will foolishly and relentlessly debate me, and i will naively learn more and research more to fortify my stance.

you not only know nothing, but don't want to know anything, it suits you, and most of the people here as well.

may i remind you that the official debate was a dare directed personally at you, one you downstepped from and spidergoat took and wasted, then boasted at his shamful performance.

sometimes a debate is about more than the debate, but WHO you're debating, and you gave a very bad first impression. one you're not exactly fixing.
scifes said:
seas and rivers are accurate and were not known at the time.
show me they were known or that the discription is not accurate.
The ocean trading and river traveling Arabs of the time did not know about the seas and rivers they traveled on?

Everybody else did. The Chinese did. The Vikings did. The Polynesians did. I'm having trouble imagining a successful and sophisticated body of traders, traveling people, many of them long distance nomads, being so much more ignorant and uninformed than everybody else about seas and rivers. Are you sure?
The ocean trading and river traveling Arabs of the time did not know about the seas and rivers they traveled on?

Everybody else did. The Chinese did. The Vikings did. The Polynesians did. I'm having trouble imagining a successful and sophisticated body of traders, traveling people, many of them long distance nomads, being so much more ignorant and uninformed than everybody else about seas and rivers. Are you sure?
*takes a deeeep breath in, and lets it out*

no way jose, i'm sooooo not gonna waste my self on you again, you are repeating spider's repeated argument, which i repeatedly answered, and in more ways than one.

i need to keep reminding myself, there's no point in any debate if your debater isn't only clueless but plans on staying so.
*does same*

scifes - spider answered you comprehensively. It's pretty obvious that what the Quran was already known. I'd wager it was well known a good five thousand years before the Quran was written. You are beating a dead horse. It will not run.
*does same*

scifes - spider answered you comprehensively.
if you do know he declared that he did no research on what he was debating..then i doubt your "comprehension".
It's pretty obvious that what the Quran was already known. I'd wager it was well known a good five thousand years before the Quran was written.
wager all you want..all what your side has done is baseless flimsy assertions.
as for what's "pretty obvious"..;
did the people of europe before the discovery of australia , have:
black and white chickens,
black and white pigeons,
black and white cats,
black and white cows,
black and white mice,
and so on..didn't they have all these? it not obvious that there would be black and white swans?
did they know that black swans exist, since white swans exist, and pretty much every animal we see pure black comes pure white too?
is that not common sense? was it not obvious?? yet was it the case?

this goes to show you that;
-your logic is wrong, what is obvious now wasn't obvious before, just because it always existed, neanderthals had apples falling on their heads.
-you either are;
=repeating an argument spidergoat already argued in the official debate thread and which i already answered.
=didn't read the official thread.

in which both cases, debating this with you or most of those here is useless.
not only do you not do research, for black swan logic isn't much of a secret or an advance art..
but actually can't absorb logic when i spoon feed it to you:facepalm:
you take turns repeating dumb questions and i keep giving the simple asnwers.

AND; this piece of objection isn't the only one i supplied, which wasn't answered, here:

check post 3 or 5.

the combination of egotistical bravado with sluggish intellect in members facing me in this subject is downright disgusting.:mad:

You are beating a dead horse. It will not run.
you wouldn't acknowledge the horse is running if it slammed into you.
scifes said:
-your logic is wrong, what is obvious now wasn't obvious before, just because it always existed, neanderthals had apples falling on their heads.
As far as I know, no one has claimed that finding instances of falling apples in the Quran means that the Quran revealed the laws of gravity before Newton formulated them.

As far as seas and rivers, the medieval seafaring Arabs knew what other seafarers of the time knew, including those who never heard of the Quran. Nothing seems to have been revealed to them by the Quran.

I have requested an example of something Quran readers learned about the physical universe that others did not know, and so far no such examples have appeared. Do you know of any?
This is hate-speech and anti-Semitism,

I see you never denied Islamic crimespeak which aspires genocide of Jews, their history, ancestry and any rights they may thereby have. Was Moses a Muslim? Or was Mohammed a Mexican? Was Jerusalem the sovereign Jewish Capital with a temple - now under a current mosque dumped on top? Which is history?

the Jews are the greatest people in history they invented talking, walking, the wheel, robots, herding, sex, purifing well waters, the Magna Carta, the Lethal Weapon and are responsible for the French and American revolution, the Russian revolution, the fall of the Berlin Wall, freedom, sunshine, moonshine, medicine, writing, language, poetry, pottery, fort building, fire starting, Jews invented fire, shark week, playboy, Jack Daniels, they hand built the White house, the pyramids, they were responsible for the suicide of Hitler because the bullet and gun was built in a factory employed solely by Jews, Jews won WWII, they discovered the Americas, they invented space travel, the first man in space was really a Jew, Da Vinci was really a Jew, the Mona Lisa is clearly a picture of a lovely Jewess, they invented philosophy, psychology, they are responsible for all music and cinema ever. Roots? Jews. The Jews cured polio! Also, I want it to be clear that you did say this, you can't unsay it. You have officially admitted that hazrat Musa (as) was Muslim.

Not quite, but close. You forgot to add tsunamies, Aids, apartheid, genocide, occupying Islamic sacred soil - and Jerry Lewis:
seas and rivers are accurate and were not known at the time.
show me they were known or that the discription is not accurate.

You ask, I oblige. Dementia refers to a loss of memory. But what does selective dementia represent!?

Gen/chapter2/ 10

And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became four heads. 11 The name of the first is Pishon; that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; 12 and the gold of that land is good; there is bdellium and the onyx stone. 13 And the name of the second river is Gihon; the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Cush. 14 And the name of the third river is Tigris; that is it which goeth toward the east of Asshur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.

Now that's what I call accurate description not hard to prove. :D
if you do know he declared that he did no research on what he was debating..then i doubt your "comprehension".

Your comment above is insulting and small-minded. Should I be surprised? You'd have to link to that comment...and then answer why even though he did no research he punked you.

wager all you want..all what your side has done is baseless flimsy assertions.
as for what's "pretty obvious"..; it not obvious that there would be black and white swans?
did they know that black swans exist, since white swans exist, and pretty much every animal we see pure black comes pure white too?
is that not common sense? was it not obvious?? yet was it the case?

:confused: How does this relate to your point? Extrapolation? What exactly are you talking about?

Look, scifes: if you want to debate something, you have to present evidence in context.

this goes to show you that;
-your logic is wrong, what is obvious now wasn't obvious before, just because it always existed, neanderthals had apples falling on their heads.
-you either are;
=repeating an argument spidergoat already argued in the official debate thread and which i already answered.
=didn't read the official thread.

Rather, I am reiterating an argument of spider's that was never properly answered by you. Just ignoring something doesn't make it go away.

in which both cases, debating this with you or most of those here is useless.
not only do you not do research, for black swan logic isn't much of a secret or an advance art..

I would agree that it isn't very scientific or artistic, yes.

you wouldn't acknowledge the horse is running if it slammed into you.

A dead horse cannot run.