The Post Whatever Thread

How can that be possible? One or the other time must be wrong.

"Now here" = "Now everywhere". Any time difference manifests only if you have to travel from one to the other.
Not when your thinking how your daughter is in the USA and living in England, Friday there, Saturday in England. It's useful. Time, important.
Not when your thinking how your daughter is in the USA and living in England, Friday there, Saturday in England. It's useful. Time, important.
If I am thinking about my daughter Now, it is not Tomorrow elsewhere, it is Now everywhere......:)
maths meets the narcissist

... i need you to give me 150% before i give it to you

... how much will you give me ?

... my trust, i will give you my trust that you will give me everything you have... plus more... i need 150% commitment

... lets math that

1.5 > 0 ?
1.5 > 1 = 0 ?
1.5 > trust ?
trust = ?
commitment to give 0 = > 1.5 ? = ? (=0) ?

look ! your not understanding me !
everyone is giving 110% on this and i need you to deliver 150% !

everyone understands that !

... so your paying 150% ?

what ? ...

for fun ...
what if you are thinking about someone who is thinking about something in the past
you are thinking in the present about them
but you are presently thinking
they are thinking in the past as a current time
you are thinking about a thought of the present which is currently in the present but is a past time frame

if one applys schrodenger ... does your present thought become a past thought once they tell you that they are thinking in the past, or does their past thought become a present thought now they know they are being thought of in the present

common sayings .. "i was thinking about you"
means you are in the now saying you were in the past thinking in the present
which then makes the past "thinking of you" to become a present, "thought about you"
which in turn is emotional communication spanning the past and the present.