The Post Whatever Thread

if the rampaging cow is chasing people, who are the police chasing ?
the Polizei are chasing the cow.
the article is linked in the title
...but it kelps...


But here is something you - or any other poster - can answer

What is the definition of a second?

You are welcome to provide the
  • crude every day common definition or the
  • super duper accurate science definition
Obviously more questions will follow but let's see what you produce with this first one and bonus cookies if you spot where you think I might be going with questions


Michael345, Day and Night are divided into twenty-four hours. Midday is when the Sun is at it's highest point. Each hour is further divided into sixty-minutes, sixty-seconds, and a hundred milliseconds. I agree with you that this is not a measure of time: merely changes in Space (the Earth's rotation around the Sun.) :)
...but it kelps...

Michael345, Day and Night are divided into twenty-four hours. Midday is when the Sun is at it's highest point. Each hour is further divided into sixty-minutes, sixty-seconds, and a hundred milliseconds. I agree with you that this is not a measure of time: merely changes in Space (the Earth's rotation around the Sun.) :)

Well you have seem to have accepted that there is no such animal as TIME and the second (as all so called measurements of TIME are arbitrary and adjustable) and not linked to anything actually in existence

Yes, I accept that Michael345. But how do you rationalise that a series of PRESENTS are NOT time?
Because there is NOT a series of PRESENTS

Reality is not a start /stop (series)

NOW exist - that is it for the whole of the Universe

Changes occur within NOW but NOW does not click over to a different NOW

There is no expansion of NOW

Us Minions can put a arbitrary marker, watch changes, make another arbitrary mark and proclaim the difference as being time

In reality since NOW never "moved" NOW did not create time

Stuff within NOW changed as it AGED and AGE is not TIME

It's important to separate NOW from the stuff within NOW

Coffee moment

Not a series of nows, but One gigantic block of NOW........o_O
Same as not a series of heres, but One gigantic block of HERE......o_O

Can't escaped it, wherever we go we're always in the now.....:)

The same as whenever we go, we're always in the here......:)
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Not a series, but One gigantic block of NOW........o_O
I would contend that image gives the impression of NOW implies that the past extends out backwards and the future out forward

I contend NOW has no thickness

As a thought image only you can observe NOW as a mass of flickering dots (you can't of course because that means you are observing NOW from a future vantage point - but as mentioned this is a thought image)

Moving to side of the flickering dots NOTHING CAN BE SEEN

Can't escaped it, wherever we go we're always in the now.....

Agree, you are one of the flickering dots forming ever changing pattern

The same as , whenever we go we're always in the here......:)

Which is in continuous flux
