The Post Whatever Thread

The crazy thing I remember from those kinds of movies is that when someone hears a noise in the house they run out of their house into the woods and they always trip...good things never happen after that...:)
hahaha That's so true! And the creature/monster/whatever that is following them, moves like a snail, yet always catches up.
hahaha That's so true! And the creature/monster/whatever that is following them, moves like a snail, yet always catches up.
Also they never die, no matter what happens to them. They fall from a 10 story building, someone sets them on fire, everyone is relieved and then just at the end of the movie a few charred fingers move and you know there's going to be a sequel...
Also they never die, no matter what happens to them. They fall from a 10 story building, someone sets them on fire, everyone is relieved and then just at the end of the movie a few charred fingers move and you know there's going to be a sequel...
hahahaha Yep.

And the beast/monster/ghost/whatever is everyyywhere. The main character is trying to escape...gets in their car and drives for miles. Gets out of the car...panting, and letting out sighs of relief. And then...there's the beast/monster...he's in the car. lol What? -_O
Einstein death.jpg

April 18, 1955
Albert Einstein/Date of death
Age 76

If a Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ruptures I would think death would be to quick to arrange surgery

Some details

How a Torn Aorta Can Do Lethal Damage
  • Dec. 20, 2010
The death of the veteran diplomat Richard C. Holbrooke last week shocked Americans and his many colleagues around the world. Mr. Holbrooke, 69, was a larger-than-life figure, a fearless and robust man who was apparently struck down without warning.

He became ill on a Friday, and was dead by Monday. According to government officials, the cause was a tear in his aorta, the artery that carries blood from the heart to vessels that feed the rest of the body.

The great physicist Albert Einstein passes away in Princeton Hospital, New Jersey on 18 April 1955. The cause of his death was the rupture of an aneurysm, which had already been reinforced by surgery in 1948.

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Interesting how divided the US is on the Chauvin trial. He’s either guilty of the highest charge or should be acquitted. From what I’ve learned in the trial, an acquittal seems unlikely but who knows.
facial rec is hot on all decks
smile for the camera
so we can spam ya
drive byes & crazies
got digital lazies
running social mazes
looking for dazers n crazers drive byes
groups and the live wires
pandamania pandemica pandamonium plathora
madness & crazies becomes social euphoria

mind how you go lad
its all a bit mad out there

is it a vehicle
is it a weapon filled with explosives ?

where are the indicators, & rear view mirror & who smashed the wing mirrors off ?
how old are the seat belts ?
are the seats proper seats or do the seat belts need to be full harness to comply with the inadequate seating ?

is it a vehicle
is it a weapon filled with explosives ?

where are the indicators, & rear view mirror & who smashed the wing mirrors off ?
how old are the seat belts ?
are the seats proper seats or do the seat belts need to be full harness to comply with the inadequate seating ?

that don't look comfortable
This article is from the NT News issue of Monday, 19 Apr

TINY STITCH IS ALL HEARTNT News Stitch lizard 19 April 2021.jpg

A ONE-WEEK-OLD lizard has become one of the smallest patients to undergo surgery at a Queensland vet clinic.

The spiny-tailed water monitor named Stitch found himself at The Unusual Pet Vets at Jindalee after he was born with an exposed heart, covered by only a thin membrane.

Despite weighing just 4g when he was presented for surgery in March, Stitch held a big place in owner Tim Kelly’s heart.

“I panicked when I first saw his exposed heart because I’d never seen anything like it before,” Mr Kelly said.

“A lot of breeders might have put him to sleep but I think every animal deserves to have a life. He’s a little bit special and he absolutely isn’t going anywhere.”

Vet surgeon Dr Josh Llinas anaesthetised the hatchling before elevating his skin from the edging of the muscles and suturing it.

Stitch was running around as normal the next day and had completely healed by his check-up in early April.

Mr Kelly was pleasantly surprised to fork out just a few hundred dollars for the intricate surgery.

Copyright © 2021 News Pty Limited

Is there nothing in the NT we can't do and report on?

is india about to run out of food ?

all those elitist celebrities who paid money to support those slave master maharaja farmers who have crippled indias food supply
and now there is food shortages

funded by people donating to the protesting farmers driving their tractors in circles to cripple national food supply to protest their own profit margins

how many poor indians will they starve to death for their profit margin protests
probably thousands

its a mad world
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