The Post Whatever Thread

Any ideas on how to “remove” the strong scent permeating a room due to a half-spilled bottle of perfume? o_O

Thankfully, the smell is awesome but it’s just overpowering. I’ve tried using white vinegar on a damp cloth on the carpet where the spill happened, but it’s not working.

The pharmacy at the hospital where I worked used to make its own brand of odour eater. No smell of its own and only a few drops needed to lower if not eliminate some bodily malfunctions

The pharmacy called their concoction Odour de Canal

Came in 10 or 20 ml bottles and just needed to shake out a few drops

I'm guessing while the name would be different there would be a saleable public version on the market

Best of luck

Sniffer crocs.jpg

NT News newspaper Darwin Australia 1 April 2021

This article is from the NT News issue of Thursday, 1 Apr Sniffer crocs on patrol Darwin Airport introduces new line of defence CROCODILES will soon be welcoming tourists and returning residents into the Top End, with a new sniffer croc biosecurity service on patrol to detect illegal items. In a world-first , highly trained crocodiles will help identify illicit substances, with the new service rolled out at Darwin International Airport in the coming days. Darwin Airport executive general manager operations Rob Porter said he was delighted to launch the new service in Darwin. “We have strongly supported the development of this service and expect the service to work side-by-side with other services we offer at the airport,” Mr Porter said. “There is a real value in using crocodiles for this purpose , they are uniquely Territorian and have a life span up to 70 years, so investing early in training certainly pays off.” The new ‘Croc Sniffing’ service has been developed in partnership with Crocodylus Park, who selected each crocodile for the specialised training. “Crocodiles have a brain in which the smell centres are simply huge,” Crocodylus Park owner Grahame Webb said. “They have an extraordinary sense of smell and are more intelligent than most people realise.” Mr Webb said the program had been in the works for some time, with increased safety procedures at Darwin Airport providing ample space and time for on-site training. “Park staff have spent considerable time selecting crocodiles with the right temperament,” he said. “Similar to choosing the right guide dog, sniffer crocs had to meet certain criteria. I’m delighted Crocodylus Park could play a part in developing this unique service.” Copyright © 2021 News Pty Limited

Darwin does it again

Sniffer dogs old hat, come to Darwin and have you and luggage sniffed by crocodile

As you can see in the photo jaws are taped closed to prevent croc chewing up luggage to get to the drugs

Croc happy.gif

Sitting outside and love how the sky is so blue, today. I’m not a fan of cloudy, sunny days. But, enjoy the calm of a rainy day, go figure.
Any ideas on how to “remove” the strong scent permeating a room due to a half-spilled bottle of perfume? o_O

Thankfully, the smell is awesome but it’s just overpowering. I’ve tried using white vinegar on a damp cloth on the carpet where the spill happened, but it’s not working.
I think you are doing the right thing. The smell will of course dissipate with time.

I did see where after the water and vinegar treatment you can use some baking sofa. Apparently setting a bowl of ground coffee in the room for a couple of days removes the rest of the smell.
I think you are doing the right thing. The smell will of course dissipate with time.

I did see where after the water and vinegar treatment you can use some baking sofa. Apparently setting a bowl of ground coffee in the room for a couple of days removes the rest of the smell.
Ah, ground coffee is a good idea. The smell has lessened so not too bad, today.
Real perfume, I’m not sure what fake perfume is? lol

real perfume has real oils in it
fake perfume is made of laboratory chemicals simulating smells

also some real perfumes contain alcohol
while other contain oil as the majority ingredient to carry/base dilute & infuse the specific oil

the alcohol lifts the oil into the skin or fabric
lifting out the smell is likely to damage the coloring of the carpet

you may be able to rinse out some proportion by using straight alcohol but that too risks lifting the colour out and is hazardous to use

if its a chemical / fake
then it will be very very hard to lift out properly(almost impossible)
only real answer is using a chemical odor neutralizer and expecting it to take months

if its oil based you need to use soaps

if its real oil with alcohol
soap is safest half fix, then some odor neutralizer a few days later to mask it slightly

real perfume will never wash out(real oils)
fake perfume may be possible to be masked using odor neutralizer after some months of several applications

keeping in mind
a lot of people probably think fake perfumes are real(because they are in liquid form and in a bottle & contain alcohol)
when they are artificial smells created in a lab and then applied to alcohol
what is your end game ?
species extinction or world harmony ?

asking for a friend
(poking around in things you shouldn't)

hope for the best plan for a drunken party of idiots
it has no money back options
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my opinion
perez hilton is a shit stirring a-hole
who will flame anyone he can to make himself famous and grab attention
real gutter paparazzi style

lives in the world of fake news conspiracy's and anti-vaxer reality as mainstream media valued content

all those sad desperate jealousy & greed riddled addicts who made tv reality drama ego TV popular lined his pockets

im not saying i think he should be cancelled
because free speech
so im having my free speech
like he has

he is complete shit & a gutter crawler
high society likes a gutter crawling gossip bitch
they add spice to their party's
dont cancel him
& the girls like to be able to get a bit dirty on their days off
it helps them acclimatize to the filthy male dominated world
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Ingenuity Mars helicopter

The Ingenuity Mars helicopter will attempt the first controlled, powered flight on Mars no earlier than April 8, according to NASA.

A postage stamp-size piece of muslin fabric that covered one of the wings from the Wright brothers' Flyer 1 is attached to a cable beneath the helicopter's solar panel.

Wright and Integrity.jpg
Photo from

What a tribute

Article text from


It's important to know how your Council works!

It seems a hobby farmer on the city’s outskirts sought council permission to erect a Horse Shelter.

Permission was denied, leading to a typical protracted one sided negotiation with Council, but with beaurocracy winning.

Exasperated the property owner wrote “I suppose you wouldn’t even allow me to put a table and chairs out there...”.

“Of course a table and chairs are permissible” replied council.
Table and chairs horse shelter.jpg

•Apr 4, 2021

North Koreans ordered to produce impossible amount of human manure every day to help save agriculture: report

At around 5 or after and after North Koreans being ordered to give their pet dog for restaurant meat?

Right I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this :leaf:

It's more like a help request cause Kim Jong Whatnot could pretty much be vying to become the poster boy for assassination. Can it deemed that Kim deserves to die?

That's an unlikeable question to ask but are Iraq and Afghanistan better off now without Saddam and some Taliban?
•Apr 4, 2021

North Koreans ordered to produce impossible amount of human manure every day to help save agriculture: report

At around 5 or after and after North Koreans being ordered to give their pet dog for restaurant meat?

Right I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this :leaf:

It's more like a help request cause Kim Jong Whatnot could pretty much be vying to become the poster boy for assassination. Can it deemed that Kim deserves to die?

That's an unlikeable question to ask but are Iraq and Afghanistan better off now without Saddam and some Taliban?
I recall reading about this guy wanting pet owners to give up their dogs because he felt it represented western culture. Might have been last year - I’ll need to find the article. Can’t wrap my head around it, either. -_-
I recall reading about this guy wanting pet owners to give up their dogs because he felt it represented western culture. Might have been last year - I’ll need to find the article. Can’t wrap my head around it, either. -_-

99% of north koreans would only have animals for food
and those that had animals would be the upper class
the lower class who had animals would be animals owned by someone else like a lord in a feudal system
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