The Post Whatever Thread


Right I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this :leaf:

As well you should. It seems at the least biased and at the worst just largely one sided and perhaps, mostly made up.

These people have a different perspective:

The Humanitarian Impact of Sanctions on North Korea
Since North Korea conducted its first nuclear test in 2006, the UN Security Council has imposed nearly a dozen sanctions against the country, adding to unilateral U.S. sanctions. While advocates of sanctions may regard them as a peaceful alternative to military action, there is evidence that sanctions take a significant humanitarian toll on the North Korean people, restricting the work of NGOs, humanitarian agencies, and aid groups that provide a lifeline for some 13 million vulnerable North Koreans. In direct contravention of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, sanctions punish North Korean civilians for the actions of their government.Here’s how sanctions harm ordinary North Koreans:Sanctions hinder urgently needed humanitarian aid and could result in devastating long-term effects. ●According to a 2018 UNICEF report, 200,000 North Korean children already suffer from acute malnutrition, and sanctions put 60,000 of these vulnerable children at risk of starvation due to the disruption in the availability of humanitarian supplies caused by tightening sanctions.●Unilateral US sanctions delay or outright block vital humanitarian shipments to the North Korean people. One NGO recently reported that it took them over a year and a half to ship 16 boxes of beans to the DPRK.●Sanctions passed in 2017 prohibit the transport of any metal goods, significantly hampering the shipment of basic medical supplies. A shipment of reproductive health kits was subjected to significant delay because it contained aluminum steam sterilizers —the most important part of the kit.Sanctions target North Korea’s civilian economy and harm the most vulnerable members of its population.●Current sanctions have the greatest impact not on the power elites who are the intended targets, but on the most vulnerable North Koreans: working-class families, particularly children and seniors living in remote areas with restricted access to medical supplies, food, and fuel for cooking and heating.●Additionally, bans on exports and the dispatch of workers abroad impact the ability of ordinary citizens to support their livelihood.The ban on textile exports in particular is exerting a disproportionate effect on female employment, which represents the majority of the labor force in that sector. ●Sanctions on the fishing, garment and coal industries, coupled with South Korea's decision to close a joint factory complex employing more than 50,000 North Koreans, will deprive many people of income in an increasingly market-based economy.
The Korean War will not be resolved through more sanctions, military pressure, and isolation, but by building trust through dialogue and negotiation. A commitment to improving the already dire humanitarian situation in North Korea would go a long way toward demonstrating the U.S.’s sincere commitment to normalizing relations. Humanitarian issues must be decoupled from negotiations over North Korea’s nuclear program, and, at a minimum, any sanctions must be modified to allow the timely delivery of humanitarian aid to those who need it the most
Piers Morgan & Tucker Carlson

what a pair


imagine them babysitting your children (or interacting with them in public, leaving impressions on your young daughters)


i warned you not to watch fox news with tucker Carlson & Piers Morgan
but you didn't believe me
NOW do you believe me

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dirty monkey is jumping up and down trying to poop on my head
so it can put poop on the entire world and then claim it knows everything there is about poop-world
and be king of the poop mountain

speaking of human personality models
i ran into the couple of guys whom i thought were mid to late 30s making jokes in a all ages all genders membership area
saying "sweating like a pedophile" out loud so others could hear

turns out they are both significantly younger than i had thought
only around early 20s.
heavily toxic masculinity matched with extreme sexism and fear
all coddled together in putrid vulgar bully sexist predatory personality models

it was enlightening and a relief to know they are not older than 25(frontal lobe maturation)
such toxic masculinity is extremely common and in ideal circumstances a transitional period lasting no more than a year or 3
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That feeling when you look for two threads you started a while back and they’re both locked. lol Guess I didn’t notice then, maybe I wasn’t as active but looks like both ended in bickering. :rolleye:
That feeling when you look for two threads you started a while back and they’re both locked. lol Guess I didn’t notice then, maybe I wasn’t as active but looks like both ended in bickering. :rolleye:

How about when you see an old thread and think, that looks interesting, I'll check it out and then you realize you started it.:)
That feeling when you have a post partially composed from earlier left here, and you’re thankful you didn’t post it. Grateful for small interruptions that prevented me from pressing “post reply.” ;)
is will smith the richest black republican in the usa ?
props for him pulling out of georgia as they turn their laws into fascist 1930s nazi germany type bullshit
he sure isn't the blackest republican in the USA that's for sure

WTF moments for your children to read around the camp fire

Jones said he is backing Trump because the president has backed initiatives including increased funding for historically Black colleges and universities, signed criminal justice reform and created “the most inclusive economy ever.“

whats next in sweat ol Georgia ?(who knows)

you going to sit around & wait for your pension fund to be wiped out & made homeless ?

yall cray cray mo-fo's gotta woke the hella up

hanging on for more of the dirty monkey story ?

butt your an ambulance chaser

dirty monkey is looking for a tree to swing from
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Random question - if you were out for the day and came home to find the front door of your house ajar, would you walk in and search the house?

This is so common in film. Lol I’m not calling out “hello anyone here?” as I lurk about the house with a baseball bat. What?! -_O
I'd walk in and search the house but I'd dispense with the conversational pleasantries.:)

Freddy...Freddy Kruger is that you?
I'd walk in and search the house but I'd dispense with the conversational pleasantries.:)

Freddy...Freddy Kruger is that you?
Lmao! That’s funny. I just marvel that this is such a common theme in suspense thrillers. No one I know (including me) would do this. Most people in films are wielding baseball bats or fireplace pokers. Suppose the intruder is a, there’s a dilemma no one ever considers. Can’t rule anything out these days.
Lmao! That’s funny. I just marvel that this is such a common theme in suspense thrillers. No one I know (including me) would do this. Most people in films are wielding baseball bats or fireplace pokers. Suppose the intruder is a, there’s a dilemma no one ever considers. Can’t rule anything out these days.

The crazy thing I remember from those kinds of movies is that when someone hears a noise in the house they run out of their house into the woods and they always trip...good things never happen after that...:)