The Post Whatever Thread

Have you ever been a member of a forum that started off with diverse (political) opinions but over time, spiraled into an alt-right echo chamber? :rolleye: I guess people’s ideologies really can be bullied swayed via the Internet.​
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Does it now? Just because I live here, you can tell everything about what I think, how and why I think it.

Why, you're in the wrong place. You should be in charge of the world.

Just stay the hell out of Texas with that bullshit.

Texas sounds interesting......
I have something in mind that I think could work as a collaborative effort between Texas and the two cities of Calgary and Edmonton Alberta......

Here is me attempting to explain how this general concept could in theory set in motion a series of events that could lead to Canada, the USA, Israel and Australia having a balanced budget rather quickly and soon begin to pay down their national debts with amazing rapidity.

But..... as in everything that I write... this is flawed... due to my ignorance of relevant and important variables that would need to be well known before this could actually be pulled off?????

..... Theoretically a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Hour" and / or a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Dollar" and / or a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Shekel" could be used to pay off the national debts of both the USA as well as Israel.

..... Dennis Tate
Central - Nova, N. S., B0J3C0, Canada
April 20, 2021

Mr. Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States of America:

Re: Proposal for the Creation of a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Hour" and / or "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Dollar."

Dear Mr. President:

I myself attempt to do one thousand hours annually as a volunteer writer all over the internet troubleshooting serious problems. I taught English as a Second Language in Quito, Ecuador in 2001 and 2002 and some of what I write has my former students at La Escula del Futuro and Universidad Technologica de Israel de Quito in mind as I write but YOU SIR ARE IN MY OPINION THE NUMBER ONE VOLUNTEER ON THIS EARTH at this critical time in history!!!!!!!!!

Last Saturday my wife had me listening to Prophet Robin Bullock and he predicted NEW MONEY because the old money had "cobwebs on it!"

Dr. Cindy Jacobs predicted that the time was coming when the USA dollar and the Canadian dollar would go to par value.

.... "The Constitution prohibits individual states from printing and issuing paper money as legal tender, but they are allowed to use coins as currency, said Gatch. Individual communities, however, are able to create their own currencies -- including paper notes. Anyone can do it -- as long as the money is easily distinguishable from U.S. dollars and values are tied to the U.S. dollar so that income remains taxable." (Blake Ellis, CNN Money, Local Currencies in the USA We Don't Trust, January 27, 2012).

Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 :
... "Jesus said that this unbelieving world is not going to accept you, but He said, “Do not fear, for I have overcome the world.” What is it that is bothering you today? You might not think that you have access to the Father, but it has been provided to you. You might think that you cannot just go to the Father and ask Him for something. The first thing you should ask the Father is to open your eyes. Your relationship with God is going to drive out fear. You have to grasp that God is not limiting you. He has never limited you. The Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost and took the ceiling off. You can go as high and as far as you want.

If you would believe, God would give you the ability to completely pay off our national debt. God has a way of paying off our debt in our country. There is a way to do it. God knows that secret. But instead of focusing on our country, what about focusing on your bills? What does the Holy Spirit want to tell you by pulling back a veil that will cause you to be debt-free within the year? That will happen if you believe. The Holy Spirit has so much more for you, but you have limited Him. Because you have limited Him, He can’t speak to you. Because of that, people that are prophetic can’t come to you and confirm what God has said because you won’t hear it.

You can trust God. Relationships that you are having trouble with can be resolved tomorrow morning. If you accept what God is saying, the Spirit of God will enforce a blessing in your life to the point where you will see your family members and friends start to respond. " (Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 )

This message will be going out to dozens of your support groups all over the internet soon and it is important to know that I believe that this must be accomplished from the nation of Israel for many reasons. More information on this can be found at:

"After the Abraham Peace Accord turn deserts green..."
on politicalforum .com by DennisTate.

God bless you and keep you Sir!

Shalom from Nova Scotia, Canada.

Dennis Tate

p. s. Other than for the aspects of this that will be done from the nation of Israel much of this can be accomplished from the two cities of Edmonton and Calgary Alberta..... and Red Deer, Alberta that is pretty much in the middle between these two cities. Sir.... please consider you and Mr. Michael J. Lindell producing a semi-reality science fiction film series set in the time of Premier Bible Bill Aberhart?
the pure un adulterated insanity becomes quite full on
layers of bullshit mind games and lies
mixed together like a big swimming pool full of shit, blood and vomit with people throwing trinkets in(claiming they are highly valuable) trying to get people to dive in

4.5 hours for 2 people to put on 1 load of washing & straiten 1 bed & weed 1 wheel barrow full

and supposedly they are all pedals to the floor


instead of placing his dirty underwear into the dirty washing basket he deliberately carefully drapes his dirty underwear on top of clean towels over the edge of the washing basket laying it on clean towels

like a dog pissing on things

in his mind it is a game of macho(his fragile egg shell ego underneath)
trying to be the dirtiest dog to be king dog fighting himself to be king monkey poop thrower who everyone else fears and obeys
the dirty monkey throwing poop(with an excuse carefully manufactured ready and waiting of "i didn't realize its just an accident your being too clean and fussy")
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I had a dream last night
Wherein i was a teacher
and the teachers had to drive a school buss to pick up their students
Things began to go wrong
When i got to the motor pool
My bus seemed to have been turned into a storage facility
There were few seats, and pipes and debris were lying on the floor
On further inspection, I discovered that the bus had no motor
So, I had to find someone in charge, explain the problem and wait
after awhile
someone delivered a bus for me to use
it was a 74 passenger bus
I did not know anything about teaching and was shocked that I was expected to teach a class of 74 students
Later, I came upon a deranged half dressed woman kneeling in the middle of the road
(of course I stopped the bus and got out)
One of the senior members of the teaching staff was there
He seemed to know something about the situation, so I asked him about the woman in the road
And, he said
"It's nothing, She is just the first one to succumb to the pressure"
I tried to help the woman up, but she began flailing about and screaming and shaking
I awoke

many years ago, I had decided not to be a teacher
I had a dream last night
Wherein i was a teacher
and the teachers had to drive a school buss to pick up their students
Things began to go wrong
When i got to the motor pool
My bus seemed to have been turned into a storage facility
There were few seats, and pipes and debris were lying on the floor
On further inspection, I discovered that the bus had no motor
So, I had to find someone in charge, explain the problem and wait
after awhile
someone delivered a bus for me to use
it was a 74 passenger bus
I did not know anything about teaching and was shocked that I was expected to teach a class of 74 students
Later, I came upon a deranged half dressed woman kneeling in the middle of the road
(of course I stopped the bus and got out)
One of the senior members of the teaching staff was there
He seemed to know something about the situation, so I asked him about the woman in the road
And, he said
"It's nothing, She is just the first one to succumb to the pressure"
I tried to help the woman up, but she began flailing about and screaming and shaking
I awoke

many years ago, I had decided not to be a teacher

i had a very odd dream 2 nights ago
which i probably should not detail
it was odd
it involved a very attractive woman with unknown fascination of my cell phone
or so i thought in a paranoid way
she was one of the most attractive women i have been near & extremely seductive energy like a long term gf in true love
it left me with a feeling of trepidation & desire, hope & a feeling of loss
all mixed together
and wondering what else's was going on in the dream which was quite involved.
she seemed a bit younger than me(adult) & i found myself wondering why should would not be interested in someone(adult) a bit younger.
wow she is hot ! feeling was soo intimate it was like during having very intimate sex but not a sexually hard desire, like love and sex mixed together.
i had a very odd dream 2 nights ago
which i probably should not detail
it was odd
it involved a very attractive woman with unknown fascination of my cell phone
or so i thought in a paranoid way
she was one of the most attractive women i have been near & extremely seductive energy like a long term gf in true love
it left me with a feeling of trepidation & desire, hope & a feeling of loss
all mixed together
and wondering what else's was going on in the dream which was quite involved.
she seemed a bit younger than me(adult) & i found myself wondering why should would not be interested in someone(adult) a bit younger.
wow she is hot ! feeling was soo intimate it was like during having very intimate sex but not a sexually hard desire, like love and sex mixed together.

Whatever .
hell man
You don't get a kick out of listening to the story of someone else's wet dream?

lol it is not a wet dream

River is jealous
but attacking
trying to hurt because river feels inadequate

social ineptness

common human negative behavior
Seattle does the same but in a different flavor thinking he is puppet master playing people and pulling their strings for his amusement

such sadism bores me

dreams are fascinating
whats with the heavy incel vibes ?

flame grilled sexy dic fest

i have lost so much weight that the only thing that fits my undies is my tool box

i had a personality once, but it got foreclosed on by my heavily in debt sexuality to pay for my terrible ego problems

quick thought
global reality
bit F_cked up
but very real
how many anti-vaxers are working for the government in border security & airports, ports etc

hows that going to play out ?
when you sign the contract you agree to get all vaccinations deemed compulsory yes ?

so they already agreed to it
so they can be fired & they already agreed to the terms.
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Definitely feeling the need to smash some living animal to death & play with its internal organs
or at the very least smash a lot of other peoples stuff and watch them discover it

In the religion of ancient Rome, a haruspex (plural haruspices; also called aruspex) was a person trained to practice a form of divination called haruspicy (haruspicina), the inspection of the entrails (exta—hence also extispicy (extispicium)) of sacrificed animals, especially the livers of sacrificed sheep and poultry. The reading of omens specifically from the liver is also known by the Greek term hepatoscopy (also hepatomancy).

The Roman concept is directly derived from Etruscan religion, as one of the three branches of the disciplina Etrusca. Such methods continued to be used well into the Middle Ages, especially among Christian apostates and pagans, with Thomas Becket apparently consulting both a haruspex and a chiromancer prior to a royal expedition against Brittany.[1]

The Latin terms haruspex and haruspicina are from an archaic word, haru = "entrails, intestines" (cognate with hernia = "protruding viscera" and hira = "empty gut"; PIE *ǵʰer-) and from the root spec- = "to watch, observe". The Greek ἡπατοσκοπία hēpatoskōpia is from hēpar = "liver" and skop- = "to examine"
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what type of light saber enhancements do you use ?
yours looks nice & big & strong
The poster was from girlfriend in Bandung. She received it from her son yesterday in WhatsApp

His name is at the top which I didn't notice at first. I'm guessing mine is a screen shot

The gif is is from a gif app where you can add your own text. My new toy :)

The poster was from girlfriend in Bandung. She received it from her son yesterday in WhatsApp

His name is at the top which I didn't notice at first. I'm guessing mine is a screen shot

The gif is is from a gif app where you can add your own text. My new toy :)


i like the dancing troopers thats awesome

reminds me of a facial req question i had about apps
wondering if a lot of apps on cell phones have default so your no longer looking at the face but a re-constituted facial pic

struck me as quite pronounced when i was looking at the face of someone who was undergoing pre and post surgery
i did not know it but i could see their face was changing
they were having fat re-assignment

butt wondering how many cell phone operating systems have facial req as default running able to be hacked

and my skin is cracking & bleeding on my hands
not sure if its toxin exposure or combined allergys & dehydration & skin re growth cycle
which makes things a lot more difficult/annoying when you have to deal with people and their viruses and bacteria

and i learnt how hard it is to brush your teeth and poop at the same time today
with cracked bleeding hands

while eating too many nuts on an almost raw diet
literally chaffing my ass from the inside

could be worse
could have a tiny light saber & terribly short battery's
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