The Post Whatever Thread

how to make
how to make of this.

who are you making out with ?

great speech
did he feel abandoned by the UN for not getting behind him on this ?
did he enter into a confused relationship with the UN where he felt he was then playing on their side
only for them to not do anything ?

did china lean on the usa instead ?
he made his point
global declaration that the usa was prepared to press the button if they pushed them to do so

which was a looming question from the facing off of the 30,000 chemical weapons long range artillery shells that were being warmed up by DPRK to land on Soul.

that was perilously close to ww4 proxy war which would have been probably millions dead in korea and mayhem for japan

sending global computing into chaos
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You actually sound pissed off and I can't predict the future; whether Trump's speech led to productive changes I don't know.
Went to the beach today. So crowded, but the social distance sign was still up. I think we all did pretty well in spacing ourselves out. “We all” = everyone in my vicinity plus me. ;)
Went to the beach today. So crowded, but the social distance sign was still up. I think we all did pretty well in spacing ourselves out. “We all” = everyone in my vicinity plus me. ;)

I got my first Covid shot yesterday at a local pharmacy that was in a store like Walmart (Fred Meyer's). The shot took 30 seconds. I had to wait there about 30 minutes even though I had a specific time appointment. There were about 8 other people waiting and then the rest of the customers from the rest of the store (very crowded). I go back for the second shot in 21 days.

I wondered if I had a greater chance of getting Covid from having to be around so many people (all spaced out and wearing masks) or a lesser chance due to the vaccine:)

It is kind of crazy how, in these times, we can go from very sparse environments (due to Covid) to very crowded environments.

I think it's going to be a while before the climbing gym I used to go to is "back to normal". It's open with limited capacity, mask wearing and scheduled appointments but nothing like before.

I don't know how you would keep a climbing gym "safe" since everyone in there touches all the surfaces. I haven't been there in a year now (although I've saved about $1,000 in gym membership fees).

The beach sounds nice however.
I got my first Covid shot yesterday at a local pharmacy that was in a store like Walmart (Fred Meyer's). The shot took 30 seconds. I had to wait there about 30 minutes even though I had a specific time appointment. There were about 8 other people waiting and then the rest of the customers from the rest of the store (very crowded). I go back for the second shot in 21 days.

I wondered if I had a greater chance of getting Covid from having to be around so many people (all spaced out and wearing masks) or a lesser chance due to the vaccine:)

It is kind of crazy how, in these times, we can go from very sparse environments (due to Covid) to very crowded environments.

I think it's going to be a while before the climbing gym I used to go to is "back to normal". It's open with limited capacity, mask wearing and scheduled appointments but nothing like before.

I don't know how you would keep a climbing gym "safe" since everyone in there touches all the surfaces. I haven't been there in a year now (although I've saved about $1,000 in gym membership fees).

The beach sounds nice however.
Yes, my day sounds way better than yours. lol

Re: your gym - yea, it's difficult to really get a good workout wearing a mask. Quite uncomfortable, and probably not worth it. But, I bet you miss it. :redface:
Yes, my day sounds way better than yours. lol

Re: your gym - yea, it's difficult to really get a good workout wearing a mask. Quite uncomfortable, and probably not worth it. But, I bet you miss it. :redface:
I do miss it but climbing wall with a mask on isn't all that fun and just the nature of a climbing gym (with everyone touching everything) is the opposite of what we've all been trying to do. I'll climb outside in the summer but I don't see going back to an indoor climbing gym for quite a while.

I'd hate to be the gym owner. He owns 3 large climbing gyms in this area. Expensive to maintain when you can't pack them.
You actually sound pissed off and I can't predict the future; whether Trump's speech led to productive changes I don't know.

lol you
you actually dont be gett'n what you want
and try'n to change what im say'n by make'n up some emotional narrative bullshit

what did you say about which world leader ?

you want people to say bad things about people so you can feel like the puppet master
so you can then point at them and say
go beat them up they dont like you
look how emotional they are

& then claim your not involved in politics
& claim your stoned so it suddenly doesnt mean anything

& then you get upset because you cant gas light me

so you try to emotionally gas light me

whether Trump's speech led to productive changes I don't know

who wrote the speech ?

what annoys me is your ignorance to the situation that triggered the speech environment
the global climate crisis pressures he didn't want to acknowledge
the chemical weapons threat being pointed at south Korea which, had it happened
killed 5 million people within 24 to 48 hours and brought the global economy to collapse
with Russia china & USA allies fingers sitting ready n nuclear launch buttons

very very very close

meanwhile the usa was continuing its gaming of the UN even though the USA effectively helped create the UN
all to fuel power to globalism and oppose NATO
which it also was supposed to be a part of

gaming the entire world
to a point where potential global nuclear war was now back on the table

and here is the usa president
making a global statement
he is ready to push the button if they do

while south koreans stayed awake at night listening for the air raid sirens that sarin nerve gas shells would be landing on their citys
& japan watched its radars to see if a nuke was being launched at Tokyo

thankfully putin has backed his troops off from the ukraine border
a sign sanity is still in control of something

russia will no sooner give up crimea as china will give up hong kong

while american selfish capitalist narcissists game the entire world & claim nothing is their fault
so hence your comments are somewhat symptomatic of the actual problems(as potentially innocent as they may be purported to be)

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Well, here's 47 minutes.

National Geographic and a funky sound track.

If you're bored that is.

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i just had a shower
but all i can taste is someone else(male)
like they have pissed in the water
and i can taste and feel the water chemicals
and the other person
double eewww
toxins and urine & that is supposed to be my version of clean
I will cherish a mental image.

Forever thanks.

thanking the lord for small mercy's
is when i dont get covered in someones perfume at the same time so i get a trifecta of sensory collisions

its hard to feel yourself when your soaked in other peoples fluid smells & chemicals & perfumes

not uncommon in my world

currently my skin is all fucked up and splitting
which is really annoying
like being stabbed with needles every time you go to do something
or having a needle sticking out of your finger
typing hurts
but im trying to ignore that
its just pain and i know where its coming from

its the open wounds able to pick up any virus or bacteria that has me on edge
aside from the regular hand sanitizing when it feels like someone just set fire to a few of my fingers
thats quite entertaining

its not a perfect world
my internet connection is complete shit today
open but no data transfer
slower than dial up (literally)

old fashioned 56k dial up is a lot faster than this adsl2

adsl2 running at about 8k

looks like the national isp is giving priority to page loads to fake their core customers to make sure they don't get complaints
but they are throttling their premium content between 500k & 750 DL rate
line tested DL international rate is around 9MBPS which is fast enough for professional use
useless for gaming because jitter is around 25 & packet loss is around 3% consistently

which is useless for all cloud & online streaming services
youtube is quite useless at those rates because it has constant hangs and stalls

the average rate for YouTube which has been given priority access to band width is around 400k max, but with stalls and drop outs
dare not think what the jitter is or packet loss

reminds me of a conversation i was having with a lending officer who works from home
working on people loans and financial accounts
they were talking about how fiber was slow for them
they didn't really understand the way it all works and felt fiber was still too slow
when in reality its not the fiber

the whole false debate around internet download speed and quality of line
packet loss jitter & throttling programs along with types of server access for cloud access etc

the new thing is everyone working from home accessing the cloud
but the cloud cant cope
and they are all lying through their asses about it(talking completely shit)

all the lies and ignorance drives me bat shit crazy

i wonder if they are giving Facebook all the band width because they make the most money off the advertising on Facebook

globally the internet is fucked
because everyone is working from home which is business and they should be paying more for the internet systems
but they are not
and all the private consumers are now being made to pay for business getting free hand outs for all their employees working from home eating all the band width and data

what a bunch of scam artists
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Labor pains
Food baby
Gender reveal party
boy or girl
i am feeling a bit hurt because i was not invited to a birthday party
even though i would have been thinking of reasons not to go
and not going would have been preferred by 1 person whom i would want to keep happy

the not being asked was part of another persons plan to avoid subjects around who is being spent money on
to avoid thoughts around who has been influencing others money/earning

sometimes the world is just soo fucked up its easier to watch it burn from a safe distance than to step in and try & be part of the genocidal inferno

ultimately im getting what i want in not being asked
eve though i was asked
and only asked at the last moment
when it was too late for me to go(while they were looking for a reason to say why they didnt ask me, which i knew so i changed for observational & educational purposes)
but the reason for not being asked by those who would have been asked to ask me(who were looking for reasons to make up lies around why they didnt ask me)
is what kinda grates
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dont think so
i think its market hedging by the duopolys
only 2 primary carriers
1 of which owns international links

all the new cell phone customers wanting to stream 4k youtube on their facebook on cell phones
its a bit multi faceted fucked up
35% of all business internet traffic has now been re directed to home urban networks
NOTE call centers involving massive traffic have pushed around 25 to 30% of their staff to work from home
this will carrying around 40% of total traffic for business volume on a daily basis roughly
NOT counting all staff now working from home several days per week
while most companys shift to cloud servers resulting in MASSIVE new burden on national internet systems
with those businesses not paying for their equal use

but everyone is buying new 4K Tv's and 5G cell phones for $2,000.00 each
and then wanting lux HD 4k 5G streaming on their tiny fucking screens
while they have 1001 different apps running on their huge ram & huge processor cell phones making citys white hot with Radio wave radiation with routers hot-spots & aerials shoved up every butt possible
fucking morons

just so they can feel they are keeping up with an imaginary self illusion
while wasting massive amounts of oil & creating massive amounts of pollution

they are using it
so they should be paying for it
but thy dont want to
& the isp's will work with them to avoid them having to pay their fair share of what they use

star link WILL solve issues though

have you seen any flying Chinese home delivery lately ?
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