The Nonsense of Atheists

can you object to those whose morals are also determined by their own authority, and they don't feel empathy, steal, rape and kill?

Certainly I can, since if their actions hurt others then they should be prevented from doing so. Society has a pretty good method for sorting this out. :rolleyes:
Based on what I've seen, It seems to be he's right and if you don't agree, your (SIC) a "leftist liberal (SIC) ...".


Oh the sublime ignorance....

1. The contraction of "you are" is "you're," not "your." Such ignorance is terribly common among the self-anointed Left, which is constantly proclaiming itself to be the arbiter of all things brilliant, scientific, logical, and good.

2. "Leftist liberal" is your redundant phrase, not mine. It is quite literally an extension of your ignorant display.

3. It is not I but the self-anointed, arrogant, condescending left which calls down people on my side of the political aisle as "right wing religious extremists." Is not the polar opposite the "godless left"?

The godless left is quite content to mock and ridicule to its heartless content, but let someone fight back in logical counterpart, and you object to the characterization opposite the "religious right." One would think the godless left would be quite proud of NOT being the "zealot" you leftists always make of us, but no, you are quite content to be illogical hypocrites.

Speaking of which, Richard Dawkins, celebrater of Christmas:

Go figure. When atheists aren't busy trying to shove their godless agendas down the throats of Christians, they're busy celebrating CHRISTmas.

ho, ho, ho

You're hardly in a position to be lecturing people on the English language, when you don't know the meaning of "oxymoron" you think homophobia is fear of men. Wouldn't you say?
Go figure. When atheists aren't busy trying to shove their godless agendas down the throats of Christians

that is not true as atheists don't do that. you are just making false accusations so you can paint religion or your political views as right.

the problem with religions is it has been allowed more leniency than it deserves which has the outcome of people becoming more and more thinking they have a right to demand legitimacy just based on their beliefs. it's gotten out of hand and become a monster of it's own.

people don't get called crazy if they say they god told them but they do get labeled crazy if they say they hear voices. people are considered ridiculous if they believe in ghosts, spirits etc but they are not if they believe in the holy spirit etc.

it seems that christianity or islam have gotten some exceptional treatment and yet you think it's not enough. you think it deserves some legitimacy (beyond personal faith) based on none and what is really wrong is that you get upset when others don't recognize something that can't be proven.

let's take a lucid example: let's say i believe in multiverses or ghosts or find the possibility intrigueing. there are a lot of books, stories, movies, and tv shows on them as well as a lot of speculation even on the nature of what it might be but that's different than if i "demanded" it be taken seriously. it's more like an open-ended question and so people don't have a problem with it, even if they personally think it's ridiculous or don't have an opinion either way.

you, however, think christianity or religion deserves some concrete legitimacy and because you believe it does (without any rational or sound reason), you think whatever opposing party is wrong. this is because you set it up to be opposed in this case. if you kept it as a personal faith and shared with others, there may be others who may find it appealing and those who don't. but what christians like you do, it's going to be met with legitimate resisitance and opposition just as if i were to demand that mulitverses and ghosts be taken seriously by all.

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You're hardly in a position to be lecturing people on the English language, when you don't know the meaning of "oxymoron" you think homophobia is fear of men. Wouldn't you say?

1. Name your country, coward.

2. Obviously you are unaware of the developing nature of languages, including English. Many new words have been introduced into the worldwide lexicon since Al Gore "took the initiative in inventing the internet."
Pay attention. There is so much to learn.

3. I demonstrated the self-contradictory nature of "art" using actual dreck.
That you disagree merely puts you into the Elvis Category.
Ten percent of Americans still profess to believe that Elvis is still alive.
No doubt every single one of them voted for Barack Obama.

4. "Homophobia" is Latin. "Homo" means "man."
"Phobia" means "fear." I cannot continue to educate you forever. You must grow up some time.

5. Now, name your "fine" country, coward.

1. Name your country, coward.

It's in my profile. Click on my name. Go to the "About me" tab. Read the information.

Geez, do I have to walk you through everything?

2. Obviously you are unaware of the developing nature of languages, including English. Many new words have been introduced into the worldwide lexicon since Al Gore "took the initiative in inventing the internet."
Pay attention. There is so much to learn.

I don't think "your" and "you're" have developed since Al Gore invented the internet. Hey, I didn't know he invented it. Cool!

3. I demonstrated the self-contradictory nature of "art" using actual dreck.
That you disagree merely puts you into the Elvis Category.
Ten percent of Americans still profess to believe that Elvis is still alive.
No doubt every single one of them voted for Barack Obama.

What? Please explain to me how art is self-contradictory.

Your only argument in the thread about art seems to be that there's certain art that you, personally, don't like.

Don't delude yourself that you've made some insightful statement about art.

4. "Homophobia" is Latin. "Homo" means "man."
"Phobia" means "fear." I cannot continue to educate you forever. You must grow up some time.

And yet my dictionary defines "homophobia" as "prejudice against, fear or dislike of, homosexual people and homosexuality". How about yours? Which one are you using? Just so I can check that you're not telling lies, you understand...

5. Now, name your "fine" country, coward.

Go look it up. I cannot continue to educate you forever.
RenaissanceMan get crazier with every post.

I thought he had us all on his ignore list?
Oh the sublime ignorance....

1. The contraction of "you are" is "you're," not "your." Such ignorance is terribly common among the self-anointed Left, which is constantly proclaiming itself to be the arbiter of all things brilliant, scientific, logical, and good.

2. "Leftist liberal" is your redundant phrase, not mine. It is quite literally an extension of your ignorant display.

3. It is not I but the self-anointed, arrogant, condescending left which calls down people on my side of the political aisle as "right wing religious extremists." Is not the polar opposite the "godless left"?

The godless left is quite content to mock and ridicule to its heartless content, but let someone fight back in logical counterpart, and you object to the characterization opposite the "religious right." One would think the godless left would be quite proud of NOT being the "zealot" you leftists always make of us, but no, you are quite content to be illogical hypocrites.

Speaking of which, Richard Dawkins, celebrater of Christmas:

Go figure. When atheists aren't busy trying to shove their godless agendas down the throats of Christians, they're busy celebrating CHRISTmas.

ho, ho, ho

Wow 93 posts in 3 days. All pissing into the wind.

It's in my profile. Click on my name. Go to the "About me" tab. Read the information.

Geez, do I have to walk you through everything?

I did NOT want to go there. It seemed like walking into some kind of vile place I have not entered and did not wish to enter. But I did so out of respect for your Total Wonderfulness.

So you're an Aussie. You could scarcely have picked a better place, outside of America, to have been born. Brilliant.

Now something about Aussieland that you did not know. I met a lovely family in Italy (or was it Greece) last summer. Two boys with their parents. We had a very nice chat and then I told them this story.

Name for me the least athletic country on earth (by some measure) and the most athletic. They hazarded good guesses, but were far off.

The answer is India and Australia. I computed the number millions of inhabitants per Olympic medal won, given that the country had to have a substantial number of people, say 5,000,000.

I would hasten to add that Australians got the better part of the Darwinian split, when Britain sent her criminals to Australia. How Australia got virtually all of the good-looking women needs to be explained in some detail.

And the teeth - why do Aussies take care of theirs while the Brits cover theirs with brown film and bend them in their sockets!

You came out well, but I'll take America any time. Stay where you are. We will not miss you, I promise.

I don't think "your" and "you're" have developed since Al Gore invented the internet. Hey, I didn't know he invented it. Cool!

And Harry Reid prevented the world from a worldwide depression. He said so.
Stay tuned. You will learn so much here.

What? Please explain to me how art is self-contradictory.

Here are the first 12 definitions from

1. the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.
2. the class of objects subject to aesthetic criteria; works of art collectively, as paintings, sculptures, or drawings: a museum of art; an art collection.
3. a field, genre, or category of art: Dance is an art.
4. the fine arts collectively, often excluding architecture: art and architecture.
5. any field using the skills or techniques of art: advertising art; industrial art.
6. (in printed matter) illustrative or decorative material: Is there any art with the copy for this story?
7. the principles or methods governing any craft or branch of learning: the art of baking; the art of selling.
8. the craft or trade using these principles or methods.
9. skill in conducting any human activity: a master at the art of conversation.
10. a branch of learning or university study, esp. one of the fine arts or the humanities, as music, philosophy, or literature.
11. arts, a. ( used with a singular verb ) the humanities: a college of arts and sciences.
b. ( used with a plural verb ) liberal arts.
12. skilled workmanship, execution, or agency, as distinguished from nature.

Note: 1 "beauty"
5. "skills"
8. "craft or trade"
9. "skill"
12. "skilled"

SOMEONE must make the determination as to what constitutes "beauty" and what does not; what takes "skill" and what is poop on a canvas.
I am as qualified to make such determinations as you or anybody else here, by virtue of my education, travels, and experience in looking at many thousands of objets d'art.

Your only argument in the thread about art seems to be that there's certain art that you, personally, don't like.

And your only argument is that you personally DO like them. I've seen more. I've been more places. I'm better educated. I win.

Your personal taste for all manner of unsavory things does not make such unsavory things "art." If there is no objective manner of establishing precisely what "art" is, then how meaningful is the term? It is not meaningful at all.

Don't delude yourself that you've made some insightful statement about art.

I will not. Clearly only YOU can do that, in all the world. Only YOU have insightful statements to make about art.

And yet my dictionary defines "homophobia" as "prejudice against, fear or dislike of, homosexual people and homosexuality". How about yours? Which one are you using? Just so I can check that you're not telling lies, you understand...

Go look it up. I cannot continue to educate you forever.

Homosexuals as a group have shown themselves to be in-your-face, aggressive, obnoxious, violent, and exceedingly willing to infect others with deadly diseases. Anyone who is tolerant of such conduct would appear to me to have serious mental problems. I think groups which sponsor and condone aberrant behavior are repugnant, and rightfully so.

Do you like sleeping with and boogering other men?
Have you any children?
Would you drop them off with a homosexual to watch your children for several hours? In particular, I'm thinking of the fellow who wrote the book on loving children in a homosexual sort of way.

I have some experience with women, and find them quite satisfactory.
Manly men that most Aussies are, I would have thought you would too.

No one individual can judge for the rest of society what is art or not, what is beautiful or not, or who you sleep with for that matter. Funny how advocates of freedom want to inhibit freedom wherever they find it. R-man is a big phoney.

I think you are not properly and you manipulate when you restrict certain features of humanity to a group.
Atheists have only a few fundamental points.

1. They're smarter than anyone else. Just ask them.
2. Read Item #1.

Yes, I think I'm smarter than anyone other,in some areas.
What about you? You think you're smarter than me or you're more stupid?
If you are not depressed is normal you consider yourself smarter in some areas.
3. You're stupid if you're not an atheist.

No, humanity theory looks like"You're stupid if you're not like me".
This is also echoed into scientists.And you suggesting this,"You're stupid if you're not like me".

4. A corollary of Item #1 is that atheists are "rational" and "scientific."
Ask them.

You can replace with:
4. A corollary of Item #1 is that they they have "spiritual life".
Ask them.
Of course history belies atheist lies. Take Copernicus, please. Or Isaac Newton. Or Francis Collins. Brilliant scientists and discoverers and Christians all.
You forgot:

Giordano Bruno was an Italian Dominican friar,was burned at the stake.
Holding opinions contrary to the Catholic Faith and speaking against it and its ministers.
Holding erroneous opinions about the Trinity, about Christ's divinity and Incarnation.
Holding erroneous opinions about Christ.
Holding erroneous opinions about Transubstantiation and Mass.
Claiming the existence of a plurality of worlds and their eternity.
Believing in metempsychosis and in the transmigration of the human soul into brutes.
Dealing in magics and divination.
Denying the Virginity of Mary.

"E pur si muove!" - look familiar?- is an Italian phrase meaning And yet it moves purportly uttered by the the Italian mathematician, physicist and philosopher Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei after being forced to recant in 1633, before the Inquisition, his belief that the Earth moves around the Sun.

Cristiano Banti's 1857 painting Galileo facing the Roman Inquisition


So you're an Aussie. You could scarcely have picked a better place, outside of America, to have been born. Brilliant.

I'm so glad you like Australia. I so value your opinions.

I would hasten to add that Australians got the better part of the Darwinian split, when Britain sent her criminals to Australia.

The current Australian population does not, by and large, trace its roots back to British criminals. For example, I have no convict ancestors. Australia, like the US, is a nation of immigrants.

It's also worth noting that some of the "criminals" who were transported in the early days were transported for "crimes" such as being in the wrong county without permission.

Note [about art]: 1 "beauty"
5. "skills"
8. "craft or trade"
9. "skill"
12. "skilled"

All of the paintings you displayed in your blog required skill to create. Beauty, as you have agreed, is in the eye of the beholder.

SOMEONE must make the determination as to what constitutes "beauty" and what does not; what takes "skill" and what is poop on a canvas.
I am as qualified to make such determinations as you or anybody else here, by virtue of my education, travels, and experience in looking at many thousands of objets d'art.

Yes, you are. But your opinion of any particular art work is not superior to mine, is it?

Your only argument in the thread about art seems to be that there's certain art that you, personally, don't like.
And your only argument is that you personally DO like them.

If a painting sells for $60 million dollars, it seems that there's a general opinion out there that it is worth something, and therefore by definition not "dreck". It's not just one guy forking over $60 million because he thinks it's worth it. People bid for such art at auctions. They compete to acquire it.

I've seen more. I've been more places. I'm better educated. I win.

There you go making silly assumptions again. You don't know what I've seen. You don't know where I have been. You don't know anything about my education.

You make yourself look like a fool.

If there is no objective manner of establishing precisely what "art" is, then how meaningful is the term? It is not meaningful at all.

Well there's a topic that has been repeatedly argued by philosophers. How are you on philosophy? Do you really want to go there?

Only YOU have insightful statements to make about art.

Experts in art have insightful things to say about art. And you're no expert. My professional expertise is not in art either, but it seems I have a better appreciation of it than you.

Homosexuals as a group have shown themselves to be in-your-face, aggressive, obnoxious, violent, and exceedingly willing to infect others with deadly diseases.

Don't make me laugh. For a start, homosexual people are too diverse a group to make those kinds of bigoted generalisations. Secondly, most of the violence recorded in respect of homosexual people has been from homophobes such as yourself doing a little "gay bashing" in their spare time.

As for diseases, if you're thinking of AIDS, there are far more heterosexual people with AIDS today than there are homosexual people. Infection of heterosexuals by heterosexuals is far more common than infection of either homosexual people or heterosexuals by gay people.

Anyone who is tolerant of such conduct would appear to me to have serious mental problems. I think groups which sponsor and condone aberrant behavior are repugnant, and rightfully so.

Can you give me a few specific examples of the kind of thing you're talking about, please?

Do you like sleeping with and boogering other men?

That's a very personal question, RenaissanceMan. Maybe when I become more friendly with you I might share details of my private life and my sex life, but we're hardly at that level yet, are we?

Do you want to discuss your sexual habits with me? Please tell me who you like to sleep with and booger. I'm willing to listen if you need to get something off your chest.

Have you any children?

What has that got to do with anything? And do you think I'd let you anywhere near my children if I did have some?

Would you drop them off with a homosexual to watch your children for several hours?

Sure. Why not? Being homosexual doesn't make you a pedophile. Or do you think it does?

In particular, I'm thinking of the fellow who wrote the book on loving children in a homosexual sort of way.

I don't read that sort of literature. Maybe you should also change your reading habits to something more healthy.

I have some experience with women, and find them quite satisfactory.

I wonder if they find you "satisfactory".

Manly men that most Aussies are, I would have thought you would too.

You seem burdened by stereotypes. Where do you get this stuff from? you assume all homosexual people are X and all liberals are Y and all Australians are Z and all art must be W in order to be art at all. What you have there is a closed mind and a set of ill-informed prejudices.

Homophobes such as yourself really don't deserve this much of my time, so I'll probably scale back my interactions with you from this point on if you don't mind.