The Nonsense of Atheists

Can't say I blame you, I'd rather be called a cunt than compared to sandy. ;)

well, i'm pretty sure i've been called that too. hahahahaha.

i wanna hear more about spidergoat and sandy. i feel so dirty. :eek:
I don't think for a minute he was being serious. 'Sandy' was not a real person. Hell, 'Sandy' wasn't even a chick.

lots of people aren't "real" people. i don't understand why people think sandy was a guy. imo she was the quintessential stupid blonde american white chick.
lots of people aren't "real" people. i don't understand why people think sandy was a guy. imo she was the quintessential stupid blonde american white chick.

I have suspicion 'Sandy' was a sock puppet of 'The Devil Inside'. And now 'RennaissanceMan' is another sock. This latter character is no noobie, they came in too hard, too fast, and knew exactly what to say to provoke a reaction.
Does it matter? If he is confirmed as a sock he will be banned. That hasn't happened up to this point. And if you're wrong, then you're actually being unfair to RM.
I cite Mao and Stalin and Pot and YOU bring in Hitler. He was a raving socialist, like Mao, like Stalin, like Pot, like Barack Obama. This is why discussions with Leftists are absolutely impossible. Leftists simply spin and deny, and drag the discussions down to their level, where they beat everyone else to death with nonsense and lies and condescension.

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

When Hitler fired Chief of General Staff General Franz Halder he told him, "We need National Socialist ardor now, not professional ability."

Atheists aren't a "group" but Christians are. And "fundies" are. And Tea Baggers are. But google atheists and you won't find any atheist websites other indicators of groupiness, will you....

It's just those SIMPLETONS whom you call "right wing religioius extremists" who group together.....


You go on the ignore list for being a complete waste of time.

I do not suffer fools gladly.

Barak Obama is not a socialist. Only right wing nut jobs think that the only waste of time here is you. so far have thing you have posted is sheer idiocy
I have suspicion 'Sandy' was a sock puppet of 'The Devil Inside'. And now 'RennaissanceMan' is another sock. This latter character is no noobie, they came in too hard, too fast, and knew exactly what to say to provoke a reaction.
Sandy was an ignorant moron, but sincere: a genuine Religious Redneck Retard. R-Man has a bit of education and is fairly bright, perhaps even precocious in the manner of a seventh-grader who keeps disrupting class to show off something he just read on the internet last night; but he's a troll: just here to stir up trouble and watch the fun. Complete opposites, as evildoers go.
Sandy was an ignorant moron, but sincere: a genuine Religious Redneck Retard. R-Man has a bit of education and is fairly bright, perhaps even precocious in the manner of a seventh-grader who keeps disrupting class to show off something he just read on the internet last night; but he's a troll: just here to stir up trouble and watch the fun. Complete opposites, as evildoers go.

Zounds! My cover has been blown by the gig man who plays and sings for pocket change in coffee houses.

How wonderfully wise and worldly is the Fraggle. I humbly bow deeply and walk out backwards in awe of your awefullness.

P.S. Mister Success, can you write a personal check in the amount of $300,000?
after i took a long hiatus from this site, i came back and newbies were comparing me to sandy. i'm still kinda bitter about it actually. :mad:

its the religosity. other than that and its effects on some issues I can see no other possible link.
Shoot anybody can do that.

Doesn't mean there's money in the bank though. :p

Positively Shakesperian:

Owen Glendower threatens: “I can summon spirits from the vasty deep”. Hotspur, the. Prince of Wales, dismisses him: “Why ... But will they come when you call for them?”

(Henry IV Pt1)
A prominent atheist responded to me today by e-mail. Poor fellow. So angry. So hateful. So condescending. Clearly he doesn't understand. It's not about me. It's not about him. It's about ideas, and discussion, and reality.

Being condescending and pretending I am far beneath him does not begin to advance dialogue and understanding, not that he cares a whit about either of those topics.