The Nonsense of Atheists

I drew the same conclusion. And all I read was the opening post. ;)

after i took a long hiatus from this site, i came back and newbies were comparing me to sandy. i'm still kinda bitter about it actually. :mad:
Atheists have only a few fundamental points.
Of course history belies atheist lies. Take Copernicus, please. Or Isaac Newton. Or Francis Collins. Brilliant scientists and discoverers and Christians all.

Are you implying that religious belief has anything to do with an individual's intelligence? Please don't make me start listing all of the brilliant atheists in the world.
Please don't compare him to Sandy. I thought her views were of course reprehensible, but we were civil to each other, she's a nice lady! We had some good private conversations.

i'm dumbfounded by this.
Please don't compare him to Sandy. I thought her views were of course reprehensible, but we were civil to each other, she's a nice lady! We had some good private conversations.

'Sandy' was vile. Give it a little longer and I'm sure this troll will reveal it's true colours.
Atheists have only a few fundamental points.

Which you apparently are not aware of; however, let's cut right to it. If you are inclined to tell me that "my god exists" then you are a liar.

1. They're smarter than anyone else. Just ask them.
3. You're stupid if you're not an atheist.

That would be incorrect. There are smart theists too. A correct statement would be that the overall population of Atheists have higher IQ scores than the overall population of theists. If you have never seen evidence for this before then I would be happy to provide it... and a spoon... so you can eat me when you see it :).

2. Read Item #1.

Sarcasm of course is born about as a form of deception. If you want to add deception to your list of traits then go for it.

4. A corollary of Item #1 is that atheists are "rational" and "scientific."
Ask them.

That would be incorrect. Both atheists and theists have the capacity to be rational and scientific.

Of course history belies atheist lies. Take Copernicus, please. Or Isaac Newton. Or Francis Collins. Brilliant scientists and discoverers and Christians all.

What lies specifically?

Don't bother arguing with an atheist, however. It's simply futile.

You're not very good at taking your own advice.

Just read the excellent book, Answering the New Atheism: Dismantling Dawkins' Case Against God , by Hahn and Wiker.

Truly outstanding and now available in paperback.

Sounds craptacular.
But she wasn't a bully.

No? She hated homosexuals, migrant workers, the unemployed,... if she voiced the same opinions face to face as she did here, sure, she'd qualify as being a bully.

All we need is some racism from 'RenaissanceMan' to clinch it's a sock puppet of 'Sandy'.
No? She hated homosexuals, migrant workers, the unemployed,... if she voiced the same opinions face to face as she did here, sure, she'd qualify as being a bully.

All we need is some racism from 'RenaissanceMan' to clinch it's a sock puppet of 'Sandy'.
Hating portions of humanity does not classify one as a bully.

Perhaps her style of posts might lead to that claim, but bullying generally requires there to be an imbalance of power, and with the Great Ignore Button of Antioch that they have provided us with at Sciforums, we have in our own hands the ability to negate anyone's apparent power in a single stroke... or click.
RN isn't a Sandy sock. The MOs are quite different, apart from anything else.
Hating portions of humanity does not classify one as a bully.

Perhaps her style of posts might lead to that claim, but bullying generally requires there to be an imbalance of power, and with the Great Ignore Button of Antioch that they have provided us with at Sciforums, we have in our own hands the ability to negate anyone's apparent power in a single stroke... or click.

Because she couldn't bully people here, doesn't mean she didn't exhibit all the qualities of being a bully in real life.
after i took a long hiatus from this site, i came back and newbies were comparing me to sandy. i'm still kinda bitter about it actually. :mad:

Can't say I blame you, I'd rather be called a cunt than compared to sandy. ;)