The Nonsense of Atheists

The theists have put forth the idea (theory) of god! So the onus is on them to prove their assertions if they want to be thought of anything but quacks. Atheists, on the other hand, simply reject their theory based on what they have presented to date in the way of evidence. Unlike the theists, we are not compelled to prove or disprove anything.


This isn't a scientific issue and religion isn't a theoretical model which makes predictions which can be empirically tested. Unfortunately since I would dearly love seeing it roundfiled. I have a friend who concludes that the omniscient christian god couldn't exist in a universe with an uncertainty principle.
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Please give me your "standard of morality."
Provide references and the authority by which you determine your "standard of morality".

Your incredibly ignorant and hateful intimation that I approve of such vile conduct is despicable, but typical of the left. The left traffics in lies.
It is your sine qua non.

I intimated no such thing, and I am not part of this Left that exists in your imagination.

My morals are not determined by any authority other than my own. I feel empathy, I follow the golden rule. I don't need a book to tell me not to steal, murder, rape, etc. Do you?
I cite Mao and Stalin and Pot and YOU bring in Hitler. He was a raving socialist,

If you think Hitler was a 'socialist' you demonstrate a weak grasp of Politics!

like Mao, like Stalin, like Pot, like Barack Obama.

Ah, so you are clueless about politics.

You go on the ignore list for being a complete waste of time.

I do not suffer fools gladly.

Wow, a right winger, and supposedly Christian, I take it. You sir, are a walking hypocrisy.
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Atheism is the affirmative, the condescending, the unrelentingly hateful CREDO of superiority, of certainty, of absolute denial.

So do you believe in Pan, Loki, Ganesh, Zeus, Odin, Quetzalcoatl, Uzume, Jengu, and Aphrodite?

You didn't answer, so I must ask again.

It appears you want us to stop being atheists or agnostics for that matter. Clearly if we don't believe as you do we are arrogant and condescending.

You miss the point entirely. ANYWHERE you go, atheists are ALWAYS - ALWAYS arrogant and condescending, and hatefully so.

It is a FACT of nature.

Why don't atheists talk to each other in the same way they do to "fundies" and "creationists"? Your pals have repeatedly been hateful, and called ME names, absolutely proving what I said.
Did ONE fellow atheist rebuke any of them?

Not a chance. Never.
Such hypocrisy is anti-intellectual and anti-scientific.
But nobody on your side of the aisle ever acknowledges as much, nor do they/you ever address the atheist offender and tell them to KNOCK IT OFF.

Why not?

How can you expect us or me, more specifically to treat you in a manner of respect, which I would do (whether you believe me or not) if all you are going to do is throw out insults.
I quoted a number of your atheist pals and their angry, and hateful, and condescending remarks.

Please provide me with a list of Christians, or if you wish "fundies" and their equally hateful, equally condescending remarks, and provide as many different "morons" who call themselves Christians as I cited.

I don't know you, but from the OP it appears you are angry with those of us who don't believe. Do you treat other theists that way ? is a valid question.

What you call "angry" I would characterize as "contemptuous". I have nothing but contempt for people who PRETEND to be intelligent, but conduct themselves in an extremely ignorant manner, such that they feign *science* while talking hate and ignorance. I have broached the subject of biochemistry repeatedly and gotten only stupidity in response from your beloved pals. That is emphatically NOT science, it is the stuff of atheists.

So is questioning the bible, if you want to use it as a basis for your beliefs.

Why is it that atheists are generally the first ones to bring up the Bible, whether it be in Darwinist threads, or elsewhere? Why is that?

We can discuss civility without any mention of the Bible.

If you have a problem with that, you shouldn't be here.

If you have a problem with Christians, you shouldn't live in America. North Korea is more your atheist style.

Tone down the rhetoric and you will find that most here will listen and converse. And yes, some here will still be rude and condescending, you can put them on ignore as needed.

I have done so, and will continue.

WHEN have you admonished an atheist to "tone down the rhetoric"?

And if you have not, why not?
I have told our member "Q" to tone down his rhetoric. You started insulting people from your second post. Does everyone on the right suffer from extreme projection? You are the condescending one, you are the insulting one. I have had many pleasant conversations with theists and deniers of all kinds, the difference is they didn't act like an ass.
///It wouldn't be so bad if your group was a couple of rungs above intellectually brain dead.

What are YOUR intellectual credentials, brucep?

Cite some of your proudest achievements, please.
How about a photograph or two to go along with it.
Can you do that?

Put your brilliant accomplishments where your mouth is?

My wager is that you fit the old Texas saying:
"Big hat, no cattle."
Why don't atheists talk to each other in the same way they do to "fundies" and "creationists"? Your pals have repeatedly been hateful, and called ME names, absolutely proving what I said.
Did ONE fellow atheist rebuke any of them?

where have you been? they do and always have been. you think you are the only one who gets disagreed with. they just don't call it god.

they disagree on many points such as conservative vs liberal, capital punishment vs incarceration, capitalism vs communism etc.

they have as many heated and even hateful disagreements between eachother based on many different areas as does the issue of theists vs atheists.

you could start by waking up and smelling the coffee.
What are YOUR intellectual credentials, brucep?

Cite some of your proudest achievements, please.
How about a photograph or two to go along with it.
Can you do that?

Put your brilliant accomplishments where your mouth is?

My wager is that you fit the old Texas saying:
"Big hat, no cattle."[/QUOTE

I deleted my response in deference to Spidergoat.
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Your pals have repeatedly been hateful, and called ME names

Imagine that. I wonder why? Could it have something to do with your being an ass?
Imagine that. I wonder why? Could it have something to do with your being an ass?

Clearly it is their, and your, best efforts at propounding what YOU claim to be *science*.

When you have no argument, no clue, simply call the person you can't stand names, and giggle that you have won.

Now AlexG, to the Ignore List.

This is why forums always degenerate. Leftists like you drag everything down to your level until nobody but others like you want to bother reading the dreck.

Ignore List

* AlexG
* joepistole
* phlogistician
* spidergoat
This is why forums always degenerate. Leftists like you drag everything down to your level until nobody but others like you want to bother reading the dreck.

This guy is one bigoted, hateful individual!

He must thrive on the "abuse" or I would have guessed he would have left long ago.

Clearly it is their, and your, best efforts at propounding what YOU claim to be *science*.

When you have no argument, no clue, simply call the person you can't stand names, and giggle that you have won.

Now AlexG, to the Ignore List.

This is why forums always degenerate. Leftists like you drag everything down to your level until nobody but others like you want to bother reading the dreck.

Ignore List

* AlexG
* joepistole
* phlogistician
* spidergoat

How about just ignoring everybody by going away? Then you won't have to talk to all the commie, leftist. atheist, un-american. subhuman rabble posting here.
My morals are not determined by any authority other than my own. I feel empathy, I follow the golden rule. I don't need a book to tell me not to steal, murder, rape, etc. Do you?
can you object to those whose morals are also determined by their own authority, and they don't feel empathy, steal, rape and kill?
can you object to those whose morals are also determined by their own authority, and they don't feel empathy, steal, rape and kill?

What does morality have to do with steal, rape, and kill? Sounds like immorality. IE lack of morals.
can you object to those whose morals are also determined by their own authority, and they don't feel empathy, steal, rape and kill?
You almost have a point. There are people out there who do not feel empathy. We typically call them sociopaths... In that case, the golden rule does kind of fall apart.

But face it, those people are "damaged" in some way. They won't abide by anybody's morals.